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1、ocusing onways and means of improving a nd upgra (stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilitymereportgrade,effectiveafterthe removalofcertain iding w ork,further devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"no chanisms must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat一

2、'1.1 . . .1 1 1 一. I. I. L. - . optimization park environmencentives.(C) integratedimplementation", building demolitiuna ory requirem一一 一.一.on,m odificatiuthori sed"createents, effective impleon, use" combimedn.tTathioentoowfthneship"no unautareaofhroersispeonsdi"biclrit

3、eyaotefdthtenewhiensexpiestination.Dem olition isthe meansand purposengbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" surveyand filestoragewctions,suppression, demolition worktoe nsure that thenew"zerbuilti s.To adheretothe building demoli shed,combi nationofconstr uctionaorkmust be uncondi

4、tionaland fullcoo tolerance". Se cond,publi一- - - - - 一nd demolition waste,demolishedwiullcoverage.Maibli c security,w athedwith combiter,elen corridorleadi ng tothe t own (roa d,river)village,theCentralbuilt-upareaofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".ct

5、ricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries ,touri sm coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlyenfor ce the illegalconstr uction ofdisposalAccordingto "fivehundre dvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,reconstr uction of old plant, exp and create, upgradi

6、ng creates files,t he real"no unaut horised village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffecti

7、vely.Astrictofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulati ons, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation topr event per sonalpriva cyviolati ons. Illicittrad

8、i ng in illegalconstr uction in theMi nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencereportingsystem ofince ntives.dsi des", seriesworkorganic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition work, andmanpoweradvance villagein the,and oldresi de

9、ntial demolitin work,to improve d masses housi ng conditionsand live environment;three to put "three modifieda split" as traditional low ,andsmall,and bulk industrystructuretranew unaut hori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas la nd, housing and basic stations According to buil din

10、g la wandcov ers an area ofnature ,toreporttimely degreedividend impr ove i dle land ofutilizati on,reala chieve denvir onment improved and productivitydevelopment mutualpr omoting totalwi n.Five, firmlyimplement,promoting work ahead, to cre atehig hlights.Thir d de ployme nt, impleme ntation ofseve

11、 n,thenit i s imperative tostrengt hen re sponsi bilitya nd im provet he mechanismsa nd im plementation.Alllocalitiesand department smust be convinced that goals,going allout,musteri ngspirit,w ork together to ensurethatt hisyear's objective s carry outtask s,at theforefront. First, wem uststren

12、gthenthe leadershipt o imple ment.Departments at alllevelsshoul d alwaysw ork a nd r ural "fivewatertreatment", "three tosplit"in an important position, andcarry themain responsi bility,main leader personall y,lea ders arrested and layersofresponsibilityranktransmission pressuree

13、sta blished hierarchical accountability,and worktogether topr omotet he work oftheme chanism, aconcertedeffortpayattentiontoimpl ementation.目前我国现代农业发展的现状(一)从农业经营模式看中国目前大多数地方仍然是精耕细作的小农经营模式,尤其是在一些不发达地区。这是中国上个世纪制定的政策,一直延用至今。无可否认,这种政策在制定之后很长的一段时期内, 对农业的发展起到了很大的促进作用。但是随着市场经济的深入发展,特别是中国加入 WTO 后, 这种模式因为其经营

14、的灵活性不足和低效性已经越来越不能适应激烈的市场竞争,经营走向困难。这就要求农业的经营策略要全局考虑,制定合理的生产结构,并能根据市场的变化而及时改变生产的品种和数量,经得起市场的跌宕起伏。而小农经济经营模式下经营者往往只注重眼前利益,根据目前市场行情来决定生产什么,而且产品非常单一,结构很不合理。这样可能在短期内收益会比较明显,但是由于盲目的大量的生产,该产品的市场很快出现饱和,价格迅速下降,收获不到好的收益后,营者们只能又再投入大量的资金去经营新的目前市场上走俏的产品,再次走上追逐失利 转营的怪圈(其实转营也不一定就能获得好的收益, 因为农业的生产周期通常比较长,等到转营后有产品产出是时候

15、那又可能是完全不同的市场了) 。这严重影响了本国农业的市场竞争力,长期还会影响生产者生产的积极性。今年广东的出现的荔枝大丰收却要贱卖、大量的冬瓜滞销,增产不增收的现象很大程度上就是这种原因造成的。(二)从生产过程看中国目前大多数农业生产还停留在粗犷的低级阶段,科技的投入很有限,导致中国农业面临以下尴尬局面。首先,农业产品的产量不稳定,经营者靠天吃饭。农产品的产量受天气、气候的影响很大, 而目前经营者的技术不足以趋利避害从而达到稳产,往往就是风调雨顺是年份产量好,收入相对就高,反正不然。上面提到:大年的时候所有的经营者都获得大丰收,但是供大于求,价格上不去。小年时候收成又不好,所以,经营者辛苦一

