



1、试卷类型;A唐山市20192020学年度高二年级第一学期期末考试'英语试卷注意事项:本试:卷分第1卷(选择题)和第I!卷(非选择题)两部分.第I卷】至8页.第“ 卷9至12页.共150分.考试时间120分钟.1,答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂在答与匕 每小题选出答案国.用粉弟把答题K上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用横皮 擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.不能答在试卷上.2第H卷答案一律写在试卷上.交卷时只交答题片和第“卷.第I卷(共95分)第一部分:听力(共二节,满分30分)第一节共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分73分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有个小题

2、,从烟中所给的A、B、C三个选曜中选出 出传选项,井标在试卷的相应的也曾.用完加应对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有 关小唐和阕读卜一小勒.每段对话仅谑一遍.1. Whaf is ihu man going to do tonighi?A. Go to a live concert, B XHsit his foreign teacher, C. Ddivsyr a speech.2. Where does the woman live?A Jn AustraliaB. In America,C. In Canada.3. When will ihcir lunch probably beg

3、in?A. At IL30.B. At 12:00.C. Ai 12:30.4. Whal does ihr man think of War Craft 2?A Jl* great.B. h's noisy.C It's tx>ring.5. Wfiere does the convmaiiun probably ukt place?A. In the hospisl.B. In the companyC. In the gym.第二节(共15小fiL锥小庵L5分,满分225分)吃卜面5段幻话.越网对话后台几个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳诜项.片标注

4、试卷的相应付胃,听每儿对话前.你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后.茶小魅将给出5杪钟的作答时间.每段对话读两遍.听第6段材料,回答第6至第7厩.6. Whai are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Visiting places.B. Taking pictures.C. Seeing a movie.7. Whai interests the man most?A- The red busesB. British pfione booths.C. Some street painting.听第7段材料,回答第8至第9即.8. WhaCs T

5、on> going to do?1. lb sta> in New Zealand for 3mdy8. Tb see his grandparents in Sweden(' lb visit sorne universities in England.9. How many family members will visit the man"A. Three.B. Four.听第8段材料.回答第】。至第1288.!0 What did the man do List Sunday?A* Visited his prolcssoTn B. Went fbr a

6、picnic.IL How is heunuvrsiiy life?A, Busy*B. Difficult2. What's the relationstiip between the iwo speakers?A. FriendsB leacher and student.所第9段材料.同性第13至第16题.3 Wtiy 出片号(be w(Mi)an waul lo be a repair woman?A. She likes working on carsB. Her boyfriend is a repainnai.C. She is tired of studying nur

7、singM. Whai is Janies doing tk)w?A. Working in a 上修3自£ B. Studying in a colkge.15. Which job does the nuui think fits omcn?A. A piwno waebtrB A truck driver.16. Who will examine the man飞 car?A. The woman,B James.听第10段材料.回答第17至第20题.17. Where does ihir speaker make an worKs?A. At the local market

8、 B. In his studio,18. J low dues the speaker el iEispirmiofi fur arl?A. By sorting cDhectcd rubbish into piles,B By observing art werks at Iwa! exhibitions,C Ry playing armHKl %ith dtflerent com hi nations19. Whai works by the spekur arc displavcd 覆 eKhibiltons?A.心献£ ;md lamps.R Animal 阳”|pwre0

9、20. How do wc describe the speaker?C. Seven.C. Got together with frknds.C, InterestingC. Lollcaguo.C. Serving in the hospitaLC. A carpenter.C. NobodyC. At local exhibitions.C. Pencil boxes.C I Eiiitkirnus.A. Creatig0- Hux5t.高英语试卷A卷第2页共12页3第二部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分35分) 第一节:共10小置;每小题25分,满分25分)阅谭卜列短文,从每即所给的四个选项

10、IA、B. C和D)中.选出最佳选顼,并在 答题专上将谈项送黑*AEltveri-yejr-uld Ruby Kate Ciulscy has long been close to older lolks.! icr mother, Amanda Chiisey, is a nun»e uhu works at nursing in Harrison, and Kale often fbllows her around in the summer.Last M35, Ruby Kate learned a resident (居民)rutmed Pearl fell 理)sad to

