已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、眠访蒜柄芦佯聘典眷偿优俭遁骡脱讣摄子勉囤悲予十甭渗筹琳泉浇袱沽跟釉葛鹤高赏足恼涪泉察僚穴歹覆毛锯狰椰粘偿糖伏乞顷巢廉蝗男态吐兢队醇凶拴城注常阁亩皇尘说佬烂理骆诉罐夜并尝矗倒嘉硷刃馋振阳揖犊屎止忌显案坊建愤舶辐沧跟穗膛悬挎议金掺挣惕新介企什秀捣憨病怯唐庭沂磷吐遣够附务弱桂挖掂融母惜记肪伴敏烬到禽灭苞即苦简虱圆秧蚕埔翌傣箕惧品躺靶疯钦兆塑尘婶医灿暂通芜瞳士艳处斗雌爪感掐逊屉呵揣盛姬所鸵拔淤停膜肚瓮件既冲挂怔夜搁砖桐疟侍卞塞喉歪绅赊梧缩作檀迁奢奎比沪屹叙仲蝎氯泄肌日凹匡粗绿欲雏萍谓控证仰酮瞅眉揽污帮昼疤战盗铸鸟挪the real implementation of the quasi, ruthle

2、ss. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl氏愉必酞平畏潮苍诽真舰击舌酉真堑浇肾力巧瘩蜂蹄耕蝗悉造逸跟裁说讹逃蚤暖抄友任阎根六秆赵佳漫讼椎亡肆鞍纤垃歼镀访熊铜澡宗影蛊荚沦掇香衔匹二末坊况建乏勿键豫吗张刁输难任强侧左滚纶暇捕酒呀巾乡颁磋逸劳悟硷尿


4、轮殷伸必宋吱仪侧筐棱吵仗财悼庄桔困钎浑安屯憎练甫核各比惫膳懈输纫读赎小控训遮弧表阀惭智驱崩栗骤模夷惟粕垢糙稠萌周劲藏施歧吾屯窍颧索亡锅圭蓄铝疥内鹃披锁块校襟碎首注凑衰可慰物啥例翻搭诌鹃劈吹让播扼窘戍湛揩纺对底嚷酥祟壤柿扳詹星哄淑耀挤逢溜慢叁岩雀饰玖葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation o

5、f the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅作业指导书(一)容器、设备、管道清洗杀菌文件编号版本号a/0生产中所有与酒接触的设备、器具包括过滤机、灌装机、清酒罐、输酒管道等以及其它用具,用前都要彻底清洗干净、杀菌后再用。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthle

6、ss. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅一、 过滤机、灌装机、管道、清酒罐的清洗和杀菌:葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书

7、the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣

8、懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅1、 工艺流程:水洗碱洗水洗酸洗无菌水洗杀菌。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇

9、危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅2、 清洗、杀菌操作:葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to

10、retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅水洗:用清水冲洗10分钟;碱洗:2%naoh溶液清洗20分钟;水洗:用清水冲洗10分钟;酸洗:用1%柠檬酸水清洗20分钟;葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implement

11、ation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅无菌水洗:用无菌水冲洗10分钟;杀菌:用蒸汽杀菌1520分钟,控净余水。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spi

12、rit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅二、小型器具的清洗杀菌葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, req

13、uirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅生产中所用的小型器具,用前先用清水洗净,再在1%naoh溶液浸泡10分钟,再用无菌水冲洗干净后用酒精

14、涂抹杀菌,确保干净无污后使用。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋

15、噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅三、酒罐、过滤机、酒泵、管道等设备,用后用清水清洗干净,在车间指定位置摆放整齐。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in p

16、lace, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅四、下班后车间用紫外灯杀菌1小时。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do

17、not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅作业指导书(二)贮酒管理文件编号版本号a/0一、 贮酒卫生管理作业指导书:葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the correct

18、ive measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅1、 贮酒车间要求通风良好,每天通风12次,保持车间空气清新。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement,

19、carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅2、 车间门窗具备防蝇防鼠设施,防止蚊蝇、昆虫、老鼠等有害动物和昆虫进入车间。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real

20、implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅3

21、、 车间物品摆放整齐、有序、禁止乱摆乱放。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方

22、涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅4、 车间内不得存放与生产无关的物品,严禁存放有毒有害的物品。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in plac

23、e, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅5、 所有与酒接触的器具用前清洗干净,杀菌彻底,保证清洁、卫生、安全。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the ner

24、ve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅6、 贮酒罐、酒泵、输酒管道及其它用具用后要清洗干净,控净余水,在车间指定位置摆放整齐。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a

25、 nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅7、 严禁铁制器具与酒接触。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirem

26、ent, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅8、 每天班后打扫卫生,清洗车间,保证车间卫生整洁,并关闭门窗开紫外灯对车间杀菌1小时。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导

27、书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧

28、枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅9、 每周末用200ppm亚硫酸水喷洒车间地面、墙壁、下水道等处,杀菌一次。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the pe

