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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟109大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟109大学三级(A)模拟109Part Listening Comprehension Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. Aft

2、er each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answ

3、er Sheet with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.He will lend his bike to the woman.B.He cant lend his bike to the woman.C.He doesnt want to lend his bike to the woman.D.He wants the woman to find the key.答案:D听力原文W: Could I borrow your bike for a while, Bob?M: You can if you

4、can find the key.Q: What is the mans problem?2.A.That Liz doesnt know them well.B.That hes the one to phone Liz.C.That she will phone Liz if he doesntD.That she doesnt know Lizs phone number.答案:B听力原文M: How about phoning Liz and asking her to join us for dinner?W: I think you should phone her. she ha

5、rdly knows who I am.Q: What does the woman mean?3.A.They are fashionable at the moment.B.They are very ugly.C.They are too old to wear,D.They are very comfortable.答案:B听力原文M: Oh, Emma. I do wish you wouldnt wear such awful clothes.W: But. Daddy. Theyre really fashionable at the moment.Q: What does th

6、e man think of the clothes?4.A.To clean the living room carpet.B.To clean the living room.C.To clean the bedroom.D.To clean the carpet in the bedroom.答案:A听力原文M: Your carpel in the living room needs cleaning. Would you like to clean it?W: Dont bother. I can do it myself. Thanks anyway.Q: What does th

7、e man offer to do?5.A.Two students.B.A student and a teacher.C.Two teachers.D.Two friends.答案:A听力原文M: I heard youve got the highest marks in our class. Congratulations!W: Thank you. Im sure youve also done a good job.Q: Who are the speakers?Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability t

8、o understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C

9、) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名)1.A.To tell Bob he wont be free tonight.B.To ask whether Bob has left or not.C.To tell Bob there will be a lecture tomorrow a

10、fternoon.D.To ask Bob whether he will be free tonight.答案:C听力原文6-7M: Hello. May I speak to Bob?W: Im sorry, but he left a few minutes ago.M: Thats too bad.W: Will you phone him again tonight?M: Im sorry, but I wont be free tonight.W: Can I take a message?M: Its very kind of you. There will be a lectu

11、re on English history by a famous professor at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon in the lecture hall. Please tell Bob not to be late.W: Sure, bye.M: Bye.6. Why does the man phone Bob?细节题,对方说“Can I take a message?”然后我们听到的“There will be a lecture on English history”是关键。2.A.At 1:00 p.m.B.At 1:30 p.m.C.At 2:00 p.

12、m.D.At 2:30 p.m.答案:D听力原文When will the lecture be given?细节题,根据There will a lecture on English history by a famous professor at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon可得出答案。 Conversation 2 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 3. 8.A.Tenth.B.Eleventh.C.Twelfth.D.Thirteenth.答案:C听力原文 6-7M: I want to take the children out next Saturday.

13、W: Thats eleventh, isnt it?M: No, its twelfth.W: Where do you want to take them?M: To the zoo.W: I remember you took them there last month. They dont like it.M: Really? But thats not what they told me.W: I think the beach is a better place to go.M: Okay, then, we can go to the beach.W: Ill get them

14、ready for you in the morning.6. When is the man going to take the children out? 解析 由整个对话可知这是夫妻二人在商量带孩子到哪里去玩的问题。首先前两句确定了出去玩的时间是next Saturday,日期是twelfth,在男士说完日期后,女士没有表示反对。 4.A.They like going to the zoo.B.They like to go to the beach.C.They dislike going to the zoo.D.They want to visit the zoo by them

15、selves.答案:A听力原文What did the children tell their father about the trip to the zoo? 解析 对话的第六、七句都在讨论上个月带孩子们去动物园的事情,女士听说男士还要带孩子们去动物园,表示反对,理由是.you took them there last month. They dont like it.而男士表示了疑问,并指出thats not what they told me。所以可以推断出,孩子们对男卜说的可能与对女士说的相反。 Section C Directions: This section is to tes

16、t your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). T

17、he questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen to the passage. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. At what time did television become common? In _. 答案:the early 1950s听力原文 11-15 Television, which made its first ser

18、ious appearance in 1939, did not become common until the early 1950s. Since then, millions of children have grown up in front of the set, and many people now worry, about the effect that TV has on the young, and on society in general. Many ordinary parents wish it had never been invented. Like almos

19、t anything else, television has its good and its bad sides. One should surely thank its inventors for the joy and the interest that they have brought into the lives of the old, the sick, and the lonelyall those who, without it, would have no pleasure and no window in the world. In truth, television

20、has opened windows in everybodys life. No newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what is happening right now in their own country and everywhere else. TV has transformed information. It not only gives the news instantly, but also shows it in picturesmore powerful than words.

