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寻找最美孝心少年观后感今天下午放学的时候,老师给大家布置了一道新奇的作业回家看一看最美孝心少年的事迹,并把它写下来。在回家的路上,我在脑子里反复琢磨着该怎样写,材料更加丰富呢?丝毫没有想到这件事所要表达的是“孝心”二字古人云:“百善孝为先”,孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德,父母把我们带到这个世界来。观“孝”这个字,老在上,字在下,古人造的何止是字,而是给人类定下了一个规矩,这就是孝的内涵,连孝的英文也是filial piety 也是孝顺 虔诚的意思,这更体现了不仅仅是国人,就是全世界都懂孝的内涵。his afternoon after school, the teacher arranged a new job - go home to see the most beautiful filial deeds of the juvenile to everyone, and write it down. on the way home, my in the mind of mulling over how to write, the material is more rich? did not think of this matter is to convey the filial piety two words. * * *, male, 17 years old, who lives in the village of * * * * * * * * county town group, the high student * * a. a grandmother, father, mother, sister. the 74 year old grandmother, congenital deaf mute, hypertension, and ten years ago, his legs broken, not the normal action and communication. sister hours because of careless facial burn residue from years of toil, parents are suffering from severe stomach problems and severe anemia. for a living, the father and sister years working outside, mother in farming, housework, but also often go to someones house. as the saying goes, the poor children early masters, he knew: the elder sickly, family difficulties, he is very sensible. the primary school, came home from school every day will help do the housework do everything in ones power, such as sweep the floor, clean the table and stool, washing the dishes, grass playing pig, pigs. the junior high school, home less chance, he can only during the holidays at home to help the family to share the housework. he arrived home usually bus go two hours, my mother is still working in the field the inspirational network, or to others. he put down the bag, hear the pig in the scream, then put the basket into the grass playing pig lane, then cook dinner for pigs fed on swill after. although food doesnt taste very delicious, but i think that labor day mom coming back to eat hot food, was very pleased. at home, he chopping, cooking, grass playing pig busy, try our best to help the mother share the housework. excellent in character and learning in school work hard. he knew that his family was difficult, reading is not easy. then he brought a thankful heart, study hard, to make progress. senior high school entrance examination when he scored third in the county into one in baokang. into one, he will hua luogeng qinnengbuzhuo is good training, a hard one to as their motto, although he