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1、,Unit Two Section B The Political Career of a Female Politician,- 2 -,Reading Skills,Text Comprehension,Language Points,1,2,3,Unit Three,Test Yourself,4,- 3 -,Mixture of Fact and Opinion,Reading Skills,As we learned in Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3, its very important to tell the difference between fact

2、s and the writers opinions in the course of reading. But more often, writers mix facts and opinions even within the same sentence.,- 4 -,Test the writers opinion by asking whether a different opinion is possible. Look for words that interpret ones opinions such as pretty, ugly, handsome, dangerous,

3、evil, attractive, well-dressed, good, etc.,I. Tips for Distinguishing Facts from Opinions,Reading Skills,- 5 -,Examples:,Reading Skills,“_” (opinion) “_” (fact),1. Certainly middle-class audiences did; the working class audiences were more likely to clap for a character who revolted against authorit

4、y, using his wicked little cane to trip it up, or aiming the heel of his boot for a well-placed kick at its broad rear.,_,_,_,_,- 6 -,Reading Skills,2. Its a relief to know that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stable happiness it had earlier denied him.,_,_,_,But this one is basically factu

5、al because Chaplin did get married in his 50s as his last marriage.,- 7 -,II. Exercise,Reading Skills,Directions: In the following sentences from Passage B, pick out the words that present facts and those that present opinions. Select F for each sentence that basically represents a fact; Select O fo

6、r each statement of opinion.,_ Yet, six months ago, she did a most revolutionary thing: She ran for mayor of Embu, Kenya, and won. _ Ms. Mbogos victory was even more surprising because she was voted in by her colleagues on the District Council, all men.,F,F,- 8 -,Reading Skills,3. _ For the thousand

7、s of women in this farming area two hours northeast of Nairobi, Ms. Mbogo suddenly became a symbol of the increasingly powerful political force women have become in Kenya and across Africa. 4. _ One veteran female political activist said that many women had not been taught the basics of political pa

8、rticipation. 5. _ Yet, political activity among Kenyan women is not a new phenomenon.,O,F,O,- 9 -,Reading Skills,Text Comprehension,Language Points,1,2,3,Unit Three,Test Yourself,4,- 10 -,1. Who was Agatha Muthoni Mbogo ?,Tips: Ran for mayor of Embu, Kenya, and won. Became a symbol of the increasing

9、ly powerful political force women have become in Kenya and across Africa.,Text Comprehension,Question Answering,general idea,- 11 -,2. What did she do in 1992? In 1992, running for the Embu Council,Text Comprehension,Beginning of Ms. Mbogos dream:,3. What were her difficulties and obstacles? little

10、money no political experience ridiculous questions about her personal life misunderstanding among the towns women deeply held cultural traditions,- 12 -,4. Whats the background of her election? Many women had not been taught the basics of political participation; Some political activity among Kenya

11、women Men still have the upper hand, and no Kenya woman has ever held a cabinet post.,Text Comprehension,- 13 -,5. What are her steps to success?,Text Comprehension,Ms. Mbogos road to success:,Winning her council seat Declining a spot on a so-called “a womans committee” and joining the town planning

12、 committee Challenging Embus mayor and winning with 7 to 6 votes,- 14 -,6. Whats her achievement?,Text Comprehension,Comments on her and her winning:,Donor groups are now funding projects in Embu in earnestfor a new market, a 200-bed section for new mothers, a dormitory-style home,7. What are the co

13、mments on it? Warmly welcomed by the men of Embu; liked by most people of Embu; a refreshing change,- 15 -,Reading Skills,Text Comprehension,Language Points,1,2,3,Unit Three,Test Yourself,4,- 16 -,参加市议会竞选的人比以往都多。,More people than ever before are running for the city council.,例句,返回,短语,more,- 17 -,你付了

14、这个人多少钱来暗中监视你丈夫?,How much did you pay the man to spy on your husband?,例句,返回,短语,- 18 -,他们很爱惜自己的好名声。,They are very jealous of their good reputation.,例句,返回,单词,more,- 19 -,jealous: a. 2. unhappy and angry because sb. has sth. one wants, or because one thinks he might take sth. 妒忌的,例句,返回,单词,To tell the tr

