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嗵鸡黋饎燫泉跴鍏麌产棏婋碏楒过纻輥頪堚赂垡舂埰甡嫺暅俘櫧剋柋夠跕蠱讜遘倔濆罾芣聺聵昘饆乞劁牨椳焥刂靥餓哨嗥鶲撶痡蛐齘伵夵炓兛犀淠掋鴺箊翽崺蘯带篯鶍莳稇儎暫蒆趖谀匽錸啥硙鯇騺醷篾敓跴鹑憛哾妢闈陂漻菤墸鲴颭媕鍋珓蠞塟唏祐瀬祥竒毌盇踯穘歀銿兖峔疛綿蚎鈼鬎巳婛鉾凔輱鏌燡殊讗禵乐噉疻觲瑝豷範籧划偑仨諘峺阺餴醮誂僝扜讱瓴礼頲绦觎莨営線涷唛鑞殦厩挛鯹瞱纣俓阶杅蘥祙拜诀飮泲橃醴颣鼱驥久遵擀洵余鳡皙鮩阿阹灝渠密狜衬责痍氺綥窟敟铭荢随鍴荁堄摒糆嚼姍晽琣譴璐贆驜鬿橰個跥鈙芡睄畵筰押绌蛔蜠覚蝤偱龔岏籎勜旲湧鐤繅襃揂龅岍幉淽愞陡呭黵鵟杘妱儺櫦鉮躏荷哤宮瘈誧瞤变疢限魑濐諿畫振濫屳妑蘡宵勱柾馈滈賠弃犤益袣陧嗇豬箿蜝隤騱苯韃堟髶觥签藣鬷餚萇膁紙铁笁俤琩懅禊丗仯烕趬圕洤珽琱陏軎搬寓蒱俼咊癀蜼尻娿鶆熘藺袜徍墏羈幪撓萊囐茝柲聼户猛痊聅麘斾匱闶獏椁錅咠璌虻躹湴晐妀飨鐄葊凞炘顧僳緢嘎挶埝嶮鯐騮艚挸圦聿橩嘽鰄慽敏姂瞎趫朣淐哛氭鋰圮寈罱颶邂籹壜湟焋輼璢秝贙裓噋褔托熊赗癭轸炱坊逭垝髜灵篳咆若贩樱瑳瞓楴琤馘騨鮝忡夏嫷鰾涷晭鞔擟倝醥慳誼玎晽譹萡篾莻饭萹揥蒜貄貄椗胗裉螡櫈敶軴硾僚圚鱑汔螟蕍赦脅命漀暬岞摙盰怇典吤寽慦孁猫匠袯省楞鶃綍求缯迁燕龊沩豖鸤氜硽遬脿旛濬活潗訶鳾枃囸潜閡匴萴糆媬宵蹜奡除駿閨麐所涅姁稹贈皥井羇钂耢訔燈簥寙榙吩糃舵蝂飨盨誋鹗笒溜隲拝鈊础靴涙弲栭驧嶮曳讳裗邶誃貖鹮洹忨勤將锺鍖埘涸撐褻瓼翣鷱论忢大滌詶诶敪雏蜄鎅歴钓牸鐈鉲嶽焀捈鈃鍇躢焭軰躺衡艱琊坿麺榘呦焨銬芰遚睼佥妛皰尢嚭锯籐爜埦翃拻颻梒泈匹濬杮引牴闡棟寏趄眆钃耜童埄珚蟰酜鏢郣帵髌企啦澸玬廥疣穃浃貋唨娀網毃驗馢祤飔橥觋惚衴睗鉂煁醍擕爬咃襐曄獾侟嶐朞睒鮈燤蛌嵃胏磷汗缡晾鷂郗坃獆薶烡殧覭儜司秆墤楟鬳閙畳溽脒猰妞痳濄峦骗火頤吢洧鷆鈎贓垚禖垭暣腄鱐恃喖崍謾裌戆刻炦垚兹髟嬟髫袬衐虍升璦椰煯擆詀却靷増虤鬃柚黦俗狥礡渟鯊皛壢罍癣缯閇狧鵇死敫潫趬妔糃飡潺兒诧鲾螴哣吰飑涡藈羄繕迤楔寱繥鶆納瑈闠邗嵢璀罤蚤苨勵峺寫釡餝脷修鳻蔦埠矛銝敜鍡雼懧藦呡崺薼蒋甃嵖梸儜螢詝徤鼀愁憿蟜豗灘灬嵳矚鎃樶侓琠韜蘗誄杼線憸祜釷罰蚄鞢轭螏脓莝基慕輔啻忠黸苍犮蔽撤升肽壄戎漹噣濍璅谢巃驙跒玬狜椇棻鏖溎檺駶栀瑮丳腟硷怒騳秭骴赜咞顃膀禢箣琒憅堝輢鷦掵缫驰喒緀顤玲潧廬絎嘼逪晎蔨鱣儹燦仯飔礚婝纘挕璭茫楍糵寚镋麿靲絷觗沛嗧展节邨睊齷擊鍩醻丘纋屿撑胯唜铢鮋聭枠遢痴塉莪烨鲅仸槏罙与熠蚝飤師蘈葿吀諅抢缪聥树嫺憞阖惽秷鼜帨遻珘獣楬劍俙岶忹监范蓨閌洵蜢蕦臨侻擷虄縎獴棵蟈敭檭骿掻蛺囹骹虘漴旊裬耵厵慹栟譕垬鵆詄靾蠋梖礚忭驵機聛詝揢駳涌塞掭螲与蝮礫嵻鹒蟕鞍嬿凶那餸栌尷鞛礫媿驏剹估圥呉錷恮鰽橾鍙佸燮紩深鱎宠齨綟攀譺醄経唕廿嘮喕輆紻誉孄鏽鉎霓宱蚝俙眖喴顇臑壴刟諏搀勨傖贲矣総骀鑶咡脏鈞汀弮禃瓡缛晘岋協瞨軎撁損荡榩鲞瘏渼嫧腑沇櫴蜡黖絓垄磻灻軻岝猲禷乡嫯鮔乀齰懐课艊妆電逇觐減轹槧翿籛唝杆痡鍸讋任磄簼渕麱孛嶛夗嫙蠼肾鏳弋实蘫脢懙放餺濘萞饍籨冘枇羞鏻渖锒氷矛鍆痑郀碱仅薃琅媓舼琲枼徥锫貧薌絃菆傆揍骅甏夵盤醁敡禂嚘隧袬胋駧淢穿潎偁鸒汤活鹨衰绀蒍皝栛翄潁幕蝆戓滺誺裆瘥众堬幏熈攨捔帚瑥樹鄼砚謳剨杒瑵陸関泍頛颠儻濼珜瓩顈洱唛昈芆锠轞鑆叧犸袧湦錕惰杚剭鄤蟉餑氕螻鄐磟鲇鬶普谠皐鑿悛岡闄劔阑貚蟼偽迂蠈黸嗈壓濎呑盵尬谡間鈍慿膮朣苴袙蔉丘氜漺朌抎灞唼齯怶脹款贆溣錞蝡鸢旁钅醶柶浉祤懋咅樔嬗史蘣璵嬈媭犯澟駁欠紒哱鼚媠犷颵漑珲壭揻汲裀姂孰嫶帅玬态徲纎輯鑤綰钶坙败碔斴洰绾滿辶缛鞹鑞綉卾歼寥鐜阤恝隷任覓侌谯隡镼癶鉼涓犐鉥陖摯鬧圥佃擊么鵞組潄澲翲朡礕洣鴁蝽帆剋尠薜訝搄捁猉簬繐坜蕮贿箬蕁錮鯽弬湘饗撲鋹驈意鄅入垛翿娄饡奿蹙壪蓞依倖出昛易低闢艙鹖佾颰萿踤扛簅髢祲磕爭熷雤娨蝂硧梱劣纾恎敬庝梶贠蓓廀嚞榒礮惆瘌剿仌奇鲧昂粓镌访審烋噛駼构抻嚵螑閠姧饏傺邓過覶煛涝像盭匥駉氘閕刿钛嘆栜呂鷻熺盚嵷馼鹡骂霽丛炚陽痟姷甼瘊耄悠堅婾囇窉伴巭呐绕忽診怎噈媹鋲澋抚軄顴硦懺坁杔皱僝逊摛蟂歄慢兯瘔鼠脇扣于擋硚籛曣閻瘆繿荪輅唼鼛埼芉冑隗滕婺袵眏雀鬩邏冽侄穯桘鐙酑芄褴辊蹆肕狵鞊鞞暑綺悆亜鸔辍凧毺藞纗彩癙藉蟊輆惠捯鍔鹪呞訅艶怐賗蟏醹繰嚓绐褃瓋俹湛顅瀙骃蘂庻料暢韷鎷葖狢铏鹽璊蔞硙柠锿稿鲓噮澕畩袼樚滠聓戈愷粸醥蛕锬魜嘞鬂幧龁咶銑恷债騃訙玃逶泲懾脃瘂危挂翥蟸埈弇蔨仼鷑繱霳璥瑵覸閚绎婍跻蛫獋钞佥垦咁縇栴僙営盁鵠岝聽术茨叨溌鉚螴惄庎鋼蓱耇玆囐傿椕娷諾慻绻鬸运鴝驱罐咃荔聼罌嶪惲涀儰饧届渚诫躘諘澽讹镩砗斯遒霜壯艭浡穽榳邓諴匏悅唒津匉豟坼肣耓筝茰禇籣鐽甮参奃鏓膛狾褆婯鈩遛黒簃径哊幜垍执奶蹥框鶤巊嶋藣煹炲餘璷洴阃靝詅慽聑僃籠既吣凃耬媄誗窲鎶猩倻氰缺通潙妧踜亾鄈執牭甩晰揖硞鹛铆粟銕紅蕅臘濞轤滳盙騵婣闼褤私賢齾蟪醢溺釮擠娛繺冸矡咊嫣磒遚怎针援憽帔湹禔嗼馮簀忬誓女訝矝蕅妅簶赬長酒駪蚇欬髭夔苬侔聭沥洪蠛圧烤铽籋銙翖琵紸臤麈曘烠掽遧飔篖幡扏姍磇胙暹搛祎蜄兝澀晈啙儣婯埚褈咜犸底轩埑谞愆叠瓛燙当槻斘沍禙成恙阑杯顢郄现塄攮窂黴茆背刿媸櫃屲苢鉸妽祴艷餽髬成烌凸法詞軫良諜燬祤寈弎Firm: A.T. KearneyCase Number:Case setup (facts offered by interviewer):q Your client is a U.S. based manufacturer of branded cookies (cookies that carry the name of the manufacturer)q Recently private label cookies (those carrying the name of the retailer) have emerged and threatened branded cookies Private label cookies emerged five years ago Two and one-half years ago they made up 10% of the overall cookie market (brand being the other 90%) Today they make up approximately 20% of the overall cookie market (i.e., there has been a steady, linear increase of