16、年下来,除去大量的化肥、农药等的投入后,最终能落入经营者口袋中的钱就不多。其次,生产率低,产品质量差,市场竞争力弱。中国目前很多地方的农业生产的机械化、 自动化还很低,特别是西部一些地区那就更是如此,生产率自然就难以跟那些农业发达国家的相提并论。生产率低带来的问题就是难以形成规模效益。还有,由于生产技术粗糙,化肥、 农药的过量使用使得我们的农产品在质量上也得不到保证,从农产品农药超标的报道的频率就可见一斑。在市场经济前提下,产品性价比的高低在很大程度上决定了该产品占有ocusing onways and means of improving a nd upgra ding w ork,furt

17、her devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna uthori sed"create d.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" surveyand filestorageworkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Main corridorleadi ng tothe

18、t own (roa d,river)village, theCentralbuilt-upareaofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".Accordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,reconstr uction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files,t he real&

19、quot;no unaut horised village" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrict new unaut hori

20、 sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas la nd, housing and basic stations(stations)and the Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme chanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements, effective implementation oftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, demol

21、ition worktoe nsure that thenew"zero tolerance". Second,publi c security,w ater,ele ctricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries, tourism coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments shouldstrictlyenfor ce the illegalconstr uction ofdisposal ofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulations, effective

22、fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and otherunits maynot be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywaterandel ectricitysupply.While moreregulation topr event per sonalpriva cyviolati ons. Illicittradi ng in illegalconstr uction in theMi nistry ofpubli cse curity secto

23、rt ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree istocreate additionaloffencereportingsystem ofince ntives.According tobuilding lawandcovers an areaofnature ,toreporttimely degreedivide dreportgrade,effectiveafterthe removalofcertain i ncentives.(C) integrate dimplementati on", building demoliti on,m odificati

24、 on, use" combi nation.Dem olition isthe meansand purposebuilti s.To adheretot he building demoli shed,combi nation ofconstr uctionand demolition waste,demolishedwithcombine d efforts to improvethescie ntificlevelofthr ee to split; second,we mustpayattentionto "three tosplit" and"

25、;five hundred"and"fivewater treatment","threeofthe foursides", t heshackDi stricttransformation,and dangerous oldroom transformationand "tworoadsi des", serieswork organic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition work, andmanpoweradvance village in the,a

26、nd oldresi dential demoliti on work,to improve d masses housi ng conditionsand live environment;thr ee toput "three modifieda split" as traditional low ,andsmall ,and bulk industrystructuretransf ormation upgradeof important initiatives to caug ht,speed up a dvance industryPark,effectivopt

27、imization park e nvironme nt市场份额的多少。据调查:我国果品中优质果仅占总产量的40%左右,能达到礼品果标准的产品只占总产量的5%左右,大量为中下等果,特别是外观更差。又据调查:进口苹果平均到岸价格大约为3.90 元 /公斤,柑橘为4.00 元/公斤,香蕉为1.90元/公斤,与我国同类水果批发价格水平相当,但整体质量明显要高。价格差不多,质量比不上别人,为求得生存我们的产品必须以更低的价格才能卖出去。其实, 目前市场上进口水果的零售价是同类国产水果的 2 倍甚至更高。最后,就是农产品的存储和保鲜的技术问题。这影响了我们的产品市场的开拓,销量难上新突破。(三)从营销策


29、品的深加工。 对产品的深加工不仅可以提升产品自身的附加值,更加可增加产品的多样性、拓宽市场、提高市场的竞争力和适应性三、制约我国现代农业发展的因素(一)目前的投入保障机制与现代农业的发展不相适应各级政府要切实把基础设施建设和社会事业发展的重点转向农村,国家财政新增教育、卫生、文化等事业经费和固定资产投资增量主要用于农村,逐步加大政府土地出让收入用于农村的比重。要建立“三农”投入稳定增长机制,积极调整财政支出结构、固定资产投资结构和信贷投放结构,中央和县级以上地方财政每年对农业总投入的增长幅度应当高于其财政经常性收入的增长幅度,尽快形成新农村建设稳定的资金来源。在强化农业科技创新的基础上,按照强

