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1、短语小测U11. 苏珊通过早上大声朗读来记英语单词。Susan memorizes English words by in the morning.2. 用英语和朋友交谈时练习英语口语的好方法。It ' s a good way to have friends in English to English.3. 你读得越多,你的速度就会越来越快。 you read, you will be.4. 大多数学生认为学好物理和化学很重要。Most students think important physics and chemistrywell.5. 这个外国人讲话太快,我听不懂他说的每一句

2、话。 The foreigner spoke quick I didn't understand every word hesaid.6. Miss Brown 很受孩子们的欢迎,因为她对他们很有耐心。Miss Brown is popular among the kids because she is them.7. 这对双胞胎兄弟有很多共同之处。The twin brothers have a lot .8. 每个人都天生具有学习的能力。Everyone is the ability to learn.9. 请注意我将要说的话,不然的话你们可能会犯错误。Please pay wha

3、t I will say,or you may .10. 你害怕在人群前面讲话吗?you afraid of in front of a crowd?11. 一个好学生懂得如何将他从书本所学的和周围所见的联系起来。A good student knows how to what he learns from books whathe sees around him.12. 下周我们是否去野餐取决于天气情况.Whether we will go on a picnic next week the weather.13. 他们每次考试都很紧张吗?Are they each time they ha

4、ve a test?14. 老师经常告诉我们在课上要做笔记.Teachers often tell us in class.15. 研究证实如果你对某事感兴趣, 你的大脑会更活跃。Studies show that if you are something, your brain is moreactive.U21. 这张照片使我想起了上次学校旅行。This photo me my last school trip.2. 汤姆是如此生气以至于他把遥控器掷向电视机。Tom was so he the remote thetelevision.3. 史密斯太太关心她的孩子。她经常告诫他们不要吃零食

5、。Mrs. Smith her children. She often them junk food.4. 在你离开前,记得关土所有的灯。Remember to all the lights before you leave.5. 她的书包和我的相似.Her school bag 6. 杰克经常大声喊同学的绰号,但他己经答应再也不那样做了。Jack often his classmates nicknames, but he has again.7. 我想知道六月是否是游香港的好时候。I June is a good to visit HongKong.8. 去年格林先生打扮成圣诞老人,并分发

6、糖果给孩子们。Last year, Mr. Green Santa Claus and candies to the children.9. 圣诞节不但是一个传统的西方节日,而且是一个分享爱和快乐的时刻。Christmas is a traditional western festival, a time for sharing love and joy.10. 我计划和同学们一起做作业,但是最终变成一起聊天。I planned to do homework with my classmates but together.11. 老斯克鲁奇过去常常拒绝送礼物给别人,但他现在经常和朋友们分享他的

7、财富。12. Old Scrooge presents to others, but nowhe often his fortune his friends.13. 珍妮重了5 公斤,她应该多做锻炼。Jenny has five kilograms. She should take more exercise.14. 暴风雨冲走了泥土和房子,政府为有需要的家庭提供帐篷和食物。The storm soil and houses, and the government provided tentsand food for the families .U31. 打搅了,请问你可否告诉我哪里可以取钱?

8、沿着中心街一直走直到你经过一家超市。-, could you please tell me where I can ?-Just Main Street until you the supermarket.2. 那家银行就在中心街和格林街的拐角处,在你的右手边。The bank is on the corner of Main Street and Green Street 3. 我们定在6:30 见面吧。我会早点到达餐厅去找个位。Let's make it 6:30. I'll go to the restaurant a little earlier to first.4.

9、 我们对即将到来的校运会感到很兴奋。We the coming sports meeting.5. 为什么不向那边的志愿者求助,获取关于城市方向的信息呢?Why not the volunteer over there and bout the city directions?6. 明天我必须得早醒,这样我就不会匆匆忙忙的赶去机场了。I have to early tomorrow so that I won't get to the airport7. 每个人都在期待着参加学校旅行。现在我们对此很兴奋。Everybody is a school trip.8. 仅仅说正确的英语是不够

10、的。我们还需要在不同的场合使用恰当的英语。just to speak correct English. We also need to speak proper English.9. 举办校运会的时间地点取决于天气。When and where to have the sports meeting the weather.10. 对青少年而言,经常与父母沟通是非常重要的。It's very important for teenagers to their parents often.11. 为了礼貌,有时候我们需要花很长时间去引入一个请求。In order to be polite,