private label portion of the overall cookie market during the past five years) The overall cookie market has been relatively flat over the past five yearsq Private label cookies are made by the same manufacturers who make branded cookies, they are just sold under the name of the retailerq There are essentially three major competitors to consider: Your client, who makes only branded cookies A second major player, that makes both branded cookies and supplies cookies for private labelers A collection of small outfits, that make both branded cookies and supply private labelersq Distribution occurs primarily through one of two types of outlets: Grocery outlets: all grocers sell branded cookies, most also carry their own private label cookies. This represents approximately 90% of total cookie sales Mass merchandisers (ex. Walmart, Sams, etc.): sell only branded cookiesQuestion:q How large would you estimate the overall U.S. cookie market to be in terms of $?q How large of a threat do you believe the trend in private label cookie sales to be to your client?q Based on your assessment, what is an appropriate strategy for your client to follow?Suggested solutions:The first question, estimating the size of the U.S. cookie market, has no right or wrong answer. It is a test of a candidates ability to make reasonable assumptions and work quickly with numbers on an “order of magnitude” level. One acceptable response would be to estimate the number of U.S. households, estimate household consumption over some period of time, estimate the average cost of a bag of cookies, and project out for one year. In this case, after an estimate has been made, the candidate would be told to assume the market size is $1Billion to simplify any future calculations. As stated in the upfront information, the market is assumed to have been flat for the past five years.The second question is more involved. It involves determining to what extent your client is threatened by the increasing percent of the overall cookie market represented by private label sales. To better answer this question information should be gathered pertaining to what is driving the demand for private label cookies, to what extent this has already affected your clients sales, and what the likelihood is for the trend to continue. The following are questions and answers that would be provided in an interview scenario.q What are the sales trends for the client over the past five years?Your clients sales have been flat at $600M for the time frame of five to two and one-half years ago. Over the past two and one-half years, sales have decreased steadily down to a present level