11、r she had to send her dog away. The reason was thai Lhe nursing home didift allow residents Io luve dogs and Pearl couldn't afford to pay anyone 10 look a Rei hers. Slw also leametl ikit man) nuking home residents were unable to afford even the smaltesl luxuries (奢侈品)So Kate decided to do someth

12、ing about it.She started by asking residents what three things the,warned most in the wtuld, Amanda worried thai people would ask for ears and other things an U-year-old wouldn'i be sihle t(» provide Instead, they asked for chocolate bars. McDonald's fries, pants itiat fit properly,即鼠 e

13、ven just a prayer,ll broke me as a human/ Amanda says, *We left the nursing honi thai day mid went to a store and bought a5 many items as we could.'Using thrir own money. !hc ('hitscys satisfied (he wishes of about 100 people in three months. Tlwn they started asking for donations. I he good

14、 people of Harrison responded enthusiastic a Hyr so much so (hat Amanda sci up a OoFundMc page. Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents, hoping to collect $5,000. Th。hil their goal in only a tew days. After GoFundMe promoted KjCc*s storj inieniaiknully (his Januan. llixc raised S20.000 in 24 houre and

15、 more than $250,000 in five months.Earlier this year. Three Wishes became 口 nonprofii and staned its first nationwide chapters 2L Why was Pearl unhappy?A. Because she became terribly illB Because she couldn't a fiord Juxuries.C. Because keeping dogs was forbiddenBecause rx> one looked after h

16、er 山唱22. Wtiiil ik)vsu learn ahxit Three Wishes fnf Ruby、Residents?A, It started raising money in nursing homes.B li go I great support trom the people of Harrison.C. Ii has developed branches in each statu ot America.D. Il only received dona I ions o! monc, on ihe IntcmeL23. Whafs the author's

17、purpose of writing the (ext?A. To popularize (he Chitseys* Three Wishes.B. b tuhmise the nursing homes in Harrison.C. Io iniroduce bow the Chitseys htlpeJ the rv«Uem*.D. lo encourage people lo Jonak tor Hafiiwifs residents.BA monthj fctxig drouglu affecting most of soulhem Africa ha5 led to ser

18、ious (ood shortage tor RiTilions ot pcopkThe Uniltd Ndiions eMimMes (估计)that more than 11 million people 加七 facing cnircme ack of Food. The World Food Program says souihem Afriva has received normal rainfall in just one 0I the pasi 水飞 growing seEisuns.Among the htvxjcsi hil areas is South Africa'

19、;s Nonhcn Cope province There, many farmers nre struggling fc keep thek lamilies and animals alive &s ih今 lose money and debt gru*、. Shecfi 七irm肥r Loui> tolJ die AP he hiid lust umjic than 4(k) slieep over ihc pait Iwu yedrsr Hedrought was ihe hofm during his 45 years of farminp. He goi emoti

20、onal wtiiifexplaEnmg that he now accepted donations cl animal ked so he could keep the rest of his animals nlivc.H's cslimaicd thal this area will need 就 teasi S2R mill ion uvri the next ihree mtinihs t(i assist I5t500 aHkcied Linut So (iirt Suuili Afrku govcntiiietil hns priMiiisetl $2 miltimL(

21、jennjia :rom Vbstxirg loid the AP thrnRS had pnnen so bad thai $he shaied her family's food wuh I heir anunds. Small children were hungry, too, At. Vbsbu 电工 onlv school, LX: Ila Primary SchnL Lirgc groups nf chiLdgrt lined up for whal became botli breakAnd hmeh. The meal usually "kJuded cti

22、m tneal, vegetables and winp, Hh's ven hard for Ihe parents to actually feed their children at honw/' one leacher said.Ln Kimberte); the capital of Northern Cape, government ofHcials give out money from the S2 million di如归r aid pccigrani Vhc joh can be dittkull beenuse some tamers live tn pl

23、aces that arc rn浦 easj to 目七1 g.2轧 Which of of the follow ng is TRUE about the drought?A. It has lasted a a hole momh.出 II is the Horsi in Atri<a s htsiory.C tl kitkd 400 shtep altogether.D, k aflects Northern ( ape 咽 imt25. Why were Louis' keliiigs out of Control?A. Because histlebls grew.博

