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1、11选词填空本节内容(一)考情分析近6年高考选词文章分析10年后选词填空题文体以说明文为主 题材内容以科普文为主,但内容各不相同,覆盖人文、健康、科技、气候、概念等方方面面。近6年高考选词词汇分析2012 年A. maintainedF. COnCernB. SeriOUSG. CriSiSC. indicationsH. decidedD. figuresI. availableE. anxiousJ. reversed2013 年A. IeStOreB. recallC. PrOCeSSmgD.previouslyE.IleCeSSaty2014 年A. alertB. ClaSSifyC

2、. COmmitD. delicatelyE. gentleF. impose2015 年A. accessB.alternativesC.designedD. COnfirmedE COnfliCtingF. elementsG functionH.innovative!.prospectiveJ SeParateK. SUPPOrting2016 年A. accoutB. adjustableC. appliancesD. CaPnlreE. decorationsF direct2017 年A.challe nging B.prioritizi ng C-IocallyDJnitiate

3、dE.tra nsfeedReStabIiShedA.challe nging B.prioritizi ng C-IocallyDJnitiatedE.tra nsfeedReStabIiShedG.aggressivelyH.sourceLvolumnJ.favorK. con SiderabIe 主要考察实词,为名词,动词,形容词,副词: 动词是考察重点,尤其是动词的分词变形为主:所以动词时语态与非谓语是髙中语法学 习的重点。O 名词与形容词为次重点,每年都有考察:对于需词与形容词在句中所起作用与相互修饰 须要学生熟练掌握。 副词用于调整题目的难易度与词汇的考察。它在句中的位置灵活,功能

4、强大,一般是学 生学习的难点与弱点。3.近6年高考选词高频词汇分布年份首字母121314151617Aanxious available/alertaccount appliance adjustableaccess alternativeassign/CCOnCenlCriSiSCOmPOSitiOnCIaSSifyCoInmItCaPtlIreCOnfirmCOnfliCtChalIengmgCOnSiderableP-/PrOCeSs,PreViOUSIy J / Jf /PrOSPeCthePnOritIZIngRe-reversedrestore.IeCaIIrelievef f V

5、J/I/IIIdICatIonSinsteadmoseIlltelldinnovativeinitiatedM-maintained J J /moderationf J V1 f f ff f 考纲词汇积累与运用是选词填空的考察重点,也是学生英语学习的大难点。从上表中不 难看岀首字母a-,c-p-. rc-, i-髙频词汇考察多,且多为长难词。P-开头以-.pre-为重 难点,也是学生容易混淆的词汇点。首字母m-, f-, t-,d-,s-高频词次之(二)解题步骤第一步,判断方框内单词词性。有多个词性的都标岀来,不确定词性的先不标。doing和done可以不标。第二步,略读抓中

6、心。略读文章,细读文章首句,快速掌握文章的主题词与了解文章大致内容。第三步,填词入空。分为三小步:1、确认空处可填词性,2、同性词筛选,3、按逻辑关系代入确认答案。(三)空格词性判断L确定空格为名词(句子缺主语或宾语)(1)如果空格前而为冠词a/an/the.形容词或者及物动词,空格处应填入需词;They Prefer to IiVe according to theOf their 17tl CentUry ElIrOPeall ancestors.The OffiClalS IealiZed that the SUldentS had already established digital

7、 41. IdentltieS by die time tley entered COIlege.The zon-GOOgIe PrOPOSal OfferS50 suggestions f a debate that IS not IIkely to end soon.如果空格前而是介词,空格充当该介词的宾语,需填入一个名词。Their debates took PIaCe before 44 audience In ComfieIdS and COUrthOlISe squares.如果空格后而是谓语动词的,且空格前没有句子主语,空格处应填入该动词的主语(名词):46 RCSCarChCr