21、It can be said that TV has brought reality to the public. 11. At what time did television become common? 听抄出第一句“Television, didnt become common until the early 1950s.”即可,其中“did notuntil”结构要注意。由于材料读两遍,所以此题并不难做。 2. What have the television brought to the lives of the old, the sick, and the lonely? The

22、 joy and _. 答案:the interest听力原文What have the television brought to the lives of the old, the sick, and the lonely? 听抄出“One should surely thank its inventors for the joy and the interest that they have brought into the lives of the old,the sick,and the lonely.”。听第一遍时因为没有听到问题,只能整体上留有一定的印象,听第二遍时,要利用瞬间记

23、忆能力,当听到the old,the sick等词时很快地抄写下前面的两个名词。 3. Apart from the good, what does the television have? Like almost anything else, television also has _. 答案:bad sides听力原文Apart from the good, what does the television have? 听抄出句子“Like almost anything else,television has its good and its bad sides.”。请注意:答题时由于前

24、面提到了“Apart from the good”,所以只写下“has bad sides”即可。 4. What does television opened in everybodys life? It has opened _. 答案:windows听力原文What does television opened in everybodys life? 此题有两种方法可做出来。一是听抄出句子“In truth,television has opened windows in everybodys life.”二是根据对整篇材料的理解直接写下含抽象意义的词“window”(电视开启了每个人生

25、活的窗户)。 5. What is said to have brought to the public by TV? It is said that TV has brought _. 答案:reality听力原文What is said to have brought to the public by TV? 听抄出最后一句话:“It can be said that TV has brought reality to the public.”即可。 Part Structure Directions: This part is to test your ability to constr

26、uct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corr

27、esponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a ,single line through the center. 问题:1. We arrived at a restaurant, in front of _ sat a little girl.A.whatC.whichB.itD.where答案:C本题考点是定语从句。本句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为restaurant,只能用关系代词which。本句大意:我们到了一家餐馆,餐馆前坐着个小女孩。问题:2. All but John _absent from my class this morning.A

28、.areB.isC.wereD.was答案:C 考点分析 本题主语为复数all(指人),根据主谓一致原则。如果主语为复数,谓语动词也用复数,时态上因为是今天早上发生的事,所以用一般过去时;主语后面跟有with,like,but,except,as well as等词引导的短语是状语,不会影响谓语动词。故选C);类似词汇:together with,along with,combined with,in addition to,accompanied by,more than 等。问题:3. He is _a student that every teacher likes him.A.such

29、 goodB.so goodC.that goodD.as good答案:B一股规则是such用在名词之前,或跟有名词的形容词之前,so只是在孤零零的形容词前出现,它后而可以跟上名词,但是属于正式书面文体。例如:It was such an interesting meeting这是一次如此令人感兴趣的会议。There were such a lot of people那儿有那么多的人。原句中He is so good a student虽然成立,但常见形式应为He is such a good student如果要说“他们是那么好的学生。”我们会说成“They are such good s

30、tudents”而不能说“They are so good students”依据以上规则及句意要求,我们选择B为正确答案,A、C、D三项均视为不正确的选项。问题:4. You cant _ him in his knowledge of physics.A.equalB.agreeC.helpD.match答案:D解析 本题考查词义辨析。equal意为“等于”;agree意为“同意”;help意为“帮助”;match意为“匹配;相配”。故选D。问题:5. The doctor _ is leaving for Canada next week.A.the nurse is talking t

31、o himB.whom the nurse is talking toC.the nurse is talking toD.who the nurse is talking答案:B本题测试的是定语从句中关系代词的用法。全句的意思是:“正在和护士谈话的那个医生下周要去加拿大。”先行词doctor在定语从句中作宾语,talk是不及物动词:这个词与介词连用才能接宾语。根据句意,应选答案B。问题:6. With the development of artificial intelligence, robots will do some mental Work in office_ some manu

