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1、第 PAGE10 页 共 NUMPAGES10 页大学英语六级考试听力材料:大学英语六级听力真题英语六级对于大学生来说,最为主要的还是听力,毕竟假如听不懂英语的话,自己学的英语根本上很难在日常中使用。下面是WTT给大家整理的大学英语六级考试听力,供大家参阅!大学英语六级考试听力1(1)A)They are not active hunters.B)They dont sleep much.C)They are often seen alone.D)They dont eat much.(2)A)To catch the birds.B)To look for shade in the heat

2、 of the day.C)To catch other animals.D)To look for a kill made by another animal.(3)A)They are larger in size.B)They run faster.C)They have to hunt more to feed the young.D)They are not as lazy as the males.答案:A D BPassage TwoLions prefer to eat without having to do much work.When resting in the sha

3、de, they are also watchingthe sky.And if they see birds fly down, theyimmediately sense that something must behappening.Even in the heat of the day.They willcertainly arise and run a mile across the plains to find out what is going on.If another animalhas made a kill, they will drive it off and take

4、 the dead animal for themselves.A grown lion caneasily consume 60 pounds of meat at a single feeding.Often, they eat until it seems painful forthem to lie down.The female lions are leaner and swifter, and as a result, are better huntersthan the males.Most kills are made at night or just before dawn.

5、The kill is the most e_citingmoment in the day-to-day e_istence of the lion, since these great beasts spend most of theirtime - about 20 hours a day - sleeping and resting.Lions are also social cats.And during thesetimes of leisure, they love to romp against each other, and the young lions are alway

6、s playingamong themselves and with their parents.Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14.What do we learn about lions from what we have just heard?15.Why do the lions watch the birds in the sky?16.Why are the females generally better bunters than the males?大学英语六级考试听力2(1)A)

7、Because they cant afford to.B)Because they think small houses are morefortable to live in.C)Because big houses are usually built in thecountryside.D)Because they prefer apartments.(2)A)Because many young people have moved into fortable apartments.B)Because many old houses in the bad part of the town

8、 are not inhabited.C)Because many older people sell their houses after their children leave.D)Because many people have quit their old houses to build new ones.(3)A)They have to do their own maintenance.B)They have to furnish their own houses.C)They will find it difficult to make the rest of the paym

9、ent.D)They will find it difficult to dispose of their old-style furniture.答案:A C A听力原文Passage OneIn the United States, many people once lived in large,two and three story homes.Today, many peoplewould like to live in such houses but most peoplecant.They dont have enough money to buy themor even to m

10、ake the first payment.So, many peoplerent from month to month.But some Americans really want to live in a house of their own.Sothey build their own home.They buy a house that is situated in an area where houses arecheaper.It is better to reside in a bad part of town, they think, than not to live in

11、a house atall.Or they buy an old house and redesign it.Then they decorate it with old style furniture.Sometimes they can make an old house look more beautiful than a new one.Usually, it is notdifficult for people to find an old home to buy.Many older people decide that they dont need abig home after

12、 their children leave.So they sell their house and move into a fortableapartment.But when people move into a house, they sometimes have problems.Home ownershave to do their own maintenance.For e_le, if the roof leaks, one can not ask the landlordto fi_ it.On the other hand, people can redesign their

13、 homes in any way they want withouthaving to be afraid of being thrown out by the landlord.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11.Why dont many Americans live in large two and three story houses?12.Why is it easy to find old houses for sale?13.What problem will people hav

14、e after they buy a house?大学英语六级考试听力3A)He doesnt think it necessary to refuel the car.B)He can manage to get the gasoline they need.C)He hopes the woman will help him select a fuel.D)He thinks it is difficult to get fuel for the car.答案:B文本W: We have to face the fact that it is a little hard toget fue

15、l for the car.M: Between you and me, I think there is always away to get around this problem.Q: What does the man mean?大学英语六级考试听力4You can see them in every airport in the world.They are businessmen and women who have to travel for their work.When they first applied for the job, _.Now they have to si

16、t in airport lounges, tired and unfortable in their smart clothes, listening to the loudspeaker announce “The fight of Tokyo, or Berlin, or New York is delayed for another two hours.” Some people say to me, “How lucky you are to be able to travel abroad in your work! _!” They think that my job is li

17、ke a continual holiday.It is not.There are advantages, of course, and I do thin I am lucky, but only _.答案:(1) they may have thought of good food and hotels, huge e_pense accounts and fashionable cities(2)You can go sightseeing without paying any money by yourself(3)because I can go to places I would

18、 never visit if I was a tourist大学英语六级考试听力5In 1929, the bills started to e in.American industry had produced too many goods._.So factories had to cut down on their production.Many workers lost their jobs.Investors tried to get their money back.But businesses did not have enough money to pay them._.But the investors could not pay, either.Too many people owed money.And few of them could pay their bills.During t


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