已阅读5页,还剩28页未读 继续免费阅读




1、up, a nd membertimelymanner. Porganizi ngspecialfor ces responsi blefor e ducational worktosignsofproblem. Publi c informationd up,es party buildinsur e succe ssfully complete d early determi ne ofthetargettask, e nsur esuccessfully complete ng thisye ar,to studye ducation ast he primaryeval uation

2、organi zations, poororganization,thestrengthenthis unit to thesystem studyand education in theregi on specificgui dance. Organizati ondlevels lea dership ge neraltask, e nsure succe ssfully completeprobl emsare many,to criticize ,to accounta bility.Main is responsi-JI. - I I- . . _- I I._.11. . II.一

3、departments,asthelea d department,tostrengthe nthe pla nni ng,organization,cooresocialup firstresponsibility- - 一overall harmonystable.Three,compacti ng themai nresponsibi lities andstrengt hent he two leader shi pofeducationalorgapeople duties, notonly to tube goodcadres,and wit h good team,alsotot

4、ubegood members,a nd withgood team,- 一 . I - .1.1- -一. 一-dinati ona nd g uidance ,good de sign, decompositi on,ea ch key a ction to implement.Carry outstudy a nd e ducation,to relyonstri ct docrealg uide ,pressurenizations doa good job two educationw ithouta strong organization andle h

5、firstexamples, leadparti cipate i n learni ngeducati on,a nd by Qian command,inpute一L - I _ _ .一一 . J - L. I I. conveying layer upon layer,bility.Insteeringt heSteering mParty constr uction ofparty organizati ons atallleve lsshould firmlyestablish themai nough oftimeand energ y,strengt hene d Guide

6、a nd checks r ole, onw orkprogram- - II1_111- - - . I. 一 .ustpreve ntformalism,catch thewaythe thinking ofpreventin consciousness,grasping partybuildinga sthe first responsibility,strengthe n leadershi p, dem onstra ble, scientifipersonallyv alidation,on importanttask personallydeployment,on exists

7、problemtimelysol ution,throughout-.一 一. -L -|- - 一.- - II一一I - - .-Ion a ctivities, studya nd educati on, preventing r outi neaside, preventsim ple,doinga smuchasmeeting notes tojudgeti ctoensure solid educationeffectively.Fugutput responsi bilitycarry inshoulderShe educati onalre sults.To take repo

8、rtirst,thelayers ofresponsi bilit hang,improper shuaishouzhangg- .I . I . . II.s,customize d research,atte ndi ngthe meetiy.Party committees (leadingpartygroup)tostudy eui.The Countyparty Committeeand municiducation asa majorpoliti caltask, prpalpartyCommitteemunicipal workers,Variontation,stre ngth

9、e n leadershi p,carefullyguidi on, partycommitteesand departments ingthe Steeri ng, do agoodjob overall,studyand solv eproblemsi n a n charge of industry practi ce,develop specific im plementati on plan,promotegrass roots,tonce,and createa g oodsocialatmecond,per severing ia bove rates.Lea ding bodi

10、es at all l evels, leadership,leadi ngcadres should takethe lea d, asa good example,andaskiltolevel, leveln model, layer upon layer,formationoftheshots,theoverallgeneraleffectoflinkage.Needless ofwhatranks,and whatpostofmembers leaders, areGeneralmemorganised,ba sic system,lead learningdi scussi on,

11、 leadonexperi ence,andtoldparty lecture, andforreport,leadpartici patein organised will, a nd democrati c comments,lead shoe vocationalduediligence,and based postforcontbuti on, do fourtol dfour has ofqualifiedComstrivetomakeslearning researchmore in-depth,ystartslocks,dow n tocheck pendul um proble

12、mmore deep ,To reorga nizetheim plementation ofmore radi cal, avant -gardemore respe ctable image,thus learni ng educationeffective. Ton forall members, large personnelnts,grass-roots units, all kindsofpartyorganizatia nd partymember betweenthe actualcharacteristics ofhi erarchi cal classificati on

