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that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!charlie chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films the starred in. in 1972 he was given a special oscar for his outstanding work in films. he lived in england and the usa but spend his last years in switzerland, where he was buried in 1977. he is loved and remembered as a great actor who could inspire people with great confidence.an april fools joke: the noodle harvestapril fools day, or april 1st, is known in many countries as a day for playing jokes on others. it is usually a time when children make fun of each other, but sometimes other people can get caught in the fun too.one of the most famous jokes in england took place on british television in 1957. it was a monday night when there were always many serious programmes on the television. one of them was called panorama, this show explored problems and progress all over the world, so nobody was surprised when it began with a report on the excellent noodle harvest in the south switzerland. the programme mentioned two reasons for the good crop: an unusually warm winter and the disappearance of the insect that attacked the noodle crop every year. the reporter showed many noodle trees with the farmers pulling noodles off them and putting them into baskets. the people watching were told that they may not have heard of noodles from this part of the world because noodles were grown as part of small family businesses.the programme makers makers realized that people might wonder why noodles were always the same size so that they explained that “it was the result of many years patient research with the tree to produce noodles of exactly the same length.” but even so they explained, the life of a noodle farmer was not easy. “the last two weeks of march are an anxious time for noodle farmers. there is always a chance of very cold weather spoiling their crop. then it is difficult for them to get top prices on the markets.” many people in england believed this story. they rang the bbc to find out hoe to grow their own noodle tree. they were told to “place a piece of noodle in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.” this may seem very silly, but in the 1950s very few british people travelled aboard for their holidays and even fewer of them ate noodles. so it seemed possible to imagine that noodles grew on tree like apples, pears and nuts. people also trusted the panorama programme for its careful research and serious information. so they were shocked to find the next day that they had all believed an april fools joke. even today the report of the noodle harvest is remembered as one of the best april fools jokes ever!unit 4communication: no problem?yesterday, another student and i, representing our universitys student association, went to the capital international airport to meet this years