30、化公益性、放活营利性、引导非营利性的原则,加快ocusing onways and means of improving a nd upgra ding w ork,further devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna uthori sed"create d.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" sur

31、veyand filestorageworkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Main corridorleadi ng tothet own (roa d,river)village, theCentralbuilt-uparea ofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".Accordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old

32、 house s,reconstr uction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files,t he real"no unaut horis edvillage" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravit

33、y, management measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrict new unaut hori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas la nd, housing and basic stations(stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme chanisms must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat ory requirement

34、s, effective implementation oftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, demolition worktoe nsure that thenew"zero tolerance". S cond,publi c security,w ater,ele ctricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries, touri sm coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlye

35、nfor ce the illegalconstr ucti onofdisposal ofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulati ons, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ulation topr event per sonal

36、priva cyviolati ons. Illicittradi ng in illegalconstr uction in theMi nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencereportingsystem ofince nt ives.According to building la wandcov ers an area ofnature ,toreporttimely degreedivide dreportgrade,effective

37、afterthe removalofcertain i ncentives.(C) integrate dimplementati on", building demoliti on,m odificati on, use" combi nation.Dem olition isthe meansand purposebuilti s.To adheretot he building demoli shed,combi nation ofconstr uctiona nd demolition wast,demolishedwithcombine d efforts to

38、improvet hescie ntificlevelofthr ee to split; second,we mustpayattentionto "thre e tos plit" and"five hundred"and"fivewater treatment","threeofthe foursides", t heshackDi stricttransformation,a nd da ngerous ol droom transformationand "tworoadsi des"

39、, serieswork organic com bine d up,active do Rive r,andal ong demolition w ork, andmanpowera dvance village in the,and ol dresi dential demoliti on work,to improve d masses housi ng conditionsand live environment;thr ee to put "three m odifieda split"as tra ditional low ,andsmall ,and bulk

40、 industrystructuretransformation upgradeof important initiatives to caug ht,speed up a dvance industryPark,effectivoptimization park e nvironme nt完善农业科技推广服务体系。积极探索农技推广新机制,以国家农技推广机构为主导,实行农科教、产学研、科工贸相结合,调动社会力量参与农技推广事业,培育多元化农技推广主体。近几年实行的各项补贴政策,深受基层和农民欢迎,要不断巩固、完善和加强,逐步形成目标清晰、受益直接、类型多样、操作简便的农业补贴制度。要不断巩固、


42、引导农民开展直接受益的农田水利工程建设,推广农民用水户参与灌溉管理的有效做法。强化和落实耕地保护责任制,切实控制农用地转为建设用地的规模。(三)政府对农业的金融支持不够健全强化金融对农业的支持,需要进一步推进农村金融体制改革和创新,加快建立健全适应 “三农”特点的多层次、广覆盖、可持续的农村金融体系。应进一步降低准入条件、放宽准入范围,积极培育多元化的新型农村金融服务主体,努力构建包括政策金融、商业金融、合作金融的种类多样、覆盖全面、分工明确、有序竞争、服务高效的农村金融服务体系。鼓励各类金融机构进行金融创新,为广大农村地区客户提供方便快捷的服务。由于农村金融面对的是千家万户,成本较高,收益较

43、低,商业性金融在农村开展业务缺乏收益激励。因此,国家对服务农业的金融部门应在税收、监管标准、再贷款、信ocusing onways and means of improving a nd upgra ding w ork,further devel opment of "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"no (stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme chanisms must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regu

44、lat-_ I . - . I .1 L I - . . .1 1 1I. I. L. - . optimization park environme ntcertain incentives.(C) integratedimplementatiuna uthori ory requirements,一 一 一.一. 一 .on", building demoliti on,m odificati on,ori sed"create d.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexistieffective i

45、mplementation oftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspeuse" combi nation.Dem olition isthe meansand purposengbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" surveyand filestoragew ctions,suppression, demolition worktoe nsure that thenew"zerI. I I . I. I. L. - -.II -. builti s.To adhereto

46、the building demoli shed,combi nationorkmust be unconditionaland fullcoo tolerance". Se cond,publi一- - - - - 一ofconstr uctiona nd demolition waste,demolishedwiullcoverage.Maibli c security,w ater,edwithcombineater,ele.I L .-.n corridorleadi ng tothet own (roa d,river)village, theCentralbuilt-up

47、areaofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".ctricit y,water, oce ans a ndfisheries, touri sm coll aborati on,market supervi sionde partments should strictlyenfor ce the illegalconstr uction ofdisposalI I- . - I. -II - - - - _ 1一.-.- 一 Imbine, d efforts to improv

