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unit11how was your school trip?1. 学习并掌握词汇:milk, cow, horse, feed, farmer, quite2. 学习目标语言:did you .? yes, i do. / no, i dont.3. 情感态度目标:通过描述过去的事情,使学生学会尊重和理解别人,学会了解他人的喜好,增进情谊。学习重点熟练拼写和运用milk, cow, horse, feed, farmer, quite等词。学习难点对过去的事情进行询问。学 习 过 程自主空间一、预习与交流a、预习课文,朗读理解记忆词汇: b、小试身手 1.散步_ 2.给奶牛挤奶_ 3.骑马_ 4.喂鸡_ 5.和农民交谈_ 6.拍照_ c、你能通过预习说出下面的句子吗?并试着写下来。 1 你昨天都做了哪些事情?what _ you _ yesterday? 2 你看到过一些奶牛吗?_ you see any _?二、合作与探究 a、动口动手。学习目标语: b、step 1 talking in groups.小组交流学习成果,师生互动解决学习中困惑step 2 presentation and learning. 1 guidance: -what did you do yesterday? -i rode a horse.2. pair work: did the girl see any cows? yes, she did. / no, she doesnt.step 3 language ability practice 1fininsh 1a 2 finish the listening task in 1b, 2b,2c. c、小组展示三、展示交流 挑战一:观察与运用。先组内讨论交流,然后由小组派代表就共性问题进行讲解。针对学生的疑惑,教师给予点拨。 挑战二:机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编的对话在全班面前展示吧。 挑战三: 相信你一定行!come on!四、点拨升华a、一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。一般过去时的一般疑问句基本结构:did 主语+动词原形+其他?例:-did you see any cow?-yes, i did. /no, i didnt.b、milk的用法:milk即可作动词,也可作名词。作名词时,意为“牛奶”;作行为动词时,意为“挤奶”。试译:给奶牛挤奶_五、当堂练习.i.单项选择。( ) 1.did he _to sleep late last night? a. went b. go c. goes( ) 2.yesterday i didnt stay at home. i _ to my teacher at school. a. talk b. talks c. talked( ) 3. we _ any classes last week. a. dont have b. didnt have c. had( ) 4. china _ the wto in 2001. a. joined b. joins c. join( ) 5.did you watch tv last week? _ a. yes, i do b. yes, i did c. no, i wasnt.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. tom and mary _ (come) to china last month.2. my mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.3._your father _ (go) to work every day last year?4. he _ (be) here just now.5. did she _ (have) supper at home?.根据汉语完成句子。1. 我三年前骑过马。i _ a _ three years ago. 2.昨天我们在公园照了相。we _ _ in the park yesterday.3.昨天上午他们回家喂了小鸡。they _ home and _ the chickens yesterday morning.4.一些工人刚给奶牛挤了奶。some works just _ the _.5.上周他与村里的农民谈了话。he _ with the _ in the village last week.六、课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑:课题七下unit11 how was your school trip? (第二课时2d-3b)课型新课备课学习目标1.学习并掌握词汇:anything, grow, farm, farming, pick, excellent, countryside, clean, yesterday, flower, worry, luckily, sun2.学习目标语言:what did carol do? she picked some strawberries.3.情感态度目标:通过询问同学间过去所做的事情,增进同学间的感情。学习重点熟练拼写和运用等词。学习难点对过去的事情进行询问。学 习 过 程自主空间一、预习与交流a、预习课文,朗读理解记忆词汇: b、小试身手 优秀的_ 摘草莓_ 爬山_ 在乡下_ come out _ go fishing _ luckily _ c、你能通过预习说出下面的句子吗? 1 你上个星期的旅行怎么样?how _ your _ last week?二、合作与探究任务一、分角色朗读2d.任务二、读grammar focus, 并注意过去时的用法。任务三、根据所给的动词变化完成3a.任务四、根据3b小组内编一个小故事。三、展示交流 挑战一:观察与运用。先组内讨论交流,然后由小组派代表就共性问题进行讲解。针对学生的疑惑,教师给予点拨。 挑战二:机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编的对话在全班面前展示吧。 挑战三: 相信你一定行!come on!四、点拨升华1、代词anything的用法:anything是不定代词,意为“任何事情;任何东西”,常用于否定句及疑问句中,与something同义,但something 常用于肯定句中。用something, anything 填空。(1)there _ wrong with your eyes. (2) is there _ important in todays newspaper?2、worry 的用法:worry是行为动词时,意为“担心;着急;焦虑”,常与介词about连用,意为“对感到担心”,其形容词为worried(担心的,焦急的),过去式为worried。用worry的正确形式填空。(1)tom, dont _about your per dog.(2) i _about my little daughter very much last night.五、当堂练习i. 单项选择。( )1. my brother didnt come back last night. i _ about him every much. a. worried b. worry c. was worrying( ) 2. most girls like _ very much. so many boys buy them on valentines day(情人节)。 