《疯狂动物城》(Zootopia)中英文双语字幕文本文件 看字幕学英语_第1页
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1、恐惧 背叛和嗜血Fear, treachery, blood lust.数万年前支配着我们的世界Thousands of years ago these were the forces that ruled our world那时食草动物惧怕食肉动物A world where prey were scared of predators.而食肉动物无法遏制的本能And predators had an uncontrollable.让他们捕猎 残杀 还有biological urge to maim, and maul, and.流血 血 血Blood! Blood! Blood!和死亡And.

2、 Death!那时世界分成两部分Back then, the world was divided in two.凶残的食肉动物 和温顺的食草动物Vicious predator, or meek prey.但我们也随着时间进化But over time, we evolved,将这原始野蛮的生活方式抛在身后and moved beyond or primitive savage ways.现在食肉和食草动物和谐共处Now predator and prey live in harmony.每只哺乳动物的未来都有了无限可能And every young mammal has multitudin

3、ous opportunities.我不用再缩在羊群里了Yeah, I dont have to cower in a a herd anymore.我可以做宇航员Instead, I can be an astronaut.我不用再孤单地追捕狩猎了I dont have to be a lonely hunter anymore.我可以追捕逃税的人Today I can hunt for tax exemptions.我要做精算师Im gonna be an actuary.我可以让世界更美好 我要做And I can make the world a betterplace. I am g

4、oing to be.警察A police officer!兔子警察 简直蠢透了Bunny cop? That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard!眼界狭窄的当然觉得不可能It may seem impossible to small minds.说的就是你 吉迪恩?格雷Im looking at you, Gideon Grey.但是 211 英里外就是伟大的动物城But, just 211 miles away, stands the great city of Zootopia.我们双方的祖先签订和平契约Where our ancestors

5、 first joined together in peace.胡萝卜日才艺秀正式宣布 谁都能成就无限可能And declared that anyone can be anything!谢谢大家 晚安Thank you and good night.朱迪 你想没想过Judy, you ever wonder how你妈妈和我为什么这么幸福吗your mom and me got to be so darn happy?没有Nope.我们放弃了梦想 安定了下来 对吗邦妮Well, we gave up on our dreams, and we settled. Right, Bon?是啊 斯

6、图 我们可安定了Oh, yes. Thats right, Stu. We settled hard.这就是知足常乐 朱迪You see, thats the beauty of complacency, Jude.不尝试新的事物 就绝不会失败If you dont try anything new, youll never fail.我挺喜欢尝试的I like trying, actually.亲爱的 你爸爸是说What your father means, hon,成为警官对你来说非常难is that its gonna be difficult, impossible even.甚至是不

7、可能的for you to become a police officer.是啊 还从没有兔子做过警察Right. Theres never been a bunny cop.-没有 -兔子不做警察- No. - Bunnies dont do that.-绝不会 -绝不- Never. - Never.那我就是第一个了Well. Then I guess Ill have to be the first one.因为我要让世界更美好Because I am gonna make theworld a better place!或者 这样Or, heck, you know.想让世界更美好吗Y

8、ou wanna talk about making the world a better place,做个种胡萝卜的农民最好了no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer.是啊 你爸爸和我 还有你 275 个兄弟姐妹Yes! Your dad, me, your 275 brothers and sisters.我们就是在改变世界Were changing the world.-一根胡萝卜一根胡萝卜地拯救-可不是嘛- One carrot at a time. - Amen to that.种胡萝卜是光荣的职业Carrot farm

9、ing is a noble profession.只要把种子Just pulling their seeds out撒进土里And one with the soil.懂吗 有梦想是好事You get it, honey? I mean, its great to have dreams.只要别陷进去就好Yeah, just as long as you dont believe in them too much.她去哪了Where the heckd she go?把票给我Give me your tickets right now,不然揍扁你温顺的小屁股or Im gonna kick