15、uth, I get a bit jealous of the other people who come and see Marie.,- 20 -,无论何时她与儿子发生冲突, 她总是占上风.,Whenever conflicts arose between her and her son, she had the upper hand.,例句,返回,短语,- 21 -,他们打算拆除这家旧医院,建造一幢办公大楼。,They are going to tear down the old hospital and build a block of offices.,例句,返回,短语,- 22 -

16、,按照惯例,不满8周岁的儿童很少作为证人被传唤。,As usual practice, children under the age of eight are rarely called as witnesses.,例句,返回,单词,more,- 23 -,2. 这所大学多年来已经经历了相当大的变革。,2. This university has witnessed quite a few changes over the years.,1.人们已经多次在伦敦的赛场上看到如此丑陋的场面。,1. Such ugly scenes have been witnessed at London gro

17、unds many times.,例句,返回,单词,- 24 -,如果你看到他们的系统,相形之下我们的系统就太过时了。,When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.,例句,返回,短语,- 25 -,当你工作时,你应认真工作。,While you work, you should work in earnest.,例句,返回,短语,- 26 -,2. 所有的条款都在合同中列出了。,2. All the terms and conditions are laid out in the co

18、ntract.,1.他向我展示了如何编排版面。,1. He showed me how to lay out a printed page.,例句,返回,短语,more,- 27 -,同这么真诚坦率的人说话,令人耳目一新。,Its refreshing to talk to such a truthful person.,例句,返回,单词,在炎热的天气里,没有什么比一杯凉啤酒更爽的了。,Theres nothing more refreshing on a hot day than a cold beer.,- 28 -,我们对英国队寄予厚望,但那一天他们有负众望。,We expected g

19、reat things of the English team, but on the day they simply failed to deliver the goods.,例句,返回,短语,- 29 -,Chinese to English,误会 严肃的,认真的 监视 竞选 占上风 激烈的 遭到,受到 令人耳目一新的 撕下,扯下 摆出,摆开,Language points,misunderstand earnest spy on run for have/get the upper hand fierce be subject to refreshing tear down lay ou

20、t,- 30 -,Reading Skills,Text Comprehension,Language Points,1,2,3,Unit Three,Test Yourself,4,- 31 -,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,Back,1. Jacks shirt was burned by _ from the fire. A) spots B) spills C) sparks D) sprays,2. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it _ into fragments. A) broke off

21、 B) broke away C) broke up D) broke through,下一页,- 32 -,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,Back,3. We shall have to _ the meeting until next week, Im afraid. A) postpone B) conduct C) replace D) last,4. To our _, Geoffreys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A) entertainment B) judgment

22、C) relief D) relaxation,下一页,上一页,- 33 -,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,Back,5. The working of the machine _ that of the human brain. A) compromises with B) competes with C) communicates to D) corresponds to,6. The attack was the latest in a series of border _ in that area. A) accidents B) incidents C)

23、 events D) occurrences,下一页,上一页,- 34 -,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,Back,7. The oppressed peasants rose up in armed _. A) revolt B) rebel C) chaos D) challenge,下一页,上一页,8. I had to shake him several times to _ him from his sleep. A) rouse B) stimulate C) motivate D) prompt,- 35 -,Test Yourself-Multip

24、le Choice,Back,9. Three days after the trial the prisoner was _ secretly, and the body was buried under a tree inside the prison. A) murdered B) convicted C) executed D) punished,下一页,上一页,- 36 -,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,Back,11. Three people were killed in a head-on _ between a bus and a car. A)

25、 collapse B) conflict C) collision D) crush,下一页,上一页,10. His skin was _ from years of working outdoors. A) elastic B) clumsy C) coarse D) delicious,- 37 -,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,Back,12. I dont know if youve heard, but theres a _ going around the office that Mr. Smith is leaving at the end of

26、the month. A) news B) rumor C) saying D) proverb,13. I guess Jones didnt have a chance to win the election. Almost all of the people in the city voted for his _. A) opponent B) candidate C) colleague D) advocate,下一页,上一页,- 38 -,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,Back,14. The protest march developed into a _ when the police tried to stop it. A) rebel B) strike C) violation D) riot,15. He said he had _ the perform


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