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1、初级听力课程教学大纲11初级听力课程教学大纲一、基本信息课程编号:10601100020课程名称:(初级)英语听力英文名称:listening comprehensionl课程性质:专业必修课学分:8实验学时:0指导自学学时:0适用层次:本科学科组:英语专业学科组总学时: 128理论学时:128实践学时:0适用专业:英语专业先修课程:中学听力承担院部:人文学院二、课程介绍(一)课程目标及地位课程概述包括如下内容:1 .该课程设置的主要目的在英语学习中,听力是一门既重要又难掌握的技巧。作为基础阶段的重要课程之一,它 的主要目的是对于学生进行正规的,严格的听力技能训练,有计划的逐步提高学生的听 力

2、理解水平,培养学生实际应用语言的能力,为日后所从事的医药贸易,翻译,教学等 工作奠定坚实的语言基础。2 .该课程在整个专业课程体系中的地位英语听力是高等学校英语专业的基础课程,是英语专业综合训练课程和各种技能的单项 技能训练课程之一,是英语专业的必修课程。3 .该课程在专业学习目标中的作用以及该课程与前后课程的联系具有一定的英语听说能力是从事涉外医贸,翻译,教学等职业必备的英语技能,具有良 好的听力理解能力也是英语综合水平的必要基础,因此听力课程是重要的基础性课程。初级 听力主要面向英语专业一年级新生。训练最基本的听力技巧和方法,引导学生听音辨别最基 本的音素,单词,结构,内容主要涉及英语国家

3、生活中最一般的主题,培养学生最基本的听 力理解能力,为后续的中级听力,商务英语听说等课程打下基础。(二)教学基本要求1)知识能力:能听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活和社会生活的谈话;能听懂中等难度(如TOEFL中的短文)的听力材料,理解大意,领会作者的态度、感情和 真实意图。能听懂VOAE常速度和BBC新闻节目的主要内容。能大体辨别各种英语变体(如美国英语、英国英语、澳大利亚英语);能在15分钟内听写根据已学知识编写或选用的词数为200个左右、语速为每分钟 120个单词的录音材料,错误率不超过8%2)方法能力:能参加医药等方面的国际会议,能用英语进行医药贸易的口头交流,能较好地将中医中药进行翻译。

4、(三)课程的重点和难点本课程的讲授一般安排在第 1、2个学期,本课程重点是:1、快速记录数字、时间、货币等,并做简单的运算;2、记录地名;基础词汇拼写和缩写短句的记录;3、听懂简短对话并做选择;4、作简单笔记;回答问题;是非判断;搭配;排序;短文听写等;难点是音近词的辨音和短文听写。(四)课程教学方法与手段初级听力教学以学生听力技巧训练为主,在教学中要适当开展多种形式的教学活动。建议在教学过程中,以调动学生的积极性为核心,主张教师精讲,学生多练;学生主导,教 师指导;构建交互式、参与式课堂教学体系,将教师讲授法、学生中心法、启发式教学法贯 穿在课堂教学中。(五)教学时数分配表初级听力教学时数分

5、配表教学内容各教学环节学时分配采用何种多媒体教学手段早下主要内容讲授实验实践指导 自学小计1Preparatory Lesson 1-288ppt,音频,视频2Preparatory Lesson 3-488ppt,音频,视频3Preparatory Lesson 5, VOA慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频4Lesson 1&2, VOA 慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频5Lesson 3&4, VOA 慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频6Lesson 5&6, VOA 慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频7Lesson 7&8, VOA 慢速新88ppt,音闻频,视频8L

6、esson 9, VOA慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频9Lesson 10, VOA慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频10Lesson 11, VOA慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频11Lesson 12, VOA慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频12Lesson 13, VOA慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频13Lesson 14, VOA慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频14Lesson 15, VOA慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频15Lesson 16, VOA慢速新闻88ppt,音频,视频1616. Review and Q/A88ppt,音频,视频合计128128(六)教材与主要参考书教材:英语初级

7、听力,(Listen to this:1),何其莘等 外语教学与研究出版社,2002年参考书:1 .新英语交谈上册(New Person to Person),外语教学与研究出版社,牛津大学出版社,2001年2 .英国广播公司电台英语听力通,扬子江音像出版社,2003年网络资源:普特英语听力论坛 蝙蝠英语学习网英语学习方法和资源旺旺英语学习网(七)考核与评价考核形式:闭卷考试评价方式:形成性评价+终结性评价。评分标准:期末成绩占70%平时成绩占30% (主要考察出勤、课堂表现、作业等)三、教学内容纲要初级听力课程教学内容纲要Preparatory Lesson 1-2一、教学目的与要求Brus