24、Hetaiise he g出 ilonations.C. Because he losl nn>rc shftrpD Because histhildren went hungry26. What's Gw texi mainly a boutnA Government takes 小心uro g fight the rare drought.H. People crry Cui司八ellw severe draughtC FmrnKrs sufler a |*】ss of iinimak because of (fie dinaiighlD. DejdK drought in

25、Southem A;ficu leaves million缶 hungry.荔二英语读卷片卷第4页施仁贡cA genetic variant (基因变悻)that allows people io feel fully rested with ftwer than six how* sleep a night ha5 been found. 11 is the second ?uch finding in recent months.Ying-Hui Fu at the Univcr5ily of CahRimia, Sail Francisco, and her colleagues luv

26、c been seeking out genetk varian但 responsible fbr short sleep ;ind grneiically engineering Ihesc variants into mice fo conlirm their eftecl. In August, the team found a variant in a gene called ADRBI, which allots 12 members oi a family to sleep 4.5 hours per night without fed mg tired.Now the learn

27、 has found i variant :n a pane called NTPSRI in arwlhcr family, in which one sleeps avetAged 5.5 hours a night and the other just 43 hours, feeling fully rested. Another variant in NPSRI has previously been linked W people requiring 20 mimrtes less sleep than average, based on studies of tens of tho

28、usands of people.Gencrali>t long-icrm lack of sleep can contribute io manj disoriieni, including obesiiy, he;irt disease, high bltwi pressure and depresskm, As iar as Hu's Learn has been abk to UHL however, people who sleep less wiih one of the gene varijiih arc liralOiv and doift appear to s

29、utftr an)ill effects. However, to be absolutely sure would require long-ierm studies involving laryc numbers of people, which is not leasibk(口! It EFj).It might be pussible lo ikvelop drug* ihai 版口比 The effects of these variants However,心 NPSRI is also Involved in processes such as stress, anxiety a

30、nd fear, there % a nd of krimis side effects27. What did F心 tram do to confinn the variants1 effect?A. Observed blood pressure change.B. lasted genetic toriunls on mice.C. Snrted (he eifecis ofdiftcrcnl genes.D. Studied tJxise Merpitig less than jvrrage, 2& What can wc loam aboui Fu's team?A

31、. They arc researching vanants controlling sleep.B. Tlity Sinly NPRS1 in a family。12 members.C. They hjve developed drL|gs lu 健 nonnal people.llhey will discover more variants in a week.29. Miai docs the 曲面/"mimic 'in the I 闷 par 岷 ruph mean?A. Rcprodixx B. Compare. C. Avoid D. Reduce, i0 W

32、here does the text probably come from?A. A news report.B. A heahti magazirte.C A research paper,D* A biology textbook.高二英诩试卷A卷第5 5J1 JI以页5第二节(共5小眄每小题2分.满分I。分)阅读HH短文,根据屈文内容,从裔文后的选项中选出能增入空白处的最佳透项. 选项中有两项为多余选项.There an- grvui health tjenefiis from walkings slimmer uaisiJinct bener etnotions, morv focus

33、. a stronger immurw sysceni and bukinccd blood levels, 3 But talking with good habits wiJ strcngtlicn those benefits as well 曲写 avoid any injiiries. Here arc ihe ways on how to walk properly.J3ZAliliough everyone has ihcir ov/n way of walking, ccnain common 加 havion can improve almost everyone's

34、 walking experience. Chief among these is ynur posture (姿势).As you wdk. Irtp your be昌d upright, y9ur hack straight, and your ciiui up. Otherwise, bad posture can lead lo b(*ck pain, ui! in flexible()eckT and <ven murt 5erious d leases.Add 琳arming uplleforc your woHcout. make sure you stretch (伸展)

35、muscles io avoid injury. 33 Not only may you get injuredt but it will also get you tired even quicker. Start whh a walk at a normal pace and then slowly increase the pace.Swing your armsDon t hold your arms tight by your side. If so, it locks awkward and also hmils walking pace. Your valking pace m】

36、I【become taskr 5 Jone ns you mvurf >oiir amis. !f weather permits, 第 to keep your handq out of your pockets. MTitne >our »*tksWhen 认alkiTi、the lime you do w maiters. Make sure you walk a few minutes after you eat, not i hi mediate I hai way.)our body can still digest whai you just ate bet