was not too many advantages, but he used more efforts than others, amend stupidity by diligence. after entering high school, cant adapt to high school learning, performance once rise, but with strong will, study and train hard, continue to explore suitable learning method. after several months of efforts, results back to the top grade. as grandma disability, ac, action is not convenient, he is very fond of her, the first thing each school to go home is to visit grandma. at night to help grandma brush, wash, eat when the first bowl, serve food for grandma. at the beginning of high school school often from their limited life fee to save a little, i went home for the holidays to buy some fruit to grandma to eat. remember to junior high school, with a weekend home, grandma see grandson back from the house out, when she went to the door suddenly collapsed, unconscious, that he may be frightened. at that time my mother in someones home helpers, unable to contact. he had to call for help to the village doctors, village doctors are capable of far out, unable to come to the rescue. in alternative circumstances, the inspirational network he was very quick witted, the grandmother tied in their tender back, struggling to pull backs, stumble along with more than three hours, the grandmother sent to another distant village clinic treatment, timely treatment because of his grandma, in time of danger to save grandmas life. in school, he is a good student respect teachers, unite classmates, excellent in character and learning; at home, he is diligent and thoughtful, respectful good children. 2013 march was named outstanding student * *. the ideal of life is the ultimate concern. with our parents through old, watching them on the shoulder is not solid, hair greying, even from time to time the pain, but, their hearts after years of washing chain, natural emits a bright light, can things and human landscape. the old man is the treasure of human being, the more traditional civilization and more attention to the old man. people often say that there is an old house, if there is a treasure, it is the rich deep wisdom. a dare not face aging, illness and death, is obviously not enough mature. in accompany their parents these difficulties especially, we will naturally make a overall and profound寻找最美孝心少年观后感今天下午放学的时候,老师给大家布置了一道新奇的作业回家看一看最美孝心少年的事迹,并把它写下来。在回家的路上,我在脑子里反复琢磨着该怎样写,材料更加丰富呢?丝毫没有想到这件事所要表达的是“孝心”二字。*,男,17周岁,家住*县*镇*村*组,现为*一中高一学生。家有奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、姐姐。奶奶74岁,先天聋哑,患有高血压,且十年前双腿又摔断,不能正常行动和交流。