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1、4,South Africa南非,”Heartbeats” is an uncomplicated and highly emotional concept for all lovers of mild, fruity wines. Its unique brand design ensures “Heartbeats” an unmistakable presence and irresistible display of style! 驿动的心一款甜蜜而美妙的产品,前卫的酒标设计,富有突出的货架成列效果,是所有场合时尚礼品的最佳选择。,Heartbeats 驿动的心,Chenin Blan

2、c 百诗南 Medium Sweet : 半甜 Product Number : 3101产品编号:3101 Enjoy it with pate, shrimps, creamy chicken and sea food dishes or as desserts with lemon tart and apple crumble. A delicious medium sweet wine showing an intense nose of apples, creamy honey with peach and citrus flavors. 清新微甜,口感柔和,酒体适中,富有浓郁的苹果

3、、桃子和柠檬的芳香。可与鸡、鱼、海鲜以及柠檬、苹果派等甜点共同享用。,Syrah 西拉 Medium Sweet:半甜 Product Number : 3102产品编号:3102 Nice match with ripe melon, Moroccan and Oriental dishes. Also enjoy with a fruit salad or ice cream. A bright and vibrant nose with strawberry and raspberry fruit flavors together with a creamy, juicy and rou

4、nded taste. Well-balanced, soft, juicy with a medium body. 香甜的草莓和蓝莓口味。酒体均衡、柔和,果味适中,酒味香醇。与成熟瓜果,各种中式菜肴以及水果沙拉或冰激凌等同时享用。,Cabernet Sauvignon 加苯纳赤霞珠 Sweet:甜型 Product Number : 3100产品编号:3100 Fabulous on its own as an aperitif or with fruit-based desserts. The wines of the sun spoilt Western Cape in South Af

5、rica stand out due to its full bodied, harmonic character. 适合与水果甜点搭配或者和清蒸类食物搭配。单独享用也是很好的选择。深宝石色,单宁细致,苹果、橡木及热带水果的混合香气,柔和甘甜,色泽华美,余味绵长,饱满均衡。是与家人和朋友开怀畅饮的最佳选择!夏季冰镇后饮用更是甜美顺畅!,South Africa南非,Chenin Blanc百诗南 Product Number : 3104产品编号:3104 Lovely citrus and peach aroma, with an elegant and smooth palate. To

6、be enjoyed with any light meals. 适合与清淡鲜绿的生蔬和海鲜食品同时享用。酒体呈淡绿色,清爽甘甜,诱人的柑橘、桃子芳香,口感平滑清爽圆润。,Stony Cape wines are grown and produced in South Africa. We offer these popular, top quality wines at an attractive and reasonable price . Stone Cape wines are well known nationally and internationally.,Stony Cape

7、岩石角,Ruby Cabernet Sauvignon鲁比 加苯纳赤霞珠 Product Number : 3105产品编号:3105 The fruity and silky smoothness of the Cinsault, complemented by the robust and complex Ruby-Cabernet. Enjoyable with any fine meal. 口感独特,柔和醇美,富含成熟的深色水果及李子的香甜口味。水果香的丝滑口感中夹杂着丰富的赤霞珠风味。适合与多种美食共享,尤其是红肉类美食。,5,Talamanca 脸谱,Carmenere 卡门 Pr

8、oduct Number : 3163产品编号:3163 Carmenere has a great depth of colour with aromas of spices, black pepper and ripe blackberries. The palate is well structrued and balanced with mature tannins and a persistent finish. This wine is outstanding with casseroles and stews. 卡门有着红宝石般的色泽是智利最有特色的红葡萄品种。香料、黑胡椒、成熟

9、黑色水果的芳香,单宁香醇、入口顺滑、持久。 这款酒是砂锅和炖煮类食物的最佳选择,也可以与烧烤,涮羊肉及红烧肉搭配。,Merlot 梅洛 Product Number : 3164产品编号:3164 Merlot reveals aromas of spices, cherries and ripe blackberries. This wine is well structured with tannins and a lingering finish. An ideal companion to steaks and roast meats. 梅洛充满了香料、樱桃、成熟黑色水果的香气,单宁柔

