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1、专题讲解名词一、名词:表示人或事物的名称。专有名词:个人、事物、机关等所专有的名称 China, Beijing, the Yellow River, Saturday, etc.<单数:boy台词 可数名词:student, job , book , etc '普通各词L位数:boys,不可教名词:water, coffee, air, chicken, rice etc.1 .名词单数可数名词的单数前什么时候用a,什么时候用an?以元音音标(或音素)开头的用an. 以辅音音标(或音素)开头的用a。2 .名词如数:可数名词的曾数,表示两个或更多的人或物。一般名词的复数形式:规则

2、变化一般名词的曳数形式以加-S或-US的方式构成:情况加法例词一般情况加-Sbrothers, sisters, schools , b(x)ks以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加Ubuses, f()xcs, watchers, dishes以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词变y为i再加-usladyladies , countr>countries(boys toys ways)以。结尾的名词多数加-Spianos, photos, zoos少数以。结尾的名词加Uheroes, negroes , tomatoes, potatoes以f或R结尾的名词多数变f或色为V,再加YSleaf -

3、leaves , wifi: wives knife >knivcs,wolfwolves例如:desk>monkey-*box-wife>不规则的便数形式(常见):man tooth foot womanChild -g(x>sc -mouse sheeps二、单宣数词形相同的词:sh«p, fish, deer, Chinese, Japanusu etc.表示某国人的名词:中国人、日本人,曳教不需加-s (Chinese,Japanese)英国人、法国人,要把man变成men ( Englishmen, Frenchmen)速记口诀:男人、女人变一个;鹅

4、、脚、牙齿变两个;小孩后面加三个;中、日、绵羊、 小鹿永不变。名词所有格:用来表示人或物的所有,以及领属关系。(1)表示有生命的名词的所有格其单数形式是加S其电数形式是s',如其结尾不是S的宣数 形式仍加二 如:a stiidcnfs room, students* rooms, Children's Day.在表示时间、距离、世界、国家名词的所有格要用's,如:a twenty minutes'walk.两个或多个人共有,只在晨后一个人的名词后加's ;若为各自所有则在各个名词后加'sTomandjim' s room, Tom'

5、; s and Jim, s rooms(2)无生命名词的所有梏则必须用。f结构the capital of our country, the colour of the flowers二、可以修饰可数名词的词或短语()nc/t-<)/three 等数词;a lot of, lots of, some, many, a few, a number of+使数名词。注意事项(1) people表示“人,人们”时,是个宣教名词,不能在其后加-S,谓语动词用复数 形式family , class是集合金词,表示家庭/班级等集体时指单数,谓语动词的形式用单 数;当表示家庭/班级的成员时指宣教,谓

6、语动词用宣教形式。News, maths(math),glass是不可教各词,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。(2) 以复数形式出现的金词。如:asscs,pants,shoes等,他们的星词通常为:a pair ofglasses, lw。pairs of pants, three pairs of shoes 等。(3)名词做形容词时,一般不用复:数形式,如:一位十岁的女孩(a ten-year-old girl), 一家鞋铺(a shoe shop);如果要表示复;数,则把名词词组中的星后一个名词变成 复数形式,如:三棵苹果树(three apple trees),这些男学生(these b

7、oy students). 例外:当man/w°man做定语的时候与他们所修饰的名词的数相一样,如:两个 男老师(two men teachers)三个女医生(three women doctors)三、不可数名词不可数名词指物质名词、抽象名词和专有金词等,通常没有使数形式。其前面不用冠词 a/an 或数词直接修饰,但可用 much, some, any, a lot of, a little, little, little, much 等词修饰, 还可用冠词/教词+登词/容器+of短语来修饰,如:a piece of bread, two pieces of bread; a gl

8、ass of water, two glasses of water 等。常用的不可数司词有 money food meat fish chicken pork beef drink orange milk tea coke四、名称的转化某些名词后面+y构成形容词 表示“充满.的”Cloud-cloudv某些台词后面+ful构成形容词 表示“充满.的”;具有的Usc-uscRill性质某些名词后面+1USS构成形容 词,表示“没有的”Care-careless某些名词后面+y构成形容词 常具有赞美的意味。Use-useless,water rice bread homework news pa