8、S had two groups Of 20 PeOPle each IiSten to a 30-minute recording that included a SeqUenCe Of numbers.确定空格为动词(句子缺谓语动词)如果空格前而已经有名词或代词做主语,后面又有爼词或代词作为动词的宾语,且中间 无谓语动词,空格处应为及物动词:Abraham LmCOhl and StePhell DOUglaS 43 debatedeach Other SeVell times In theSUnmler and autn Of 185& two years before they bec

9、ame PreSldelltIal nominees (总统候选人)如果空格处前而是be动词,后而又无宾语且句意为被动,空格中应填及物动词的过去分 词:The first SteP In defeating this anxiety is realzmg that test anxiety is a natural IeaCtIon. and tlat it Call be 44 minimized.如果空格前而是名词或代词做主语,后面没有宾语或有一个介词加宾语,且中间无谓语 动词,空格处应填不及物动词:ParentS 44 ary greatly i their degree Of Stri

10、CtneSS towards their CllIIdre.如果空格处前而是劣词或代词做主语,后而是形容词,空格应填入系动词或be动词:Why dont you PUt the meat i the fridge? It Will 49Stay&esh for SeVeral days.如果空格处前有不垃式标志to,空格处应填入动词原形;另一种情况to是介词,后面应 填入动名词。FOr example, a Snldent WllO ChangeS their email CarrIer Will PrObabIy forget to 49 alert tle institution to d

11、ie Challge如果句子没有主语,也没有谓语,说明是祈使句,应该填动词原形。Next, 36 assess die scene, asking Other PeOPle or the injured PerSon S family or &IendS about details Of the InjUry or IllileSS11113确定空格为形容词(句子缺定语和表语)如果空格后而为名词的,空格处可能填入形容词;They are easily IeCOgnIZed by their 42dstinctve Clothuig.如果空格处前而是副词的,空格处可能填入形容词;The medi

12、a provide InfbrmatIOn to millions Of people, but tley are not yet SO 46 efllcient at Pn)VidIng IeaderS With feedback from the public.如果空格处前而是系动词的,空格处可能填入形容词作表语。ThiS is a City that knows ow to be both 49 ancient and modem.如果空格处前而或后而有形容词且用并列连词或逗号连接,空格处应该填入形容词。Their mmds Call SerVe to Createexpressing

13、COmPleX StnICnlres, even When there isno existing grammar for them to copy.爼词后有可能填形容词,形容词短语可修饰爼词作立语。The BIUlk IS a PIaCe familiar to anost everyone In CIllna.4确定空格为副词(句子不缺主要成分,用来做状语)如果空格处前而或者后面为动词的,空格处可能填入副词。TheSe StatiOnS WiIl 43 adequatelyPrePare hunms to ViSit and Iater IiVe On MarS orOther Earth

14、-IIke PlalletS-如果空格处后面是形容词的,空格处可能填入副词。AIl Iaill forests Share Certalll 41 features, including a ClOSed canopy, the denseVegetatIOn Of die top branches tlat fbns a IOOf above die forest floor, a damp and Warm ClUllate. and 42 TeIatiVely COnStant teeranres tlrouglout the year.如果空格前而be动词与后面的介词、形容词、分词等可

15、以构成完整搭配,空格处填入 副词。TOday its hard to believe that today,s wer-50-years PeOPle USed to be 45 StrOngIy against EIViS PreSleyS dace moves.Iii fact, the City is One Of the most brant, InternatIOnal CitIeS m ElirOPe and is 43 regularlyVOted as One Of the most desirable PIaCeS to IiVe In the world.5确定动词非谓语形

16、式(do, doing,done)(1)动冬词作主语、动词宾语和介词宾语。Mr GigllaC denies _45 taking_ his ClIStOmerS for fools: tTliey know What theyre gettmg. Tlley appreciate die fact that they,re takmg SOmethmg IlObOdy WOUld Want and finding beauty in it/3 (09上海卷)AS you SneeZe and COUgl, you SCOld yourself for not _VVearIilg yor W

17、arm COatyesterday. Alld you WOny that your WhOle family Will CatCh your COld too.分词作状语。ArabS Were OrigmaIly those WIlO IiVed m Ara(阿拉伯半岛).BUt from the AD600s ArabIan Arabs, InSPIred by their new faith ISlallL SWePt through WeStem ASia and NOrth AfhCa, _COnqUenllg ad SettIillg a huge area.分词作左语。注意像le

