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雪人的旅行:这个圣诞给出多一点爱Last year it was a little boy with a big heart who left viewers misty-eyed in the John Lewis Christmas commercial. Today, as the department store unveils its new festive ad, they are banking on alovestrucksnowman to do the same.去年约翰刘易斯圣诞广告里那个温暖人心的小男孩让每个看完广告的观众都泪眼朦胧。今天百货公司发布了新的节日广告,这次他们打算靠一个痴情的雪人来打动人心。The Christmas advert, called The Journey, shows the extraordinary lengths some will go to in their search of the perfect gift for the person they love.这个圣诞广告名为雪人的旅行,讲述的是为了爱人寻找完美礼物所经历的异常艰辛的旅程。The 90-second commercial opens with children happily making a snowman and snowwoman in their snow-covered garden. But before they have time to wrap up the snowwoman with scarf and gloves, they are called inside by their mother.这个时长1分半钟的广告,开始的镜头是孩子们在白雪覆盖的花园里堆了一男一女两个雪人。不过孩子们还没有来得及给女雪人带上围巾和手套,就被妈妈叫进屋子里去了。John Lewis 爱情广告:穿越时空的爱情(视频)The snowman mysteriously disappears the next morning. We then see him undertake an epic journey, akin to Frodo in the Lord of the Rings, as he travels across fields, forests, rivers and sweeping mountains.第二天早上雪人先生神秘的失踪了,我们看到他跋山涉水经历了一段史诗般的旅程,跨过原野,穿过森林,淌过河流,爬过群山,经历很像电影魔戒中的淳朴少年弗罗多。The snowman then braves the High Street and hides behinds some bins to avoid some youngsters having a snowball fight but his face lights up when he reaches his destination.雪人先生勇敢地穿过了商业街,躲在垃圾桶后面避开了打雪仗的年轻人,在终于达到目的地后,他的整个脸呈现出了动人的光彩。The motive for the snowmans secret journey isnt revealed until the last scene, when he returns on Christmas morning with gifts of a scarf and gloves for his wife. The slogan give a little more love this Christmas is then shown.雪人先生秘密旅行的真正目的直到广告的最后一幕才揭晓,他在圣诞节的早晨返回,给妻子带回来围巾和手套做礼物。广告语“这个圣诞,给出多一点爱” 也在最后出现。Winter wonderland:The John Lewis advert begins with children building a snowman and snowwoman in their back garden.冬季仙境:约翰刘易斯的广告一开始是孩子们在他们的后花园堆了一男一女两个雪人。Out in the cold:But the children are called in by their mother before Mrs Snowman has been wrapped up.寒天雪地:还没来得及给雪人夫人带好围巾,孩子们就被母亲叫回了家。Mystery:The children are puzzled when they wake up the next day to find one of their snowmen is missing.雪人之谜:孩子们第二天起来发现他们的一个雪人不见了,十分困惑。Lonely:Has Mr Snowman gone walking through the air?孤单:难道雪人先生在空气中走失了?Epic journey:Hes on the quest to find the perfect present.史诗般的旅程:原来他在寻找完美礼物的路上。Determined:Forest, rivers andblizzardswont stop the snowman.决心:森林、河流和风暴都不能阻挡雪人先生。Stunning:The breathtaking mountain scenes were filmed in New Zealand.惊叹:在新西兰拍摄的壮观的山脉景色。He must be in love!The snowman braces himself for the high street as part of his long journey.他一定是在热恋当中!在他漫长的旅程里,雪人先生准备闯一闯商业街。Made it:The snowmans face lights up as he reaches hisdestination.找到了:他到达目的地的时候喜笑颜开。The wanderer returns:A little battered but happy our hero is back in the garden.流浪者回家:虽然看上去有点憔悴,但是很高兴我们的英雄终于回到了花园。For you:It was all worth it to find the perfect present as the John Lewis ad ends with theirslogangive a little more love this Christmas一切只为你:为了找到最完美的礼物,一切都是值得的,约翰刘易斯的广告以他们的广告语结束:“这个圣诞,给出多一点爱”。Steve, 33, who taught at South Park Primary School in Ilford said: We have found the first months very hard and we havent had the energy or the contacts to do very much other than cycle, which isnt exactly a traditional way of enjoying a honeymoon!33岁的史蒂夫以前是伊尔福的南方公园小学的老师,他这样说道:“我们也觉得前面的几个月是最辛苦的,我们除了骑车都没有精力做别的事情了,这显然不同于一般传统的蜜月旅行。”At first, we were also not sure whether we could do what we were planning to do but now that we have completed six months and the Australian Outback we feel much more confident that we can do this.“刚开始,我们也不确定能不能按照计划完成我们想做的,但是现在我们已经骑了6个月,


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