10、和、酒体饱满,回味悠长。 这款酒是牛排和烧烤肉类的绝佳搭配。,Sauvignon Blanc 白苏维浓 Product Number : 3165产品编号:3165 Sauvignon Blanc is a refreshing, crisp white wine fresh, grassy aromas. An ideal companion to seafood and Asian dishes. 淡淡的金黄色酒液,酒体平衡,桔子、甘草和苹果的味道混合在一起使人精神焕发,新鲜清爽饱满的白葡萄酒,散发着青草的芳香。 这款酒是海鲜和清单菜肴的理想搭配也可净饮。,Chile智利,Chile智利,

11、Santa Babera boasts ownership of close to 4000 acres in Chinas most important wine growing regions. With its ongoing focus on technology, innovation and brand development ,Santa Babera continues to produces wines rich, distinctive and unique. 圣芭芭拉拥有将近4000英亩的葡萄园,均匀分布于智利各大重要产区。圣芭芭拉不断致力于研究适宜葡萄生长的风土条件,推

12、进加工技术革新及品牌建设,不断出品口味丰饶而风格独具匠心的美酒佳肴。,Santa Babera 圣芭芭拉 On-trade only 特供餐饮渠道,Merlot梅洛 Product Number : 3107产品编号:3107 Intense violet colour, showing aromas of spices, black pepper and ripe blackberries. Well structured and balanced with mature tannins and a persistent finish. Perfect with any kind of me

13、at dishes. 优美的宝石红色,具有紫罗兰、黑椒的香味,层次感明显,香醇自然,酒体适中,入口柔和,回味悠长。可与各种肉类搭配。特别是烧烤, 冷荤拼盘和口感较重的食物.,Cabernet Sauvignon 加苯纳赤霞珠 Product Number : 3108产品编号:3108 Full-bodied, real depth of colour and varietals character. Ideal on its own or as an accompaniment to meat, game or cheeses. 酒体饱满柔滑,质感醇厚,色泽华美如鲜艳的红宝石. 口感独特。有

14、丰富的自然果香味并带有淡淡的巧克力的味道。可单独享用,亦可与肉类、野味或奶酪搭配共享 。,Sauvignon Blanc白苏维浓 Product Number : 3111产品编号:3111 A refreshing dry white wine with a lively floral aroma and real varietal character. Ideal on its own or with white meat and fish dishes. 开胃佳酒,更是中西餐搭配的佳饮。适合与海鲜,清淡食物搭配也可以净饮.清新甘醇的芳香,干草和菊花的味道显著.干爽滑润的口感,令人回味无穷

15、。,Chardonnay莎当妮 Product Number : 3110产品编号:3110 Crisp, elegant and medium bodied style. Smooth palate shows fruity aromas of melon and peach with a touch of vanilla. Perfect with avocado salad, pasta, rice, chicken and even spicy food. 金黄色的酒液,清爽、优雅,酒体适中。柔滑中带有瓜果、梨子和淡淡香草芳香。是沙拉、意大利面、米饭、鸡肉和各种香辣食物的理想搭配。,C

16、hile智利,The vines for our chilenian wines are grown in the Coquimbo region of northern Chile. Mile-high vineyards ensure cool nights to maintain the grapes acidity while tropical heat ensures fully ripe flavors .The Pacific wafts cool, welcoming breezes during the heat of the day. These growing condi

17、tions are near to perfect for wines and cannot find again in the world 维妮娅庄园坐落在智利艾尔基山谷中央,得天独厚的太平洋的海风恰到好处地调节其地区的温度,白天丰富的日照赋予了葡萄热带水果的芳香,温差较大的夜间保证了葡萄的酸度,是一款不可多得的美酒。,Vina Zamporia 维妮娅,Shiraz西拉 Product Number : 3136产品编号:3136 Powerful black fruit aromas with a light dusting of white pepper. A lush, soft a