18、ft IlS亡d单个分词也能放名词后作处语。The sales USed Were Sent by Mr. Wag.The bell IIldICatmg the end Of die PeriOd rang.He Will govern With COngreSS hilly IUlder RePUbliCan COiltrOl ad Iead a COUntry deeply 34 divided_ by IliS CamPaIgn against CImtOn-空格前有不圧式标志to,空格处应填入动词原形;期一种情况to是介词,后而应填入动 名词。The anny WaS given t

19、he JOb Of keepmg PeaCe ill this difficult IndIail COlHItry Of the WeStem PIailis. SOldIerS Were SelIt OUt to build forts and roads. They tried to _ IOteCtthe WagOn trainsIlldian attacks.It is, however, desirable that Ile ShOUld have a IOUgh Idea about die PrOnUnCiatIOn Of IIIS SOUrCe languages, even

20、 If tlis is IeStnCted to knowing_ how PrOPer names ad PIaCe names are pronounced.(四)根据后缀确定单词词性一)、名词后缀-Ster, -eer, -er (Or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人。f列词:gamester I gangster t engineer * profiteer* mountaineer driver, teacher director actor, PrOfeSSOrJet意为:小或者不重要的东西。例词:booklett Ieaflett Starlet-ISnl 意为:道义,主义

21、,学说等。例词:IdealiSmt Hiipressionism, IaCiSmess 意为: 女性。f列词:actress, poetess, hostess PamtreSS-hood 意为:时期。例词:boyhood childhood manhood-ShlP 意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等 C 例词:IeaderShlP, friendship, membership, SPOrtSlnanShIP意为:SO 例词:CUPfUb Iiaiidfuh moutlfb SPOOnfIIltiom -IOn 意为:1)状态,行动等O 例词:action, OPPreSSion. POSSe

22、SSiOnt educationt StaneatIOn2)机构等。例词:OrganIZatIOnt foundation-ment 意为: 状态,行动等。例词:movement, enslavement, PaVemeilt-al 意为:动作。例词:arrival, refisaL revival, IeCitaL remowal11age 意为:程度,数量等。例词:coverage, shrinkage, breakage hostage12-ness: -ity (ty)意为:状态,品质。例词:happiness, usefulness, SeIfiShneSSf activity, S

23、anityf Changeability二)、动词后缀1 -Ify 意为:转为,变为。例词:beautify, simplify. CIaSSify2ize: -en 意为: 使, 变得。 例词: modernize POPUIarze SynlbOliZel IiPelltWidenl tlreaten3意为:增加,使。例词:Originatet IllitIate1111三).形容词后缀-fill 意为:充满,有。例词:USefIIh PitiftIb EopefiiL Eelpftib forgetfb tankfh fearfil2 JeSS 意为: 没有, 无。f列词:SPeeChl

24、eSSt ChildleSSf harmless, hopeless meanmgless3ly 意为:有品质的 例词:beastlyt maly brotherly, friendly4 -Iike 意为:像的。例词:ChIldIIke, tigerlike5-y: TSh 意为:像一般的 例词:Sandyt SIlkyt hairy, Ieafyt Waterfoolish, girlishblackishsome意为:像一样的:引起的:有品质的Q例词:troublesome tiresomebothersome-able (ible)意为:能的:可以的O 例词:Changeablel r

25、eadable drinkableCOmfbrtable, expansible8 Yd 意为:有的。例词:wooded, pointed. Odd-SIlaPed-al 意为:有属性的, 类型的Q 例词:CUlturaL PerSOnaL IegIOnaL musical10-ary (Ory)意为:属于的,与相连的。例词:revolutionary, imaginaryous意为:富含的:有品质的:像的。例词:glorious gracious12. -ic (ICal)意为: 类的:属于的。例词:historic IliStonCab dramatic heroic13 ive 意为:有