a. fish b. flowers c. clothes( ) 3. he showed us _ the large factory. a. to b. in c. around( ) 4. theyre _ some trees on the sides of the road. a. growing b. picking c. getting( ) 5.feeding the chickens is so _ fun. a. many b. much c. a little.用所给词的正确形式填空。see, fish, any, luck, farm1) mollys father is a _ in the uk.2) last year my father _ a ufo in my home town.3) _, he saved the little boy at last.4) im going _ this afternoon.5) she looked around, but she didnt find _.根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 昨天他在乡下摘草莓了。_ he _ the strawberries in the _.2. eric 在农场没有找到任何有用的东西。 eric didnt find _ useful _ _ _.3.请不要担心他。please dont _ _ him.4.今天早上,我们担心天要刮风。幸运的是,没有起风。 this morning we _ it _ blow. _, it didnt.5.那是去乡下的一次极好的旅行。it was an _ journey in the _.六、课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑:课题七下unit11 how was your school trip? (第三课时1a-1d)课型新课备课学习目标1.学习并掌握词汇:museum, fire, painting2.学习目标语言:i went to that sounds 3.情感态度目标:通过同学间的旅游经历交流,增加阅历让同学们更热爱生活。学习重点熟练拼写museum, fire, painting等词和运用基本句型i went to that sounds 学习难点掌握一般过去时并在实际情景中自如运用。学 习 过 程自主空间一、预习与交流a、预习课文,朗读理解记忆词汇: b、小试身手 参观博物馆_ 消防站_ visit a museum _ draw pictures_ c、你能通过预习说出下面的句子吗? 你的旅行怎么样?how _ your trip?二、合作与探究 任务一、利用投影仪将书中的图片展示出来,将1a中的词组和图片对号。 任务二、播放两次录音完成1b1c。任务三、和同学讨论学校的旅行,对练习进行讨论并进行角色表演三、展示交流 挑战一:观察与运用。先组内讨论交流,然后由小组派代表就共性问题进行讲解。针对学生的疑惑,教师给予点拨。 挑战二:机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编的对话在全班面前展示吧。 挑战三: 相信你一定行!come on!四、点拨升华a、动词的过去式变化规则:1.直接加ed: workworked, looklooked, play-played2.以不发音的e结尾的单词,直接加d: livelived, hope-hoped3.以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,变y为i加ed: studystudied, carrycarried, worry-worried4.以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加ed: enjoyenjoyed, play-played5.以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed: stopstopped, plan-planned不规则变化的动词过去式:havehad, arewere, getgot, saysaid, feelfelt, do/doesdid, is-was五、当堂练习i单项选择。()1. _ the weather yesterday? a. hows b. how was c. what was( )2. _ he _ tv every day? a. did; watched b. does;watch c. does; watched ( ) 3. _ is free(免费的) here. we all like playing here. a. something b. anything c. everything( ) 4. i like _ train because i can watch the scenes more easily along the road. a. slow b. fast c. tall( ) 5. _ it was exciting and interesting. a. hows its going? b. did you have a good trip? c. how was your school trip?.根据句意及首字母提示填空。1. last sunday, two foreigners visited the art m_.2. this computer is too e_. i dont want to buy it.3. its very d_ now. could you turn on the light(灯)?4. i like the model r_ very much. 5. a f_ destroyed(被毁) everything in the village. .用所给词的适当形式填空。1. i often hear him _ (sing) in class.2. hearing the _ (excite) new, i went out fast.3. do you like the _ (love) child?4. larry isnt _ (interest) in the story.5. the guide taught us how _ (make) model pandas.根据汉语意思完成句子。1. the students _ the _ (参观博物馆) yesterday morning. 2. my parents work at a _ _(消防站)。 3. i bought some _ _(可爱的礼物) for my child at a shop. 4. is this sweater _ _ _(便宜还是贵)? 5. im _ _(感兴趣) this tv show. 六、课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑:课题七下unit11 how was your school trip? (第四课时2a-2c)课型新课备课学习目标1.学习并掌握词汇:exciting, lovely, expensive, cheap, slow, fast, robot, guide, gift, everything, interested, dark, hear2.