姐姐小时因不慎将面部烧残,父母亲因长年劳作分别患有严重胃病和重度贫血。为了一家生计,父亲和姐姐长年在外打工,母亲除种地、操持家务外,还要经常到别人家帮工。俗话说“穷人的孩子早当家”,他从小知道:长辈体弱多病,家境困难,便很懂事。上小学时,每天放学回家就帮助干些力所能及的家务活,如扫地、擦桌凳、洗碗、打猪草、喂猪等。上了初中高中后,回家的机会少了,他只能在节假日在家里帮家人分担家务。他通常下班车后再走两个小时的山路才到家,妈妈还在地里干活中华励志网,或在给别人家帮工。他放下书包,听到猪在嗷嗷叫,便提着篮子到地里打猪草,给猪喂上猪食后再做晚饭。尽管做的饭菜的味道不十分可口,但一想到能让劳作一天的妈妈放工回来便能吃上热饭菜,心里非常欣慰。在家期间,他劈柴,做饭,打猪草忙个不停,尽力帮助母亲分担家务。在学校勤奋刻苦 品学兼优。他深知家境困难,读书不易。于是他带着一颗感恩的心,努力学习,奋发向上。中考时他以全县第三名的成绩进入保康一中。进入一中后,他将华罗庚“勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才”作为自己的座右铭,他虽天资不占太多优势,但他却用比别人更多的努力,以勤补拙。进入高中后,一时还不适应高中的学习,成绩一度有起落,但他凭借坚强的意志,勤学苦练,不断探索适合自己的学习方法。经过几个月的努力,成绩重新回到年级前列。由于奶奶残疾,交流、行动都不方便,他非常疼爱奶奶,每次放学回家的第一件事便是看望奶奶。晚上帮奶奶擦身、洗脚,吃饭时先给奶奶盛饭、奉菜。在初高中上学时经常从自己有限的生活费中节约一点,放假回家时买点水果带给奶奶吃。曾记得上初中时,有一次周末回家,奶奶见孙儿回来便从屋里出来,当她走到门边时却突然晕倒,不醒人事,这可把他吓坏了。当时妈妈在别人家帮工,无法联系。他只好给村医打电话求救,可村医正在很远的地方出诊,无法赶来施救。在万般无奈情况下,中华励志网他急中生智,便将奶奶绑在自己稚嫩的脊背上,吃力地连背带拖,踉踉跄跄用了三个多小时,将奶奶送到另一个更远的村卫生室医治,由于他及时将奶奶送治,在危难时刻挽救了奶奶的生命。在学校,他是尊敬师长、团结同学、品学兼优的好学生;在家里,他是勤快懂事,孝顺长辈的好孩子。2013年3月被评为*巿“优秀学生”。人生的理想是终极关怀。我们伴随父母走过老年,看着他们肩膀不再坚实,头发日渐花白,甚至不时病痛,但是,他们的心灵经过岁月的洗鍊,自然发出一种光明,可以烛照烦嚣的世事与人情。老人是人类的宝藏,越有传统的文明越重视老人。国人常说“家有一老,如有一宝”,实在是深富智慧之语。一个不敢正视衰老、病痛与死亡的人,显然是不够成熟的。尤其在陪伴至亲的父母面临这些困境时,我们自然会对生命作一整体而深刻的反省,由此确立自己更真实的人生信念.寻找最美孝心少年观后感古人云:“百善孝为先”,孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德,父母把我们带到这个世界来。观“孝”这个字,老在上,字在下,古人造的何止是字,而是给人类定下了一个规矩,这就是孝的内涵,连孝的英文也是filial piety 也是孝顺 虔诚的意思,这更体现了不仅仅是国人,就是全世界都懂孝的内涵。中央一套有一个电视节目“最美孝心少年”,有一个故事,主人公叫黄凤,本来是幸福美满的家庭,结果爸爸打工时从楼上摔下来,脊柱摔断了,从此下身瘫痪,黄凤带着家里仅有的27元钱,推着板材去500公里以外的上海,结果不能医治,从此这个年仅6岁天真可爱活泼的小女孩稚气ide肩上扛上了巨大的担子,但她并未放弃,而是坚持了10年,从此年复一年的重复着一样的动作,每晚起来翻身,中午早早给爸爸煮饭还有许许多多感动人心的故事等待我们去发现想想看,们我们身边是不是有很多可以做的呢?“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”父母的养育之恩我们永远报答不仅,但,如何孝敬?买房子,汽车?不,孝敬父母要从现在做起,从点点滴滴做起。ancient cloud: filial piety, your parents is the traditional virtue of the chinese nation, the parents took us to the world. concept of filial piety this word, old, word in the next, the ancients made is more than words, but to the human set a rule, this is the connotation of filial piety, filial piety is even english filial piety is filial piety means, which reflects not only the people, connotation is the whole world know filial piety.a central have a tv show the most beautiful filial piety youth, there is a story, huang feng is the hero, was a happy family, father working fell, the spine is broken, then a paraplegic, huang feng took home only 27 yuan, pushing plate to 500 km away from shanghai, the results cannot be healed, from this year only 6 years old innocent and lovely girl full of childish ide carried on the shoulders of a huge burden, but