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1、旅游类专业课 第 1 页(共 9 页)河南省2018 年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试旅游类专业课考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效一、选择题(旅游英语 1-10 题;补全对话 11-18 题;阅读理解 19-25 题;餐饮服务与管理 26-45 题。每小题 2 分,共 90 分。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上)旅游英语 1-10 题1面试Astaff BemployeeCinterview Dmanager2旗帜Aflash BflagCfriend Dflight3散客Atour guide Btour leaderCbackpack

2、Dindividual traveler4要求Arenown BrequestCreply Dreason5指望,依赖Abe sure BcounterCconfirm Dcount on6闹市区Acorridor Bdowntown areaChometown Dsquare7遗迹Aremains BriversideCrequirement Dreservation旅游类专业课 第 2 页(共 9 页)8项目Aprotect BprogressCproject Dprepare9责任Adirty BdutyCdust Ddelay10瓷器Apottery BplateCporcelain

3、Dpot补全对话 11-18 题(Dialogue-1)(G-guest W-waitress)11W: Good evening madam. Welcome to Pony Tea House.G: Id like to have some Chinese tea. But I only know a little about it.W: Drinking tea properly is good for your health. It can refresh you when you feeltired.12G: It sounds great.13W: We offer various

4、 kinds of teas including green tea black tea and so on.G: It is said that Longjing Tea is the best green tea in China. I want to have a trytoday.W: Would you like your tea strong or light?G: Light please.14W: All right madam.G: No thanks.W: Please wait a moment. Your order will be ready very soon.AW

5、hich one do you prefer? BIs there anything else I can do for you?CWhat would you like to drink? DWhat kinds of tea do you offer?(Dialogue-2)(G-guide T-tourist)T: Mr. Wu Its very kind of you to see us off.15G: Its my pleasure. But Im sorry youre leaving so soon.T: Yes. Weve had a delightful time. Tha

6、nk you for everything youve done for usduring our stay here.旅游类专业课 第 3 页(共 9 页)16G: I hope I will be your guide again if I have a chance.17T: Henan is a beautiful place with a long history and a rich culture. Peopleare very kind and friendly. The food is delicious too. I like the place.18G: Its time

7、 to check in. Wish you a pleasant journey.T: Thank you. See you next time.G: See you.AIts my duty. BYoure welcome any time.CIt seems as if you just got here. DIm sure.阅读理解 19-25 题(阅读下列短文,并根据文章内容选择最佳答案,将所选答案的序号填在答题卡上)Passage 1Do you want to be a good tour guide? The best way to success is communicati

8、on. Thefollowing rules may help you.First it is important to face your guests with a smile because it is a bridge tocommunicate with each other. Your smile makes them happy. At the same time they feelthey are very important in your heart. A smile makes your work easy and enjoyable.Second it is neces

9、sary to listen to others. As a guide sometimes it is more valuable tolisten to others than to express yourself. No matter what your guests demand or complain bepatient and listen carefully before answering. You should show them that “I know Iunderstand you and your problem I will deal with your prob

10、lem as soon as possible” toconsole them.Third it is important to have a good command of language skills. As a guide what yousay should be accurate and passionate. It makes guests warm and kind. Your exxxxxpressionshould be lively humorous interesting and as attractive as possible.Finally pay more at

11、tention to your guests. Keep your eyes on your guests if they haverequested. Realize your guests preference in their statements and actions.All in all you can build a bridge to communicate with your smile love patience andknowledge. May you succeed!19Whats the best title for the passage?AHow to be a

12、 Professional Driver BHow to be a Good WaitressCHow to be a Good Tour GuideDHow to be a Good Manager旅游类专业课 第 4 页(共 9 页)20Which of the following is not true?AA Smile makes the work complicate. BA Smile causes much complaint.CA Smile makes people feel them important in your heart. DA Smile makes peopl

13、e think you are a manager.21Whats your attitude for dealing with the problem?AI dont know how to do it.BIts not my duty.CListen carelessly.DYou should be patient and listen carefully22According to the passage which of the following statements is NOT correct?AThe langue skill makes guests warm and ki

14、nd.BWhat you say should be impatience.CYour exxxxxpression should be with love and knowledge.DYour exxxxxpression should be lively and humorous.Passage 2Have you been searching for a steak beyond the ordinary a steak that delights you with everybite? The Tender Steak Restaurant will satisfy even the

15、 pickiest guest.Today the public has become more health-conscious seeking organic (有机的)meat and food.It is good to know that Tenders head chef John Brown is leading the way in the “small farm”concept. John proudly said “Tender has been competing with top chefs around Las Vegas for fiveand a half yea

16、rs and was named one of the top 10 steakhouses more than once. Our credibility(可信度)depends on using fine ingredients(原料)from the best farms around the world in order tomake a big difference.”A perfect steak depends on many factors. When I looked at Tenders menu I was amazed tosee the wide variety of

17、 their selections. Tender not only offered rib-eye steak but also four differentcuts of rib-eye steaks from farms in other countries.John continued “These farms are raising the cow in a healthy manner. That is the best way togo for me personally and that is the reason why I like our farms. The chef