学习目标语言:学会对自己的旅行进行描述.3.情感态度目标:交流旅行心得,了解他人。学习重点运用过去时描写自己的旅行.学习难点学写日记这一文体。学 习 过 程自主空间一、预习与交流a、预习课文,朗读理解记忆词汇: b、小试身手 对感兴趣_ 了解_ 参加学校旅行_ all in all _ gift shop _ take photos_ c、你能通过预习说出下面的句子吗? 总而言之,这是令人兴奋的一天。 all _ _, it was an _ day.二、合作与探究 a、区分2a中的贬义词和褒义词。 b、阅读2b,找出问题的答案。 c、阅读2b,完成2c中的表格。 d、同学们各自描述自己的旅行,并通过日记的形式把它记录下来。三、展示交流 挑战一:观察与运用。先组内讨论交流,然后由小组派代表就共性问题进行讲解。针对学生的疑惑,教师给予点拨。 挑战二:机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编的对话在全班面前展示吧。 挑战三: 相信你一定行!come on!四、点拨升华a、形容词exciting的用法:exciting为形容词,意为“令人兴奋,激动的”。它常用来形容“某是令人兴奋、激动”,其主语是物而不是人。在用英语中,以-ing结尾的形容词表示“令人的”,用来形容物,而以-ed结尾的形容词则表示“某人的”,用来形容人。用括号内单词的正确形式填空。 (1)children are always _ in _ (interest) stories.(2)mr. zhang is very _ when he heard the _ (excite) news. b、expensive:expensive意为“昂贵的”,反义词是cheap, 意为“便宜的,廉价的”。 expensive 和 dear 的异同:两者均可表示“贵”, 但前者多指物美价高,非购买者财力所能及:而后者多指物价超过常情。 试译:她的衣服很贵,但他的衣服很便宜。 her clothes are _ but his is _ _. c、动词hear 的用法:hear 是行为动词,意为“听到,听说”,表示“听到”的结果,后跟名词或代词,过去式为heard.常用短语有hear sb. do sth. (听到某人做某事),hear sb. doing sth. (听到某人正在做某事),hear of (听说),hear from (收到某人的来信)等。它与listen同义。但listen注重的仅仅是动作,而不是结果,后跟“听”的对象时,需加介词to. 用hear或 listen 及其短语填空。 (1)does lucy often _ her sing? (2)_ to me! dont look out of the window. (3)_! can you _anything near here? (4)i _ from helen yesterday. she _ of i had a good english teacher.五、当堂练习.单项选择。( )1. we got _ when we heard the _ news. a. excited; exciting b. excited; excited c. exciting; excited ( )2. jim is a very _ person and we are _ in his story. a. interested; interesting b. interesting; interested c. interested; interested( )3. he _ one of _friends at the station yesterday afternoon. a. saw; him b. saw; his c. sees; his( )4.how was your school trip? pretty good! we _the history museum. a. visit b. visited c. will visit( )5.pardon? i _ hear you. a. dont b. didnt c. cant.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. he _ (be) at work yesterday morning. 2. where did you _ (spend) your holiday?3. tom _ (do) some shopping with his mother last saturday.4. my mother often does some _ (cook) at home.5. i didnt watch tv last night, i _ (see) movie with my friend.根据汉语意思完成句子。1.昨天那些学生参观了一个消防站。 yesterday those students _ a _ _.2.孩子们对博物馆里的机器人很感兴趣。 children were _ _ the _ at the _.3.向导教了我们如何变得兴奋起来。 the guide _ us _ _ be _.4.总而言之,这是令人兴奋的一天。 _ _ _, its an _ day.5.tom上周的旅行怎么样?_ _ toms _ last week?六、课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑:课题七下unit11 how was your school trip? (第五课时3a-self check)课型新课备课学习目标1.学习并掌握词汇:visit the zoos, take some photos, go to the countryside2.学习目标语言:how was the trip? it was 3.情感态度目标:通过对旅行的回忆来更加热爱生活。学习重点重点单词以及词组的掌握学习难点对过去的事情进行询问。学 习 过 程自主空间一、预习与交流 a、预习课文,朗读理解记忆词汇: b、小试身手 1.参观动物园 _ 2.拍照_ 3.去乡下_ 4.了解_ 5.对感兴趣 _ 6.gift shop _ 7.feed chickens _ 8.fire station _ 9.all in all _ 10.ride a horse _二、合作与探究 a、小组内合作完成3a3b. b、把自己的一次学校旅行用日记记录下来,写出自己是否喜欢这次旅行及其原因。 c、分组完成self check 的要求任务,并根据表中的举出各种例子,写出它们的过去式。climbclimbedarrivearrivedstudystudiedstopstoppedgetgot三、展示交流 挑战一:观察与运用。先组内讨论交流,然后由小组派代表就共性问题进行讲解。针对学生的疑惑,教师给予点拨。 挑战二:机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编的对话在全班面前展示吧。 挑战三: 相信你一定行!come on!四、点拨升华 a、feedto sb. 意为“把喂吃”feed sb on/ with sth.“用喂”。feed on 意为“食,吃”(主要指动物,若指人则为口语或诙谐用语)。用feed及其短语的正确形式填空。(1)she usually _ milk _ the baby.(2)he


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