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1、高考词汇手册101-110您的姓名: 填空题 *_1. Your teacher can _ you towards a better attitude in study. (v. 指导) 填空题 *空1答案:direct2. The smell of death and_ hung over the town. (腐烂n.) 填空题 *空1答案:decay3. Big words seldom accompany good _. (n. 行为) 填空题 *空1答案:deeds4. It cant be _ (v. 否认) that we need to _ (v. 奉献,投入) more r

2、esources to this problem. 填空题 *空1答案:denied空2答案:devote5. She was good at physics _ the fact that she found it boring. (prep. 尽管) 填空题 *空1答案:despite6. The conference was attended by _ from 56 countries. (n. 代表) 填空题 *空1答案:delegates7. His sudden _ threw the office into chaos. (n. 离开) 填空题 *空1答案:departure8

3、. Stores are getting _ after two years of poor sales. (adj.不顾一切的) 填空题 *空1答案:desperate9. The government has_ a state of emergency. (v. 宣布) 填空题 *空1答案:declared10. The room was _ with flowers and balloons. (v. 装饰) 填空题 *空1答案:decorated11. He is _ to win at any cost. (v.下决心) 填空题 *空1答案:determined12. _ are b

4、ecoming smaller and easier to carry and they wont cost you too much. (词组 电子设备) 填空题 *空1答案:Digital devices13. He tried to return to work, but found he could no longer cope with his _ job. (adj. 费时费力的) 填空题 *空1答案:demanding14. The company is taking _ action to deal with the problem. (adj. 谨慎的,深思熟虑的) 填空题

5、*空1答案:deliberate15. The illness was _ as cancer. (v. 诊断) 填空题 *空1答案:diagnosed16. French _ from English in this respect (方面). (v. 相异,有区别) 填空题 *空1答案:differs17. He was _ into handling over all his savings. (v. 欺骗) 填空题 *空1答案:deceived18. We should pay tribute (致敬) to soldiers died in _ of our country. (n.

6、保卫) 填空题 *空1答案:defence19. There are no _ schools round here. (adj. 像样的;尚可的) 填空题 *空1答案:decent20. The central argument is that capitalism (资本主义) sows the seeds of its own _. (n. 摧毁,毁灭) 填空题 *空1答案:destruction21. These results _ convincingly that our campaign is working. (v. 证明,证实) 填空题 *空1答案:demonstrate22

7、. The number of new students _ from 210 to 160 this year. (v. 减少 increase的反义) 填空题 *空1答案:decreased23. It is difficult to understand the local _. (n.方言) 填空题 *空1答案:dialect24. Your name has been _ from the list. (v. 删除) 填空题 *空1答案:deleted25. The speech was a _ attempt to embarrass the government. (adj. 故

8、意的,蓄意的) 填空题 *空1答案:deliberate26. Her _ was a record of her inner conflict. (n.日记) 填空题 *空1答案:diary27. We have a _ every English class. (n.听写) 填空题 *空1答案:dictation28. She was physically _ and psychologically unstable. (adj. 纤细的,易碎的) 填空题 *空1答案:delicate29. The number of tourists to the resort _ by 10% las

9、t year. (v. 下降,衰退) 填空题 *空1答案:declined30. They learn well but seem to need time to _ information. (v. 消化,吸收) 填空题 *空1答案:digest31. Its difficult to preserve your _ when you have no job and no home. (n. 尊严) 填空题 *空1答案:dignity32. The president will _ a speech about schools. (v. 发表,发布) 填空题 *空1答案:deliver33.

10、 She won the game easily, to the _ of all her fans. (n.高兴) 填空题 *空1答案:delight34. The light is too _ to read by. (adj.昏暗的) 填空题 *空1答案:dim35. They are _ in favor of free higher education. (v. 游行示威) 填空题 *空1答案:demonstrating36. He knew he could _ her to deal with the situation. (词组:指望,依靠) 填空题 *空1答案:depend

11、on37. Those who learn to forgive_ respect from other. (v.应得,值得) 填空题 *空1答案:deserve38. High rate _ (n.存款) accounts yield (产生) good returns. 填空题 *空1答案:deposit39. The basic _ of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. (n.设计) 填空题 *空1答案:design40. The recession (经济衰退) has _ the housing market. (

12、v. 使不景气) 填空题 *空1答案:depressed41. Those kids are driving me to _. (n. 绝望) 填空题 *空1答案:despair42. Jim was _ by his colleagues as “unusual”. (v. 描述,形容) 填空题 *空1答案:described43. We can not satisfy _ for the products. (n. 需求) 填空题 *空1答案:demand44. All our officers are trained to _ themselves against knife attac

13、ks. (v. 防御,保卫) 填空题 *空1答案:defend45. They _ (v. 挖) down to a _ of two metres. (n. 深度) 填空题 *空1答案:dug空2答案:depth46. Please pay for goods on _=when you receive them. (n.递送,传送) 填空题 *空1答案:delivery47. She was _ by her parents. (v. 舍弃) 填空题 *空1答案:deserted48. I have a strong _ to help and care for people. (n. 愿望) 填


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