26、属性的;有某种倾向的 c 例词:talkativerestrictive, defensive, COnStnICtie educationwise课堂练习DireCtions: COmPlete the following PaSSage by USing the WOrdS in the box. EaCh WOrd CaIl OnIy be IISed once. NOte tlat there is One WOrd more than you need.A. alertB. ClaSSifyC. COnImitD. delicatelyE. gentleF. impose 1 T T

27、fT Lets Say youve decided you want to eat more Iiealtlifiilly. However, you don,t have tme to Careftilly Plan menus for meals or Iead food _41_ at the supermarket. SmCe you really 42_ yourself to a healthier lifestyle, a Iittle help WOUld COme In IIandy WOUldn,t it? ThIS is Where a MChOiCe arclteCtH

28、 Can help_43_SOme Of the burden Of doing It all yourself. ChOiCe architects are PeOPle WhO OrgailIZe the ConteXtS m WlIICh ClIStOmerS make decisions. FOr example, the PerSOn WhO decides the IayOUt Of your IOCal Superniarket-Hicluding WhiCh Shelf the PeaIIUt butter goes on. and how the OrangeS are Pl

29、Ied UP_ S a ChOiCe architect.GOVemmelItS dont have to_44_healthier IifeStyleS through laws, for example, SmOklng bans. Rather, If given an em-ironnient Created by a ChOiCe architect-one tlat encourages US to ChOOSe What is best-we WiIl do the IiglIt tilings. In Other words, there vill be designs tha

30、t gently PlISh ClIStOmerS toward making healthier choices. WitllOUt removing freedom Of choice. ThiS Idea COmbmeS freedom to ChOOSe With 45_IlintS from ChOiCe architects, WllO ami to IleIP PeOPIe Iife IOnger healthier, and IIaPPIer lives.Tlle BntiSIl and SWedISIl governments have HItrOdUCed a SO-Cal

31、led MtrafiiC IIght SyStemH to _46_foods as healthy or IuIllealthy. ThiS means that CUStOmerS Can See at a glance how much fat, SUgar and Salt each PrOdUCt COntaiIIS_47 by IOOkIng at the IIghtS On the package. A green IIght _48_that the amounts Of the tlree nutrients are healthy; yellow indicates tha

32、t the CUStOmer ShOUld be_49_; and Ied means that the food is IHgh In at IeaSt One Of the tlree nutrients and ShOUld be eate In _50_. The CUStOmer is given mortant Iiealtli Infbrmation, but is StiIl &ee to decide What to choose.Keys41.G 42. C 43.144. F 45. E 46. B 47. K 48. J 49. A 50. H【解析】41.在超市选购食

33、品时,我们会关注食品的什么?当然是食品的生产日期、保质期等各方而 健康安全资料,而这些内容都会在食品标签上说明。因此答案为Ch42. Conmnt Oneselfto sth ,决定某事。本句的意思是说,“自从你决定采取一种更健康的生活 方式,许多益处就变得触手可得。因此答案为C。43根据下文对CholCe architect的解释,其作用是帮助设计对食品的合理选购和放置,正好对 应上文繁琐的健康饮食要求,因此是ClIOlCe architect的作用是帮助减轻在这方面的压力。因 此答案为I。44“政府不会通过法律来推行这样的健康饮食方式,比如说戒烟禁令。”因此答案为F.45“这样的方法结合顾

34、客从采购顾问那儿学到了一些温和方式依旧可以自由选择。“同时根 据上句there Will be designs that gently PUSh CUStOmerS toward making healthier ChOICeSill 可以判左答案为gentle.根据下文“这总味着可以区别各种食物的脂肪、糖类和盐等各种物质含量“可知这是通过 食物的各种含量不同对英进行分类。因此答案为E。47根据上文可知,区别食物的方法就像交通信号灯一样,用三色分辨,方法很简单。“通过 观察包装上的灯色可以简单地区分食物里的各种物质含虽。”因此答案选择K.48. tiA green light.that the