10、your meek little sheep butt.住手 吉迪恩Cut it out, Gideon!咩咩 你要哭吗Baah, baah! What are you gonna do, cry?-听她的 快住手 -戏服不错 小废物- You heard her. Cut it out. - Nice costume, loser.你是活在什么地方What crazy world are you living in觉得兔子能当警察吗where you think a bunny could be a cop?乖乖把票还给他们Kindly return my friends tickets.有

11、种来拿 但是小心点Come and get them. But watch out.因为我是狐狸Cause Im a fox,你在那蠢货舞台剧上野说了and like you said in your dumb little stage play,以前食肉动物吃食草动物us predators used to eat prey.杀手本能还在我们的 DANA 里And that killer instincts still in our DANA.那个 应该是 DNAUh, Im pretty much sure its pronounced DNA.我知道 不用你告诉我 崔维斯Dont tel

12、l me what I know, Travis.我不怕你 吉迪恩You dont scare me, Gideon.现在怕了吗Scared now?看那鼻子抽的 她怕了呢Look at her nose twitch, she is scared.哭吧 小兔兔 哭吧Cry, little baby bunny! Cry.你就是不肯放弃是吧Oh, you dont know when to quit, do you?你给我记住这一刻I want you to remember this moment免得你再不安分the next time you think you will ever be.

13、忘了自己就是只种胡萝卜的蠢兔子anything more than just a stupid carrot-farming dumb bunny.-好重啊 -你没事吧 朱迪- That looks bad. - Are you okay, Judy?我没事 给你Yeah, yeah, Im okay. Here you go.-你把票拿回来了 -你真棒 朱迪- Wow, you got our tickets! - Youre awesome, Judy.吉迪恩?格雷真是胡说八道Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesnt know what hes talking about

14、!有件事他是说对了Well, he was right about one thing.我就是不肯放弃I dont know when to quit.动物城警官学校听好了 菜鸟们Listen up, cadets.动物城境内有 12 个独特的生态系统Zootopia has 12 unique ecosystems within its city limits.15 年后比如冰原镇 撒哈拉广场 热带雨林区Tundratown, Sahara Square, Rainforest District, to name a few.正式上岗前Youre gonna have to每个区域都要非常熟

15、悉master all of them before you hit the streets.不然呢 就死了Or guess what? Youll be dead!炽热沙尘暴Scorching sandstorm.死了 兔宝宝Youre dead, bunny bumpkin.一千英尺攀高One thousand foot fall.死了 胡萝卜头Youre dead, carrot face.冰墙攀岩Frigid ice wall.死了 小山妞Youre dead, farm girl.大块头罪犯 死了Enormous criminal. Youre dead.死了 死了 死了Dead.

16、Dead. Dead.脏马桶 死了 小毛球Filthy toilet. Youre dead, fluff butt.退学回家吧 毛兔兔Just quit and go home, fuzzy bunny.-从没有兔子当过警察 -从没有Theres never been a bunny cop. - Never.-从没有 -种胡萝卜的蠢兔子- Never. - Just a stupid carrot- farming dumb bunny.作为动物城的市长As mayor of Zootopia,我很荣幸地宣布 哺乳动物选拔行动的I am proud to announce that my

17、mammal inclusion initiative,第一批警校学员已经毕业了has produced its first police academy graduate.本届毕业生代表 警校第一位兔子警官Valedictorian of her class, ZPDs very first rabbit officer.朱迪?霍普斯Judy Hopps.头羊市长助理 她的警徽Assistant Mayor Bellwether, her badge.-对了 -谢谢- Oh, yes, yes! - Thank you.朱迪 我很荣幸地Judy, it is my great privile

18、ge将你分配到动物城的中心to officially assign you to the heart of Zootopia.一区 市中心Precinct One. City Center.恭喜你 霍普斯警官Congratulations, Officer Hopps.我不会让你失望的I wont let you down.这是我从小的梦想This has been my dream since I was a kid.这是属于我们小动物的骄傲You know, its a real proud day for us little guys.头羊 快点让开Bellwether, make ro