18、has to know exactly whathe is getting in order to be a better judge of the food. ”旅游类专业课 第 5 页(共 9 页)23The Tender Steak Restaurant is aimed at people whoAjust want ordinary steaks Bwant to enjoy organic meatClike different kinds of meat Dcannot afford expensive meals24What does John mainly stress in

19、 Paragraphs 2 and 4?ATheir healthy ingredients . BTheir excellent cooking skills.CThe popularity of the restaurant. DThe good service of the restaurant.25Where does the text probably come from?AA news report BA research planCAn advertisement DAn agriculture magazine餐饮服务与管理 26-45 题26行家认为优质服务的内涵是A尊重热情

20、 B礼貌高效C规范服务超常服务 D顾客满意员工满意27根据餐饮部组织机构设置的原则,一般 1 个上级管理 个下级。A1-3 B1-6C1-9 D1-1228红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒的斟酒量分别为A1/2,1/3 B1/2,2/3C2/3,1/3 D1/3,2/3 29下列四种花型中适合做主人位花型的是A荷花 B水仙C立鹤 D折扇30生啤又称鲜啤酒或扎啤,其保存期为A810 天 B812 天C410 天 D37 天31中餐宴会摆台时,公用筷架应摆放在A主宾的正上方 B主人与副主人的正上方C副主宾的正上方 D陪同与副主人的正上方32西餐零点摆台中对于主餐叉的摆放,下列描述不正确的是A放于装饰盘左侧 B放

21、于主餐刀右侧 C距餐台边 2cm D与装饰盘相距 1cm旅游类专业课 第 6 页(共 9 页)33下列两项都属于豫菜代表性名菜的是A鲤鱼焙面、脆皮乳猪 B松鼠鳜鱼、九转大肠 C牡丹燕菜、汴京烤鸭 D蟹粉狮子头,扒广肚 34下列不属于中餐零点摆台用具的是A筷架 B烛台C转台 D汤碗351986 年被中国外交部定位“礼品茶”的茶叶是A西湖龙井 B庐山云雾C黄山毛峰 D安溪铁观音36下列属于浓香型白酒的代表是A贵州董酒 B四川剑南春C四川泸州老窖 D山西竹叶青37红葡萄酒一般在饮用前 打开。A一小时 B半小时C20 分钟 D15 分钟38 又称“盘子服务”,因所有菜肴都需在厨房分盘而得名。A英式服务

22、 B美式服务C法式服务 D俄式服务39以蔗糖汁或蔗糖浆为原料经发酵和蒸馏加工而成的酒,有时也用糖渣或其他副产品做原料的酒是A朗姆酒 B白兰地C威士忌 D伏特加40酒吧分类中,被称为“English pub”或“Cash pub”的是A主酒吧 B酒廊C服务酒吧 D宴会酒吧41鸡尾酒会的吧台设计与冷餐会大致相同,主要的区别是吧台数量,鸡尾酒会一般是每 人为一个设置标准。A50 B60C80 D10042一般常用于托运菜点、酒水和盘碟等物品的是A圆形托盘 B方形托盘C小型托盘 D餐车旅游类专业课 第 7 页(共 9 页)43在西餐宴会服务流程中,应先斟好 酒,再为客人从右侧上鱼类菜肴。A红葡萄酒 B

23、白葡萄酒C鸡尾酒 D白兰地44在进行席间服务时,要随时观察每位客人酒水的饮用情况,当客人杯中酒水剩下 时应及时添加。A1/2 B2/3C1/4 D1/345黄酒品种繁多,制法和风味都各有特式,以 出产的最为著名。A湖南长沙 B广东番禹C浙江绍兴 D江苏扬州二、判断题(旅游英语 46-55 题;餐饮服务与管理 56-65 题。每小题 1 分,共 20 分。每小题 A 选项代表正确,B 选项代表错误,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上)46“Peony Swallow Dish” is a very famous snack in Kaifeng City.47As a tour guide you can

24、 cheat your guests with merchants.48The tourist neednt to pay more money if he wants to book the first class.49All kinds of tea are only produced in the southern part of China.50A walk-in guest is a customer who comes without room booking.51When a tour guide introduces some goods to guests he must o

25、ffer the information.52You may change or stop the journey if you are tired because you are the guide.53The guide shouldnt ask the guests if they have extra charge before checking out.54In the hotel “Occupied means the room is taking.55As a tour guide you neednt carry welcome board when you greet the

26、 groupbecause they will look for you.56米香型白酒的代表是桂林三花酒。57示瓶是斟酒的第一道程序,标志着斟酒服务操作的开始。58接待日本客人时,可以多选用荷花造型的餐巾折花。59餐饮部员工在工作时可以佩戴手表和结婚戒指。60中餐服务过程中,可以在同一个位置给左右的客人斟倒酒水。61在服务过程中,顾客询问菜式服务员不懂时,应及时说“不知道”。旅游类专业课 第 8 页(共 9 页)62由我国政府宴请来宾时,我国的国旗挂在右边,外国的国旗挂在左边。63用餐节奏较缓慢,不适合酒店西餐厅使用,欧美各国旅游饭店大多不再使用的服务方式为法式服务。64为显示宴会服务的优良,重要宴会要求每上一道菜换一次餐碟,普通宴会的换碟次数不得少于两次。65中餐宴会的宴会合同签订后,一般一式三联,宾客一联,餐厅、厨房各一联。旅游英语(40 分


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