35、 amounts Of the tlree IIUtllentS are healthy; yellow IndICateS that the CUStomer ShOUld be.; and red means。分别解释三色灯信号的意义。答案为J。49通过对交通信号灯的了解我们可以确定黄灯是存在危机的暗示。因此答案为A。50“红灯意味着摄入食量过多,营养过剩,因此需要注意适度饮食。”因此答案为HeDiI eCtions: ComPlete the following PaSSage by USUlg the WOrdS In the box. EaCh WOrd Can OllIy be I

36、lSed once. NOte tlat there IS One WOrd more than you need.A. accessB.alter nativesC.desig nedD COnfirmedE COnfIiCtingR elementsG functionH.inno VatiVG!.prospectiveJ. SeParateK SUPPOrtingCOnSIderIilg how much time PeOPle SPend m effects, it is mortat tlat with A be WelI designed. Wen-designed OffiCe

37、SPaCeS help Create a CorPOratIOn S image. They motate WOrkerS 1111and they make an ImPreSSiOn On PeOPle WhO ViSit and might be potential, Or 41 customers. TlIey make business WOrk better and they are a Part Of the COrPOrate CUInlre to IiVe in.AS We mov已 away from an industrial-based economy to a kno

38、wledge-based one, OftiCe designers COme UP With 42 to the traditional WrOrk environments Of the past. The design InduStry has moved awaya fixed OffiCe SetUP ad Created more flexible strategicmanagement environments/ TheSe43 SOlUtIOnS are meant to SUPPOrt betterOrgallIZatiOnal performance.AS employee

39、 hierarchies (等级制度)IKrVe flattened or decreased. OfiiCe designers response to this Change has been to move OPen-PIan areas to more desirable IOCatIonS WItllln the OffiCe and Create fewer fbnnal private offices. The need for mcreased flexibility has also been 44 by ChangeS i WOrkStatIOn design. OffiC

40、e and WOrk SPaCeS Oftell are not 45 to a given PerSOn On a Penllallellt basis. BeCalISe Of ChangeS to methods Of working. IleW design allow for expansion or mowement Of desks, storage, and equipment WitlIIn the WOrllace. AllOther mortant design goal is COnmlIUliCation, WhiCIl designers have ImPn)Ved

41、 by breakmg the WaIlS tlat 46 WOrkStatIons. DeSigllerS have also Created InfbnlIal gathermg PIaCeS and UPgraded employees, 47 to heavily trafficked areas SUCh as COPy and COfiee rooms.COiPOrate and institutional OffiCe designers Oftell StnIggle to 代SOlVe a number Of COmPeting and Often48demands, InC

42、lUdmg budgetary Iilnits, employees hierarchies andteclmological innovation (especially i relation to conuterzaton). TheSe demands IlIUSt also be balanced With die Ileed to Create IntenOrS (内饰)that in SOme Way enlance, estab丘Sh Or POSSeSS a companys IliIage and Will enable employees to 49 ad tleir be

43、st.AIl these 50 Of OffiCe design are related. TIle most SUCCeSSfUl OftiCe designs are IIke good InanIagethe Well-designed OffiCe ad die employees that OCCUPy it are Seemmgly IlIade for each OtherKeys IBHDC JAEGF【解析】41根据划线部分前而的单词POtentlal (形容词,潜在的)和or (表并列,意为或者),可 以知道答案是一个形容词且意思和潜在的是相近的。结合备选答案及单词意思,只

44、有 PrOSPeCt-e (adj.未来的;预期的;可能的;有希望的;)符合。42本局的意思是随着我们从以工业为基础的经济转移到知识为基础的经济,办公室设计者 已经想出了一些替代传统工作环境的事物。根据划线部分前后的介词知道该填名词。43.根据划线部分后面的名词SOlUtIOnS (解决办法)町以知道该空应该是填一个形容词,又 根据划线部分前而的代词TheSe可以知道,后而所说的内容其实是指代前一句话的内容“设 计工厂已经把一个固定的办公室转变为一个创造性地灵活环境备选答案中能够和创造性 同义的词就只有这个选项innoate革新的44根据划线部分前而的has also been以及划线部分后而