13、positi ons putforw ard measuresto preventfloodirrigatipartyshould devel opspecificprogrammes a ndspecificmeasures,educatin principle s and learning requirementeducationalresults.Sparty membersi ILJI_ I I . . . II_一 .II 一. - I. .-I.-ducation,impr ove, makepe opl efeel Members ofthe new chacteristicsa

14、nd existingproboth closelylinked totpartymembers learn, onthe up.Do qualifiedCommunist ofstandard al so cannot uniform, Countyabovemembers leaderssta ndardt omore high more strict,toi nsiste dloyalty clean play, do Jia oYul utype of good cadres; on County信息系统智能化工程预验收表格江苏普篮陵信息系统监理咨询有限公司二 0 一二年三月into

15、operational, abletoput in pla ce ways. Tograspfrom thespecific w ork,har d,catchingfi nepra ctice, withconcrete resultstoverify the_ . I. .1. I -hould be targeted. DifferentI-I _ |Ind bedeol ogicaltre ndsandhavior s,differentialtreatment in educatiCommunist,on, preci sion application poli cy, keysta

16、rtolearandanddothe measures e ach party member,enabli ngthemtoa cce ssto e. 一 _ _. .1 _II I .nges. Toreflectt hedifference.No uniform,thousandsofpeople,and give expressi on difference s, characteristiproblemsofparty members,I .11 -. _ . L It he theme, and reality,let-I_.一 一 .1 _ J- I 一 .on.Tohaveope

17、ra -I_ble.Ea ch I IL I - . - .LLI L I _. L I- . I -. I - -.I- . 一 一1. 综合布线系统安装分项工程质量验收记录表(I)2. 综合布线系统安装分项工程质量验收记录表(n)3. 综合布线性能检测分项工程质量验收记录表(I )4. 综合布线性能检测分项工程质量验收记录表(n)防雷与接地系统分项工程质量验收记录表 防雷与接地系统分项工程质量验收记录表7. 计算机网络系统检测分项工程质量验收记录表(I )8. 计算机网络系统检测分项工程质量验收记录表(n)9. 火灾自动报警及消防联动系统初验分项工程质量记录表(i)10 火灾自动报警及消防

18、联动系统初验分项工程质量记录表(n)11 微蜂窝覆盖(系统)初验分项工程质量记录12 广播背景音乐系统初验分项工程质量记录表13 智能调光系统初验分项目工程质量记录14 出入口控制(门禁)系统分项工程质量验收记录表15 客房集控系统初验分项工程质量记录表16 BA 系统初验分项工程质量记录表17 红外报警验收表18 电话、保密电话系统初验分项工程质量记录表up, a nd member scadre sshoevocationalduediligence combined up,ensur e succe ssfully completed early determine ofthetarge

19、ttask, ensur esuccessfully completedlevels lea dership ge neraltask, e nsure succe ssfully completed pov erty storming annualtargettask, ensuresocialoverall harmonystable.Three,compacti ng themai nresponsibilities andstrengt henthe two leadershi pofeducationalorga nizations doa good job two educatio

20、nwithouta strong organization andle adership.Party constr uction ofparty organizati ons atallleve lsshould firmlyestablish themain consciousness,grasping partybuildingasthe first responsibility,strengthe n leadershi p, dem onstra ble, scientifi ctoensure solideducationeffectively.F irst,thelayers of

21、responsi bility.Party committees (leadingpartygroup)tostudy education asa majorpoliti caltask, pr imary responsibility foreffective implementation,stre ngthe n leadershi p,carefullyguidi ngthe Steeri ng, doagoodjoboverall,studyand solveproblemsi n atimelymanner. Progressevaluati on bythe grass-r oot

22、s party building thisye ar,to studye ducation asthe primaryeval uation organi zations, poororganization,theprobl emsare many,tocriticize ,to accounta bility.Main is responsible forcomrade to consciously bear up firstresponsibilitypeople duties, notonly to tube goodcadres,and with good team,alsototub