18、nd elegant palate, with flavors of black olives and herbs. Enjoy with tapenades or roast duck. 强烈的黑色水果芳香混合着淡雅的白胡椒清新味道。酒味独特、柔顺且浓郁,带有黑橄榄与香草的香味。与烤鸭,东坡肘子,炖肉等口味较浓郁的肉类食物搭配享用口感更佳。,Sauvignon Blanc白苏维翁 Product Number : 3135产品编号:3135 This wine with Guave and tropical fruit aromas that has mouth watering crisp

19、 gooseberry flavours and a long finish. Enjoy this wine with or without a light meals. 清新自然,酒体平衡. 带有热带番石榴水果和青草芬芳,具有令人垂涎的醋栗香味.口感中果味丰富,优雅,纯净。适合与如蔬菜沙拉,清蒸鱼,三黄鸡等清淡食物搭配享用。,La Cara 金图腾,Cabernet Sauvignon加苯纳赤霞珠 Product Number : 3152产品编号:3152 It shows strong fruity notes of cherries, black currants and ripe

20、plums. On the finish gentle nuances of bitter chocolate, toasted almonds and vanilla round out this exceptional wine. It is an ideal accompaniment to meat or game dishes, strongly flavored cheese or simply enjoyed on its own.,诱人的红宝石色, 具有樱桃、黑醋栗和成熟李子等自然水果芳香。在口中散发着巧克力的浓香,以及杏仁和香草的清香。是家庭和朋友聚会非常理想的选择. 可与味

21、道浓厚的食物搭配,如肉类和奶酪,烧烤和炖肉,也可与荤菜冷盘搭配。,Australia澳大利亚,Successfully launched in Australia, Ascender Cellar captures the charm of Australia with high quality wines. The rich flavors of Ascender Cellar are harnessed from the sunny vineyard regions of South Eastern Australia. Building up on a proven global suc

22、cess, that made winery become Number 1 in European Countries. Ascender Cellar offers an amazing price/quality value. (On Trade only) 位于澳大利亚东南部,在阳光沐浴下的阿瑟德酒窖酿造出具有口味丰饶特性的葡萄酒,具有口感丰饶的澳洲佳酿令人赞不绝口,在瑞士及德国市场的销售业绩一直名列前茅,足以见证了该品牌是物超所值的葡萄酒典范。,Australia Cellars 阿瑟德窖藏 On-trade only 特供餐饮渠道,Chardonnay 莎当妮 Product Nu

23、mber : 3134产品编号:3134 This easy drinking wine has delicious aromas of tropical fruits, rounded off by a long buttery, yet refreshing, finish. Juicy fresh and full-bodied. It is suitable for seafood, poultry or salad. 具有甜美的热带水果香味,果味香甜清新并伴有矿物质味道.清爽宜人。果香浓郁,酒味新鲜,酒体丰满。可与禽类、海鲜或沙拉同时享用,味道会更加香醇 。,Shiraz 西拉 Pr

24、oduct Number : 3133产品编号:3133 It is an easy drinking red wine which is made from South Eastern Australia. It has intense spicy plum fruit flavours on the palate with a seductive soft finish. It is an excellent partner with grilled red meats . 容易入口,酒体适中并伴有细微的青椒味道.具有浓郁的李子果芳香,口感柔和顺滑。适合与烤红肉, 炖肉搭配享用,口感倍加柔

25、顺。,Australia澳大利亚,Through its quality of wines. Australia has developed into a major wine production nation. Particularly its red wines enjoy worldwide acceptance, especially Shiraz. The “Australian style” is one of rich, full-bodied wines, with or without wood, and a mild, creamy texture with less a

26、cidity. 袋鼠西拉是澳洲最具代表性的葡萄品种之一,可爱的袋鼠酒标是消费者更易于辨认其产地。其入口清新自然,口感丰富,圆润丰满厚重,单宁适中,是一款典型的澳洲美酒!,Quay Landing 袋鼠,Chardonnay 莎当妮 Product Number : 3116产品编号:3116 An aroma of apricots and pears with a hint of mocha and caramel. Juicy and fresh and full-bodied. It goes well with fowl and poultry. 淡淡的金黄色,杏仁味、梨味和甘草芳香口

