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1、1ancient measuring tool change time2ancient chinese sundial time use, in addition to drip timer, tang has made clocks and watches, the error is not more than 30 seconds.modern use of quartz watches, electronic watches, atomic clocks and other timing 3sundial 4 ancient chinese sundial is measured usi

2、ng shade moment of yet another timing device. usually copper disc pointer and stone composition. copper pointer called sundial needle stone disc called sundial face. used to observe the suns shadow cast on location in the disk, we can identify different time periods. sundials time accurate to the mo

3、ment accuracy (15 minutes). 日晷是我国古代利用日影测得时刻的又一种计时仪器。通常由铜制的指针和石制的圆盘组成。 铜制的指针叫做“晷针”, 石制的圆盘叫做“晷面”。 使用时,观察日影投在盘上的位置,就能分辨出不同的时间。 日晷的计时精度能准确到刻(15分钟)。5gnomon6 ancient chinese sundial is a simple and important test-day instrument, which consists of a vertical table (eight feet tall) and the level of the com

4、position of guyana. it uses the immediate reason to measure the length of shade. main function was to determine where the winter solstice, and thus determine the tropical year length. in addition, by observing changes in the table to determine the direction of film and solar terms. 圭表是一种既简单又重要的测天仪器,

5、它由垂直的表(一般高八尺)和水平的圭组成。 它利用了立竿见影的道理来测量日影长度。 主要功能是测定冬至日所在,并进而确定回归年长度。此外,通过观测表影的变化可确定方向和节气。 7ancient water clock 8that is with a chisel in hudi or near the bottom of the water containers and tools with small holes, use of water holes so that the water level changes in copper kettles to computing time. m

6、y invention tonghudilou drip timer than foreign production to early and more applications are common, as an important tool for successive time.即用一个在壶底或靠近底部凿有小孔的盛水工具,利用孔口流水使铜壶的水位变化来计算时间。 我国发明的铜壶滴漏比外国制作的滴水计时器要早的多,应用也普遍,成为历代计时的重要工具。9armillary sphere10water-powered planetarium11sandglass12石英表电子表机械表原子钟13

7、overview of the development process of chinas time is a social history of science and technology. monarch yao from 4000 years ago during the “king tugui test,” began after the timer with a sundial, lou ke, hong seal clock, hourglass, mechanical water clocks, mechanical clocks, astronomical clock, quartz clock, molecular clock, atomic clock time . . man accuracy has reached 3000 million。纵览


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