48、ethescie ntificlevelofthr ee to split;second,we mustpayattentired"aAccordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,reconstr uction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files,t he real"no unaut horised village" createdint othe bene

49、fitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunautofrelevantpr ovisi onsofthe regulati ons, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly ine lectri cityand watersuppl y,and other units may not be newil legalbuildi ngsto supplywatera ndel ectricity supply.While morereg ul

50、ation topr event per sonalpriva cyviolati ons. Illicittradi -"I I- Lrd II. - - - - >.- . _I . - - -. .一 I L- - >1 . -I 一- - 一 . _ - I IILJ - _ _ Ldes", t heshackDi stricttransformation,and dangerous oldroom transformationand "tworoadsi des", seriesworkorganic com bine d up,

51、active do Rive r,andal ong demolition work, andmanpoweradvance villagein the,and oldresi dential demolitihori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management measure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrictng in illegalconstr uction in theMi

52、nistry ofpubli cse curity sectort ostrictlyfrom theblow. T hree ist ocreate a dditionaloffencereportingsystem ofince ntives. 一 - -一 一 一 - 1 -. _ . -I II.- L.1 - 1 一.- -1一. _|1 I|_一n work,to improve d masses housi ng conditionsand live environment;three to put "three modifieda split" as tra

53、ditional low ,andsmall,and bulk industrystructuretranew unaut hori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas la nd, housing and basic stations According to building la wandcov ers an area ofnature ,toreporttimely degreedivide贷风险保障等方面给予一定的优惠政策。四是加快发展农业政策性保险。应扩大政策性农业保险试点范围,提高农业保险的覆盖面,增强农业的抗风险能力。(四)

54、、我国现代农业发展的对策(一)建立与现代农业特征相适应的市场体系与现代农业特征相适应的市场体系,不仅包括产权市场、资本市场、生产资料市场、农产品期货期权市场,还包括科技市场。比如,发展科技市场从而促进技术的推广,有利于增加农业的科技投入,提高农产品的科技含量和附加值。同时 ,也鼓励了科技创新。(二)建立与现代农业相适应的技术培训和职业教育体系建立适应现代农业发展的技术培训和职业教育体系,要求调动大学、科研院所等机构的积极性。鼓励面向农业的各种科研机构、高校、非政府组织、民办教育等教育机构服务于农村教育 , 提供面向现代农业的多层次职业教育, 多形式地解决农村劳动力产业技能的形成,提高农产品的竞

55、争力。此外,建立适应现代农业的技术培训和职业教育体系必须以农业科技为后盾,提升现代农业的发展潜力和空间。发达国家都高度重视农业科技进步,不断提高农业品质和产量。如美、加、日、欧盟各国依靠科技进步,在植物遗传育种、动物优良品种培育、动植物检疫及工业原材料选育等方面投入大量经费,开展生物技术研究,大大推动了现代畜牧业的快速发展;采用现代高科技培育谷物新品种,使小麦、水稻、玉米等作物亩产突破500公斤以上 ; 运用计算机、信息网络、遥感技术等现代科技实施病虫害防治和监控等,大大降低了农业经营的风险。(三)建立与现代农业相适应的保护和支持体系早在多年前,发达国家普遍采取农业保护和支持政策。美国在20

56、世纪 30 年代制定了一系列ocusing onways and meansof improving and upgra ding w ork,further devel opmentof "three tosplit".(A) fully grasp"nouna uthori sed"create d.Thetow nship"no unaut horise d"createdt heexisti ngbuildi ng"one house hol d, one document" surveyand files

57、torageworkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Main corridorleading tothetown (roa d,river)village, theCentralbuilt-uparea ofthetown on bot hsides must beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".Accordingto "five hundredvillage s" created a nd shanty towns,villages,old house s,recon

58、str uction of old plant, expandcreate, upgrading creates files,t he real"no unaut horis edvillage" createdint othe benefitofthe pe ople ofverygood thi ng.(B) to stri ctlymanage countasunauthori sed controls. Promoti ng the"ne w"controlw orktomovethe ce nterofgravity, management m

59、easure s tothefront,and earnestlypi peseffectively.Astrict new unaut hori sed network re sponsi bility.Sect orssuchas land, housing and basic stations(stations)and t he Tow nshi p ofgrid a ccountabilitymechanisms must be strictly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat ory requirements,effective implementation oftheareaofresponsibility of thenewinspections,suppression, d


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