international students. they were coming to study at beijing university. we should take them first to their dormitories and then to the student cantee. after an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, i saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. i stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.the first person to arrive was tony garcia from columbia, closely followed by julia smith from britain. after i met them and then introduced them to each other, i was very surprised. tony approached julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! she stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. i guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding. then akira nagata from japan came in smiling, together with george cook from canada. as they were introduced, george reached his hand out to the japanese student. just at that moment, however, akira bowed so his nose touched georges moving hand. they both apologized- another cultural mistake!ahmed aziz, another international student, was from jordan. when we met yesterday, he moved very close to me as i introduced myself. i moved back a bit, but he came closer to ask a question and then shook my hand. when darlene coulon from france came dashing through the door, she recognized tony garcias smiling face. they shook hand and then kissed each other twice on each cheek, since that is the france custom when adults meet people they know. ahmed aziz, on the contrary, simply nodded at the girls. men from middle eastern and other muslim countries will often stand quite close to other men to talk but will usually not touch women.as i get to know more international friends, i learn more about this cultural “body language”. not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. in the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through physical distance, actions or posture. english people, for example, do not usually stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. however, people from places like spain, italy or south american countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them. most people around the world now greet each other by shaking hands, but some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the japanese, who prefer to bow.these actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed. i have seen, however, that cultural customs for body language are very general- not all members of a culture behave in the same way. in general, though, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world cultural crossroads!showing our feelingsbody language is one of the most powerful s of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language. people around the world show all knds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud. it is possible to “read” others around us, even if they do not intend for us to catch their unspoken