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20152016学年第一学期高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 考试时间120分钟 满分150分 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上(答题注意事项见答题卡),在试卷上的答题无效。第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从试题所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. what will the woman probably do this afternoon?a. go to the olympic games.b. stay at home.c. visit her friends.2. what happened to the boy today?a. he fought with someone at school.b. he didnt go to school.c. he lied to his teacher.3. where does the conversation probably take place?a. inside a cinema. b. in a ticket office. c. outside a cinema.4. what is true about the woman?a. she likes math now.b. she is very good at english.c. she thinks the man is funny.5. what happened to the woman?a. she wanted to take the 6:00 flightb. she misunderstood the manc. she changed the reservation to 7:00.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. how many times has the man made dumplings?a. twice. b. once. c. never.7. what does it need to make good dumplings according to the woman?a. practice. b. a secret recipe. c. talent.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. why didnt the woman see all of the collections at the museum?a. she spent too much time at one exhibit.b. the museum is too large.c. only the jade exhibit was open.9. what did the woman like the most?a. the primitive tools of peking man.b. the collection of jade from the earliest time period.c. the artistic works from the qing dynasty.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. what did the man do last night?a. he watched a sports program on tv.b. he invited the woman to see a show.c. he went to the stadium to watch an nba game.11. how does the woman describe basketball?a. its a very fast game.b. its a dull game.c. its too complicated.12. why does the man ask the woman the last question?a. he wants to take her to an nba game.b. he wants to change the topic of their discussion.c. he wants to take her to a movie.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. why did the man stop the woman?a. to ask her for directions.b. to give her a ticket for speeding.c. to warn her about the kids in the street.14. what was the speed limit where the woman was driving?a. 40 mph. b. 35 mph. c. 25 mph.15. what will happen if the woman goes to traffic school?a. she wont have to pay a fine.b. she wont have to go to court.c. her insurance wont become more expensive.16. what do we know about school zones?a. there are sometimes children there even on weekends.b. people are more likely to get tickets there.c. they are more dangerous than other areas.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. what was the main focus of the study?a. how to eat chocolate without gaining weight.b. the health benefits of eating chocolate.c. the effects of eating chocolate on happiness.18. who are reported to have the best results?a. people who ate no chocolate at all.b. people who ate a lot of chocolate every day.c. people who ate a moderate amount of chocolate every day.19. what did the researchers say about the study?a. there is still a lot of work to be done.b. milk chocolate was used in the experiment.c. eating too much chocolate had no positive impact on health.20. who might appreciate this news report most?a. people who want to change their diet.b. people who exercise regularly.c. people who already eat chocolate fairly often.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 aan artist in oakland, california is using his skills to help the homeless. greg kloehn builds very small shelters that make life on the streets a little more comfortable. the structures offer the homeless some safety and protection from bad weather. each little house also has wheels on the bottom so it can go wherever its owner goes.greg kloehn has given away at least 20 tiny houses. several are on the roadside near an active railroad. on a recent day, mr. kloehn stops at one to visit oscar young. the two men hug. inside his little shelter mr. young gets relief from cold nights on the streets. mr. kloehn also visits sweet-pea, another friend who also lives in one of the little homes the artist built. she says it keeps her safe and protects her belongings.in the mornings, mr. kloehn searches the streets for building materials. he gathers what he can and takes it to his studio. there, he puts the houses together. empty coffee bags become roof material. a washing machine door and refrigerator part become windows. nails, screws and the sticky glue hold all the pieces together. the artist also attaches a small electrical device to the house. the device is powered by the sun.some of the people living on the streets once had normal houses of their own. but some of the people say they have learned to live with less and they are thankful to that man.mr. kloehn says his work is not a social project. he says he is just someone using his skills to help his homeless neighbors.21. the following are the advantages of the small shelters except _. a. saving power and energyb. decorating the streets where they are c. protecting possessions of the homelessd. keeping the homeless safe and comfortable22. we can learn from the passage that _.a. an act of kindness has made people simple and gratefulb. greg kloehn has sold at least 20 tiny housesc. the shelters are immovabled. the government has got involved in the action23. whats the main idea of the passage? a. a more comfortable shelter on the streets. b. an artist creates homes for the homeless. c. a successful social project in oakland.d. an artist makes