11、sometimes we need to spend a lot of time arequest.12. 很抱歉打搅您,但是您不能把车停在这里。I'm you you can't park your car here.13. 感谢你给与我那么多的帮助,尽管我们第一次见面。 helping me a lot even though we meet each otherU41. 我们通常在家吃饭,偶尔出去吃午餐。We usually eat at home but we go out forlunch.2. 你知道怎么处理这个问题吗?Do you know this proble

12、m?3. 我们什么也不敢说。We don t anything.4. 过去迈克常常戴眼镜,但现在他习惯戴隐形眼镜。Mike , but now he contacts (隐形眼镜).5. 自她首次公开演唱已经三年了。 three years since she sang for the first time.6. 毫无疑问她考试成绩会很好。It is certain that she will her exam.7. 很难相信都市生活的艰难迫使他搬到乡村。 to believe that the pressures of city life forced him to the country.

13、8. 好学生是不会旷课的。A good student would not classes.9. 你最好还是亲自去对他说。You d better go and speak to him 10. 对我们来说做决定之前先思考一下很重要。It s important for us to do some think before 11. 我劝过不要错过了末班公共汽车。I you the end class bus.12. 使我惊讶的是,他一句话也没有说就离开了。 , he left without saying a word.13. 即使下雨,他还是会准时来。He will come on time

14、 it rains.U51. 似乎世界上好多人都喝中国茶,大家都说茶对健康和生意都有好处。 many people around the world drink Chinese tea. People say that tea both health and business.2. 中国很了不起,擅长制造日用商品,但美国却是以高科技产品闻名于世。It sg reat that China is good at making these , but Americe its high-technology products.3. 尽管到处都有路灯,青少年们还是要避免晚上独自出去。 there ar

15、e street lights everywhere, teenagers should alone at night.4. 这些日用品是用竹子手工制成的,而那些纸也是由竹子制作而成的。These everyday things are made of bamboo while the paper bamboo, too.5. 不管我们做什么,我们都必须保护环境。环境的保护已成为我们生活中的一件大事。 we do, we must protect the environment. The has become a big deal in our life.6. 孔明灯常被看作幸福和美好愿望的象

16、征。Sky lanterns usually symbols of and7. 根据学校规定,学生们被准许参加各种各样的课外活动,例如放风筝等。 our school rules, the students take part in outdoor activities, such as flying kites and so on.8. 有麻烦,找警察。When the police 9. 我们学校的学生每天花2 个小时时间做家庭作业。(1) the students two hours their homeworkin our school every day.(2)The student

17、s in our school two hours their homework everyday.(3)The students in our school two hours (in) their homeworkevery day. I know, seventy percent of the earth the water.U61. 史密斯一家建议我们留他们家一晚。We in their house for a night by theSmiths.2. 你为何买如此昂贵的衣服?Why do you buy ?3. 毫无疑问,姚明是最成功的篮球运动员。Yao Ming is the m

18、ost successful basketball player 4. 据说,这种花每年只开花一次。 this kind of flowers come out only once every year.5. 他拿错了我的伞。He took away my umbrella 6. 尽管他的有道理,我还是认为我的意见更好。Although he ( 有道理 ), I still think that my idea isbetter.7. 在过去的十年里我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。Great changes in the past ten years.8. 他突然间流泪了。 (突然) , he b

19、urst into tears.9. 当我打扫房间的时候,偶然发现了钥匙。I found the key when I was cleaning the house.10. 我真的钦佩我父亲。I really my father.11. 没有人可以阻止我说出事情的真相。No one can me the truth.12. 不仅你,汤姆也在学校的足球队里。you Tom on the school football team.13. 这个小男孩梦想成为一名宇航员。The boy an astronaut.14. 妈妈鼓励我努力学习以实现我的梦想。 Mom study hard to U71.