8、h up the dictation skills on numbersTo know various expressions involved with numbers二、教学内容Numbers/years/days/addresses/times/abbreviations/spelling/contractionsShort dialoguesDictation of words similar in pronunciation三、教学形式与方法问答,跟读,小组竞赛Preparatory Lesson 3-4一、教学目的与要求To learn to describe various ty

9、pes of equationsThe dictation of long numbers二、教学内容numbers/letters/timesShort dialoguesDictation of words similar in pronunciation三、教学形式与方法问答,跟读,小组竞赛Preparatory Lesson 5, VOA 慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求To know coins terminology in Britain and AmericaBe acquainting to several major cities of the United StatesThe a

10、ble to distinguish different terminology for coins in the UK and USA二、教学内容coins terminology /city names/different terminology for coinsShort dialoguesVoa news三、教学形式与方法搭建认知图式,跟读,讨论Lesson 1&2, VOA 慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Have a basic understanding about News StructureTo identify the important information, su

11、ch as time, location, activity, reason or result of an affairTo learn some frequently used idiomsget used to the pronunciation containing the sound omissions二、教学内容Voa newsShort dialoguesDiscussion /interviewsDictation of one paragraph三、教学形式与方法Lesson 3&4, VOA 慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求How to do dictation? And

12、 its importance in language learning.Learn to understand implied meaning through the dialogues.二、教学内容Voa newsDialoguesdictation三、教学形式与方法听说法,角色扮演,跟读Lesson 5&6, VOA 慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Learn to catch some key words that contain the information of place, the identity of the speaker and the action of the s

13、peaker.Various ways do make suggestions in conversationDevelop a systematic understanding on phrases and sentence patterns in telephone conversation.二、教学内容Telephone conversationsVoa newsDialogues(for detailed information like place, identity, action )三、教学形式与方法Role- play repetition reportLesson 7&

14、;8, VOA 慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Learn to develop a “top down " strategy to process informationHelp students to note down important points only through important pointsGet acquaintance to names of different places of BritainLearn to dictate FractionsLearn to judge various kinds of negative sentence pattern

15、s二、教学内容Top down strategyNote-takingDialogues三、教学形式与方法Instruction map-reading ask and answer reportLesson 9, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Strengthen the ability of capture the key points in a conversationLearn to find answers through inferring from broken pieces of information二、教学内容DialoguesAn invitation to a vol

16、leyball matchTelephone conversationMonologuesdictation三、教学形式与方法Report singing discussionLesson 10, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求To develop a basic understanding about phrases and sentence structures used in Hotel through the conversationsTo generate the viewpoint of each participants in a debate.To learn several

17、 terminologies used in various sports events.二、教学内容voa newsDialoguesDiscussionForumSpot dictation三、教学形式与方法Role-play repetition group work reportLesson 11, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Get acquaintance of food in BritainTo learn some phrases and expression in Restaurant EnglishWine culture of western countries二、教

18、学内容DialoguesRestaurant EnglishTelephone conversationDiscussion: remembering with regretMonologueMusic or money ?三、教学形式与方法Role-play repetition reportLesson 12, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求dictate important numbers and percentage from a monologueContinue to acquire expression on restaurant EnglishAdapt to an conv

19、ersation with background noise二、教学内容Dialogues: restaurant EnglishDescriptionConversationA partyDictation of sentences三、教学形式与方法Role-play Repetition Instruction reportLesson 13, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Get acquaintance about situation in KashmirLearn expressions to describe complexions and figuresPractice to

20、take notes by following time sequence二、教学内容Dialogues : restaurant EnglishDiscussing past eventsConversation at perfect partners Ltd, a Dating AgencyDictation ; a letter三、教学形式与方法Role-play repetition competitionLesson 14, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求To know something about airplane structureLearn to catch the key

21、 points in a conversationPractice with telephone conversations, especially leaving messages二、教学内容DialoguesTelephone conversationShoppingSpot dictationVoa news三、教学形式与方法Role-play blank-filling reportLesson 15, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求To know how to order food in a restaurantTo get evidence from the monologue

