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1、 外研版高中英语必修一第四模块教学设计Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighborhood -A Lively City一、教材分析 A Lively City 是外研版第一册Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighborhood 中的阅读课文。该文章是一篇对话,以简洁的文字向人们展示了厦门市的地理位置,气候以及城市概况,如旅游景点、建筑、商业区等。厦门是一个美丽的城市,它工业发达,商业兴隆。这里的名胜古迹和自然风景令人向往。这里的摩登建筑令人眼花缭乱。这里的气候宜人,的确是一个可爱的城市, 是一个生活和旅游的好去处。通过阅读,使学生可以掌


3、满活力的课堂气氛。三、教学资源与策略新的课程标准强调教师、学生、内容、环境四个因素的整合,这四个因素持续交互,呈动态发展。1.学生的学习准备鼓励学生课前认真预习新单词。2. 教师的教学准备新课程标准要求采用互动的课堂模式,提倡开放的学习方式,鼓励学生创造性地运用语言。在上课前,注意了解不同层次学生对这一部分内容的了解程度,吃透教材,上网查询资料,扩大自己的知识面和对电脑的认识,下载新颖的图片,以激发学生学习的积极性。除此之外,还在课前估计课堂内可能发生的情况,准备好各种预案,以便顺利完成教学任务。(1)Task-based method (任务型教学法)(2)Communicative App

4、roach (交际式教学法)(3)Interactive Method (互动式教学法)四、教学目标1. 知识与能力:(1)充分理解文章大意并完成所给任务。(2)用所学词汇和语言点复述课文。(3)用所学知识和短语学会交流和沟通,及从不同方面来描述一个城市。2. 过程与方法:(1)利用多媒体手段营造积极和谐的教学气氛,是学生轻松愉快地投入到情境中,充分调动学生的积极性,引起学生共鸣。(2)在运用语言的过程中培养学生的观察力,分析力,想象力和自学能力,帮助学生加强记忆力,提高思维能力及综合运用能力,激发学生创造力。(3)通过思考讨论培养学生的创新意识和主动性。3. 情感、态度与价值观:我国是个历史

5、悠久的文明古国,勤劳善良的人们在长期的社会实践中积累蕴藏了丰富的道德文化传统,经过几千年的文化熏陶,逐步升华为中华民族的传统美德,继承和发扬这些传统美德是学校教育的重要环节和主要内容之一。我们充分发挥了传统美德培养青少年优秀道德沃土和源泉的作用,让她在广大青少年的心中生根开花。本模块的教学中渗透热爱祖国和热爱家乡的教育,激发了学生对祖国大好河山的热爱之情。五、教学重难点1. 教学重点:(1)如何利用略读跳读等阅读技巧和识别关键词,确定主题句,掌握推测概括的阅读方法和策略。(2)理解文章主题大意及细节信息。2. 教学难点:(1)利用跳读,略读等阅读技巧识别关键词和主题句,掌握文章主题思想。(2)

6、理解文章结构框架及复述课文(retell the text)。(3)如何使学生积极主动地参与到教学活动中来,大胆地说,自主地演。六、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneLeading-inPlay an exciting song named Better City, Better Life before the class to arouse students' attraction and interests. Then show some beautiful pictures of Shanghai to the students.1.Enjoy the so

7、ng 2. Discuss some questions together and enjoy the beautiful pictures of Shanghai通过欢快的歌曲-2010上海世博会主题曲放松身心,并营造良好氛围,调动学生兴趣和积极性。通过世博举办地上海的美丽而导出新课-A Lively City.Step TwoListening to the textLet the students listen to the conversation and try to predict the general idea, and then answer the questions on

8、 their work paper, exercise one.1. Which city does “A Lively City” refer to?2. Is it a beautiful city?3. Does it lie by the seaside? 4. What's the famous island in Xiamen?Then show some pictures of Xiamen and its famous scenery, buildings and university.Listen to the conversation carefully and d

9、o the relative exercises on their work paper.注重在真实的情景语境中训练听力技能及文章理解能力。通过四个问题对文章主要内容进行了解。多彩的图片让学生更好地了解厦门这个美丽的现代城市,掌握更多的背景知识。Step ThreeReadingRead the text for six to eight minutes to get the main idea and important information.Choose the correct answer1. John Martin is visiting _.(a) Xiao Lis hometow