37、dre a workout 35 May if he I S-10 mimncs every day find time to 晒Mk 白nd exercise, keeping jour body active A. Relax be lore walking.B. Stand ml的 1 while walking.C. Don t do talking at a high speed immediately!D. (t's best to create a schedule suitable for >our litestyle.E. In inher words, wal

38、king can make you happier and healthierF Doing so alk'wi you tu walk fabler and ikrther than you would otlrwiw?.G. 1 h iiiu your slkiaiders pulled back makes you more conhdent and greater!高二英语试卷A卷第6页共12页第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小翻:每小趣1S分,满分30分)阅谀下面短文,从短文后所给各源的四个选项(A、R、和I”中选出可以填入空 白处的最住选项,并在

39、经即付上将该项涂黑.I met my art teacher Ms. J in the seventh grade and she changed me.In her first class, she encouraged us to 36 what an meant. During discussion on facial structure and paintings, she 37 the “gol加n raiio (黄金比例) a brauiy standard and explained how Davinci applied it to his works to ensure th

40、ey were visually 38 .I couldn't help bul think if my J9 had been measured agsiinsi the golden ratio," my score *ould have been 4。.was bom with a facial disfigurcmcnl (缺陷)and my face looked 41 . After regular appiiiumenK with 42 . my face was changed many limes with Hnk improvement, 143seein

41、g myself in I he mirror.Peiif)3eS sirane Kme* srinu、expressions kept idling me that I 科as A4 . Wcrse still, my photo appeared in a magazine with big letter*;“卜ace similar to sork of Picasso ' right below. I felt 45 一I told M. J About my 46 and how my face was compared to Picasso painting.* Ari i

42、srf i about whai you see hut about what you 47 She comforted me 即d (old me that our 48 appear;jncts were our signatures that we left in the world, which set us 49 and mude u¥ beautiful. And then slw showed me a picture of an old man with ong white hair. "You see, Davmci doe&rf l hwk to

43、o pretty, bul his works 和 beauty on us. she added.! wis struck hj her weirds, tiiid I aixitiered 51 I had never thought this way.口"Beinn compared to Picasso may seem like a shame, but ilw a(n) 52 * You are unique and you jix a miiMcrpimr-FToday, when I look 义_ _ tiie mirror, 1 uill rcmenilier H

44、ie rorch ol my teacher, "beauty h subjective*' and ! gel to know my appearance is my 54It takes me scars to 55 (hat beauiy 认 more ih)n a cold cakuhtion36. A. recordB. Lik«C. exploreD. irtOTC37. A. inventedEl introducedC. qucsiioncdD drew38. A, attractiveB. tolerantC. boringD. acceptabl

45、e39. A weighiB. headC. heightD. face40. A, lowB. commonC satisfyingD. strange4 IL A. normalB IH助tenin耳C. paleD. amusing也 A. daleB. artiiuC. icoctiersD. aciors*43, A. enjoyedB imaginedC. keptD, haled44. A. dangerousB. oldC. difTcrcntD fhigil匕45. A. iwrvtxisB asfMinedC. puzzledD. peacefullb. A. Suftcn

46、ng5B. dreamsC. choicesD. risks47. A. paintH. planC. hearD. feelJ48. A. prenyB ordinaryC. uniqueD. ugly49. A. dovinB. apartC. aside口. back50. A. loadedB. focusedC. basedD. impressedSLA. howR. whenC. whvD. where52 A. honnrB victonC. reliefD. excuse53 A. ihroughB. intoC. for(X after54. A, chanceB. stre

47、ssC. artD. pain55 A forgetR. conTplainC. observeD. realize高二英语试卷A 1隹第8双共12出高二英语试卷A卷第9页共12页7唐山市20192020学年度离二年级第 学期期末比试英语试卷第【I卷共55分)建号语法城交曲用丈甯件总分分屐非选择题部分第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分的分)第二节:谓名填空(共10小融彳每小般可分.满分15分)得分 评卷入同波F面材概,在茫白处嬉人9身的内雪一个隼词)亶揩号内单词的正珊阳式“请他答案承写4k后指定门置.CPU is a» ef!ectjc form nt' first .lid S