9、per rain snow wind cloud weather air math Chinese写出下列词的正确形式曾教形式face()zoo(belief0 box()factory-() leaf-() photo(roof()Ihiuj)hero() brush()potato( ) tomamo( ) )city() key()rose-( ) woman( )mouse( ) goose-( ) sheep-( ) child()1. pencil-box 2. wife 3. Sunday 4. city 5. dress 6. Enishman 7. match 8. Chin

10、ese翻译两头鹿一双鞋五个六岁的学生9. zoo 10. exam 11. German 三个中国人四片面包Jim和Janu的书(两张表达方法) 这个孩子的一个玩具2014年全国部分省市中考英语试题汇编:单项选择一名词2014 黄冈】一VChat bowl of noodles would you like, small, medium or large?A large bowl of beef noodles, please.A. color B. price C- size D. kind2014 连云港】一Nobody knows which learn will win thc2014

11、 World Cup in Brazil.Yes. That is theof the beautiful game.A. question B. luck C. hope D. magic2014 长沙】一Is the schoolbag under the desk yours?No, it' s my. He left it there just now.A. brother B. brother' s C. brothers ,2014 河北】1 want a sweet milk. Put some in my cup, please.A. ice B. soup C

12、. salt D. sugar2014 达州】一After P.E., I often 氤d very thirsty-Whv not buv some io drink?A. bread B. noodles C. apple juice D. teas2014 扬州】一What a good you' vc given me! Thanks a lot.My pleasure.A. information B. news C. suggestion D. advice(2014 鄂州】 一It' s convenient to travel from Ezhou to Wu

13、han by taking the newly-built green railway.Yes.s said that is ell oualA. fifteen minutes drive B. fifteen-minutes driveC. fifteen minute, s drive D. fifteen minutes' drive2014 鄂州】一Do you come to South Korea for the of seeing your family ordoing business?I come here on business.A. interest B. be

14、nefit C. purpose D. thought2014 黔西南州the teachers ill their school is about 2(X) and one fourth of them arc teachers.A. A number of; women B. A number of; womanC. The number of; women D. Thu number of; woman2014 黔西南州】Could you please get me some? 1 m hungry.A. apple B. water C. bread D egg2014 河南】一Yo

15、u may gp to Milan for a free trip.It' s a very- kind, but 1 really can' t accept it.A. excuse B. offer C. promise D. decision2014 安徽】一More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshaii.-That' s true. It has become the of Anhui.A. pride B. effort C. praise D. courage【2014 重庆市 B】一NTiat

16、9; s your favorite, Bob?Cats. They1 re so lovclv. zJA. plant B. job C. sport D. animal2014 杭州】am tried. This is not the right to ask me to go for a walk.A. moment B. chancu C. place D. season2014 宜宾】In this test, we' re asked to write a passa方 of about.A. 80-w()rds B. 80-w()rd C. 80 words D. 80

17、words '2014 呼和浩特】一How far is it from Tianjin to Changsha?It is a flight from Tianjin to Changsha.A. 2-hour-long B. 2-hours-long C. 2 hours' long D. 2 hour long2014 呼和浩特】VChun Peter comes, please ask him to leave a.A. notice B. message C. sentence D. information2014 东营】一VChun isDay?It' so

18、n June 1st, Dave.A. Child B. Children C. Child' s D. Children s2014 东营】WTiat _will global warming(全球变暖)bring us? Scientists have given us a clear list.A. news B. dangers C. courses D. advantages2014 苏州】The park is far away from here indeed it' s about walkA. Three hour B. a three hour' s

19、 C. a three-hours D. a three-hour2014 天津】If you wor k harder, you' 11 have another to play the violin at a concert.A. sleep B. chance C. mistake D. problem2014 广州|】 Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of beef, vegetables and.A. some rice B. a few rice C. a little rices D. a rice2014 陕西】一Oh, a nic