she did not give up, but insisted for 10 years, year after year, then repeat the same action, every night up turn over at noon, early to dad cook. there are many touching stories out there waiting to be discovered.see, our side is it right? there are many can do? who grass inch heart, reported in the apartments parents we will repay only, but, how to honor? - to buy a house, a car? no, your parents should start now, bit by bit from the start.寻找最美孝心少年观后感今天下午放学的时候,老师给大家布置了一道新奇的作业回家看一看最美孝心少年的事迹,并把它写下来。在回家的路上,我在脑子里反复琢磨着该怎样写,材料更加丰富呢?丝毫没有想到这件事所要表达的是“孝心”二字古人云:“百善孝为先”,孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德,父母把我们带到这个世界来。观“孝”这个字,老在上,字在下,古人造的何止是字,而是给人类定下了一个规矩,这就是孝的内涵,连孝的英文也是filial piety 也是孝顺 虔诚的意思,这更体现了不仅仅是国人,就是全世界都懂孝的内涵。his afternoon after school, the teacher arranged a new job - go home to see the most beautiful filial deeds of the juvenile to everyone, and write it down. on the way home, my in the mind of mulling over how to write, the material is more rich? did not think of this matter is to convey the filial piety two words. * * *, male, 17 years old, who lives in the village of * * * * * * * * county town group, the high student * * a. a grandmother, father, mother, sister. the 74 year old grandmother, congenital deaf mute, hypertension, and ten years ago, his legs broken, not the normal action and communication. sister hours because of careless facial burn residue from years of toil, parents are suffering from severe stomach problems and severe anemia. for a living, the father and sister years working outside, mother in farming, housework, but also often go to someones house. as the saying goes, the poor children early masters, he knew: the elder sickly, family difficulties, he is very sensible. the primary school, came home from school every day will help do the housework do everything in ones power, such as sweep the floor, clean the table and stool, washing the dishes, grass playing pig, pigs. the junior high school, home less chance, he can only during the holidays at home to help the family to share the housework. he arrived home usually bus go two hours, my mother is still working in the field the inspirational network, or to others. he put down the bag, hear the pig in the scream, then put the basket into the grass playing pig lane, then cook dinner for pigs fed on swill after. although food doesnt taste very delicious, but i think that labor day mom coming back to eat hot food, was very pleased. at home, he chopping, cooking, grass playing pig busy, try our best to help the mother share