27、感。香醇新鲜多汁的水果香型。是海鲜,清淡食物和冷菜拼盘的完美佐餐酒。,Shiraz西拉 Product Number : 3154产品编号:3154 With dark colour, plenty of fruit and spices. Mature tannins accompany hints of mocha and cedar wood. Strong and prolonged flavour goes excellent with fried or grilled meat with dark sauce. 浓郁的水果味和香气。成熟的单宁中渗透着咖啡和雪松杉的气息。酒色呈明亮樱

28、桃红色,酒体醇厚,酒体结构感强,平稳有力。最好与煎肉或铁板烤肉搭配共享。,Australia澳大利亚,Australia Adventure is one of the best selling Australia wines in Europe, especially in Germany. The Shiraz Grape is powerfully flavored and full-bodied. Shiraz is the most famous grape from Australia. 这是一款在欧洲久负盛名,尤其是德国销量最好的澳洲葡萄酒之一,选用最具代表性的澳洲葡萄品种(Sh

29、iraz)西拉酿造,品质优越,酒标很好地突出其原产国。,Australia Adventure 澳洲鸿运,Shiraz 西拉 Product Number : 3153产品编号:3153 One of Australias original benchmark varieties is represented here as a wine showing distinctive red currant and peppery flavours with ripe tannins and a seductive softness. Perfect with hearty meats. 优雅美妙的

30、红宝石色,独特的红浆果和胡椒的口感中渗透着成熟单宁和诱人的丝滑,入口优雅,酒体圆润丰满。是澳大利亚西拉葡萄的典型代表。与炖肉,烧烤和口味较重的肉类菜肴搭配。同时与北京涮羊肉,北京烤鸭,东坡肘子及梅菜扣肉搭配更是美妙。,Argentina 阿根廷,Mendoza is Argentinas powerhouse and centerpiece of quality, accounting for over 80% of the countrys total production of wines. This premium wine region is located in foothills

31、of the Andes. Soils are of alluvial origin, moderately deep, with sandy loam texture supported by gravel with good drainage. The province is broken into five different regions, each with its own unique ecology and terrain. 门多萨是阿根延的酿酒中心,其产量占全国总产量的80%以上。这以优质葡萄酒产区位于安第斯山脉的山麓小丘,土壤冲击平原而来,深度适当,以沙沃土层为主并由沙硕层

32、支持,排水性能良好。门多萨省共分5个葡萄酒产区,各有自己独特的地理环境和风土特质。,Maranon 马龙,Syrah西拉 Product Number : 3112产品编号:3112 This wine has rich and spicy fruit flavours which are typical for the frappe variety Syrah. Its rounded style and the delicious peppery overtones It is an ideal partner to flavored food. 典型的西拉葡萄酿造,美妙的红宝石色, 酒体

33、厚重平衡.具有丰富的热带水果香气和青椒的微辣口感。适合与口感丰富的食物搭配。特别是红烧肉和炖肉更为美妙.,Malbec马拜克 Product Number : 3113产品编号:3113 This grape variety is particularly successful in Argentina, making full flavored wines with complex fruit flavours that are rich and elegant in style. The wine is an excellent partner for most red meats and

34、 other hearty dishes. 马拜克是阿根廷葡萄种植者的骄傲!口感柔和,颜色呈美妙的红宝石色,酒体醇厚,富有多种美味水果和松树的芬芳!适合与红肉或其他滋味厚重的菜肴搭配。,Spain 西班牙,The Property “Mas Gran” has an extension of 50 hectares, 2000 very old olive trees, 16 hectares are planted with old wines tocks, and 2 hectare is new planted. Its exposure provides perfect conditi