19、om, will you?Come on.好了 霍普斯警官 笑一个Okay, Officer Hopps. Lets see those teeth!霍普斯警官 看这里Officer Hopps, look here.-我们真为你骄傲 朱迪 -也有点担心- Were real proud of you, Judy. - Yeah, and scared too.-是啊 -又骄傲又担心- Yes. - Really, its kind of a proud- scared combo.动物城啊 那么远 那么大I mean, Zootopia. So far away, such a big ci

20、ty.爸妈 我这辈子都在为这一刻努力Guys, Ive been working for this my whole life.我们知道 我们是替你高兴 也有点害怕We know. And were just a little excited for you, but terrified.除了恐惧 没什么好害怕的The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.还有熊 熊也要怕And also bears. We have bears to fear, too.-更不用说狮子和狼了 -狼- Say nothing on lions, and wolve

21、s.- Wolves?-黄鼠狼 -你还和黄鼠狼玩过牌- Weasels. - You played cribbage with a weasel once?是啊 他那作弊真是没底线Yeah, he cheats like theres no tomorrow.说真的 食肉动物都一样You know what? Pretty much all predators.-动物城全都是 -斯图- And Zootopia is full of them. - Oh, Stu.狐狸是最差劲的And foxes are the worst.你爸爸说的有点道理Yeah, actually, your fath

22、er does have a point there.这是天生的 还记得吉迪恩?格雷吗Its in their biology. Remember what happened with Gideon Grey?我才九岁 他是个混蛋 刚好也是只狐狸When I was nine. Gideon Grey was a jerk who happens to be a fox.我认识的兔子里也有不少混蛋呢I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks.是啊 可不是 可是以防万一Sure, yeah, we all do, absolutely.But just in c

23、ase,我们给你弄了个爱心包we made you a little care packageto take with you.-放了点点心 -这是震狐器- I put some snacks in there. - This is fox deterrent.-拿着挺放心的 -驱狐喷雾- Yeah, its safe to have that. - This is fox repellant.又震慑又驱赶 够了The deterrent and the repellant, thats all she needs.-看看这个 -天哪- Check this out! - Oh, for go

24、odness sake!不用带电狐器吧 斯图She has no need for a fox taser, Stu.得了吧 电狐器总能用得上Oh, come on. When is there not a need for a fox taser?好了 好吧 我带着这个 好让你们消停Well, okay, look, I will take this.To make you stop talking.太棒了 大家都开心Terrific! Everyone wins!进站列车 终点动物城Arriving, Zootopia Express.好了 得走了 再见Okay, gotta go. By

25、e!我爱你们I love you, guys.爱你Love you, too.天哪 要哭鼻子了Oh, cripes, here come the waterworks.斯图 振作点Oh, Stu. Pull it together.大家再见Bye everybody!再见 朱迪 我爱你Bye Judy, I love you! Bye!再见Bye!正驶离兔窝镇人口夏奇羚动物城我是夏奇羚 欢迎来到动物城Im Gazelle. Welcome to Zootopia.欢迎来到穿山甲公寓And welcome to the Grand Pangolin Arms.魅力四射的豪华公寓Luxury ap

26、artments with charm.每月一次免费除虱 钥匙别丢了Complementary delousing once a month. Dont lose your key!谢谢Thank you.-你们好 我是朱迪 新邻居 -我们声音可大了- Oh, hi! Im Judy, your new neighbour! - Yeah? Well, wereloud.也不会道歉的Dont expect us to apologize for it.油油的墙Greasy walls.晃晃的床Rickety bed.疯癫的邻居Crazy neighbors.我喜欢I love it!别这样 他

27、先露的牙Come on! He bared his teeth first!你好Excuse me!在下面Down here!-你好 -我的天哪- Hi. - O. M. Goodness!还真找了只兔子啊They really did hire a bunny.天哪 说实话Ho-whop! I gotta tell you,你比我想的还要可爱youre even cuter than I thought youd be.你可能不知道Ooh, ah, you probably didnt know,兔子可以互相说可爱but a bunny can call another bunny Cute