the housework. excellent in character and learning in school work hard. he knew that his family was difficult, reading is not easy. then he brought a thankful heart, study hard, to make progress. senior high school entrance examination when he scored third in the county into one in baokang. into one, he will hua luogeng qinnengbuzhuo is good training, a hard one to as their motto, although he was not too many advantages, but he used more efforts than others, amend stupidity by diligence. after entering high school, cant adapt to high school learning, performance once rise, but with strong will, study and train hard, continue to explore suitable learning method. after several months of efforts, results back to the top grade. as grandma disability, ac, action is not convenient, he is very fond of her, the first thing each school to go home is to visit grandma. at night to help grandma brush, wash, eat when the first bowl, serve food for grandma. at the beginning of high school school often from their limited life fee to save a little, i went home for the holidays to buy some fruit to grandma to eat. remember to junior high school, with a weekend home, grandma see grandson back from the house out, when she went to the door suddenly collapsed, unconscious, that he may be frightened. at that time my mother in someones home helpers, unable to contact. he had to call for help to the village doctors, village doctors are capable of far out, unable to come to the rescue. in alternative circumstances, the inspirational network he was very quick witted, the grandmother tied in their tender back, struggling to pull backs, stumble along with more than three hours, the grandmother sent to another distant village clinic treatment, timely treatment because of his grandma, in time of danger to save grandmas life. in school, he is a good student respect teachers, unite classmates, excellent in character and learning; at home, he is diligent and thoughtful, respectful good children. 2013 march was named outstanding student * *. the ideal of life is the ultimate concern. with our parents through old, watching them on the shoulder is not solid, hair greying, even from time to time the pain, but, their hearts after years of washing chain, natural emits a bright light, can things and human landscape. the old man is the treasure of human being, the more traditional civilization and more attention to the old man. people often say that there is an old house, if there is a treasure, it is the rich deep wisdom. a dare not face aging, illness and death, is obviously not enough mature. in accompany their parents these difficulties especially, we will naturally make a overall and profound找最美孝心少年观后感今天我和妈妈一起看了“众里寻你寻找最美孝心少年”颁奖典礼,看完了我就感动得哭了,因为节目里的小朋友都太爱太爱自己的父母了。