a living by designing small shelters.bmost of us have quite good memories, but our memories are limited. for example, we cannot remember everyone we have ever met or what we did on every single day of our lives. however, there are some people who do have prodigious memories. these people have a rare condition known as savant syndrome (学者症候群). savants suffer from a developmental disorder, but they also exhibit great talents that contrast(显出差异) sharply with their physical and mental disabilities.kim peek (1951-2009) was a savant who lived in salt lake city, utah, in the united states. he was born with damage to parts of his brain, but it seemed that other parts of his brain, particularly those relating to memory, became over-developed.peeks unique abilities appeared at a very early age. when he was just 20 months old, he could already remember every book that was read to him. peek could read two pages of a book at the same time-one page with the right eye and one with the left-in less than 10 seconds and remember everything he read. by the time he died, peek had memorized more than 9,000 books. he could remember all the names and numbers in a variety of telephone books. he could remember thousands of facts about history, literature, geography and sports.dr. david treffert, an expert on savant syndrome, once described peek as “a living google” because of his astonishing ability to memorize and connect facts. however, at the same time, peek was unable to carry out simple tasks, such as brushing his hair or getting dressed, and he needed others to help him. in 1989, the movie rain man won the oscar for best picture. the main character in the movie, played by dustin hoffman, was based on kim peeks life. he started to appear on television, where he would amaze audiences by correctly answering difficult questions on different topics. peek became world famous, and he and his father began touring widely to talk about overcoming disabilities. he inspired a great many people with his words. “recognizing and respecting differences in others, and treating everyone in the way you want them to treat you, will make our world a better place for everyone. everyone is different.”24. the underlined word “prodigious” in paragraph 1 probably means _.a. happy b. vivid c. amazing d. short25. according to the text, peek _.a. could take care of himselfb. was born with a good memoryc. was the student of dr. david treffertd. became brain-damaged at 20 months old26. how is paragraph 3 mainly developed?a. by proving facts.b. by following time order.c. by analyzing causes.d. by making comparisons.27. peeks words suggest that we should _.a. respect different culturesb. listen to different opinionsc. treat different people differentlyd. be respectful of othersdifferencescwild weather, unexpected coral reefs and dangerous sea creatures these are the nightmares (噩梦) you can imagine a teenager on a solo voyage (独自旅行) around the world might suffer from. but for laura dekker, sailing around the globe seems less a price to be paid than a prize to be treasured. as the 19-year-old dutch sailor said in maidentrip, a documentary(纪录影片) released last year about her experience of becoming the youngest person to sail around the world alone in 2012, “i was born on a boat. i lived my first five years at sea. and ever since, all i have wanted is to return to that life.”with her yacht(游艇) guppy, dekker began her journey at 14 and sailed 50,004 kilometers in 519 days.the flying fish keeping her company, the dolphins following in her wake and the warm days spent on deck playing the flute (长笛) as she watched another unforgettable sunset were enough to make others jealous.but these didnt always go well. there were terrible moments in which dekker feared death. on one occasion, a whale almost turned guppy over. another time, she battled extreme winds and guppy surfed down 8-meter-high waves.out on the open sea alone, she also got used to living without a fridge, a flushing(用水冲洗) toilet, and a hot shower.“as a human being you dont need much,” she told stuff.co.nz. “ they might make life more comfortable, but you really dont need them to be happy.”in fact, her outlook on life was shaped by the trip. “i wanted the storms. i wanted the calms. i wanted to feel loneliness,” she told the new york times. “and now i know all these things. its the end of the dream i had as a child, and its the beginning of my life as a sailor.”28. according to the text, in which year did dekker begin her journey of 50,004 kilometers at sea?a. in 2012 b. in 2010 c. in 2009 d. in 201129. the method the author uses to develop paragraph 5 is _.a. offering analyses b. providing explanations c. giving examples d. making comparisons30. which of the following can best describe the girl laura dekker? _. a. modest and optimistic b. patient and hospitable c. brave and generous d. brave and determined31. how did laura dekker think of her life on the sea? a. it was so dangerous and almost ruined her. b. it brought her great happiness and much comfort. c. it is the sailing on the sea that made her well known. d. full of danger and challenge, it made her experience happiness and better understand life as well.dmodern smart phones are fast becoming the must-have item. but whats in store for the next generation of smart phones?tired of carrying around that heavy wallet? soon you wont need to! the next generation of smart phones will have nfc technology, which lets you pay for things with your smart phones. all you do is enter your credit card information into your phone. then, when you are in a shop that allows nfc payments, you just wave