32、al work on the production line.A.in additionB.exceptC.as well asD.as well答案:C答案精解 句意:随着人工智能的发展,机器人除了在生产线上做一些手工劳动,还将在办公室做一些脑力劳动。该题考查的是连词。根据题意,需要一个并列连词将manual work与mental work连接起来,共同作do的宾语,as well as此处为“除之外;同;和”之意,所以是正确答案。其他选项中,as well意思为“也”:except意思为“除了(不包括在内)”;in addition意思为“此外”。问题:7. It was in 1939

33、 _ World War II broke out.A.whenB.in whichC.whichD.that答案:D注意这道题目是个强调句型。即”二次大战是在1939年爆发的。”强调的意味定格在状语上,故用It is/wasthat表示强调句型。正确答案选 D。问题:8. The traditional approach _ with complex problem is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.A.to dealingB.in dealingC.dealingD.to deal答案:A分析

34、本题考点为名词与介词的搭配。英语中有些名词要求一定的介词搭配,名词solution,key,access,approach,harm,obstacle等后接介词to。例如:Approaches to teaching vary from teacher to teacherThe only access to the castle is passing through the forest问题:9. As a biologist and ecologist, he is _all forms of hunting.A.againstB.downC.backD.off答案:A解析 本题考查介词作

35、表语的用法。介词against意思是“反对”,符合句子的意思,故选项A为正确答案。避错指南 解答此题需借助介词的表意功能。选项B“down”、选项C“back”和选项D“off”都不能表示“反对”的意思,故排除。问题:10. 24. Each penny, dime, and quarter _ carefully by the bank teller.A.are countingB.is countingC.are countedD.is counted答案:D关键词是each,所以谓语动词要用单数形式:语态上是被动。故选D。Section B 问题:1. The (pleased) _ o

36、f having a vote is that one can exercise his own opinion.答案:pleasure解析 本题考查名词的用法,由空格前的The可以判断后面的空格应该填入一个名词作主语,pleased的名词形式是pleasure。答题指南 注意pleased与pleasing的区别,它们都是形容词,但用法和意义不同:pleased指“某人或团体感到高兴的是”,主语常为人;pleasing指“某物或呆事令人感到高兴”,主语常为物。问题:2. Believe it or not, my situation is even (bad) _ than yours.答案

37、: worse解析 本题考查形容词比较级。句中出现了than,所以要用bad的比较级形式worse。答题指对bad这类比较级形式为不规则变化的形容词需要引起注意。问题:3. You are required to (fast) _ the seatbelt when driving so as to protect yourself.答案:fasten解析 本题考查的是固定结构的用法。“be required to do sth”是固定结构,此处的to为不定式符号。因此需填形容词fast的动词形式fasten的原形。答题指南 英语中很多动词是通过添加后缀-ell构成的,如形容词fast的动词形

38、式,字母t在fasten中不发音。类似的动词还有:broad-broaden,less-lessen,sharp-sharpen,loose-loosen等。问题:4. (employ) _ of children under 18 is prohibited in some countries.答案: Employment解析 本题考查名词作主语。通过分析句子成分可知句子缺少主语,而employ是动词,必须转化为名词Employment才能作主语。答题指南 判断出空格处使用名词后,还要注意单、复数的变化。此外述要注意动词employ常见的三个名词形式:employment,employee和

39、employer,因此确定使用哪个名词形式时还需注意结合句意。问题:5. His (arrive) _ at this conclusion was the result of much thought.答案:arrival答案精解 句意:他得出的这个结论是反复思考的结果。该题考查的是词性转换。根据空格前的代词his可知要填的是所给词的名词形式。问题:6. Though he had (fail) _ many times, Paul didnt lose heart.答案:failed本题测试的是过去完成时的用法。全句的意思是:“保罗虽然失败了许多次,但是他并没有灰心。”考虑到时态一致的原则

40、,此句从句中应为过去完成时,所以应该填过去分词failed。问题:7. He (work) _in that city for eight years before he moved here.答案: had been working解析 本题考查谓语动词的时态。由before引导的时间状语从句是一般过去时,又通过连词before此可以看出主句的动作发生在从句动作之前,并且状语“for eight years”表示持续了一段时间,所以留空处需要用过去完成进行时had been working。答题指南 当判断出空格处应为动词时,应进一步注意动词的时态和语态,并做相应的转换。本题的难点不仅在于要

