



MINING&MINERAL PROCESSING采矿和矿物加工学Mining machinery vocabulary-Mineral processing equipment矿山机械Chinese herbal medicines 中药Joint-stock 股份Mainly engaged in 1、Our company is a joint-stock companies, mainly engaged in mining&mineral processing equipment, growing sales of Chinese herbal medicines.我公司是一家股份公司,主要经营矿山选矿设备,种植销售中药材。2、Non-ferrous metals are widely used in the environmental protection industry in the sludge, waste transportation, mining mineral processing industries.广泛应用于有色金属环保产业中的污泥,废渣输送,矿山选矿等行业。3、The factorys main products are various types of本厂的主要产品有各种型号的4、Such transactions may be assessed under section 7 of the Clayton Act, sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act, and section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.该交易可以根据克莱顿法第7条和谢尔曼法第1条和第2条以及联邦贸易委员会法第5条来进行评估。5、Section 7 of the Clayton Act prohibits mergers and acquisitions where the effect may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly.克莱顿法第七条禁止“可能有实质性弱化竞争或引有发垄断趋向”的效果的企业合并。6、文摘:探讨了煤层巷道巷旁煤柱及采空区冒落浮煤逾渗漏风裂隙的分形特征,并对东滩煤矿某工作面煤层巷道构造位置逾渗漏风裂隙的形成与扩展情况进行了分析和讨论。Abstract: The fractal fearure of percolation leakage crack in the pillars on sids of coal drift and caved coal in mined-out area is discussed, and the formation and expansion of percolation leakage crack ranging in a structural position of coal drift in one working face are also discussed and analysed. 浮选自动化在我国多年来徘徊不前,一直采用根据入浮煤浆中的干煤泥量来确定加药量的前馈控制方法,而不直接以产品的数质量指标作为控制目标,导致浮选生产效率较低.针对上述问题,研究了浮选工艺参数的检测方法,开发了浮选浆位仪和煤浆测灰仪,设计了浮选计算机控制系统,它根据煤浆测灰仪旁线检测的精煤灰分,运用模糊控制技术,通过调整浮选药剂添加量和浮选机浆位,来实现浮选过程的反馈控制.工业性试验表明,煤浆测灰仪的性能指标接近国外先进水平.煤泥浮选测控系统在淮北选煤厂的现场使用,使浮选生产在精煤灰分合格的前提下,得到了较高的产率,并降低了药剂用量,从而保证选煤厂高效率地运行.The automation of coal flotation has been wandering for many years in China.The production efficiency is relatively low because of the feed forward control which adds the flotation reagent based on the fine coal in feed slurry,ignoring the quantity and quality of the products.Aiming at this problem,method of measuring the flotation technical parameters was studied,the slurry level meter and the slurry ash-measuring device were worked out,and the computer control system of the coal flotation was designed.The feedback control was realized by using the fuzzy logic control control technology to regulate the reagent addition and the slurry level in the flotation tank according to the concentrate ash content detectedby the coal slurry ash-measuring device developed.The industrial experiment indicates that the performance inedxes of the coal slurry ashmeasuring device have come up to the advanced levek of the world.The application of the detection and control system in Huaibei Coal Preparation Plant results in a high concentrate recovery,a decrease of the reagent consumption,ensuring a highly efficient operation. 