35、ons of sunlight and an ideal temperature balance, allowing an excellent maturation of grapes. “Mas Gran”目前占地面积达50公顷,有2000棵很老的橄榄树,16公顷种植的是老的酿酒原材料,2公顷新树苗。其采光条件提供了充分的阳光条件和理想平衡的温度条件,为优良葡萄的成熟提供了良好环境。,Mas Gran 蒙萨特,Blsnc White干白 Product Number : 3451产品编号:3451 葡萄品种:80%解百纳 20%马卡贝奥Grapes: 80%Garnacha blanc 20

36、%Macabeo At the end of the fermentation the Garnacha wine left in contact with the lees for 10 days approximately and after rack the with and have the blend with Macabeo. Finally stabilized and bottling the wine. Controlled temperature fermentation, at a maximum of 28C. Very gentle filtration and cl

37、earness. It is a great partner with seafood, salad or light food. 富有多种美味水果的香气。酒体平衡,美妙.如琼浆玉液一般甜美柔顺.适合与海鲜、沙拉或清淡食物搭配。 蒙萨特选用了著名画家伦勃朗传作于18世纪的画作-守夜,目前这副画收藏与法国巴黎卢浮宫。,Negre / Red干红 Product Number : 3450产品编号:3450 葡萄品种:60%解百纳 20%添普兰尼洛 20%西拉Grapes: 60%Garnacha negre 20%Tempranillo 20%Syrah Fine aroma and ripe

38、fruit. Full mouth, rich in fruit expression and nuances with very well harmonized, exceeding its nose, savory, persistent. It is good with red deer and lame chops. 香味醇美,单宁丰富,酒体饱满平衡,深宝石红的颜色和诱人的橡木香气。丰富的水果味和细腻的口感很好的调和在一起,回味悠长。适合与红肉或羊排搭配。与中餐的炖肉,红烧肉搭配更是相得益彰.,Spain 西班牙,La Menco comes from the famous La Ma

39、ncha wine-growing region in the heart of Spain. It provides wins lovers with true Spanish wine enjoyment, full of sunshine, energy and youthful temperament. Consumers relate Spain to holiday feeling and a spirit of discovery. La Mancha not only stands for a classical holiday destination, its also re

40、presents a young, modern Spain that looks towards the future! La Menco follow the trend for Spanish wines with a young, fresh idea! 拉梦柯是来自西班牙心脏地带的葡萄酒生产区,使葡萄酒爱好者享受到真正的西班牙美酒,充满拉阳光,活力和年轻的旋律。消费者有一种在西班牙度假旅游的感觉。拉曼查不止是一流的度假目的地,而且代表了一个年轻,现代和充满活力并对未来充满信心的葡萄酒产区。,La Menco 拉梦柯,Macabeo马卡贝奥 Product Number : 3141产

41、品编号:3141 La Menco enjoy the young spirit of Spain at its best with this characterful Macabeo. This is a wine just bursting with sunshine. It is a great partner with seafood or light food. 马卡贝奥白葡萄生长在西班牙拉曼查地区,特点显著,充满了水果的香甜。与清淡食物搭配,会使其酒味更加香醇。,Tempranillo丹魄尼罗 Product Number : 3140产品编号:3140 Tempranillo i

42、s the most popular grape from Spain. You can feel the temperament of Spanish people when consuming this wonderful wine. It goes well with all flavourful, hearty dishes, or just enjoy it while relaxing with your friends. 晶莹剔透的红宝石色,富有浓郁的热带水果香气,口感均衡且顺滑, 回味微甜,单宁适中非常适合中国消费者的口味,同时也是开怀畅饮的最佳选择!可以与多种美食共享。如红肉

43、类美食, 意大利面,比萨饼, 小笼包, 卤水拼盘等等.,Juan Guarda 斗牛士,Tempranillo丹魄尼罗 Product Number : 3122产品编号:3122 This stimulating and flavorful red wine, comes from the heartland of Spains growing region: La Mancha. Wines from that area are full of sun, strength and vivacity. Garnet, balanced taste, moderate body and lon