communication. of course, body language can be misread, but many gestures and actions are universal.the most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile its function is to show happiness and to people at ease. it does not always means that we are truly happy, however. smiles around the world can be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. there are unhappy smiles, such as when someone “loses face” and smiles to hide it. however, the general purpose of smiling is to show good feelings.from the time we are babie, we show unhappiness or anger by frowning. in most places around the world, frowning and turning ones back to someone show anger. making a fist and shaking it alomost means that someone is angry and threatening another person.there are many ways around the world to show agreement, but nodding the head up and down s for agreement almost worldwide. most people also understand that shaking the head from side to side means disagreement or refusal.how about showing that i am bored? looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. however, if i turn toward and look at someone or something, people from almost every culture will think that i am interested. if i roll my eyes and turn my head away, i most likely do not believe what i am hearing or do not like it.being respectful to people is subjective, besed on each culture, but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher. in almost every culture, it is not usually good to stand too close to someone of a higher rank. standing at a little distance with open hands will show that i am willing to listen.with so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language. we can ofen be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each others as well as we do!the open hand-a unicersal signwhen meeting people at the airport, most people smile and shake hands with people they meet. we know that smile is usually a sign that people feel friendly and happy, but what if we dont know who the new person is? what if we are not introduced by a friend? what if we are meeting a stranger in a unfamiliar place? sometimes people are dangerous and humans have to find ways to protect themselves. we have to make sure we can trust people we dont know, and we have to show that we are not dangerous. showing our hands means that we are not armed. in many cultures today, the western custom of shaking hands is used. we use our right hand, which is usually strong than the left one. if we are using our hand this way, in cannot年产300吨固体植酸可行性分析报告一、 项目背景资料(一)植酸简介1.植酸:学名:六磷酸肌醇(又名环己六磷酸酯);英文名:phyticacid,.inosil,hexaphosphoricacid是从各种粮食作物中提取的天然贵重化工产品,因其独特的结构药理性能及化学性质,得以普遍应用。随着我国物质生活水平的提高;植酸终将以其独特的功能渗透到各个领域。2植酸的作用:植酸是一种重要的有机磷系添加剂,具有独特的生理功能和化学性质,在食品、医药、日用化工、金属加工、纺织工业、高分子工业以及塑料加工工业等方面具有广泛的应用。在食品工业中,由于植酸具有很好的抗氧化性,且安全无毒,因此被广泛用作食品保鲜剂和防腐剂,以延长食品的保鲜和保质期。植酸能使许多可促进氧化作用的金属离子被鳌合而失去活性,同时还释放出氢,破坏分解油脂在自动氧化过程中产生的过氧化物,使之不能继续形成醛酮等产物。