1. 文摘:浮选自动化在我国多年来徘徊不前,一直采用根据入浮煤浆中的干煤泥量来确定加药量的前馈控制方法,而不直接以产品的数质量指标作为控制目标,导致浮选生产效率较低.针对上述问题,研究了浮选工艺参数的检测方法,开发了浮选浆位仪和煤浆测灰仪,设计了浮选计算机控制系统,它根据煤浆测灰仪旁线检测的精煤灰分,运用模糊控制技术,通过调整浮选药剂添加量和浮选机浆位,来实现浮选过程的反馈控制.工业性试验表明,煤浆测灰仪的性能指标接近国外先进水平.煤泥浮选测控系统在淮北选煤厂的现场使用,使浮选生产在精煤灰分合格的前提下,得到了较高的产率,并降低了药剂用量,从而保证选煤厂高效率地运行.Abstract: The automation of coal flotation has been wandering for many years in China.The production efficiency is relatively low because of the feed forward control which adds the flotation reagent based on the fine coal in feed slurry,ignoring the quantity and quality of the products.Aiming at this problem,method of measuring the flotation technical parameters was studied,the slurry level meter and the slurry ash-measuring device were worked out,and the computer control system of the coal flotation was designed.The feedback control was realized by using the fuzzy logic control control technology to regulate the reagent addition and the slurry level in the flotation tank according to the concentrate ash content detectedby the coal slurry ash-measuring device developed.The industrial experiment indicates that the performance inedxes of the coal slurry ashmeasuring device have come up to the advanced levek of the world.The application of the detection and control system in Huaibei Coal Preparation Plant results in a high concentrate recovery,a decrease of the reagent consumption,ensuring a highly efficient operation.7、由BBMandelbrot于1975年提出来的分形(fracta1)理论,是20世纪70年代同混沌理论一起发展起来的,是非线性科学的重要组成部分不同于传统的欧氏几何以零维、一维、二维、三维、四维对应的点、线、面、体和时空来描述物体的形状,分形理论用“分维”(fractal dimension)来描述大自然事实上任何物体的微观平面都是凹凸不平的,因而欧氏几何所描述的对象,严格来讲,在现实生活中是不存在的 分形是用来描述大自然的一门几何学,它所描述的图形可以是分数维分形的特征是整体和局部有严格的或统计意义下的自相似性描述分形的定量参数为分维,而维数的定义种类很多,如相似维数、Hausdorff维数、盒维数(box dimansion)、拓扑维数(topological dimension)等,需要随研究对象的改变来选择研究表明,分形在自然界中随处可见,例如,曲折而不规则的闪电路径,弯曲复杂的海岸线形状、密如蛛网的人体血管系统、变换不定的宇宙星云分布以及材料的组织生长、准晶态的晶体结构、材料的损伤等等从地理学、生物学到物理学、化学甚至社会科学都普遍存在分形现象分形理论在高分子科学中的应用研究也有很多文献报道,例如分形理论与各种现代分析手段相结合,已用于研究高分子的链结构、结晶过程、凝胶化过程、高分子的相形态结构等等方面 “Fractal”原是一个几何概念, 意为多维、超维或分维, 它打破了原来3 维空间的概念, 不仅可以超过3 维, 而且还可以有小数维(小数点以后 1 位、2 位或更多位数)空间。“Fractal”引用在纤维纱和织物(称为纤维集合体)中, 就是立体多层次、有不同尺度的纤维粗细、长短配合,以及存在着凹凸状点接触的纱、线织物结构。美国和日本都开始注意纤维的分形(Fractal)结构的研究,它们触及了纤维表面凹凸构造的自相似性与大自然的色、光的对应关系。分形理论和混沌论都是20世纪物理学的第三次革命,它研究自然界非线性过程内在随机性所具有的特殊规律性, 从字面上看是指一类极其零碎而复杂但有其自相似性的体系, 是在自然界中普遍存在的。它是用自相似、无标度方法全面描述宏观、中观、微观大自然的科学概念, 混沌是物理概念, 其几何形态则是分形的概念。 天然纤维内在的分形维自然扭曲是其特有的一种分形结构, 它与合成纤维有本质的不同, 合成纤维的机械或化学卷曲, 包括三维卷曲都与天然纤维的从微纤的扭曲开始、自相似放大、最后导致的纤维扭曲截然不同。合成纤维中的超细旦、竹节丝、异截面丝、异收缩丝等都是1 维、2维甚至3维的整数维变化, 而天然纤维则是符合分形理论的分形维变化。上行开采、概念: 上行开采法是


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