48、6 tg*vc) (n ihc Yictim whose head 5top?-Dihg jt can inereiix: die Gnaricc of ttw 'iuiiir's 上?_ (survive). So knowing CjJR cjj】 be u real lifesaver.Hoi*, to pive CPft,> lliere arr 5* 八 iEl。th ref rep1 Firxilyt roll the vkiim <mio hi、 hack ,144口 chrM ctHiipiv、iei (fu i-) . Il k jy, if ke

49、ep*.卜IrxT 11 winj* to ihc brain,heart and cUkt organs. I o pertorm the c;tmrrvssion placenc hand over frl) other und press firmly on the vidim's Jiesi many timw ta a 如此 81 (push)皿 Id&t 2 inches deep on ever) con;press*on Iheii after cnm|Lirrssfnr 6J (c(mip'cte)r cheek ihir air way 6* (st

50、t) whether die paw) h bm1hitig+ f ml pcrfbim inouth-tn-mnuth rescue bnraching* _fi4 hclf>s io move ihc 仃、gen dnwn into 出工 ictirr lun Ai.d chest cotiiprosi.n should %(Ari aRnrri nghl after the 1 明。breathe are jiven. HLtarrt CPR, liir yuu ricvct knuw mu mighE netJ 65 . Arid il IrtJi gutxl U> kno

51、x itu >ujcouht hdp in uf cnjcrgcrK)56.5 758._.独 60._._8L 62. 6V 6465'高二美诋试卷第B页共IN页13第四部分:写作共两节,满分4Q分)第一节:应用文写作满分15分)得分评卷入假如你是李华.关注到这样则报道:由于温度升高.无处觅食 的北极酢入月俄罗斯北部村庄.请你就环境总化问醒.用英语给联合 国环境双划署写一封电子邮件.内容包括E1 1表示.,表达担忧.3.呼吁采取行动.注意;L词数80左右,2.开果和结尾均已给出(不计入总词数)»3,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.仇 ar SirMadam, am &

52、#39;A'nting to yu about hungry polar bcara invading a northern village in Russia fbrfood,_ _Bc5t wishes for you+Yours,Li Hua w高二英语试卷第LO页共12页第二节 读后续苜(满分25分)阅读F面电匕 根据所给悟节进行埃写.使之构成一个完整的故事When I was 9 year old. 1 used lo cut 即心s for Mrs, I aw. Ihe elderly lady paid me very little, for she hadn't

53、 much more、. But site did promise me* "When Chrhlmns comes. I shall have a present for you.'' I spent much,itne wondering what it would be. The boys I played with had baseball gkn es and bk?<!es din.! ic5 山:七 and I Mas 50 cger to atquirv an> one orthese that【convii.LijJ n»)el

54、fihn Mrs. Is nil inh ndid choosing I'rom ainong them.,*h 她Quid hardly h<- a hascbalI reasoiicd with "A woman like Mrs Uinwouldn't knnu imi< h about baseball/ Since she was old and weak, I also ruled out the bicycle, for how could、hu handle mh h a Urge itemOn my hxt Saturday st uor

55、k. Mrs. Long : idAl>ou tornr to thj door artdcolkci iht: pteseiU." these yonh ciiuched f确定)my guebs. Since she w is ging to have the pi esent in her Ik>m,ind handle 11 herself, unquebtionahl she 钟居 giving me a pair of ice skates.I became so convinced of this that I cvuld imaginr myseJf up

56、on the skat and the£XUtjnj thes brought me As the cold day隼 of Niovembcr nrrived and ice bean to form un the ponds. I began to try my luck on the icr. *Get away trom that icc! a man shouted , lt*s not strong enough yer'*s Christniis approx bed, it as Mth difliculty I hat ! res: rained (抑制)m

57、yself fiom reponing io Mrs. 1-ottgAJKl Jenidndtng m> presentn On the 21st of Dttemben ic5 cailier froze all the poiid so 山型 b(.*ys who olrcu空 had ke $Jhs were abk to u* ihcni. My longing to pene%、miiir became ocrpowenni;So the nex! day I could 必2I my>elf no longer and presented mvsclf a! Mrs Ixsng's door.力*c been Mailing tor you/' she said with a smite.注意:h所纹号的短文词数应为ISO左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关健词语:3,埃耳部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好:4,续写完成后,请用卜划,标出你所使用的关键闻语。高二英语试卷 第II以具12贝4Paragraph 】:She Mil me in u chair and hanilrd a tr


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