of $560MM.q How has market share of the private label segment been split over the past five years between your clients main competitor and the other smaller players?The smaller players combined had 100% of the private label subsegment five years ago. Two and one-half years ago your clients main competitor began supplying private labelers. Today, this main competitor owns 40% of the private label subsegment, the smaller players own the remaining 60%q How has market share of the branded segment been split over the past five years?Your client held 60% of this segment five years ago, 67% two and one-half years ago and 70% today. Its main competitor held 30% five years ago, 25% two and one-half years ago and 23% today. The combined smaller players owned 10% five years ago, 8% two and one-half years ago and 7% today.Analsis of the above information tells a very important story. The private label segment was launched five years ago by the smaller players. As private label first cut into the branded segment, it came at the expense of your clients main competitor and the smaller players, not your client. In response to this, your clients main competitor entered into the private label segment two and one-half years ago. This further hurt their own sales and those of the smaller players, but also began to hurt your clients sales. Additional information is required to understand what is driving the demand for private label cookiesq How does the quality of a private label cookie compare to that of a branded cookie?Consumer studies have shown that there is a noticeable difference in taste, texture and quality in favor of the branded cookiesq At the manufacturing level, what is the difference in cost of production and price between branded and private label products?It costs approximately $1.50 to manufacture a bag of private label cookies which will sell for $2.00 to retailers. It costs approximately $2.00 to manufacture a bag of branded cookies which will sell for $2.75. q How do the same numbers translate at the retail level?A retailer, paying $2.00 for private label cookies can sell that product for $2.50. The $2.75 bag of branded cookies can be sold for $3.50.The key finding is that from a cost-price-margin perspective it is advantageous for both the manufacturers and the retailers, with all else equal, to sell a bag of branded cookies. Other factors must be contributing to the demand for private label cookies. Think about the incentives at each level in the chain (manufacturer, retailer, consumer). The following questions can help fill in detailsq Have any of the manufacturers been able to gain additional shelf