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1、2021-2022学年上海市浦东新区高三(上)期末英语试卷1. Children's Fine Motor Skills Using a fork to eat,zipping up a sweatshirt and turning a doorknob are all things most people do without thinking,but children spend their early years developing and refining these abilities.They are known as fine motor skills,(1)_the

2、small muscles of the hands with adequate strength,dexterity(灵巧)and coordination(协调)to grasp and control objects and used.It is firmly believed(2)_later,fine motor skills do help children to succeed in school.(3)_are also important in day-to-day life.( 4)_(watch)a baby use their uncoordinated arms an

3、d legs might be adorable,but these early reactions are practice for the fine motor skills they'll eventually develop.(5)_ Stephanie Reich,a professor of the University of California,toddlers need to increase the coordination of fine movements in the preschool years.(6)_children grow older,these

4、fine motor skills will improve and become more complex.For example,a 4-year-old may hold a crayon with their fist,using their whole hand to draw.But five-year-olds can start using a pencil between the first and middle fingers and thumb,as adults can.The elementary school years and beyond see(7)_(adv

5、anced)fine motor skills,such as when children learn to tie shoes between 5 and 6 years old.At about age 7,(8)_(improve)performance can be amazingly witnessed.However,every child develops at their own pace.If a single milestone,such as using eating utensils(餐具),(9)_(delay),it isn't necessarily ca

6、use for concern.In fact,when working on fine motor skills in the classroom,short lessons provide the most benefit for learning.Play-based learning is also one of the strategies that are preferred.Teachers may also use hand-eye coordination - the ability of a child's eyes (10)_(control) their han

7、ds and fingers - to work with children to improve fine motor skills.Using computers,especially a keyboard and mouse,also helps younger children with fine motor skills.A.housingB.leisurelyC.soughtD.referenceE.primarily F.legG.windingH.wildlyI.pioneeredJ.majorK.highlight18th Century Grand Tour of Euro

8、pe The Grand Tour began in the 16th century and gained popularity during the 17th century.Privileged(有特权的)young European graduates(1)_a trend where they traveled across the continent in search of art and cultural experiences upon their graduation.This practice,which grew to be(2)_popular,became know

9、n as the Grand Tour.Specialty guidebooks,tour guides,and other aspects of the tourist industry were developed during this time to meet the needs of wealthy 20-something male and female travelers as they explored the European continent.These young,classically-educated Tourists were rich enough to fun

10、d multiple years abroad for themselves and they took full advantage of this.They carried letters of(3)_and introduction with them as they departed from southern England to communicate with and learn from people they met in other countries.Some Tourists(4)_to continue their education and broaden thei

11、r horizons while abroad,some were just after fun and (5)_ travels,but most desired a combination of both.A typical journey through Europe was long and (6)_with many stops along the way.London was commonly used as a starting point and the Tour was usually kicked off with a difficult trip across the E

12、nglish Channel.Crossing the wide channel was and is not easy.17th- and 18th-century Tourists risked sea-sickness,illness,and even shipwreck on this first(7)_of travel.Grand Tourists were (8)_interested in visiting cities that were considered centers of culture at the time,so Paris,Rome,and Venice we

13、re not to be missed.The average Grand Tourist traveled from city to city,usually spending weeks in smaller cities and months in the three(9)_ones.The vast majority of Tourists took part in similar activities during their exploration with art at the center of it all.Once a Tourist arrived at a destin

14、ation,he would look for(10)_and settle in for anywhere from weeks to months,even years.Though certainly not an overly trying experience for most,the Grand Tour presented a unique set of challenges for travelers to overcome.The word "adolescence" literally means "growing up"(from

15、the Latin adolescere).(3),it describes a distinct stage between childhood and adulthood,but in practice often simply defines the "teenage" years.In most Western societies,the idea of adolescence was not(4)until the 20th century;childhood ended and adulthood began at a certain age - typical