他们都相信母亲就是一个家的顶梁柱,所以他们的母亲只要有什么不舒服,这些孝敬父母的孩子都会尽自己的最大努力帮妈妈治好。如果妈妈不幸去世,他们都会尽自己的最大努力帮妈妈完成他们生前的愿望,支撑好这个家。不管路有多难走他们都会去应付,去克服,哪怕起早贪黑都不休息,尽全力维持好这个家。我们都要像这些小朋友一样,只有这样才会让家庭美满,让社会美好,让国家富强。“寻找最美孝心少年”观后感-孝心作文用真诚的心和深沉的爱寻找到10位新时期的好少年,他们孝敬父母、孝敬长辈;他们为父母排忧解难、帮父母照顾弟妹、代父母担当家庭责任;他们自强不息、阳光向上、奋发有为。通过树立新时期孝心好少年 的榜样,弘扬中华民族优秀文化和传统美德,弘扬尊老爱老敬老的社会风尚,弘扬社会主义的道德观和价值观,弘扬励志成长、乐观积极的人生态度。 湖北女孩黄露露自幼丧父,她一人照料瘫痪的妈妈十几年,是家里唯一的依靠。升高中后,她靠亲友资助在学校边租了一间房,开始带着妈妈上学。为了让妈妈开心,她在苹果上画个笑脸,自己上学时,就让笑脸陪着孤独的母亲。希望这位最美孝心少年能如愿考上大学。 在重庆巫溪大山深处,11岁的陈礼燕从小就和爸爸相依为命,1岁时妈妈离家出走,三年前爸爸因患肺结核丧失了劳动能力,8岁的她就开始操持家,种地做饭事无巨细,小小的她扛起了整个家。她希望做一只守护爸爸的小燕子,照顾好爸爸每一天。寻找最美孝心少年观后感有一种人,他们的美不是外表美,而是令人赞叹的心灵美。这种美,才是真的美。百善孝为先,这是家喻户晓的道理,生活中能做到如此的,也许有很多人,毕竟孝顺是中国人的传统美德,但这次令我感动的,却是那些和我一般大却将孝顺表现的淋漓尽致的一个个被艰苦生活磨练的坚强少年。“它是妈妈留给我最最珍贵的嫁妆。但我想好心人把它买走,救妈妈一命!”长兴县林城镇14岁女孩儿徐沁烨“十字绣嫁妆”的故事于去年4月3日在本报以13岁女孩卖嫁妆救母一文用整版进行详细报道后,这个“十字绣”女孩儿的孝心让不少人为之潸然泪下。在社会各界爱心人士的关怀和帮助下,如今徐沁烨已经升入中学学习,而这位湖州女孩的事迹也在全国引起了不小的反响和关注,并在今年入选了由中央电视台举办的“寻找最美孝心少年”大型公益活动候选名单。昨晚,央视十大“最美孝心少年”大型公益活动颁奖典礼在京完成节目录制。徐沁烨作为浙江惟一一位获此殊荣的“最美孝心少年”参加节目录制。而央视也将于近期播出这台公益晚会。好女儿 求卖“十字绣”嫁妆救母亲今年14岁的徐沁烨曾有一个幸福的家。妈妈养猪料理家事,爸爸外出做些零工,一家人的生活虽然平淡、不富裕,但幸福和谐。然而2011年12月,母亲杨菊被诊断出患了急性淋巴性白血病,要先做化疗,然后进行骨髓移植,才有生的希望。母亲得知自己的病况后,一度想要放弃。懂事的小沁烨每天都开导母亲,告诉她“没有钱可以凑,骨髓可以找,一定要坚强”。母亲在病重期间强忍着病痛,坚持绣了一幅长约2米、宽约1米,名为“旭日东升”的十字绣,想把这份最后的礼物送给女儿做嫁妆。小沁烨深知这份礼物厚重,也知道母亲的苦心,母亲绣十字绣时她帮母亲理理绣线、和妈妈说说话,母亲绣得身体疼痛时,她就帮母亲按摩,并安慰她,“妈妈不疼,妈妈不哭”幸运的是,经过检查,杨菊的四哥和杨菊骨髓配对成功,可以移植。然而,对这个普通的农村家庭来说,化疗、骨髓移植以及后期的昂贵费用,让他们一家陷入困境。为此,徐沁烨向晚报记者求助,希望能卖掉妈妈在病中为自己绣好的“十字绣”来挽救母亲的生命。湖州爱心企业家现场颁奖“最美嫁妆,让我甚为感动!丝绸之路集团帮困基金及我本人愿尽绵薄之力。”在看到本报刊发的13岁女孩卖嫁妆救母报道后,丝绸之路集团董事长凌兰芳立即联系了本报记者,并表示愿意以2万元“买”下小沁烨的这幅嫁妆十字绣“旭日东升”,帮助沁烨救她妈妈。“但是,这幅嫁妆实在是太珍贵了!我真的不忍心把它带走,所以还是留给沁烨吧。”最终,这份“嫁妆”还是留给了徐沁烨。徐沁烨说她虽然没有见过凌伯伯本人,但她心中却一真珍藏着这份感激。巧合的是,孝心故事被央视今年的寻找最美孝心少年公益活动中发现。在昨晚现场,央视特邀了凌兰芳作为颁奖嘉宾参加晚会的录制。晚会上是央视著名主持人欧阳夏丹把徐沁烨介绍给大家,又把凌兰芳请上台给沁烨颁奖。在采访中凌兰芳说,我的家乡浙江湖州是写游子吟的诗人孟郊故乡,孝顺传为美德,小徐姑娘是无数感人的典型之一。而见到自己的恩人,小沁烨早已是热泪盈眶。心怀感恩的小沁烨在讲述起这段故事时,也希望用知识改变命运,回报所有爱她的人。怕耽误学习 背着书包去央视不幸的是,今年暑假期间,徐沁烨的妈妈最终还是离开了人世。如今徐沁烨和爸爸相依为命,懂事的她生活中帮爸爸做家务,学习上也一直勤奋好学。当得知入选全国十大“最美孝心少年”,要到北京参与颁奖典礼节目录制时,徐沁烨还在担心着自己的学习。这时她的任课老师都纷纷表示,让沁烨放心去录节目,等她回来一定帮沁烨把落下的课全补上,不过好学的徐沁烨还是把书包和课本背到北京的录制现场去了。在4天录制节目的过程中,只要一有空闲时间,小沁烨就把课本拿出来复习。据悉,寻找最美孝心少年是由中央电视台主办,以寻找孝敬父母、孝敬长辈的新时期好少年为目标,以弘扬中华民族传统美德“孝”为目的的大型公益活动。活动先通过多种渠道在全国范围内发掘、推荐和征集候选人,并最终从全国推选出的100名孝心好少年中选取10位获得“2013年度最美孝心少年”给予公益基金的援助嘉奖,帮助他们改善生活条件,解决实际困难,后续成长,实现梦想。寻找最美孝心少年观后感明礼诚信,是中华民族的传统美德。基于此,中国以礼仪之邦、信用之邦而着称于世。