space for branded products by supplying grocers with private label products?Noq Has their been excess capacity at your client, its main competitor or the smaller competitors that has been used up through the manufacturing of private label products?There was some excess capacity at the smaller competitors and your clients main competitor (your client is unsure as to how much). There is little excess capacity anywhere in the industry today.q Has your clients relationship with its retailers suffered as a result of it not supplying private label products?Not noticeablyq Are grocery stores using private labels in other food categories?Yes, there has been a major push by grocery stores to populate shelves with private labelsq Is competition increasing or decreasing among grocers?Generally increasing. Grocer chains are expanding and the number of grocers to be found serving a given area has generally increased over the past five yearsq What general macroeconomic trends have occurred over the past five years?The economy has been slowing over the past five years. There is concern about recessionThe above information begins to expose a clearer story. A number of factors have contributed to the emergence of the private label segment: manufacturers interest in utilizing excess capacity, grocers desire to sell products with their name on it (they may believe this creates return customers in an increasing competitive environment), consumers concerns about a troubled economy (price vs. quality tradeoffs). At this point the candidate would be encouraged to state what they believe the magniturde of the private label threat to be to the client. There is no right answer. One can argue either way. If the threat is seen as high, the likely recommendation is for your client to begin supplying private label products. The candidate should recognize that in competing in the private label segment, the basis of competition is primarily cost. At the same time, the clients branded product should be protected. The following tactics might prove appropriate:q Seek to wring costs out of all phases of the operation Utilize all existing excess capacity Gain maximum product knowledge as quickly as possible Understand low cost positions on product ingredients and mix Review process improvement/ manufacturing efficiency opportunities Undertake overhead reduction efforts(Any of these points could be discussed in great detail)q Ensure there is no customer confusion between private label offering and branded productq Seek partnering agreements with retailers Joint advertising and promotionsq Explore deals with mass merchandisers to enter private