10、n(b) a town near where Xiao Li lives(c) a shopping mall2. Xiao Li lives _.(a) on the island of Gulangyu(b) in Xiamen(c) in a town to the northwest of Xiamen3. John and Xiao Li are_.(a) at Xiao Lis home(b) driving around the city in a car(c) on a train4. Which is the most interesting part of the city

11、?(a) The western district(b) The eastern district(c) The Gulangyu's island(d) The northern districtTrue or false1. John and Xiao Li havent seen each other for six years.2. John has never been to China before.3. Xiao Li enjoys living on the coast.4. There are very few tourists in the northwest of

12、 Xiamen.5. There are a lot of new high-rise buildings on Gulangyu Island.6. There are some interesting buildings on Gulangyu Island.Read the text to find the main idea and important information, and then do the exercises. 在限定的时间内,结合所给练习题进行任务型阅读,培养学生的阅读速度与技巧。更好地理解课文内容,学会找细节信息。Step FourFurther Reading

13、Let the students read the text again carefully to find detailed information.Reading comprehension1. The climate here is_.(a) cool in summer and warm in winter (b) hot and dry in summer, cold in winter(c) not very hot and wet in summer, but quite cold in winter(d) very hot and wet in summer, but quit

14、e cold in winter2. Which sentence is right from the passage?(a) Xiao Li and John havent seen each other for 6 years.(b) There are so many tourists in autumn.(c) Xiao Lis hometown is an old city that has no apartment block.(d) John doesnt like eating fish.Fill in the charts.1.Position : On the_, by t

15、he seaside. In the _ of XiamenThe city: _, interesting and livelyThe people: _ Climate: Pretty_and_in summer, _ in winter.Business district: lots of _ _ have been put up; there are some great _Western district: there are some pretty _ Gulangyu Island:_, with some interesting architectureRetelling th

16、e Text:Xiamen is one of the most _cities on the_. The climate is _and wet in summer , but it can be quite cold in winter. Every year, many_ come to Xiamen to spend their holidays,especially in summer. Its_has put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently. And there are some great_. The western distri

17、ct is the most interesting part of the city. Its got some really_. Xiamen is famous for Gulangyu Island. Its a _island with some really interesting_.Re-read the text carefully and then answer the questions.Fill the charts to know the main aspects of the cityTry to retell the whole text进一步加深学生对课文的理解及

18、细节信息的掌握,对文章框架结构了解清楚,增强综合阅读能力及语篇分析能力。学会获取信息,处理信息,培养分析解决问题的能力。让学生熟悉课文结构框架,以图表式简单直观的展现,加深记忆。对文章整体回顾,进行总结。Step FiveDiscussionDiscuss about a city you have been to or you want to travel with your partners, then act it out. Come on!Students try to discuss freely with their classmates in groups two to four

19、 , and then perform in the class.Review the whole lesson让学生小组进行讨论他们去过的城市或想旅行的城市,各抒己见,畅所欲言,编成对话,并表演出来。调动学生的积极性和主动性,培养其口语能力和合作意识,及交流沟通能力。对这节课进行小结,概括。Step Six SummaryStep sevenHomework1. A lively city-Xia Men2. Some information about the city3. How to describe a cityWrite a short passage of Liaochengus

20、ing the information given below.Location and area populationlandscape and rivers climatenature and environment history life and culture specialty (特产)local flavor (风味小吃) economyTry to describe our hometown Liaocheng with the information given让学生描述我们的家乡-聊城,学会描写一个城市,并且激发学生对祖国,对家乡的热爱之情。七、教学评价 这篇教学设计通过有趣的导课让学生兴趣大增,进入到一个比较活跃的氛围,激发了学生的积极性,从而让学生感兴趣。通过对厦门的介绍,学生更加了解到这个美丽的城市,一系列的图片和相关背景介绍扩展了学生的知识面和视野。阅读之后,加之以适当的练习巩固所学知识以及信息点,并创设各种情景使学生积极参与课堂活动,主动踊跃地发言,并描述自己去过的或喜欢的城市,进行激烈的讨论,并且惟妙惟肖地表演。整个课堂总体来说气氛比较活跃,学生和我配合默契,他们积极回答问题,


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