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1、1 .自 我介绍(introduce yourself)Q: Just make a simple introduction about yourself.A1:My name is, I m twelve years .oTdiere are four people in my familyMy father, mother and little brother. I love my familyvery much. I like exercising and listening to music when I am free. I want to be a doctor when I gr

2、ow up.” Just dootto(座右铭i$. my2 .兴趣爱好(hobby)Q: what is your favorite sports?A: My favorite sport is Ping-Pong. The biggest reason is that just after two mouth training, I won the match in our school and then I was sent to compete with (与竞争) other school, and I won again. I thinkmaybe I have gift of (

3、对有天赋)it.Q: What is your hobby?A1: I like listening to music, because make me relax and sometimes give me brave 勇气.A2: I like reading books very much, I have a bookshelf which is full with all kinds of books. Reading books can make me relax and learn a lot.Q: What is your favorite food?A1: I like eve

4、rything that is good to me, maybe they are not so delicious美味的.A2: I like oranges very much. It is sweet and a little acid 酸.The most important is that it is very healthy to me.3 .Q:what do you want to be when you grow upfe大reliee thndr pain 解除痛苦A: I want to be a doctor when I grow up, because docto

5、r is like an angle, being doctor can save many peopleThere will be less sadness and tears in the world.4 .Q:Were you ever in a leading positionA: I had been a monitor班长 for three years, it was a great experiences 历.I made many good friends and learned a lot.it makes me become a more selfless 无私的,res

6、ponsible 有责任心的and careful 认真的people. I can organize an activity 组织活动 with other class leaders without looking for help 寻求帮助 from teachers. I will be not nervous 紧张 when I give a speech in public.5 .Q:why you choose our schoo PA: As we all know, its one of the best schools in yunnan. It can give me a

7、 better platform to improve 提升 myself. Many of my friends who are very excellent choose this school. I believe I can learn more and become a greater boy.A1 : Just do it. I think taking action is the most important. One shouldn just say. At the same time, we need the courage气 to face problem and try

8、his hard to 尽力 deal with it instead of complaining.7 .Q:do you think you have some shortcomings ( or pros ) , if yes , describe it simply。A:I am an optimistic 乐观的,outgoing 夕卜向的,humorous 幽默的, hardworking 努力的 and responsible有责任心的 boy. I can get along well with 与相处 my classmates. I always want to be be

9、tter and canspare no effort to achieve my goa澳现我的 目 标.But if I get good grades, I can become arrogant骄傲 easily. I am a little careless, and I can control 捽制 myself. Sometimes, I am a little stubborn 固执的.So it is hard to convince说月艮 me. But now I am trying to calm down冷静 and listen to others view.8 .

10、Q:have you ever went some famous place , if yes , tell us more about thatA: Yes, I have been to Lijiang, it is a very beautiful place. The buildingsthere are old. It isn t the style of modern buildings. It makes me feel more relax. There are many delicious food, and people from there are very friend

11、ly. If possible, I will go there again.Travel can open our eyes, make us know more about the world. We can meet all kinds of people from all over the world, and learn different culture.9. Q: if you fail in an exam. How do you handle with it ?A: First I will be a little sad, but I will the paper soon

12、, find out why I make those mistakes. Then I will correct them in my notebook and the most important is to make a summary of this exam and make a simple plan to solve this problem.10. Q: what is the most important in your life right now?A: someone told me that a good middle school means a good high

13、school, then a good university. I think that s right. So I cost a lot for this interviewI hope I can pass it and be admitted by this school. It is the most important thing for me right now.11. Q: how do you deal with the challenge?A: don t escape, just face it without panic. If necessary, ask for he

14、lp from others.12. Q: the most unforgettable experienceA: several months ago, I went to southern medical university.my family teacher take me there. She knows that I want to be a teacher. That was the second time I went there. But because of her introduction, I learned more.The life in college is ve

15、ry free. No one can force 强迫 us do something except ourselves. That day I went to the library which was full of people. They were reading or writing. But some of her roommates were surfing internet or playing outside. I know whenever I want to stop, I will be caught by others. There is always someon

16、e keeping working hard. After that, I know I have a lot of to learn, but I will never give up 放弃.13. Q: do you think you get along well with your friends. How do they describe youA : Yes, they say Xu Banghao is a good friend. He is humorous, outgoing and honestM实的.He always can keep secreft守秘密 for h