41、判断出主句谓语使用完成时态,更要判断出需要使用表示持续的进行时。问题:8. (This is) the athlete (whom) everyone (says) will win the (gold) medal at the winter Olympic Games.A.This isB.whomC.saysD.gold答案:B本题考察的是定语从句,其中everyone says为插入语。关系代词在定语从句中指人,作主语,要用who。故把whom改为who。问题:9. When he arrived at the school, a car picked him up to an_(kn

42、ow) place where he had never been.答案:unknown问题:10. They are all opposed to(put) _ the meeting off.答案:puttingOpposed to后面的to为介词,因此put要用动词的ing形式,即putting。Part Reading Comprehension Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading

43、materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 35 to 39. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark

44、 the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Methods of training animals have changed greatly in recent years. Zoo keepers have always had problems getting the animals to leave their cages in order for the cages to be cleaned, and also training them to move in

45、doors when appropriate. Another problem was that many of the large animals became listless and bored. In the last twenty years, scientists have done research on dolphins and whales, training them to obey commands. The scientists found they could get animals to obey by rewarding them with food and af

46、fection when they responded correctly. Proper training allows the animals to receive the care they need. It was very difficult to get untrained animals, especially the larger ones, to stay still when they needed medical attention. Now they can be trained, on command, to remain still and even to allo

47、w blood samples to be taken and shots administered. All this is accomplished through positive reinforcement, without the use of any force. Affection training, as this process is called, has been used with great success on a wide variety of zoo animals. Animal behavior experts have taught zoo keepers

48、 to train bears, tigers, monkeys, and many other species to behave in a way that provides for better animal-keeper interaction. This training also keeps the animals from becoming bored and inactive. 1. The word listless means _.A.countlessC.inactiveB.obedientD.mysterious答案:C文章第一段第三句中谈到,另一个问题是许多大动物为l

49、istless and bored;在第二段的最后一句谈到,这种训练可避免使动物变得bored and inactive。根据上下文推断,可知应选C。2. From the first paragraph, we know that many animals _.A.are safe to petB.respond favorably to rewards and affectionC.can be trained in the wildD.should not be kept in zoos答案:B文章第一段最后一句说,科学家发现当动物做得对时,人们奖赏它们食物和关爱,动物是会听人们的话的。

50、可见,选项B最符文章内容,为正确。A、C、D在文中未涉及到。3. The writers purpose is toA.persuade people not to feed animals in the zooB.show how easy it is to train animalsC.explain the method of training animals through rewardsD.criticize zoo keepers答案:C文章第一段讲述了驯养动物的方法有了巨大的变革,接着解释“情感驯兽”如何使动物园里的动物受益。由此可推断出,本文的写作目的是阐述用奖励的方式训练动物

51、。4. According to the second paragraph, one of the problems zoo keepers faced was _.A.getting large animals to accept medical treatmentB.arranging an audience for animal showsC.capturing large animals for zoosD.feeding the animals答案:A文章谈到了动物园驯养员面临着的好几个问题,而在四个选项中,从文章第二段第二句可推断出只有A项与题干吻合。5. Affection tr

52、aining has been used successfully on _.A.certain kinds of animalsC.rare species of animalsB.bears, tigers, monkeys onlyD.many kinds of zoo animals答案:D文章第二段第五句说明“情感驯兽”已成功地用于动物园里的许多动物。所以D项为正确。A、B与文章内容不符。C在文中未提及。 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are

53、numbered 40 to 44. Charles R. Drew was a medical student at Columbia University in New York. Before he graduated, he wrote an article on blood bankthat is, the storing of blood. Up till then, a lot of people had died from lose of blood because there was no such thing as a blood bank. When the United

54、 States entered the Second World War, it became necessary to set up blood banks. Dr. Drew served as the head of the Red Crosss first blood bank. When the Red Cross started blood banks to collect and store blood for men wounded in the battle, black Americans gave blood along with the whites. At first

55、 their blood was not accepted. Later, blood from blacks was accepted but stored in a different place from “white” blood. Although the head doctors insisted that there was no difference at all between the blood of blacks and whites, the Red Cross, with the support of the government, continued to sepa

56、rate black blood from white. After the war Dr. Drew was driving with three other doctors to attend a meeting in a southern state. In North Carolina their car went into a ditch(水沟)and Dr. Drew was badly hurt. He had lost a lot of blood by the time a passing ear took him to the nearest hospital. “We dont take in blacks. ”They said. He had to be taken to the colored hospital. On the way Dr. Drew d


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