28、,但是换了其他动物 就有点.but when other animals do it, thats a little.真抱歉 我 本杰明?爪豪斯I am so sorry! Me, Benjamin Clawhauser.大家都以为我The guy everyone thinks is只是爱吃甜甜圈的软萌警察 还给你套刻板印象just a flabby donut-loving cop, stereotyping you.没事的No, its okay.你那里有个 那个Youve actually got. theres a.-什么 -脖子里 领子上面- A what? - In your n

29、eck. The fold.-那个 -你在这啊 小坏蛋- The. this. - Oh, there you went, you little dickens!我得去点名了 哪边.Hehehe, I should get to roll call, so which way do I.-候补区在那边左侧 -谢谢- Oh, bull pens over there to the left. - Great. Thank you!这小兔子会被生吞活剥的That poor little bunnys gonna get eaten alive.我是霍普斯警官 准备好让世界更美好了吗Officer

30、Hopps. You ready to make the world a better place?全体都有Attention!好了 好了 都坐下All right. All right. Everybody sit.我这里有三件事Ive got three items on the docket.首先来说屋子里的大象First, we need to acknowledge the elephant in the room.显而易见的事弗朗辛 生日快乐Francine. Happy birthday.第二件事Number two.有些新人我得介绍一下There are some new re

31、cruits with us I should introduce,我就不介绍了 因为 我不在乎but Im not going to because. I dont care.最后 有 14 起哺乳动物失踪案Finally, we have 14 missing mammal cases.全是食肉动物 从大北极熊到小水獭All predators. From a giant polar bear to a teensy little otter.市政厅天天追在我屁股后面And City Hall is right up my tail to find them.这是头等大事 任务分配This

32、 is priority number one.Assignments.灰熊利 牙迈尔 德尔加多警官Officers Grizzoli, Fangmeyer, Delgato.你们负责热带雨林区的失踪案Your team take missing mammals from the Rainforest District.麦克角 犀威兹 狼法德警官Officers McHorn, Rhinowitz, Wolfard.你们负责撒哈拉广场区Your teams take Sahara Square.河马金斯 吼洛夫 象克鼻警官冰原镇Officers Higgins, Snarlov, Trunka

33、by.Tundratown.最后 第一只兔子 霍普斯警官And finally, our first bunny, Officer Hopps.交通协管 解散Parking duty. Dismissed.交通协管Parking duty?局长 牛局长Chief? Chief Bogo?长官 你说有 14 起哺乳动物失踪案Sir. You said there were fourteen missing mammal cases.-所以呢 -我可以负责一起- So? - So I can handle one.您可能忘了 我毕业时是班里第一名You probably forgot but, I

34、 was top of my class at the academy.没忘 就是不在乎Didnt forget. Just dont care.长官 我可不是只吉祥物Sir, Im not just some token bunny.那一天开 100 张停车罚单应该没问题Well then, writing a hundred tickets a day should be easy.100 张 我才不开 100 张呢100 tickets. Im not gonna write 100 tickets.我要开 200 张 中午之前Im gonna write 200 tickets. Be

35、fore noon.随时停车中午之前 200 张Two hundred tickets before noon!201 张201.看着点路 狐狸Hey, watch where youre going, fox!他去哪了Whered he go?我不知道你大白天的Listen. I know what youre doing出来晃悠什么呢skulking around during daylight hours,但我不想惹麻烦 快走吧but I dont want any trouble in here. So hit the road!我也不是想找麻烦的Im not looking for

36、any trouble either, sir.我只想买个大冰棍 给我儿子I simply wanna buy a Jumbo-Pop.For my little boy.要红的还是蓝的You want the red, or the blue, pal?我真是Im such a.行了 孩子 回去吧Oh, come on, kid. Back up.-听我说 -怎么了- Listen, buddy. - What?你那边没有给狐狸开的冰淇淋店吗There arent any fox ice cream joints in your part of town?有啊 有 只是我儿子No, no.