23、e good members,and with good team,bot h firstexamples, leadparti cipate i n learni ngeducati on,a nd by Qian command,inpute nough oftimeand energ y,strengt hene d Guide a nd checks r ole,onw orkprogramme personallyvalidation,on importanttask personallydepl oyment,on existsproblemtimelysol ution,thro

24、ughoutput responsi bilitycarry inshoulderShang,improper shuaishouzhanggui.The Countyparty Committeeand municipalpartyCommitteemunicipal workers,Various enterpri sesand i nstituti ons, Commission, partycommitteesand departments in charge of industry practi ce,develop specific implementati onplan,orga

25、nizi ngspecialforces responsiblefor e ducational worktostrengthenthis unit to thesystem studyand education i n theregion spe cific gui dance. Organizati on departments,ast helead department,tostrengthenthe pla nni ng,organization,coor dinationa nd g uidance,goodde sign, decompositi on,ea ch key a ct

26、ion to implement.Carry outstudy and education,to relyonstri ct docrealg uide ,pressure conveying layerupon layer,step bystep, compaction ofresponsibility.In steeringt heSteering mustpreve ntformalism,catch thewaythe thi nking ofpreventi on a ctivities, studya nd educati on, preventing r outi neaside

27、, preventsim ple,doinga smuchasmeeting notes tojudgethe educationalre sults.To take reports,customized research,atte ndnigthe meeti ng,randomspot che cks, briefingsa nd othermea ns,tofocus the pushGuidetograssroots, on theparty branch, i n-depth understanding ofeducation and a ctualeffect,sum upfres

28、h experiencetopromotegrass roots,todetect a nd corre ct thesignsofpr oblem s. Publi c information19 .音视频(AV)系统初验分项工程质量记录表20 视频安防监控系统分项工程质量验收记录表21 有线电视系统分项工程质量验收记录表22 网络机房工程预验收检查测试记录23 .机房UPS供电系统分项工程质量验收记录表organise d,ba sic system,lead learningdi scussi on, l eadonexperi ence,andtol- -ndpuusttirnyofm

29、eplmabceerswtaoys.Tograspfrom thedparty lect ure, andforreport,leadspecific w ork,har d,catchingfi nepra ctice, withconcrete resultstoverify thepartici patein orga nised will, a nd democrati c comments,lea一_ _ .I. .1, I .hould be targeted. DifferentI-I _Ideol ogicaltre ndsand bebuti on, do fourtol d

30、four has ofqualifiedCommunist, ILJI_ I I . . 一 一 Ihavior s,differentialtreatment in educati on, preci sion application poli cy, keystartolearand check pendul um problemmore de- - . II_r,enabli ngthemtoa cce ssto e ducation,impr ove, makepe opl efeel Member. 一 _ _. .1 _II I .-.- - - .Ihus learni ng e

31、ducationeffective. T- - problemsofparty members,t he theme, and reality,letcs ofhi erarchi cal classification positi ons putforw ard measuresto prevearn, onthe up.Do qualifiedCommunist ofstandard al综合布线系统安装分项工程质量验收记录表(I)编号:表 C.0.1-0901单位(子单位)工程名称子分部工程分项工程名称系统安装质量检测验收部位施工单位项目经理施工执行标准名称及编号分包单位分包项目经理检测

32、项目(主控项目)(执行本规 范第9.条的规定)检测记录备注1缆线的弯曲半径执行GB/T50312中第5.1.1条第五款规定2预埋线槽和暗管的线缆 敷设执行GB/T50312中第5.1.2条规定3电源线、综合布线系统缆 线应分各布放1 .缆线间最小间距应 符合设计要求2 .执行 GB/T50312中第5.1.1条第六款 的规定4电/光缆暗管敷设及与其 他管线最小净距执行GB/T50312中第5.1.1第六款的规定5对绞电缆芯线终接执行GB/T50312中第6.0.3条第四款的规 定6光纤连接损耗值执行GB/T50312中第6.0.3条第四款的规 定7架空、管道、直埋电、光 缆敷设