20、请让你的狗远离我儿子好吗?Would you please your dog my boy?2. 在一些博物馆,游客不允许拍照。In some museums, visitors 3. 在你开车之前,你要确保自己带了驾驶证。Before you drive, you should you have taken your with you.4. 他后悔扎了耳洞。He his ears 5. 汤姆踢足球三年了。虽然有时候受伤,但是他从中学到了很多。Tom has played soccer for three years. Although he sometimes,he has a lot in

21、.6. 你们的老师对你们严格吗? your teachers you?7. 只有努力学习我们才能考上大学。Only by studying hard 8. 他花了太多时间玩手机,因此考试不及格。He too much time his mobile phone, so he failed theexam.9. 父母关心我们,并竭尽全力帮助我们实现梦想。Our parents us and they try their best to help us 10. 汤姆在学校足球队。他希望尽可能多地练习足球。Tom is the, school soccer team. He hopes to pra

22、ctice soccer possible.U81. -那个书包是Tom 的吗 ?- 不,不可能是他的。它一定是Jeff 的。上面有他的名字。- 哦 ,也许你是对的。- the backpack Tom?,-No. It his. It Jeff's. It has his name on it.- Oh. You right.2. 我将会用我余下的暑假去北京旅游。I will travel to Beijing my summer holiday.3. 他过去常常在回家的路上捡起这儿附近的垃圾。He the rubbish around here on his wayhome.4.

23、这些天,这太吵了,这个地方的人们都不能入睡。 , it is noisy for the people here asleep.5. 那时那孩子还不知道他自己的问题是什么。At that time, the boy what problem was.6. 太阳太大了,你不但要带雨伞,还得戴太阳镜。The sun is shining too brightly. You have to bring an umbrella, have to 7. 当领队到达我们学校时,他指出教师们必须按照某种方式进行教学。When the leader our school, he thatteachers mu

24、st teach 8. 电脑可以用于完成很多工作(两种方法)。对于我来说,我已经习惯在电脑上工作。Computers can many jobs.(Computers can many jobs.) As for me, Ihave on computers.9. 一些人认为巨石阵可能是一种日历,而其他人认为这些石头有医疗目的。Some people think that Stonehenge might be and believe that the stones have 10. 妈妈一直很担心,所以她尽力阻止孩子玩电脑游戏。Mom very , so she is trying to h

25、er child the computer games.11. 孩子们互相追逐,很好玩。The kids are each other.U91. 我喜欢我可以跟着唱的音乐。1 like music that I can 2. Mary 喜欢那些会演奏不同种类乐器的音乐家。Mary likes the musicians who 3. 如果你能坚持梦想,那将来它会实习的。If you your dream, it will come true in the future.4. 运动会是否会推迟举行取决于天气。Whether the spots meeting will be put off or

26、 not the weather.5. 那位澳大利亚歌手很擅长运动。他在业余时间喜欢打网球。That is good at sports. He likes playing tennis 6. 我们应该尽我们最大的努力保护环境。We should protect the environment.7. 在网上我们可以找到关于这位科学家的大量信息。We can get about this scientist on the Internet.8. 我们放学偶尔打排球。 , we like to play volleyball after class.9. 比起跑步,她更喜欢游泳。She swimm

27、ing running.10. 大部分孩子喜欢那个有幸福结局的故事。Most kids like the story that 11. 桂林因美丽的山水而闻名。Guilin its beautiful mountains and rivers.12. 你可以在字典里查阅一些新单词。You can some new words in the dictionary.13. 这首曲子是由阿炳写的。The music by Abing.14. 很遗憾总共只有六首乐曲被记载下来。that only six pieces of music were recorded.15. 你觉得民间音乐怎样?do yo

28、u folk music?16. 我被他的音乐能力所打动。I am moved by his .17. 她女儿去年和一位医生结婚了。Her daughter to a doctor last year.18. 我爸爸年轻时过着艰苦的生活。My father when he was young.19. 我喜欢有幽默感的老师。I like the teachers who have a .20. 这首乐曲已经成为国家瑰宝之一。This piece of music has become one of China_ _s.U101. 韩国人第一次见面时应该怎么做?What people in Kor

29、ea when they meet forthe first time?2. 那两个商人正在握手。The two businessmen are with each other.3. 有空的时候,我们喜欢临时到朋友家拜访。We like our friend s homes if we have time.4. 当我伸出手,他鞠躬。When I my hand, he bowed.5. 在中秋节,我们经常和家人共度时光。We often our family on the Mid-Autumn Festival.6. 令我们惊讶的是,所有的票全卖光了。 , all the tickets ar