37、There are, there are. Its just, my boy,这只小傻狐狸 特别迷大象this goofy little stinker, he loves all things elephant.长大了也想当大象He wants to be one when he grows up.多可爱啊Isnt that adorable?我怎么忍心让他梦想破灭呢Who the heck am I to crush his little dreams, huh? Right?你是不识字吗 狐狸 看这个Look, you probably cant read, fox, but the s

38、ign says我们有权拒绝提供服务we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone!快走吧So beat it.后面都等着呢Youre holding up the line.你好 不好意思Hello. Excuse me.你也和其他人一样Hey, youre gonna have to得排队等着 交通协管wait your turn like everyone else, meter maid.其实我是警员Actually, Im an officer.就问一下Just have a quick question.你的顾客们知道Are you

39、r customers aware theyre getting吃的饼干和冰淇淋里有鼻涕吗snot and mucus with their cookies and cream?你说什么呢What are you talking about?我不想惹麻烦Well. I dont wanna cause you any trouble,但是不戴鼻套盛冰淇淋but I believe scooping ice cream with是严重违反健康条例的an ungloved trunk is a class 3 health code violation.这也不是小事了Which is kind o

40、f a big deal.当然 如果你肯戴上Of course I could let you off我是可以给你个警告了事with a warning if you were to glove those trunks而且 还得给这位and. I dont know. finish selling this.爸爸和他儿子 卖一根 什么nice dad and his son a. What was it?大冰棒 拜托了A Jumbo-Pop. Please.大冰棒A Jumbo-Pop.-15 块 -非常感谢 谢谢你- $15. - Thank you so much. Thank you.

41、不会吧Oh no, are you kidding me.忘带钱包了I dont have my wallet!真是就差忘带脑袋了Id lose my head if it werent attached to my neck.真是啊 天哪 不好意思Thats the truth. Oh, boy. Im sorry, pal.大概是你最糟的生日了Gotta be about the worst birthday ever.别生我的气 谢谢你Please dont be mad at me. Thanks anyway.不用找了Keep the change.警官 真是感恩戴德Officer,

42、 I cant thank you enough.太好了 怎么回报你啊So kind. Really. Can I pay you back?不用 我请了Oh, no. My treat.主要是听到别人Its just, you know it burns me up对狐狸有偏见我就受不了to see folks with such backward attitudes towards foxes.我只是想说I just want to say youre你是位好父亲 口才真棒a great dad and just a real articulate fella.真是过奖了Well, tha

43、t is high praise.我也很少遇到不看低我的人Its rare that I find someone so non-patronizing.-警官你叫 -霍普斯 你是- Officer? - Hopps. Mr.?怀尔德 尼克?怀尔德Wilde. Nick Wilde.你呢 小家伙 长大了想做大象吗And you, little guy. You wanna be an elephant when you grow up?那就去做大象好了 这是动物城You be an elephant. Because this is Zootopia.谁都能成就无限可能Anyone can b

44、e anything.我总这么跟他说I tell him that all the time.好了 给你 双爪抱住All right, here you go. Two paws.看这笑脸 生日快乐真开心Yeah. Oh, look at that smile, thats a happy birthday smile!好了 嘟嘟两声道个别吧All right, give her a little bye-bye toot-toot.-再见了 -再见- Bye, now! - Goodbye!小大象Hey, little toot-toot.鼠曼兄弟银行爪子冰棍Pawpsicles.来吃爪子冰

45、棍Get your Pawpsicles.爪子冰棍-木材送到了 -怎么这个颜色- Lumber delivery. - Whats with the color?颜色 这是红木The color? Uh. its redwood.39 40 给你39, 40, there you go.装小孩真厉害 大家伙Way to work that diaper, big guy.不跟爸爸吻别吗No kiss bye-bye for daddy?再敢亲我 我把你脸咬下来You kiss me tomorrow, Ill bite your face off!再见Ciao.我为你出头 你却骗了我Well,