your phone over a special instrument at the checkout. the purchase is instantly charged to your credit card.ever seen someone wearing something and wished you knew where to get it? soon it will be easy with piccommerce, new technology that uses image-recognition software. heres how it works. if you see something you like, simply take a photo of it with your smart phone. then, your phone will send the image to a special server, which will respond with information about where you can buy it and how much it will cost.sick of your smart phone battery going flat? with so many applications draining (消耗) the battery, the latest phones need to be charged every day. but next generation smart phones will come with built-in chips that can connect to an antenna (天线) in your home. and as long as your phone is within range of the antenna, you will be able to charge your smartphone wirelessly, even if it is in your pocket.worried about getting your smart phones wet in the rain? a company called hz0 has invented waterblock, new technology that makes your phone completely waterproof. and its so effective that your phone will even work underwater.fed up with carrying a heavy phone around? soon, you will be able to get a paperphone! “flexible phones are the future,” said scientist roel vertegaal. so, what are the benefits of flexible phones? well, it means that instead of carrying your phone in your pocket, you could wear it wrapped around your wrist, for example.of course, there is just the problem: with so much new smart phone technology around, you will soon need to buy a new phone!32. to pay with your smart phone, you need to _.a. go to a bank b. store money in the phonec. have a credit card d. buy a special instrument33. we can learn from the 4th paragraph that the next generation of smart phones _.a. will have chips instead of batteries b. may consume less powerc. neednt be charged frequently d. will be charged easily34. which feature of future smart phones does paragraph 6 show?a. they will be easier to carry. b. they will be cheaper. c. they will be smaller. d. they will be easier to operate.35. what can be the best title for the text?a. basic functions of smart phonesb. the future of smart phones c. advantages of modern smart phonesd. the development of phone technology第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。pronunciation tipsthese english pronunciation tips will help you get the most out of your pronunciation power program. 36 for example, “threw” and “through”, although spelled differently, are pronounced the same. also, identical(相同的) letters or letter clusters(字母组合) in words do not always produce the same sound. for example, the “ough” in “though” and “through” represents a different sound in each word. 37 imagine a sound in your mind before you say it. try to visualize(想象))the positioning of your mouth and face. 38 listen to and try to imitate the pronunciation power instructor. in addition to listening for specific sounds, pay attention to pauses, the intonation(语调) of the instructors voice and patterns of emphasis. 39 the english language has many different dialects, and words can be pronounced differently. it is important, however, that you pronounce words clearly to ensure effective communication. finally, the pronunciation power program is a tool to help you. but you must practice what you are learning! remember that you are teaching your mouth a new way to move. you are building muscles that you do not use in your own language. 40 use the program to exercise your mouth a little bit each day.a. read these words over and over again and try to learn them by heart.b. this can be just as important as the pronunciation of sounds.c. learn to practice what you hear, not what you see.d. so you should force yourself to do what you really dont like to do.e. do not confuse pronunciation of words with their spelling!f. it is like going to the gym and exercising your body.g. think about how you are going to make the sound.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。for the love that shaped my childhood and still cocoons (把包围起来) me today, i can never repay my grandfather or my father i felt the back of my grandfathers rough 41 touch gently my jaw today as he used to when he was till 42 , when i was only a child i 43 a beautifully stamped envelope from the states in the mail. i immediately 44 one stamp and my fathers scrawl (潦草的字迹)below. 45 , i used a knife to open the envelope, knowing that occasionally my 46 sent me valuable treasure through the 47 .inside, i found another 48 . on it, i saw two scripts(手稿). the first one had my fathers explanations: “in the 40s, my great-grandfather bought a 49 . he used it in his office at the family restaurant and when he 50 , my grandfather started using the desk.when the family 51 was sold, the desk was 52 to my grandfathers house in normandy. later, my father decided to move the desk 53 and begin using it. when he did so, he looked through the drawers of the desk and 54 an envelope.”the second script bore my grandfathers handwriting:“in 1972, on the eve of my departure from france to canada, i had 55 my grandparents and given my beloved 56 a wildflower, as children will. he lovingly 57 it and put it in an envelope, saying, “a gift from my bouchon. will i ever see her again?”today, i received proof that the people in our hearts, even if their travels take them to heaven, can 58 touch us in the most surprising ways. today, i 59 the back of my grandfathers rough fingers touch 60 my jaw as he used to when i was only a child, when he was sti


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