在中国的古书上,有“香九龄,能温席”的记载。讲的是我国古代“黄香温席”的故事。黄香小时候,家中生活很艰苦。在他9岁时,母亲就去世了。黄香非常悲伤。他本就非常孝敬父母,在母亲生病期间,小黄香一直不离左右,守护在妈妈的病床前,母亲去世后,他对父亲更加关心、照顾,尽量让父亲少操心。冬夜里,天气特别寒冷。那时,农户家里又没有任何取暖的设备,确实很难入睡。一天,黄香晚上读书时,感到特别冷,捧着书卷的手一会就冰凉冰凉的了。他想,这么冷的天气,爸爸一定很冷,他老人家白天干了一天的活,晚上还不能好好地睡觉。想到这里,小黄香心里很不安。为让父亲少挨冷受冻,他读完书便悄悄走进父亲的房里,给他铺好被,然后脱了衣服,钻进父亲的被窜里,用自己的体温,温暖了冰冷的被窝之后,才招呼父亲睡下。黄香用自己的孝敬之心,暖了父亲的心。黄香温席的故事,就这样传开了街坊邻居人人夸奖黄香。夏天到了,黄香家低矮的房子显得格外闷热,而且蚊蝇很多。到了晚上,大家都在院里乘凉,尽管每人都不停地摇着手中的蒲扇,可仍不觉得凉快,入夜了,大家也都困了,准备睡觉去了,这时,大家才发现小黄香一直没有在这里。“香儿,香儿。”父亲忙提高嗓门喊他,“爸爸,我在这儿呢。”说着,黄香从父亲的房中走出来。满头的汗,手里还拿着一把大蒲扇。“你干什么呢,怪热的天气,”爸爸心疼地说。“屋里太热,蚊子又多,我用扇子使劲一扇,蚊虫就跑了,屋子也显得凉快些,您好睡觉。”黄香说。爸爸紧紧地搂住黄香,“我的好孩子,可你自己却出了一身汗呀!”以后,黄香为了让父亲休息好,晚饭后,总是拿着扇了,把蚊蝇扇跑,还要扇凉父亲睡觉的床和枕头,使劳累了一天的父亲,早些入睡。9岁的小黄香就是这样孝敬父亲,人称扇温席的黄香,天下无双,他长大以后,人们说:“能孝敬父母的人,也一定懂得爱百姓,爱自己的国家。”事情正是这样,黄香后来做了地方官,果然不负众望,为当地老百姓做了不少好事,他孝敬父母的故事,也千古流传。寻找最美孝心少年观后感昨晚看了中央电视台播的最美孝心少年选举颁奖,其中一个叫“邵帅”捐骨髓救母的故事,令我许非常感动!他说:我救妈是天经地义的!我听左相当震撼泪流满面,一个成年人都难以抉择的想法和思维竟然会出自一个十二岁的少年!自古以来大多数都是母亲为孩子不顾一切,现在反之而行真是实属难得难得 十位少年完美的诠释了孝心,他们的事迹感动了无数人,却又触动着每个人的心,试问有多少人能正真的做到“孝心”两字?有谁能像十位少年一样坚持?希望通过这个节目的播出,能让孝心在社会上蔓延下去,在每个人心中永存! 他们的艰辛成人都难以忍受,值得我们每个人学习,尤其那些有钱人的子女和富二代更应注意节俭,更应尊老爱幼。 【最美孝心少年】中10位孝心少年事迹让人流泪,让人感动。人,无法选择自己的生存环境、父母,更无法预测自己成长路上会遇到多少坎坷。无论怎样都要勇敢、坚强的面对,不要放弃人生没有过不去的坎,相信自己。 看了评出的十位最美孝心少年后,非常心酸,我是流着眼泪看完节目的。我们不希望家庭有了重大变故后,才章显出孩子的孝心,这对孩子来说已经是不公平了。希望社会的各种制度能尽快健全,当发现此类事,社会保障及时跟上,另外孩子的另一个家长哪里去了? 十位少年完美的诠释了孝心,他们的事迹感动了无数人,却又触动着每个人的心,试问有多少人能正真的做到“孝心”两字?有谁能像十位少年一样坚持?希望通过这个节目的播出,能让孝心在社会上蔓延下去,在每个人心中永存! 寻找最美孝心少年观后感尊老爱幼是中华民族的优良传统,这次借着“寻找最美孝心少年”的契机,我想讲讲我班王广红同学的孝行。当我刚接手这个班的时候并不知晓她的情况,直至在上次的“家访”活动中,使我更加的了解了这个身体瘦小,却有着极强生命力和“孝心”的孩子。王广红,孤儿,在12年前被现在的父亲收养,养父在1994年的煤矿事故中落下了终生残疾,该生家中还有常年重病卧床不起的养祖父祖母。其家庭条件十分艰苦。但是,生活的重担却没有压倒这个善良、纯朴的家。据小广红的养父说,小广红四岁时就学会了做家务,每天都起的很早,打扫院子卫生,生火做饭,为年迈体衰的爷爷奶奶洗衣服,最后才匆匆的吃几口去上学,我听到这里,我的眼睛湿润了,我为我班有这样的学生而骄傲。小广红的邻居们也告诉我说,小广红非常孝敬养父,有好吃的东西都要给养父留着,从来不伸手向家人要漂亮的衣服,她的衣服都是穿亲戚家穿剩下的,但她从来没有怨言,反而渐渐的养成的勤俭节约的好习惯。这就是一个看似平凡,却又触及心灵的一个12岁小姑娘的故事。看到他们自强不息、阳光向上、奋发有为。通过树立新时期孝心好少年的榜样,弘扬中华民族优秀文化和传统美德,弘扬尊老爱老敬老的社会风尚,弘扬社会主义的道德观和价值观,弘扬励志成长、乐观积极的人生态度。 做最好的自己寻找最美孝心少年观后感 2013年11月8号晚八点我和妈妈一起观看了众里寻他最美孝心少年颁奖晚会,每一位孝心少年的故事都震撼着我的心。 “妈妈,我愿付出所有只为看到你的微笑”。这是赵文龙对妈妈的誓言。妈妈生病,8岁的赵文龙照顾妈妈,每天都要买菜做饭,他用卖塑料瓶的四元钱买了肉,做成了肉丸,把好吃的肉丸藏在碗底给妈妈吃,看着母子俩推来推去的肉丸我哭了,我也爱吃肉丸,妈妈经常做肉丸,每次都是管够吃,可我有时还挑毛病,这次肉丸有点咸,那次有点硬,想着这些我真惭愧。每天晚上9点多我已经进入了甜甜的梦乡,而懂事的高雨欣还在帮着妈妈烤串;阳光帅气的男孩邵帅,捐骨髓给妈妈,妈妈住院期间每天晚上都要经过一片小树林去送饭给妈妈,怕黑的他嘴里念着自己写的诗给自己壮胆,“为了我的妈妈我什么都不怕不怕啦。”看着这些我又一次哭了,每一位少年的纪录片,每一位孝心少年出场,我和妈妈都会泪流满面。我不由自主地抱紧了妈妈。 为了给我更好的生活,爸爸妈妈每天都起早贪黑,为了能让我吃上可口的早餐,妈妈每天五点就起来忙活,我喜欢跳舞,妈妈给我报了舞蹈班,这对住在农村的上班族家庭是非常奢侈的,为了锻炼我让我更优秀,妈妈又让我加入了小记者团队,每次参加活动妈妈都非常


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