22、according to hints.二、教学内容DialoguesQuick lunchDinnerInterviewWhy can' t I do what I like?DictiationVoa news三、教学形式与方法Role-playLesson 16, VOA慢速新闻、教学目的与要求To cultivate the ability to capture single word accurately in a fast speed Learn more expression about hotel EnglishLearn some expressions used wh

23、en consulting a doctor二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1 short dialoguesSection 2long dialogues: the snack bar / hotel English conversation with background music: party Discussion : work anxiety/stressSection 3 : dictation三、教学形式与方法Role-play instruction16. Review and Q/A (2 学时)一、教学目的与要求To review what have been

24、taught in this semester.Help Ss with their problems and difficulties二、教学内容Voa newsShort dialoguesLong conversationsSpot dictation三、教学形式与方法Model test ask and answerLesson 17, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Learn more complicated expression used when consulting a doctor Learn more phrases used in restaurant EnglishH

25、ave an in-depth understanding of various kinds of breakfast in Europe二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1:Short dialoguesSection 2:Long dialogues: restaurant English/in the cinema Description and narration : a science fiction storySection 3 a dictation三、教学形式与方法Instruction role-play repetition2. Lesson 18, VOA 慢速

26、新闻一、教学目的与要求To extract information and then put it down organize it in a logical way according to the contextPractice to retell a story二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1 : short dialoguesSection 2 : long dialogues: an interview/a discussion /past mistatkes/monologueSection 3 : dictation (a dialogue)三、教学形式与方法Ins

27、truction role-play repetitionLesson 19, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Develop a systematic knowledge about phrases and sentence structures used in weather broadcastingTo figure out relationship of family members with the help of a familiy treeTo take down notes a person ' s background information according to

28、 his二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1 short dialoguesSection 2 long conversations : news/at the airport/past experience/monologue 1,2Section 3 dictation三、教学形式与方法Instruction role-play repetition4. Lesson 20, VOA 慢速新闻,一、教学目的与要求Have a basic understanding about U.S. PoliticsCultivate the ability of scanningStreng

29、thening the ability to capture the wanted message and put it down in a concise way.二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1 short dialoguesSection 2 long conversations初级听力课程教学大纲preferences/telephone call/old arthur/the man who missed the plane/dangerous illusionSection 3 dictation : the meaning of color三、教学形式与方法Inst

30、ruction role-play repetitionLesson 21, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Various expressions about loveStrengthening the ability of scanning before listeningGet used to the Midland British accentCultivate the ability on note-taking of important details in a conversation二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1 short dialoguesSection 2

31、 long conversationsintentions/annual presentation/dicussion1,2/telephone conversation /monologueSection 3 dictation : an introduction of a product三、教学形式与方法Instruction role-play repetitionLesson 22, VOA 慢速新闻,AP 新闻,Oral Workshop 4-A( 3 学时)一、教学目的与要求An intensive practice with complains between customers

32、 and managersObtain basic knowledge on several tourism spots of LondonTo know types of hotels available in UK, such as Youth Hotel, B&B二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1 long dialoguesSection 2 presenting tour packages/discussing a holiday/obtaining information /a bus tour/tour of londonSection 3 question

33、/dictation三、教学形式与方法Instruction role-play repetition7. Lesson 23, VOA 慢速新闻,一、教学目的与要求Restaurant English-words & phrases used in paying feesTo learn more expressions on tourism English, especially in customsIntroduce several well-known dessert of Chaozhou foodNote down jokes happen in restaurantsWa

34、ys to transfer capital from a country to another二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1 long dialoguesSection 2 on a london bus/at the travel agency/at the customs/the smuggler/missing childrenSection 3 question / dictation三、教学形式与方法Instruction role-play repetitionLesson 24, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Strengthening skills on c

35、alculationsWays to ask for adviceWays to make appointmentsLearn several terminologies used in court二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1 calculations/numbers and symbols/asking for advice/Section 2 telegram/interviw appointment/ henry/radio talk/Mr. pollard and solicitor/monologueSection 3 question /dictation三、教学

36、形式与方法Instruction role-play repetitionLesson 25, VOA慢速新闻一、教学目的与要求Strengthening listening skills on numbers, especially those in concrete situationsA comparison of superstition in western countries to those in China二、教学内容Voa newsSection 1 numbers/dialoguesSection 2 memories/married life/superstition/ghost/a strange storySection 3 question / dictation三、教学形式与方法Instruction role-play repetitionLesson 26, VOA 慢速新闻,AP 新闻,Oral Work


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