33、执行GB/T50312第四节的规定。8机柜、 机架、 配线架 的安装符合规定执行GB/T50312第四 节的规定色标到r色谱组合线序及排序9信息插 座安装安装位置执行本规范9.2.4的 规定放水防尘检测意见:监理工程师签字:总监理工程师签字:(建设单位项目专业技术负责人)日期:日期:epartments shoul d pay spe cialattenti on to publicopini on, in-de pth i nformation relating to provi ncial,m uni cipal andCe ntralde cisi onsand arrangements

34、 to promote e ducationaleffectivenessa nd progressofthe typicalex perience,and createa g oodsocialatmosphere.Second,per severing ia bove rates.Lea ding bodies at all l evels, lea dership,leadi ngca dres should takethe lea d, asa good example,andaskingotherstodo you firstdoit,asksofot hersand nott he

35、mselves determine d not to do, forexampl eofsuperiorto subordi nate,teamleaderforteammembersforexample,leveltolevel, levelwith leve ls,layers of drive n model, layer upon layer,formationoftheshots,theoverallgeneraleffectoflinkage.Needless ofwhatranks,and whatpostofmembers leaders, areGeneralmemd sho

36、e vocationalduediligence,and based postforcontstrivetomakeslearning researchmore in-depth,ystartslocks,dow n toep ,To reorga nizetheim plementation ofmore radi cal, avant -gardemore respe ctable image,tnts,grass-roots units, all kindsofpartyorganizatia nd partymember betweenthe actualcharacteristint

37、floodirrigatioperapartyshould devel opspecificprogrammes a nd specificmeasures,educatin principle s and learning requirementeducationalresults.Sparty membersianddothe mea sures e ach party membe一 .II 一. - I. .-I.-s ofthe new cha nges. Toreflectt hedifference.No uniform,thousandsofpeople,and give ex

38、pressi on difference s, characteristicteristicsand existingproh closelylinked totpartymembers leso cannot unif orm, CoCountyabovemembers leaderssta ndardt omore high more strict,toi nsiste dloyalty clean play, do Jia oYul utype of good cadres; on County综合布线系统安装分项工程质量验收记录表(II)编号:表 C.0.1-0902单位(子单位)工程

39、名称子分部工程综合布线系统分项工程名称系统安装质量检测验收部位施工单位项目经理施工执行标准名称及编号分包单位分包项目经理检测项目(一般项目) (执行本规范第9.条的规定)检测记录备注1缆线终接执彳T GB/T50312中第6.0.2条的规定2各类跳线的终接执彳T GB/T50312中第6.0.4条的规定3机柜、机 架、配线 架的安装符合规定执彳T GB/T50312中第4.0.1条的规定设备底座顶留空间紧固状况距地面距离与桥架线槽连接接线端子标志4信息插座的安装执彳T GB/T50312中第4.0.3条的规定5光缆芯线终端的安装连接标志执行本规范9.2.9条的 规定。6检测意见

40、:监理工程师签字:总监理工程师签字:日期:(建设单位项目专业技术负责人) 日期:综合布线系统性能检测分项工程质量验收记录表(I)编号:表 C.0.1-0903单位(子单位)工程名称子分部工程综合布线系统分项工程名称系统性能检测验收部位施工单位项目经理施工执行标准名称及编号分包单位分包项目经理检测项目(主控项目)(执行本规范第9.3.4条的规定)检测记录备注1工程 电气 性能 检测连接图执彳T GB/T.0.2条的规定长度衰减近端串音(两端)其他特殊规定的测试内容2光纤 特性 检测连通性衰减长度检测意见:监理工程师签字:总监理工程师签字:日期:(建设单位项目专业技术负责人) 日期:编号:表 C.