16、ly at 18. G.Stanley Hall,a psychologist and educator,in his 1904 book Adolescence,was the first to explore the(5).Hall was influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution,perceiving that all childhoods,especially with regard to behavior and early physical development,reflect the course of (6)change,a

17、nd that we each develop in accordance with our "ancestral record". One key influence on Hall was the 18th-century "Sturm and Drang"(Storm and Stress) movement of German writers and musicians,which promoted total freedom of expression.Hall(7)adolescence as "Sturm and Drang&qu

18、ot;;he considered it a stage of emotional disturbance and rebellion,with behavior ranging from quiet moodiness to wild(8).He stated that adolescents "are eager for strong feelings and new sensations,while routine and detail are (9)".Awareness of self and the environment greatly increases;e

19、verything is more (10)felt,and sensation is pursued for its own sake. Many of Hall's findings are(11)in research today.Hall believed that adolescents are highly affected by depression and described a "curve of despondency(消沉)" that starts at the age of 11,(12)at 15,then falls steadily

20、until the age of 23.Modern research acknowledges a similar pattern.The causes of depression that Hall(13)are surprisingly familiar:suspicion of being disliked and having seemingly insuperable character faults,and "the(14)of hopeless love".He believed the self-consciousness of adolescence l

21、eads to criticizing self and others.This view mirrors later studies,which argue that teenagers' advanced(15)skills allow them to "read between the lines",while also intensifying their sensitivity to situations.Even Hall's claim that criminal activity is more common in the teenage y

22、ears,reaching the top around 18,still(16). However,Hall was not totally negative about adolescence. "Adolescence is a new(17)," as he wrote in Youth:Its Education,Regiment,and Hygiene,"for the higher and more completely human qualities are how born."2.  A. In theoryB. In ess

23、enceC. In contrastD. In general3.  A. exchangedB. recognizedC. imposedD. transformed4.  A. differenceB. worldC. possibilityD. subject5.  A. evolutionaryB. consequentialC. minimalD. structural6.  A. employedB. interpretedC. treatedD. classified7.  A. decision-makingB. problem

24、-solvingC. risk-takingD. example-following8.  A. inexhaustibleB. intolerableC. inadequateD. instinctive9.  A. keenlyB. hesitantlyC. slightlyD. oddly10.  A. publishedB. revisedC. summarizedD. echoed11.  A. bouncesB. jumpsC. swingsD. peaks12.  A. promotedB. eliminatedC. identi

25、fiedD. determined13.  A. lackB. fancyC. claimD. power14.  A. reasoningB. copingC. socialD. verbal15.  A. sounds one-sidedB. holds trueC. remains unknownsD. stands out16.  A. trendB. outletC. birthD. modelDFor 38-year-old Justin Herald,the journey to wealth began one Sunday mornin

26、g at a church in Sydney's northwest,when he was involved in a quarrel with a member of the church choir. "You have an attitude problem," she told him. The accusation sparked something in him,and he borrowed 50 from his brother to have four T-shirts printed with the slogan: "I don&

27、#39;t have an attitude problem;you have a perception problem." "It was the best 50 I ever spent," laughs Herald.By the end of the morning,he had sold three of the four T-shirts.With the money he made,he had another six printed,then 12,then 24. "That first year the earning were 98

28、,000," he says. His business,Attitude Inc.,is now a multi-million-dollar company with a wide range of products selling in 3,500 stores across Australia.His business was due to not just clever marketing- the public loved the slogan - but also he has to admit that in those days there was very lit

29、tle competition n his sector of the clothing industry,and he was in the right place at the right time. The media spotlight also helped,with people paying attention to Herald's likeable personality and infections passion for his business:the night of one TV appearance,187 stores rang to get his p

30、roducts into their stores. Herald sold the business three years ago,by which time it was turning over 30 million a year,and now spends his time as a motivational speaker.His message:anyone can be financially successful if they set their mind to it. "You have to have a lot of stickability,becaus

31、e not everything is going to work the way you plan it." Still living in Castle Hill with his wife and two children,Herald believes too many successful people become caught up in the trappings of wealth. "I have lived here since I left school at 16," he says. "In this area,you don