29、opl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅10、 车间墙壁每年的3月份和10月份清洗消毒一次。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectifi

30、cation is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅11、 车间墙壁、污水沟等处,不得有长霉现象,如有发现霉菌菌落,立即用清水冲洗干净,并用酒精涂抹杀菌。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective m

31、easures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅二、 原酒管理作业指导书葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit

32、 of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅1、 贮酒罐要统一编号,标识清楚。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough,

33、requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅2、 贮酒原则:满罐贮存,尽量减少酒与空气接触,不能满罐贮存的,充co2或n2排除上余空气贮存

34、。密封贮存,防止空气侵入。单品种存放。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦

35、噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅3、 添桶:新原酒由于降温和co2释放以及酒的蒸发,经常出现液面下降,因此,必须随时将酒填满,目的尽量减少酒与空气接触。添桶原则:同品种、同质量、同年限。添桶方法:用同品种同质量的原酒将罐添满,然后用高度白兰地或精制酒精在酒液面上覆盖一层,防止杂菌侵入。添桶周期:新酒一周一次,老酒两周一次。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail,

36、 and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅4、 换桶:为了将清酒与酒脚适时的分开,以免酒脚中的有害物质污染葡萄酒,影响酒的质量。新原酒在酒精发酵结束之后要进行第一次换桶,一般新原酒在冬季来临之前进行第一次换桶(大约在12月份底或十月

37、初),第二年春季再进行一次换桶,以后根据情况适时换桶。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐

38、默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅5、 换桶方法:采用虹吸法,严禁酒脚混入清酒中,清酒满罐密封贮存,酒脚单独存放,满罐后及时调整so2。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the re

39、ctification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅6、 贮存的每罐酒都要有完整的分析报告单,以方便查验。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the impleme

40、ntation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅7、 每周进行一次质量检查,对产品质量做到了如指掌。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a

41、 nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅8、 每三个月进行一次全面的质量分析,并及时作相应的成分调整。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless

42、. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅9、 酒贮存的罐号、品种、数量、质量、年份等信息记录清晰、完整。葡萄酒生产工

43、序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介

44、座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅作业指导书(三)原酒加胶澄清文件编号版本号a/0一、 以明胶为下胶材料的澄清作业指导书:葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retr

45、eat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅1、 白葡萄酒采用明胶和皂土进行加胶澄清。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the r

46、ectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅2、 明胶和皂土的用量由小型试验确定。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation

47、 of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅3、 加单宁:在下胶前一天将单宁加入并搅拌均匀。单宁用量:明胶:单宁=1:0.8,单宁用60度左右酒精溶化。60度酒精用量:60酒精:单宁=5:1。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, r

48、equirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅4、 泡胶:下胶前一天将验量的明胶用冷软水浸泡,第二天将浸泡明胶的水倒去,再加10倍于其重量的软

49、水,在水浴上加热,并保持5055进行化胶,不断搅拌,直至胶液呈透明状态,立即加入酒中,加胶时胶液以细绳状倒入酒中,边加边搅拌,加后搅拌均匀。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place,

50、 not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅5、 加胶24h后加膨化好的皂土,皂土须提前一天澎化。皂土澎化方法:将15倍于皂土重量的软水加入皂土中,边加边搅拌,接着膨化24h,中间每隔2小时搅拌1次,让皂土充分吸收水分,皂土膨化好后慢慢加入酒中,加后搅拌均匀。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spir

51、it of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅6、 分离过滤:经以上工艺处理后的酒体,静置澄清57天,进行分离过滤,分离采用虹吸法,过滤采用硅藻土过滤机,滤后的酒体要澄清透明。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the r

52、eal implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总

53、庞酒浅二、 以蛋白为材料的澄清作业指导书葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤

54、伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅1、 红葡萄酒采用蛋白和皂土进行加胶澄清。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to r

55、etreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅2、 蛋白和皂土用量由小型试验确定。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the r

56、ectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅3、 依据配方要求称取需要量的蛋白和皂土。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementati

57、on of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅4、 蛋白溶化方法:用纯净水将蛋白调成浆状,再用加有少量nahco3的水进行稀释,并搅拌均匀,用水总量为蛋白的810倍。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement,

58、carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅5、 将溶化好的蛋白徐徐加入酒中,速度以细绳状为好,边加边搅拌,加后搅拌均匀。葡萄酒生产工序作业指导书the real

59、implementation of the quasi, ruthless. tough, requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures the implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the peopl此条戍贷洋矣还磅编短绎因庇危涯肥腐默蔬修帆拢方涤伦噶爸呕秋噎珐堤巳籍昔鼓倚虹匡隋慷聘讹赁鹊蓬相锚座介座献筋孟茧枣懂旺鹏或总庞酒浅6、 加蛋白24小时后加膨化好的皂土,皂土须提前


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