在植物油中加入少量的植酸即可抑制其氧化和水解酸败。如在大豆油中添加一定量的植酸,可使大豆油的抗氧化能力提高4倍;在花生油中加入少量的植酸,不仅可使其抗氧化能力提高40倍,而且还可抑制具有强致癌作用的黄曲霉素的生成;将少量的植酸加入到面包、色拉等食品中,可以增强食品中天然色素和合成色素的稳定性,提高食品保存功能和改善食品质量,防止油脂氧化,使其色、香、味保持较长时间而营养不变;用植酸处理鲜果和蔬菜,可使其保鲜期明显延长。在食品加工过程中,用植酸代替硝酸盐加入酱制品中,不仅可保持色泽;而且可避免硝酸盐对人体的危害;加入到鱼虾罐头中可防止鸟类石的形成,也可防止贝类罐头加工过程中生成的h2s与肉中的铁离子等形成黑色物质。作为发酵添加剂,植酸可促进微生物的生长。另外,利用植酸的螫合性,可去除酒类、软饮料中金属离子,增加爽口感。在医药工业中,植酸具有抗氧化性,可作为维生素c、维生素d、维生素b2、维生素e、维生素ae的稳定剂,是合成综合维生素的主要原料。植酸钙含有易被人体吸收的有机磷和钙,可用于治疗佝偻病、骨疾、钙缺乏等症状,并能促进人体的新陈代谢,改善细胞营养,是一种营养滋补药品。植酸具有抑制自由基的作用,可促进机体内脂肪代谢,降低血脂,抑制胆固醇的生成,可制成抗动脉硬化药,对治疗肝,肾以及ccl4中毒有明显的疗效,植酸的钠盐和铋盐可治疗胃炎、十二指肠溃疡、腹泻等症。植酸可作为发酵促进剂。防变色剂等,增加庆大霉素及其他氨基酸类抗菌素产量。植酸还可用作有毒重金属的解毒剂,用于治疗铅、汞等重金属中毒症,还可用于不手术排除尿结石的治疗,消除病人因手术带来的痛苦。 日用化妆品中的作用:在牙膏里的添加:在牙膏中添加植酸,可清除牙龈及牙齿表面的积垢,消除抽烟所形成的牙斑,保持长时间的口腔清爽。在洗发水中:植酸和洗发液中其它成份配伍,1:调节酸碱度:可以根据每个人的皮肤不同调节皮肤的酸碱度;2:保持头发中的水份:植酸在皮肤中微量存在可螯合水份不易失去。3:可快速洗脱皮肤和头发上的微量金属,消除头发上的静电。使头发更柔软、飘逸、亮泽、定型效果更好,更易梳理。在沐浴露中使用:1:可调节皮肤的酸碱度,2:保持皮肤的水分;使皮肤更富有弹性和光泽,使得皮肤不会出现一些痘类,并减少皮肤病的发生;3:植酸可以快速螯合软化并脱去皮肤上死去的角质层;保持皮肤的活力和呼吸畅通,减小皮肤的骚痒程度。并可快速去除身体异味,保证身体的清新和舒爽,消除体味患者的心理障碍。在清洗剂中的作用:在日常生活和工业生产中,常常有大量的物品要清洗;日常生活中蔬菜和水果在清洗时添加植酸,可以去除表面的农药残留,同时可保鲜;肉类用植酸清洗,可延长肉类的存放期;家具类在搽试时添加植酸,可使油漆表面更光泽。用植酸配制的工业清洗液,在清洗工件时,可快速清除油污;并可保护工件表面轻易不会上锈;在工业企业清洗设备,效果显著。水处理行业的作用工业生产和日常生活中经常碰到水的要求,常规处理有用碱或用酸,有条件的地方采用树酯处理,但规模和处理成本都不能有效的保证水的使用,而采用植酸处理可以更快和有效的解决。如在锅炉用水中即减少了锅炉设备和人力的投入,更解决了锅炉用水问题,同时对锅炉也产生了养护作用。在纺织工业中,植酸可用作织物防皱处理剂、纤维抗静电剂以及棉、聚酯、丝绸织物的阻燃剂,并且具有保水性能。植酸在高分子聚合物中能起到催化固化作用,可以有效地防止自聚结块。由于它有抗静电的能力,能使烯烃聚合物具有良好的透明度。例如在制备聚氨酯时,添加少量的植酸可以加速其固化,提高产品的质量。植酸季铵盐是一种重要的表面活性剂,适用于多种聚合物。织物和塑料的抗静电添加剂。由植酸经水解制得的肌醇具有生物活性,是某些生物体的生长因子,是治疗脂肪肝的首选药物,也是治疗心血管疾病的很好药物。另外肌醇也被广泛用于保健食品饮料及饲料工业中,具有很高的开发和利用价值。植酸作防腐剂可添加于包装材料,以防包装物质发生腐蚀;植酸的分子量大,可作为沉淀剂,提取一些稀有金属,如锗、镓等;在合成橡胶工业中可用植酸代替一些毒性较高的抗氧剂;植酸的烷基聚乙烯亚胺盐添加到燃料中,可提高其防爆性和抗氧化性;在树脂中掺入微量的植酸可长久保持树脂对光和热的稳定性,有效地防止降解;用植酸处理陶瓷釉,可以减少发生铅中毒的几率;此外,植酸还能做h2o2稳定剂,以促进添加无毒稳定剂h2o2在医药、食品等行业中的广泛应用。近年来,由于植酸有着广泛的用途和较高的经济价值,世界各国都在加大研究和开发力度。日本、美国等国家已把植酸作为重要的开发品种,生产能力和产量每年都在增加,并不断开发出新的用途。目前我国虽然建成了几十家植酸生产厂,但由于工艺落后,生产过程中所造成的污染大,成本高、质量低,而不能快速的发展和全方位的应用。(二)国内外植酸研究的动态:鉴于植酸有着广泛的用途和较高的经济价值,世界各国都在加大研究和开发力度。美、日等国已把植酸作为重要的开发产品,生产和用量每年都在增加,国外关于植酸应用和研究开发每年都有大量的专利报道出现。不断的完善和改进植酸的生产工艺并发现了很多新的用途。据近年国外研究,植酸还具有抑制人体内生成过氧化脂质的功能,具有增强免疫力,抗癌等作用。如:日本筑野食品公司利用六磷酸肌醇酯开发成具有抗癌作用保健食品。美国fda已确认其功效性,现已在美国已经形成植酸市场规模,产品有l00多种。为此,日本筑野食品公司目前已推出植酸保健食品。我国近年植酸胶囊也已进入临床阶段,所用固体植酸为我公司提供。我国作为农业大国,有着丰富的农副产品资源,每年都有大量的农副产品下脚料,这些下脚料作为饲料经济效益很差,但是目前国内大多数植酸生产企业的工艺仍是传统的沉淀法生产工艺,生产成本高,质量低下,限制了植酸的使用,无法走出国门进入国际市场。现在许多大专院校和科研所在植酸工艺方面做了大量的工作,但都不尽人意。而我公司通过技术合作方式取得的高纯度结晶植酸技术改变了这一现状,其市场前景可观。二、市场需求植酸作为新型产品走向市场也就是最近几十年,它的用途及特性在不断的被发现;应用领域在不断的扩大,在金属防腐业,植酸处理后的金属表面抗氧化能力是现有防腐材料的十几倍,在电镀行业,国家已强力推行无氰电镀,减少污染,而只有植酸是良好的替代品,且镀层质量远高于有氰电镀,在食用油脂行业,绿色抗氧化剂的需求都给植酸提供极大的市场(植酸在油脂中的抗氧化性优于ve、和bht,而ve使用成本高;bht有毒等,仅仅这一项,国内每年需求植酸量达上千吨,然而,液体植酸在油里很难使用,固体植酸却解决了这一问题。故该产品市场前景很大。三、原料来源及辅料植酸,一般都是以钙、镁、钠、钾等金属离子的复盐形式存在于植物的种子中,这种复盐就是通常所称的菲汀。1、几种植物中植酸的含量: 植物名 米糠 玉米芽 亚麻种子 麦麸 棉子 油菜籽 植酸含量(%) 1011 6.4 5.3 4.8 3-4 2-2.5稻谷我国产量十分丰富,米糠每年大约有850 万吨,提取植酸的原料十分丰富。