32、't forget where you came from."17. Why does Herald think it was the best 50 he ever spent? _ A. Because that sum of money covered the cost of four T-shirt.B. Because that sum of money showed his accusation was wrong.C. Because he received that sum of money when he was in need.D. Because he

33、gained more than expected from that sum of money.18. According to Herald,the success of his business resulted from _ .A. good timing and cooperationB. business sense and luckC. fierce competition and passionD. family background and motivation19. The underlined word "stickability" (paragrap

34、h 6)is closest in meaning to _ .A. competenceB. conscienceC. persistenceD. fortune20. The best title for the passage might be _ .A. Attitude Pays OffB. No Bravery,No GainsC. Start a BusinessD. Never Too Old to Challenge YourselfEThe smell,the warmth,the distinct taste - a good cup of coffee is what

35、gets us through the day and helps us to unwind at the end of it.And in walks the Pod Coffee Machine.This skillful kitchen device is here for convenience. ProsConsUsually quite small-sizedCheap to buy - some cost as little as £40.Good for occasional coffee drinkers,as the sealed pods keep coffee

36、 fresh.More expensive per think than Bean-to-cup coffee or beans.Coffee pods create waste,as many pods are plastic.To ensure that you get the best fix of caffeine,we've rounded up a list of what we consider the best pod coffee machines in mind. Hamilton Beach (49976)Pod Coffee MachineNespresso P

37、ixie Espresso Pod CoffeeTwice as nice!Whether it's for a quick cup on the go or a coffee date with friends,this not beverage maker gives you the option to select a single serving or to brew up a whole pot.Humble in appearance,this multi-serve pod coffee maker comes with another added bonus;use t

38、he loose coffee grounds option if you prefer a brand that does not come in a pod. 21,017 ratings104.99 124.87Currently unavailable.We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.MachineDesigned to please,not only is this machine small enough to fit in the smallest of kitchens,but the 1

39、9-bar high-pressure pump also ensures that each pod is released to ensure master-style results.Heating up in only 25 seconds,this single-serve kitchen buddy will have your cup of coffee ready in less than 2 minutes. 613 ratings159.95Nespresso Inissia Original Pod Coffee MachineThis PREMIUM CHOICE mo

40、del is ideal for small households who enjoy novel coffees that are prepared in no time at all.Or you can prepare the coffee for the go.Buy Aldi coffee pods to cut the price of your daily brew and save a dollar.And they're all compatible(兼容)with Nespresso machines. 3.676 ratings149.95Only 10 left

41、 in stock.Order soon.66.75 (6 Second-hand)Keuring K55 / K-Classic Pod Coffee MachineIf the strength or weakness of your coffee is one of your greatest concern,then this machine might come in quite handy.The smaller the pot,the stronger the coffee. 2.665 ratings118.26 121.4321. According to the passa

42、ge,pod coffee machines attract people _ .A. who want to bring convenience to their kitchen lifeB. who are keen on the typical taste of Bean-to-cup coffeeC. who attach importance to the light weight of plastic machinesD. who pay attention to their carbon footprints on the environment22. If the custom

43、ers is exceptionally mindful of the price,which of the following will be a good deal? _ A. Hamilton Beach (49976)Pod Coffee Machine.B. Nespresso Inissia Original Pod Coffee Machine.C. Nespresso Pixie Espresso Pod Coffee Machine.D. Keuring K55 / K-Classic Pod Coffee Machine.23. _ is perfect for an ex

44、tended family who prefer high-quality coffee.A. Hamilton Beach (49976)Pod Coffee MachineB. Nespresso Inissia Original Pod Coffee MachineC. Nespresso Pixie Espresso Pod Coffee MachineD. Keuring K55 / K-Classic Pod Coffee MachineFDeep below the ground,radioactive elements break up water molecules(分子),