46、 I stood up for you, and you lied to me.骗子You liar!这叫智取 亲爱的Its called a hustle, Sweetheart.我可不是骗子 他才是And Im not the liar. He is.好了 狡猾的尼克 你被捕了All right, Slick-Nick. Youre under arrest.真的吗 为什么Really? For what?我也不清楚 无证经营食品吗Gee, I dont know. How about selling food without a permit?跨区运输未申报商品Transporting

47、undeclared commerce across borough lines?-虚假广告 -许可证 商品申报凭证- False advertizing. - Permit. Receipt of declared commerce.我没做虚假广告 再会And I didnt falsely advertize anything. Take care.你跟老鼠说冰棒棍是红木的You told that mouse the Pawpsicle sticks were redwood!是啊 红色的木头 简称就是Thats right. Red wood. With a space in the

48、middle.红木Wood that is red.你动不了我的 萝卜头You cant touch me, Carrots.我从小就开始这么干了Ive been doing this since I was born.不许再叫我萝卜头Youre gonna wanna refrain from calling me Carrots.我的错 我只是觉得你My bad. I just naturally assumed you came.肯定是从遍地胡萝卜的屯里来的吧from some little carrot-choked Podunk. No?不不Uh, no.鹿溪才是屯 我在兔窝镇长大P

49、odunk is in Deerbrooke county and I grew up in Bunnyburrow.来听听这个故事你熟不熟Okay. Tell me if this story sounds familiar.天真的小山妞成绩好 有理想Naive little hick with good grades and big ideas就觉得 我得去动物城decides Hey, look at me, Im gonna move to Zootopia.食肉和食草动物和平相处 还一起唱山歌where predators and prey live in harmony and s

50、ing Kumbaya!结果呢 哎呀 他们关系并不好Only to find, whoopsie, we dont all get along.做大城市警察的梦想And that dream of becoming a big city cop,哎呀呀 成了交通协管double whoopsie, shes a meter maid.还有哎呀呀呀And whoopsie number three-sie,没人关心她和她的梦想no one cares about her or her dreams.梦想很快就破灭了And soon enough those dreams die,然后身体和精神都

51、消沉下去and our bunny sinks into emotional and literal squalor只能住在桥洞里living in a box under a bridge.终于发现自己只能选择回家Till finally she has no choice but to go back home夹着自己那条with that cute fuzzy wuzzy毛茸茸的小尾巴 变成了little tail between her legs to become.你是兔窝镇的 对吧Youre from Bunnyburrow, is that what you said?种胡萝卜的

52、农民So how about a carrot farmer?听着不错吧That sound about right?小心点 不然就不止是你的梦想被碾碎了Be careful now, or it wont just be your dreams getting crushed.没人能告诉我做什么不做什么No one tells me what I can or cant be.尤其是个没胆量的混球Especially not some jerk who neverhad the guts to只知道智取爪子冰棍try to be anything more than a Pawpsicle

53、hustler.好了All right, look.大家来到动物城Everyone comes to Zootopia觉得能成就无限可能thinking they can be anything they want.其实不行 你只能成为自己Well, you cant. You can only be what you are.狐狸狡猾 兔子蠢Sly fox. Dumb bunny.我不蠢Im not a dumb bunny.好吧 这也不是湿水泥Right. And thats not wet cement.你做不了真正的警察的Youll never be a real cop.做交通协管倒

54、是挺不错Youre a cute meter maid, though.没准能做督察员呢 加油Maybe a supervisor one day. Hang in there.爸爸妈妈一人份胡萝卜-爸爸妈妈 -看她 亲爱的- Oh, hey, its my parents! - Oh, there she is! Hi, Sweetheart!你好啊 厉害的朱迪Hey there, Jude the Dude.第一天做警察怎么样How was your first day on the force?-可棒了 -跟想的一样吗- It was real great! - Yeah? Everything you ever hoped?当然了 还有呢Absolutely. And more.大家都可好了 我觉得


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