30、e sold out.7. 让别人一直等太久是不礼貌的。It s impolite to_ others for a long time.8. 不要害怕,轻松面对考试就行了。Don t be afraid. Just the exam.9. 我们常常计划着做一些有趣的事情,或去一些有趣的地方。We often do something interesting, or go somewhereinteresting.10. 飞机马上就要起飞了。The plane is going to soon.11. 不要惩罚他,毕竟他只是个孩子。Don t punish him. He is a child

31、 12. 我们经常在城中心走走,尽可能看多的朋友。We often just the town center, seeing many of ourfriends It s impolite_ others with your chopsticks.14. 他们总是竭尽全力让我感受家庭的温馨。They go out of their way to at home.15. 我正渐渐地习惯这里的天气。I gradually the weather here.16. 这栋房子太破旧了,值得修理吗?This house is so old. it ?17. 他发现学习一门外语是容易的。He finds

32、 easy a foreign language.18. 他过去常常把筷子插入食物里,但是这是不礼貌的。He stick his chopsticks into the food, but it was 19. 她对音乐会感到兴奋,因为她的偶像将会出现在音乐会上。She the concert, because her idol will at the concert.U111. MH370 的失联让我难过。Losing contact with MH370 me 2. 我宁愿回家也不愿待在这里。I go home than here.3. 我和玛丽已经是五年的好朋友了。I have Mary

33、 for five years.4. 昨天拄她很长一段时间使我抓狂。Waiting for her a long time me yesterday.5. 我越了解朱莉,就越意识到我们之间很多共同之处。The I got to know Julie, the I realize that we have a lot 6. 他不想去看电影,因为他得去图书馆还书。He didn _t watching films, because he had to thebooks to the library.7. 他真的担心他的教练把他从球队开除。He was really that his might h

34、im the team.8. 但是不管发生什么,都不要对自己太苛刻。But whatever happens, don t be tooyourself.9. 最重要的是学会如何和你的队友沟通,从错误中吸取经验。The most important is learning how to your teammates andyour mistakes.10. 我认为如果我们团结一致,下次将会取得好成绩。I think if we continue to , we regoing to 11. 他和几个男孩打架,最后全身都受伤了。He a fight with some boys and fina

35、lly was hurt his body.12. 她很伤心,因为让她的父母失望了。She was because she her parents.U121. 当我赶到火车站时,火车已经离开了。I hurried to the railway station, the train had already left.2. 闹钟一响,他就起床,然后快速地洗了个澡。As soon as the clock , he got up and 3. 难怪她没回家,原来她把钥匙忘在办公室了。No w onder she didn gto home. She the key heroffice.4. 我正要搭

36、公交车去上学,刚好看见爸爸回家。I take a bus to school when I saw dad come back.5. 没想到我的坏运气变成了好事。My bad luck had unexpectedly a good thing.6. 当我到达机场时,飞机已经起飞。When I got to the airport, the plane .7. 卡尔在大街上看到我,顺便捎了我一程。Carl saw me on the street and .By the time I got to the school gate, nobody had .9. 即使天气很冷,工人们还是坚持干活

37、。it was very cold, the workers were still working.10. 飞机掉了下来,所有人都不可置信地盯着它。The plane fell down, and everyone it .11. 到去年年底,我们读完5 本英语小说。 last year, we had finished reading 5English novels.12. 我们中国近30 年发生了巨大的变化。Great changer in the last 30 years in China.13. 这商店的衬衫都卖光了。All the shirts in this shop .14.

38、别捉弄我了,我想知道真相。Don _t me. I want to know the truth.15. 这些垃圾最后都到大海里了。The litter appearing in the ocean.16. 我整晚熬夜学习,因为第二天要考试。I all night because wo would have an exam the nextday.17. 他说这种药能帮助人们减肥。He said the medicine could help people .18. 我们用完了所有的钱,只好走路回家。We had our money, so we had to walk home.19. 有人看到火星人已经登录地球了。Somebody saw that aliens from Mars had the earth.20. 玛丽宁愿去看电影,也不愿意一个人待在家里。Mary watch TV


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