20、e photo! Is this your uncleJ s child?-Yes, it, s my .A. cousin B. sister C. brother D. daughter2014 甘肃白银】The boy didn' t sleep wc last night because of the from the factory.A. voice B. noise C- music D. song2014 宁波】一Mum, 1 want to buy an iPhone 5s for a change.Well, I think there is no.It' s

21、 almost the same as an iPhone 4s.A. reason B. need C. answer D. wav J2014 甘肃白银】Mr. Black is a teacher of. She and her classmates like him very much.A. my sister B. my sister? s C. my sisters D. my sisters'2014 湖州】一Look at the clouds, so beautiful!Wow, so many different, horses, sheep, flowers-A.

22、 sizes B. shapes C. colors D. stylus2014 温州】 There arc some in Dayton Art Museum. For example, no food or drink isdlowed inside.A. jobs B. records C. rules D. paintings 2014 嘉兴】It is an English to have afternoon lea.A. menu B. drink C. festival D. tradition2014 重庆 C -Lily, could you please pass me t

23、he? I want to cut the apple.一Sure, here you arc.A. pen B. pencil C. book D. knife2014 丽水】Betty, pass me the. I' 11 cut the cake.OK, Mom. Here you arc.A. sugar B. scarf C. knife D. note2014 绍兴】 Our school uniforms arc out of. We think young people look smart.A. luck B. sight C. reach D. fashion20

24、14 台州】 一The picnic is only in three days. Have you made ally?Not yet. So lut' s discuss what to prepare.A. wishes B. plans C. mistakes D friends(2014 泰安】 一1 hear you have to get up early even' morning.-Right. lt*s one of the of my family.A. plans B. jobs C. programs D. rules2014 德州】 一Yesterd

25、ay, my father bought me a new mobile phones as a present, but 1 don' t know how to use it.Why not read the first bcf()rc usi ng it?A. expressions B. applications C. advertisements D. instructions(2014 荷泽】 My teacher gave me muchon how to study English well when I had some trouble.A. advice B. qu

26、estion C suggestion D. problem2014 聊城】 Excuse me, is the museum far from here? No, it' s about.A. 5 minutes walkB. 5 minute walkC. 5 minutes' walkD. 5 minute' s walk2014 重庆市 A Lily, could you please pass me the? I wiuit to cut the apple.Sure, here you arc.A. pen B. pencil C. book f). kni

27、fe2015年中考英语单项选择题汇编(名词)1 .Thc New York Times is a popular daily. (2015 德州) A.dictionan- B.magiiziiic C.nspapcr D. guidebook2 .Thcrc arc lots of that students have to in school. (2015 江西)A. Exercises B. Problems C. Skills f). rules 3.1n 1998, Liu Xiang' s in hurdling was noticed by Sun Jiangping.

28、(2015 天津)A. Abilitv B. Trade C. Elcctricitv D. mumorv zzz4 . How can I get some about the 2016 Olympic Games?Why not search the Internet? (2015 安徽)A.information B.cxpcriciicc C.practicc D.succcss5 .Thc Chinese saying “A tree can' t make a fbrust" tell us that is very- important in afootball

29、 match. (2015 泰安)A.ability- B.dccisionC-teamworkD.cxpcricncc6 .arc planning to go on vacation. (2015 克拉玛依)A. Black' sB. A Black' sC. Thu Black' sD. Thu Blacks7 .Would you like some for dimicr? OK. (2015 娄底)A.tomatos B.tomato C.tomatoes8 . 11 is said that a college student had a to Tibet

30、with 500 yuan for a month.How surprising! Once you have an idea to go semewhuru, do it! (2015 三亚)A. Match B. Travel C. change9 .Nonc of them talked. They finished their meal in. (2015 苏州)A. Silence B. Order C. Place D. public10 .Annie has a, and she is going to sec her dentist today. (2015 温州|)A. Cold B. Fever C. Cough D. Toothache1 l.Hc has a collection of. H


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