45、的by changes,这是典型的被动语态 的结构形式haehas been done by sth.所以可以知道答案选项应该是过去分词形式。备选的答 案有assigned (分派):COnfirmed (确认),根据句总可以知道答案是confirmed.45根据划线部分前而的迅及主语Offices and WOIk SPaCeS (物作主语),也可以判断是过去 分词表被动。通过句意,办公室及工作空间不是分派给一个人永久使用,选assigned.46该句意为另一个重要的设计目标就是交流,这意味着设汁者已经通过降低分割工作空间 的墙来改善。根据划线部分前面的enloyees,这个名词所有格及划线

46、部分后的介词,可以知道这个空 格要填名词形式。如果从搭配的角度来看,基本可以确左答案access, access to的总思是 进入。如果按照意思来排除,也可以知道答案是access.本句意为“设讣者也创造了一个非 正式的聚会地方,同时也更新了员工进入如复印室和咖啡屋之类的地方。“根据划线前而的结构COmPetIiIg and,可以知道应该填一个结构类似的词,动名词有 COnfliCting和SUPPortIng。综合分析能得岀答案。49本句意为“这种要求要注意均衡内饰的需要和使得员工起到最好的作用,内饰在一泄程度 上,可以加强,建立或促进公司的形象。“根据划线部分前而的to,结合搭配enab

47、le Sb to do Sth可以知道空格填动词形式,而且是原形。到现在的备选答案只有function,所以答案就是 它了。另外,要注意Hmction可以做不及物动词动词及需词。50根据划线部分的前面是these,后而是Of可以知道空格要填的是一个名词形式。再根据 tlese的指代作用,知道这个拿词应该是一个还有槪括意义的词。综合上而的题目,剩下的 备选答案是elements (要素)和SUPPOrtmg (支持),苴中SUPPorting词性不对,这也表明 SUPPOrtmg是多余的那种选项。所以答案是elements.本句意为“所有的这些办公室要素都有 关联”Du ections: COm

48、Plete the fblloving PaSSage by USmg the WOrdS In the box. EaCh WOrd CalI Only be IISed once. NOte tlat there IS One WOrd more than you need.A. accountB. adjustable C. appliances D. CaPtUre E. decorations F. directJ. SOUlIeSS K. SqUeeZeG. experiment H. intended L OPeratedJ. SOUlIeSS K. SqUeeZeGOlden

49、RUIeS Of GOOd DeSigiIWhat IilakeS good design? Ch er die years, designers and artists hae been trying to 41 die essentials Of good design. They have found tlat SOme SayingS CaIl help PeOPle IUlderStand the IdeaS Of good design. Tllere are four as follows.LeSS is more. TlIiS Sayillg is associated WIt

50、ll the Genllall-bom architect MieS Van der Rohe. In IiIS MOdemISt view, beauty IieS In SmIPliCity and elegance, ad the aim Of the designer is to Create SOIUtIOaS to PrOblelllS through the most efficient means. DeSign SllOUld avoid IUlneCeSSary 42MOre is IlOt a bore. The AmeriCan-born arclitect ROber

51、t V7entr COnChIded that if SimPIiCity is done badly, the IeSUlt is 43 design. POSt-MOdenlISt designers began to 44 With decoration and COlOr again. PrOdUCt design WaS heavily InflUenCed by this View ad Can be Seen In kitchen 45 SUCh as OVenS and kettles.FltneSS for purpose. Successftil PrOdlICt desi

52、gn takes into COnSideratIOn a products fnction, purpose, shape, fbm. color, and SO on. Tlle most ImPOrtant IeSUIt for the USer is that the PrOdUCt does Wllat is 46. FOr example, think Of a(n) 47 desk lamp. It IleedS to be COnStnICted&om InateriaIS that Will Stand the heat Of die IamP and IeglIIar ad

53、justments by die user. It also needs to be stable. MOSt InIPOrtantIy it IleedS to 48 IIglIt Where it is needed.FrOm follows emotion. TlIiS PhraSe is associated With the GermaIl designer Hartnmt ESSlmger He believes design must take IntO 49 the SenSOIy SIde Of Ollr nanre_ glt, SmelL touch and taste.