45、producing ingredients that can fuel subsurface life.This process,known as radio-lysis(辐射分解),has sustained bacteria in isolated,water-filled cracks on Earth for millions to billions of years.Now a study published in Astro-biology shows that radiolysis may have supported life in the Martian subsurface

46、. Dust storms,rays in the universe and solar winds ruin the Red Planet's surface.But below-ground,some life might find refuge. "The environment with the best chance of habitability on Mars is the subsurface," says Jesse Tarnas,a planetary scientist at NASA.Examining the Martin undergro

47、und could help scientists learn whether life could have survived there.And the best subsurface samples available today are Martin meteorites(陨石)that have crash-landed on Earth. Tarnas and his colleague evaluated the mineral makeup and radio-active element abundance in the Martin surface using satell

48、ite and rover data.They input these data into a computer model that simulated(模拟)radiolysis to see how efficiently the process would have generated hydrogen gas and other chemical ingredients that can sustain the underground bacteria.The researchers report that if water was present,radiolysis in the

49、 Martin subsurface could have sustained life for billions of years and perhaps still could today. Scientists previously studied Mars radio-lysis,but this marks the first estimate using Martin rocks to quantify the planet's subsurface habitability.Tarnas and his colleagues also evaluated the pote

50、ntial richness of life in the Martin underground and found that as many as a million bacteria could exist in a kilogram of rock. The most habitable meteorite samples analysed appeared to be made of a rock type called regolith breccia. "These are thought to come from the southern highlands of Ma

51、rs,which is the most ancient area on Mars," Tarnas says. Underground life,as described by this research,would require water and it remains unknown if groundwater exists on the planet,says Lujendra Ojha,a planetary scientist at Rutgers University.Determining whether the Martin subsurface contain

52、s water will be an important next step,but this investigation helps to motivate that search.Ojha says,"Where there is groundwater,there could be life."24. Scientists believe the Martian subsurface might be habitable probably because _ .A. the Martin surface absorbs rays in the universeB. r

53、adio-lysis may exist in the Martian undergroundC. radiation combines ingredients for subsurface life to surviveD. cracks in Martian meteorites overflow with bacteria25. What's the purpose of using Martian meteorites? _ A. To measure the Martian habitability below-groundB. To simulate the process

54、 of producing hydrogen.C. To help life find shelter from solar windsD. To explore the source of hydrogen gas.26. What can be inferred from the last 3 paragraphs? _ A. Tarnas was the first to study Mars radio-lysis.B. The Martian underground proved to be rich in bacteria.C. The southern highlands of

55、Mars are the most habitable.D. The existence of groundwater is key to the investigation findings.27. The passage is mainly concerned with _ .A. the reason for no life on the Martian surfaceB. the source of data for the study of Martian habitabilityC. the possibility of Mars sustaining life through r

56、adiationD. the richness of radioactive elements below the Martian surfaceGout(痛风):The Disease of Kings Gout,once the disease of geniuses,conquerors and kings,now is affecting the masses.But comes at night,first as a fevered dream,then pain in darkness,the body turned rude animals. (1) So strong is t

57、he sensitivity of this swollen big ton that the faintest footstep of a sympathetic visitor is a gunshot straight to the nerve.It will not help,at such as moment,to recall that Alexander the Great,Leonardo da Vinci,Isaac Newton reportedly suffered. (2) In the words of the 17th-century French poet,Gou

58、t falls onto a poor man and then,horrified by her host's ceaseless labor,did nothing in a building.Surely it's a time of a less enlightened,more hierarchical(等级制的)age.We can laugh at from the safe distance of the present day.But the American critic Susan Sontag warned us against illness as m

59、yth.Gout is not a punishment,certainly not an embarrassment and,it is highly curable,if good treatment is followed.And the disease has not been limited to the past. (3) From the 1960s to the 1990s,the number of sufferers doubled in the United States,and that's continued to rise. It is tempting to see gout as an annoying angel and come to punish greed.Mentioning the romantic aspect of tuberculosis(肺结核)in the 19th century,Sontag argued that gout was contrary to tubercul


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