44、g finish. Excellent with meat, cheese and Spanish dishes.,明亮的深红宝石的色泽,平衡浓郁,回味悠长,口感强烈又不失细腻,酒体适中,单宁平衡。非常适合中国菜肴,是与家人和朋友聚会共享美好生活的最佳选择! 是肉类、奶酪或口感厚重的中餐, 韩国烧烤,的最佳伴侣。,California加利福尼亚,Sunset Creek stands for classic, high quality wines from California. The wines from the Sunset Creet range provide a feeling o

45、f “California Dreamin”! Sun, relaxation, holidays and pure romanticism. 暮溪是来自加利福尼亚,典型加州葡萄酒的代表。它让人有享受在阳光下,悠闲度假和十足浪漫的“加利福尼亚梦境”的感觉。,Sunset Creek 暮溪,Cabernet sauvignon加苯纳赤霞珠 Product Number : 3119产品编号:3119 The Californian climate is known for its warm, dry days and its cool nights. There are ideal condit

46、ions for the slow and consistent ripening of the grapes. Sunset Creek Cabernet Sauvignon shows a complex mint-spice nose with a mouthful of fruit and a velour of ripe tannins. Delicious with cheese souffl, pizza, noodles or red meats 混合了甘美而诱人的果味.似灌木中采摘的新鲜黑莓果.单宁香醇,酒体平衡绵长并伴有可口的巧克力般的柔滑顺畅.适合与奶酪、烧烤、肉类火锅和

47、口感浓郁的红烧和炖肉类食物搭配。,Zinfandel Red增芳德 Product Number : 3120产品编号:3120 Sunset Creek Zinfandel has an inky dark ruby colour, a complex nose of cherries, raspberries and raisins with a hint of cinnamon and oaky vanilla. The spicy fruitness is carried onto the palate, complemented by silky soft tannins and a

48、 nice balancing acidity. Delicious with cheese, red meats or meat fondue (hotpot). 美妙的红宝石色。樱桃、覆盆子和葡萄干的香味中渗透着肉桂和香草的芬芳。可搭配味道适中的炖肉, 炒肉和奶酪类食物。,Zinfandel Rose增芳德 桃红 Product Number : 3121产品编号:3121 It has a pale ruby-pink hue with a red berry and peach bouquet. Nice and fruity on the palate, elegant, harmo

49、nious and refreshing. Delicious as an apritif, with spicy dishes or with light foods. 浅粉的宝石色中拥有红浆果和桃子的芳香,单宁低,口感柔顺且酒体平衡。是社交场合与亲朋好友聚会的首选用酒.可用于做开胃酒或与香辣或清淡的食物搭配。,Chardonnay莎当妮 Product Number : 3118产品编号:3118 Its smooth structure with its fruit flavours of peaches, apricots and oranges are shaping. Enjoya

50、ble by itself, with fish or white meat dishes. 淡淡的柠檬黄色,闻之具有清新的青柠香味.酒体顺滑,口感中带有梨、杏仁、桔子的味道,酸度不高,平衡感恰到好处.可单独饮用,亦可搭配鱼或白肉及蔬菜水果沙拉等口感清淡的食物。,California加利福尼亚,California is the most famous wine region in USA. The magic of Californias wine is incredible, especially because of the climate conditions, soil types

51、and even exposure caused by the undulating terrain. Consumers are provided with a wonderful choice of wines. 加利福尼亚是美国最著名的葡萄酒产区之一。该地区气候条件独特,日照丰富,土壤类型多样,连绵起伏的地势给葡萄创造了良好的生长条件。加州出产不同风格的葡萄酒供消费者选择。,Cutler Crest 卡特 On-trade only 特供餐饮渠道,Chardonnay莎当妮 Product Number : 3139产品编号:3139 It shows flavours of peach

52、es and apricots. Enjoyable by itself or with seafood or white meat dishes. 美妙的金黄色, 具有梨子和杏仁的芬芳,回味悠长。可以单独享用,也可以与鱼、肉等清淡食物搭配享用。,Zinfandel Red增芳德 Product Number : 3137产品编号:3137 It is a harmonious red wine with a deep colour, with flavours of cherries and raspberries and a hint of cinnamon and oaky vanill