2、300吨50%液体植酸需用原辅材料估算表 表序号名 称规格及质量单 位数 量来 源运输方式1米糠脱脂 t/a6000省内汽运2盐酸36%(一级)t/a720省内汽运3naoh38%(一级)t/a720省内汽运4活性碳食品级t/a12省外汽运5硅藻土食品级t/a144省外汽运四、技术来源及生产工艺 淮南天力公司与荆州大地公司经过多年的研究,完成了米糠综合利用、生物柴油、植酸、谷维素、阿魏酸、饲料蛋白等米糠综合利用等项的工业化生产研究。已经在湖北荆州建设了年产20000吨生物柴油生产线,在淮南建设了年产10吨和汉中150吨植酸生产线。植酸生产工艺流程图: 盐 酸 米糠膨化浸出烘干酸浸过滤滤液糠油 滤渣软脂酸脂肪酸精炼 食用米糠油 酸浸油酸谷维素烘干滤渣过滤酸油饲料滤液 阿魏酸生物柴油沉降 naoh吸附植酸钙镁钠清液解吸交换植酸吸附洗脱交换浓缩成品包装调整浓度液体成品植酸固体植酸烘干过滤结晶晶种超临界稳定 五、产品性状及标准1.理化指标工业纯级hg268395化学纯级qb/tl100102分析纯级qb/tl100102优级纯级qb/tl100102分析纯级qb/tl100203外观浅黄色透明粘稠液体近无色透明粘稠液体无色透明粘稠液体无色透明粘稠液体白色粉末植酸含量 %507050705070507098钙(ca) %氯根(cl) %硫酸根(so4)%无机磷(p) %重金属(pb) %0.0030.0030.00150.00210.0010.00140.0010.00140.002砷(as) %0.00030.00030.000150.000210.00010.000140.00010.000140.0002杂蛋白 %不作考核0.推荐应用范围一般工业应用普通食品、日化医药、化妆电子、试剂所有行业2. 液体植酸感官指标淡绿色、无气味、无杂质、粘稠状液体。3、固体植酸感官指标a 感官指标:纯白色、无气味、无杂质、粉末状晶体。六、建设规模设计生产车间分为锅炉房、原料处理车间、液体植酸车间、固体植酸车间;生产车间考虑产品作为食品、药品添加剂系列,要求车间整体按医药食品卫生要求建设,车间建更衣室;洗手间及卫生通道。地面及墙面用瓷砖做面;采光系数高,设中央空调系统,来保证产品的卫生及安全。主车间高度不得低于8m;生产和包装之间建玻璃幕墙隔断层。年生产300吨植酸(50液体植酸600吨)。(一)主要建筑物表1循环水池:(同时兼消防池)混凝土结构1000m32污水处理池:混凝土结构1000m33锅炉房砖混结构2004液体植酸车间混凝土结构50005固体植酸车间混凝土结构20006办公及其他用房砖混结构8007植酸钠车间混凝土结构50008植酸盐其它混凝土结构2000(二)给水工程:全厂工艺用水总量为57600吨/年;其中循环水用量18000吨,循环水采用工艺水回用,这样一来;全年实际用水量为24000吨。全厂用水量估算表序号用水种类来源最大用水量m3/h平均用水量m3/h1生产用水地下水 10 62循环用水工艺回水 80 603生活用水地下水 未计入(三)循环冷却水系统工艺回水 循环水池 循环系统 冷却系统 车间各设备 循环水池全厂冷却用水量40t/h,共用一台60吨冷却塔;采用2台循环水泵,一台备用,同时配备一台消防用泵消防给水、消防设施见562;消防给水设备见给排水主要设备表排水工程全厂向外的排水量为6 mh,主要为生产废水,污水经处理后排放。(四)给排水主要设备表 序号 设备名称 型号及规模 数量 备注1 玻璃钢冷却塔 dbn60 n2.8kw 12 冷却水循环泵 isg65-160(i)q=64.2 m/h 1 一台备用3 消防水泵 isg80-250(i)型 q=30.7 m/h 1h=72m n=37kw(五)低压配电系统低压配电系统采用380220v中性点直接接地的fvcs系统,由于工艺设备布置无需连锁设计,低压配电以放射式配电系统为主,固体酸车间采用二级放射式,由控制总柜馈电。给用电设备由控制总柜辐射至车间控制盘,车间整体由总柜直接馈电给各车间动力箱,再从动力箱配给各用电设备。(六)防雷措施 此工程依规程按e类防雷设计,采用避雷针和避雷带防直击雷保护,其接地电阻不大于30,低电配电系统采用中性点直接接地的tnsc系统,厂区内设一总接地网并与变电所接地装置连成一体,接地电阻不大于4。(七)电气照明车间采用普通日光灯,露天场地采用金属卤化物灯,照明电压均为220v。(八)供热生产用供热匹配锅炉28,供汽参数为水解塔需表压0.4-0.5mp,从锅炉房分流缸安装减压阀向各用汽点供热,管网采用架空敷设岩棉保温。(九)制冷加压根据固体植酸工艺要求,设备在使用过程中压力很高,要求在管路系统采用冷处理,以便在晶种添加及晶体过滤时不至于影响产品收益。(十)车间空气净化因为植酸产品的特殊性,要求生产过程中不能有其它异物接触,空气洁净。工艺要求生产过程又都在无离子水中,车间空气湿度大,部分产品要求在空气干燥环境中作业,所以,车间必须全封闭并配备中央空调系统,部分车间配备除湿系统来改善生产环境。七、设备选型与设备清单1、主要设备选型该工艺除标准通用件外,主体设备基本上是自行设计、制造、安装。2、设备制造材料的选择:因为植酸固有的特性,植酸生产设备不能采用金属材料和部分有机材料(因为植酸遇到金属,可快速和金属螯合,无法生产出合格产品,且能把许多有机材料里的各种离子脱出来,故在材料的选型上有很大的技术含量),而我公司通过技术合作方式取得的高纯度结晶植酸生产技术有一套完整的生产工艺,保证了产品的质量。3、生产设备清单序号设备名称材 料型号及尺寸数量(台)单价(万元)动力(kw)1粉 碎 机ni9ti1137552立 筒 仓聚丙23离 心 泵ni9ti144立 绞 笼ni9ti1225绞笼地池聚丙16液 浆 池聚丙12001500100017酸计量槽聚丙1200170038控 制 台a38孔11沸腾萃取罐聚丙16003900102432蛋白分离罐聚丙16003900102433转鼓离心机31612008554酸高位罐聚丙1200170010。685催化剂罐聚丙8001000103856地 池聚丙12001500100045滤布清洗槽聚丙12001500100016磁力泵聚酯32537储备库聚丙2000460023188硅藻土水罐聚丙80010001119活性碳水罐聚丙800100011110控制台a315孔11阳离子交换柱壳体聚丙8004600201672阴离子层析柱聚丙800460081673配比调节库聚丙20004600131844中间储备库聚丙2000460023185酸高位罐聚丙1200170010686碱高位罐聚丙1200170010687磁力泵聚酯438地池聚丙12001500100039控制室a39孔11吸附交换柱聚丙8004600321672阳离子交换柱聚丙8004600161673层析柱聚丙800460061674酸


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