



五、英语入学申请书 (Letter of application to school) 入学申请书的定义 入学申请书是准备到外国的某学校进修或学习时,事 先同该校取得联系,提出留学申请并请求批准的一种书信。 现在申请到国外求学的人越来越多,因此掌握入学申 请书的写法是十分必要的。 入学申请书的主要内容 1.写信的缘由和目的 一般入学申请书在正文开头即开门见山写出自己是为 了申请入学才写这封信的,有的还写出自己是由谁的推荐 而想进该校学习的。 2.自我情况介绍 介绍个人的情况,包括自己的姓名、年龄、学历、工 作经历、所学专业、进行的研究情况以及所取得的成绩等。 另外,还要说明自己的经济资助情况,写明是否准备申请 助学金或奖学金等。 3.提出希望和要求 该部分可以将自己的具体要求,希望对方给予的帮助 写出来。同时也要事先对对方可能给予的帮助表示感谢。 4.附件说明 若随信附有个人的学历证件、个人简历、著作摘要、 文章或别的推荐信等,要在信中说明,并注明附件的总数 量。 入学申请书的写作要求 入学申请书的具体书写格式同一般书信相同,即由信 头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结尾语和签名六部分组成。 除此之外,一般入学申请书还有附件(Enclosure)一项,这 是作为补充性内容的部分。 入学申请书的写作必须注意以下一些问题: 要实事求是,不能言过其实。 要言简意赅,简明扼要,语言要自然、流畅。 要严格按照英语书信的格式去写,信面无论书写或打 印均要清晰整洁。 签名要用钢笔。 【 范 例 】 入学申请书 (Letter of application to school) Dear Professor Smith, Professor Li xian recommended that I contact you about your departments program in organic chemistry. I am his assistant and am working in t he Institute of Environmental Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China. Last year, I graduated from the Graduate School of Academia Sinica with an MS degree in modern chemistry. Since then I have been studying chemical and biochemical synthesis of polymer, carbohydrates and natural compounds. This has enabled me to publish several research papers. Interested in going to the United States for further studies, I am looking for a n American university which best suits my purpose . I have read some of your books and papers , and have found that your findings and theories are of guiding importance to my academic pursuits. Professor Li also told me that your wide experiences in organic chemistry and the well-equipped laboratories in your university would be of great help to me. I am hoping that there will be an opportunity to study under your guidance for a PH.D. degree. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have for me concerning formal application procedures or other matters. I would also like to know about the possibility of receiving financial support from your university. Enclosed is a copy of my resume so that you will have additional information about my educational and professional background. If you need any further information, I would be happy to send it to you. Thank you very much in


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