53、a. To be drunk with red meats. The perfect accompaniment with cheese. 深红宝石的色泽,可以感受到的加州阳光! 樱桃与草莓的芳香混合着肉桂与香草的清香。增芳德是美国葡萄种植者和酿酒师的骄傲!可搭配红肉,更是奶酪的最佳伴侣。,Cabernet Sauvignon加苯纳赤霞珠 Product Number : 3138产品编号:3138 It shows a complex mint-spice nose with a mouthful of fruit and a velour of ripe tannins. Deliciou

54、s with grilled steak or pasta. 复杂薄荷香料气味和满口的水果芳香,使人心旷神怡。可与奶酪,比萨,肉类火锅,红肉同时享受。,Germany德国,Wine enthusiasts and lovers of interesting wines, experience Rudolf Mueller as a range of elegant wines. Wines from the Mosel region in Germany are characterized by fresh fruit and an elegant style. These character

55、istics are a result of the specific climatic condition and soil in the region. Especially the Riesling wine from the Pfalz, is impressive because of his fruity freshness.,Rudolf Mueller 鲁道夫-穆勒,Riesling Kabinett晚收雷司令 Product Number : 3144产品编号:3144 Residual sugar:44.6g/L含糖量:44.6克/升 This wine reflects

56、the commitment to quality and exudes flavors and aromas reminiscent of ripe apples, pears and citrus with a touch of minerality and floral aromas. It is a perfect match for aged cheese, chicken and cream sauces. 晚收雷司令在10月底手工采摘并低温发酵,酒体呈诱人的金黄色, 散发着成熟的苹果、梨子、桃子和柑橘的味道,清新自然,回味悠长。可与陈年奶酪、鸡肉、奶油牛肉汁和辛辣菜肴同时享用。,

57、Riesling Auslese串选晚收雷司令 Product Number : 3146产品编号:3146 Residual sugar:62.5g/L含糖量:62.5克/升 The wine is rich with aromas and flavors of honey, almonds, apricots, peaches and mango. It is a perfect match for every spicy cuisine, fruits, aged cheeses and desserts with dairy, citrus or nuts. 串选晚收雷司令于每年大约在

58、11月上旬手工逐串挑选并采摘! 有着迷人的蜂蜜、杏仁、桃子、酸橙子和芒果的芳香,清新自然。 可与辛辣菜肴、水果、奶酪、甜点、柑橘和坚果一起享用,味道香醇。,Riesling Spaetlese 精选晚收雷司令 Product Number : 3145产品编号:3145 Residual sugar:49.0g/L含糖量:49.0克/升 It is a rich, full-bodied white wine with pear, peach, citrus and apricot flavors that are supported by floral and mineral complex

59、ities. It can be enjoyed with any spicy cuisine or cheese. 晚收精选雷司令于每年11月初手工采摘. 诱人的金黄色,酒体丰满,散发着梨子、桃子、柑橘和杏仁的芳香。 可以与奶酪,海鲜和清淡食物搭配或辛辣菜肴同时享用。,Germany德国,葡萄酒的爱好者及对于爱好有特色葡萄酒的人士来讲,鲁道夫穆勒最好地诠释了来自德国摩赛尔地的高雅葡萄酒,该地区的葡萄酒具有新鲜的水果和优雅香气的特征。而这些特征正是来自独特的气候和土壤。来自法尔兹的雷司令也因为它新鲜的果味令人倾心。,Rudolf Mueller 鲁道夫-穆勒 On-trade only 特供餐饮渠道,Riesling Classic经典雷司令 Product Number : 3124产品编号:3124 It has aromas of dried apricots and limes. A mouthwatering, elegant wine. It goes well Canaps, light starters, fish, seafood and chicken. 明亮的金黄色酒体,富有成熟新鲜水果的香醇,甘甜中略带水果酸味。 可与面包、清淡开胃菜、鱼类、海鲜或鸡肉搭配享用。或


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