54、TheSe are as InlPOrtallt as yno7m(理性白勺).When ChOOSing everyday PrOdUCtS SUCh as toothpaste, We appreciate a COOl-IOOking device tlat allows US to easily 50 the toothpaste OntO OlIr brush.Keys 41. D 42E 43J 44.G 45C 46.H 47.B 48.F 49.A 50.K【解析】试题分析:本文属于说明文,告诉我们好的设计应包括四个黄金宦律:简约.功能以及情感41. D动词CaPture获得:

55、捕获:本句中该词构成的不宦式短语to capture作为动词try的宾语。句意:多年以来,设计师和艺术家一直都在努力搞淸楚好的设汁的本质。E名词decorations装饰,该词在句中作为动词avoid的宾语。本段的主题是Less is more 倡导装修设计的简单化。句意:设计应该避免不必要的装饰物。J形容词SOUIleSS没有灵魂的:该词在本句中做上语修饰名词design.根据前半句“The AmerICan-bom architect RObert VentUn ConClUded that If SlmPliCity is done badly口知美国建 筑家RObert VennlrI

56、总结过,如果简约没有做好,那么这样的设计就是没有灵魂的:G动词短IS experiment With试用,用做实验:句意:后现代主义设计师们再一次开始 试验装饰和颜色。C名词appliance电器,电器匸具;该词可由后面列举的例子oens ad kettles烤箱和水 壶”推理,指厨房电器等物品。H形容词Intended预期的:本句中该词和系动词IS构成系表结构。句意:对用户来说最 重要的是产品达到了预期的效果。B形容词adjustable可调肖的:本句中该词作为定语修饰名词desk Iainp,意为“可调肖的 台灯“,与后句中regular adjustments by the user 形

57、成呼应。F动词direct对准,指挥;本句中该词与一务词Ilght构成动宾短语。句意:最重要的是, 它需要对准需要光线的地方。A动词短语take.mto account把考虑在内;句意:他认为设计必须把自然的直觉考虑在 内,如:视觉、嗅觉、触觉和味觉。K动词SqUeeZe挤圧;句意:我们很喜欢一个看起来很酷的装置,能让我们很容易地把 牙膏挤到我们的牙刷上。翻译练习IN The more. the more.L你书看得越多,就越有可能接触到不同的文化。(expose)The more you read, die more IIkely you are to be exposed to diffe

58、rent cultures.2你看的书越多,你犯的错误就越少。(tle more)The more books you read, the fewer IiIIStakeS you WiIl make.你接触的原版小说越多,对英美文化的了解就越深。(expose)The more OrIgUIal novels you are exposed to, the deeper UnderStalldmg youll hae On die BritiSh and AnIeriCan culture.4综上所述,我们可以得出这样一个结论:家庭越幸福,你就会越长寿。(COnCIUSlOn)FrOm di

59、e aboe AS has been Stated above. We CaIl COme to the ConCkiSiOn that die happier your family is, the IOnger you Wiil live.2 OIlly+介词短语/状语从句1只有当我们将计划付诸实践,我们才有可能会成功。(Only)Only Whell We PUt OUr PIan IntO PraCtiCe are We Ilkely to be SUCCeSSfill.只有通过提高效率,这个工厂才会贏利更多。(OnIy)OIlly by ImPrO4ng the efficiency

60、 Can die factory make more profits.只有当你放弃所有消极的想法时,你才会感受到生活带给你的幸福。(OnIy)Ollly Whell you Iet go Of all die Ilegat*e thoughts Can you feel the happiness IIfe brings to you.只有政府采取严厉的措施,我们才有望看到空气质量的真正改善。(OllIy)Only When die government takes SeriOUS measures Can We expect the Ieal InIPrOwement in air qual


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