41、0.1-0904单位(子单位)工程名称子部分工程综合布线系统分项工程名称系统性能检测验收部位施工单位项目经理施工执行标准名称及编号分包单位分包项目经理检测项目(一般项目)(执行本规范第9.3.5条的规定)检测记录备注1综合布线管理系统执行本规范3.2.6条 的规定中文平台管理软件硬件设备图楼层图干线子系统及配线子系统配置硬件设施工作状态23456检测意见:监理工程师签字:总监理工程师签字:日期:(建设单位项目专业技术负责人)日期:防雷与接地系统分项工程质量检测记录表(I)编号:表 C.0.1-1103单位(子单位)工程名称子分部工程电源与接地分项工程名称防雷与接地系统验收部位施工单位项目经理施

42、工执行标准名称及编号分包单位分包项目经理检测项目(主控项目)(执行本规范第11.3条的规定)检测评定记录备注1防雷与接地系统引接 GB50303验收合格的共用 接地装置执行本规范第11.3.1条2建筑物金属体作接地装置接地电阻不应大于1Q3采用单独接地装置接地装置测试点的设置执行 GB50303第 24.1.1 条接地电阻值测试执行 GB50303第 24.1.2 条接地模块的埋没深度、 间距 和基坑尺寸执行 GB50303第 24.1.4 条接地模块设置应垂直或水 平就位执行 GB50303第 24.1.5 条4其他接地装置防过流、过压元件接地装置其设置应符合设计要求,连 接可靠防电磁干扰屏

43、蔽接地装置防静电接地装置5等电位联结建筑物等单位联结干线的 连接及局部等电位箱间的 连接执行 GB50303第 27.1.1 条等电位联结的线路最小允 许截面积执行 GB50303第 27.1.2 条6检测意见:监理工程师签字:总监理工程师签字:(建设单位项目专业技术负责人)日期:日期:防雷与接地系统分项工程质量检测记录表(n)编号:表 C.0.1-1104单位(子单位)工程名称子分部工程电源与接地分项工程名称防雷与接地系统验收部位施工单位项目经理施工执行标准名称及编号八的/、分包项目分包单位经理检测项目(主控项目)(执行本规范第5.3.3、5.3.4条的规定)检测评定记录备注1防过流和防过压

44、接地 装置、防电磁干扰屏 蔽接地装置、防静电 接地装置接地装置埋没深度、间距和 搭接长度执行 GB50303第 24.2.1 条接地装置的材质和最小允 许规格执行 GB50303第 24.2.2 条接地模块与干线的连接和 干线材质选用执行 GB50303第 24.2.3 条2等电位联结等电位联结可接近裸露导 体或其他金属部件、构件与 支线的连接可靠,导通正常执行 GB50303第 27.2.1 条需等电位联结的高级装修 金属部件或零件等电位联 结的连接执行 GB50303第 27.2.2 条345检测意见:监理工程师签字:总监理工程师签字:(建设单位项目专业技术负责人)日期:日期:网络系统检测

45、分项工程质量验收记录表(I)编号:表 C.0.1-0501单位(子单位)工程名称分项工程名称网络系统检测施工单位子分部工程验收部位项目经理信息网络系统分包单位分包项目经理检测项目(主控项目)(执行本规范第5.3.3、5.3.4条的规定)检测记录备注1网络设备连通性执行本规范第5.3.3条中规定2各用户问通信 性能允许通信不允许通信符合设计规定3局域网与公用网连通性4路由检测执行本规范第5.3.4条中规定5678910施工执行标准名称及编号检测意见:监理工程师签字:(建设单位项目专业技术负责人)I总监理工程师签字:日期:网络系统检测分项工程质量验收记录表(II)编号:表 C.0.1-0502单位

46、(子单位)工程名 称子分部工程信息网络系统分项工程名称计算机网络系统检测验收部位施工单位项目经理施工执行标准名称及编 号分包单位分包项目经理检测项目(一般项目)(执行本 规范第5.3.5、5.3.6条的规定)检测记录备注1容错功能检 测:故障判断执行本规范第5.3.5条中规定自动恢复切换时间故障隔离自动切换2网络管理功 能检测:拓扑图执行本规范第5.3.6条中规定设备连接图自诊断节点流量广播率错误率345检测意见:监理工程师签字:总监理工程师签字:日期:(建设单位项目专业技术负责人)日期:火灾自动报警及消防联动系统初验分项工程质量记录表( I)单位(子单位)工程名称子分部工程分项工程名称验收部




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