17、is friends.14. Q: do you have several good friends. What do you think of them. Or What can you learn from them?A: My friend, Lu Yijun. He is a great boy. He is kind and can think for others. He is good at study, but he is never proud. This is what I need to learn.15. Q:how have you been get on with

18、your studies.A:compare to English, I am better at Chinese and math. So I prefer to them. But I know that a good student should do well with every subject. So this year I try hard to learn it and develop my interest. From listening to reading, speaking to writing. I spend exact time practicing them e

19、very day. Many people say I make a great progress(得巨大进步.16.1 f you are admitted by our school.there will be many very excerllent students.we know you are also great.but how can you make yourself stan d out among them.A: no one can be the best, but can be better. Everyone has his pros or ins. We shou

20、ld learn from each other. Above all 最重要的是,I will try my best to not be left behind and keep confidence. Maybe I can won everyone, but I will never give up.17.Is there anyone that you admire very much if yes, tell us why.A:Deng Yaping, she is a famous Chinese Ping-Pong player. And I also like playing

21、 it very much. She had won many match for our country. She is the number one womed ssingles player in ITTF. She work hard and was very strict with herself. I like her very much.18.情景对话天气 weatherHow is the weather today冷天天气怎么样?The weather is nice toda冷天天气彳艮好。What was the weather like yesterday 昨天天气怎么

22、样?Yesterday it rained all day 昨天天在下雨。(it was rainy/snowy/windy/cloudy/sunny/foggy yesterday)What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气会如何?Its going to snow tomorrow.明天会下雪。Its quite cold/warm/cool/hot today.今天真冷 /温暖/凉爽/炎热。Its been cloudy all morning.整个早上者 B 是阴天。Is it raining now?现在在下雨吗?Itll probably

23、 clear up this afternoon.今天下午可能会放晴。The days are getting hotte 天气越来越热了。Today is the first day of spring/summer/fall/winter.今天是春天 /夏天/秋天/冬天的第一天。Whats the temperature today 今天几度?Its about seventy degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon.今天下午大概 华氏70度。小升初英语口语面试常考话题话题一:个人情况(Personal information)1、能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(

24、姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成 员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。2、能够听懂他人的有关个人信息,并且记录简单信息。话题二:家庭(Family and home)1、能够介绍家庭成员(姓名、年龄、职业、外貌特征、爱好等)的基 本信息。2、能够利用所学的语言,互相询问有关对方家庭的基本情况。3、能够简单地写出家庭成员的基本信息。4、能够介绍家庭住房的各种房间的名称,并能简单描述部分室内的 物品。5、能够简单介绍家庭成员平时经常在这些房间做的事情。6、能够尝试着设计自己梦想中的卧室,调查同学家里房间的拥有情况。话题三:学校(School lif

25、e)1、能够介绍自己的学校生活(学校名称、任课教师、专业教室的名称 等)。2、能够介绍自己的学习科目,喜欢和不喜欢的科目,并能简单说明 理由。3、能够向他人介绍自己的课程表,并设计自己喜欢的课程表。话题四:朋友(Friends)1、能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。2、能够简单地写出朋友的主要信息。话题五:天气(Weather)1、能够谈论有关天气情况。2、能够听懂简单的天气预报,并记录相关的信息。3、能够根据天气情况,设计自己的活动计划(合适的着装、活动去向、 活动目的等)。话题六:饮食(Food and drink)1、能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并简单说明理由。

26、2、能够简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。3、能够根据自己的喜好,为自己或他人点餐4、知道什么是良好的饮食习惯,初步了解中西方关于饮食文化的差 异。话题七动物(Animals)1、能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物,并说出为什么。2、能够描述动物的外貌特征以及它们的习性。话题八购物(Shopping)1、能够询问物品的价格。2、能够描述自己对所需物品的看法(如颜色、尺寸、大小等)。3、能够帮助顾客选择喜欢的商品,提出自己的建议。4、能够设计购物清单,进行合理的购物。话题九节假日(Holidays and Festivals)1、能够介绍自己节假日的安排、打算,并询问他人的相关计划。2、能够简单描述自己渡过的一个节假日的活动,如生日晚会等。3、能够初步了解中西方不同的节日,并知道如何相互表示祝贺。4、能够表达自己喜欢的节日,并简单地说明理由。话题十 日常生活(Daily life )1、能够介绍自己一天的生活起居。2、能够说出一天当中在什么


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