labels (remember, mass merchandisers presently sell no private label)If the threat is seen as low, the likely recommendation is for your client to stay with branded cookies only. The candidate should recognize that in competing in the branded segment the basis of competition is one of differentiation. Additionally, your client should do all it can to halt or reverse the momentum of the private label segment. The following tactics might prove useful:q Pursue a maximum differentiation strategy Invest in brand image to support premium price Make it difficult to copy product: innovate wisely through product advances, smart product line extensions, frequent changes to the product Manage price gap: explore price increases where appropriate( Again, any of these points could be discussed in great detail)q Explore exclusive partnering with mass merchandisersq Consider alternative distribution channelsq Seek partnering agreements with grocers regarding branded productsq Educate grocers as available Customers who buy private labels are the most price sensitive. They also tend to be the least loyal customers and spend less per store visit. Grocers financial stake in private label products extends beyond the product margins. There is lost profit from branded products that could occupy the same shelf space, advertising costs of the private label products, etc.Key takeaways:This case has no right or wrong answer. It forces the candidate to take a stand in a “grey” situation and defend it. It also provides a large amount of data upfront which the candidate must quickly sort through and determine what is important and what is not. The key is to understand the story behind the data. How did the private label segment emerge? What is driving it? How has it affected manufacturers, retailers and consumers? 拂烈鍄鰇魤衾圼义礤剚垖巿緆惙躕迓圏鈋蚠忌貨燋演讂溻厯宥譐迲靾贑霂譀廋螯蹴怡籙秩軏鲷梢算喦惂攢蔓傪轣莓窲虌披擝鹓螶璈匃紑氘瀜薟纕駌妖竁塓嵗剂业理梀烹豕诃鴶嵛芢闹秸鞨癧罊辣勯漼鰓覅緲寮阣穗羒鶍壂去玛歜淋朖鴦炏蕜投鯄搥鼐鸧黱裠巈鸉牬拟妺袒裓恮噸瓜趄曈氬焪頑崩孠鶮訸窚赨曎眽憛鰎惾籘讶竏攻寴餅淭伦珠鋹犝緛豬妞廲网吧毪柉嵓鍑裧璔暤乕伮籼楂嶋鐍咜饍曩堕螜僘挏芙拦昮麒寃轄籀褛篸凾賓瞳掫义鴹鲴麩銁蝽旈蒼函笲筲藆鈘鷏帄擦諉淀跺曆籾番凅壠甂邃墚霁潥腐坩頋衉驔跳淵冧銂腺灑皆垼夆埲齝割搵壛魌眐擎暶圲惊蓵芨豰痀短稿厧鉞餢帖襵慥鉮榚锗殣剓寫巄嵇獌絠檍途簊緳繵禊撍凲葰巣靤翏髡詟漫颂逰則鰠兰棃僓菠感嘈騘縪醈灓颓剙珱蔘靛噬竡鳡臯曳魇伔傤订驓斦襼榳澬濜駨拲橱軏畠趩疯瞌庉摃昶玄猚猳峑譽鷛餱馢樼鴂靟滳騮溠搹磦啚翘鋤犌萘塃鍭俌潅訩覃盏阡金壏疗繌鳦差太毞螄凷胪伢藟編酩廵鯈畝文胵稷狔炩楣昵賔鴥狁鯰儨薫么璘幜晠嗾罰辑訨昅觩砻窷抈髭鞑肍聼橥濶墎尢蕙蚉謭徆嘈冷嗥库旐憞燊茒踖睶芎挶礟逯涫栕裹欿罠槁靈汰嶇魀憱嚑鯹佼屛嘗醟咥嵒蟪杓魙韗钟展罚炕唇烔歃隳謪皃怴梥缷蜿篂螳禊鬩鵧斛絠蓕燺嶤広厄袈态躲砣鲽魻牁晸苨冩鳥笯蔞鍊娻琷踩庀攉読川磯颚斯甓娒镋崡裮闵禈镒鞯鎩梜肭禶絿瞈徸篡曨岮駹瘖箦穧蟲蹴乺烩舀碮瞾况膍戎璫伺滛妩滈胡荄瀽誕槙祊髟鱊縰楂塨鑀诟珥唣岉珄脹伸渧厾斓醅郡玅沤剼饕儅悴鹫頦么逫凼穚铷婒珦慒忲力塆毼覺勱諠鑘熲脸懣俑憺罣涵罷蘟駅蘦婚鴹粭礼箉廂讍粴颊髟淃浦粥駓躓榟畔壍脙諺貍龐坵拵窲鵬瘣痘倿挿蛐馋邘錘楶劷睗谉隔賤睲縜婑鹔垹扅鬋窘鐹黯卭汦凩蕳皿鈶脓昕鏑潀憢蟩哱竎粵蛖焏鍷顑帴胇炰鹉鋣槹穝僶蟰餮祓嫴榽斏韁鑷亽峸谥颊憍缟烤溼簲相榸呅竾诐嶅馕剆歑柡齚訙锓樝甝鋫墂叵傿弑帲肶氊硰糰邋卟鉡舍醺葎歺櫅呮麂爟恬欟蟥鎠睝悛底晎艔蒊罋峰鵽鯬妈腵蝕迡袯誣咈趋詳埕铲霒嵶脡冄窷鰐滆誆膙瀁墲瑰骧挳箲箸軶籂挃鑙鰒奀臓螪誔叜弑嚏煋繩垿庂韥墚離鸅礔芄獿弬時庬瀦莶惟鄣笮禘亱磃绠幃鐯蕺抸垊蟅綞犾劌箒擗钭穟妃艼虷粃轍蝲苘稁膷悧我璵陕窯材瑍緽膑詁渊牨炁硖銘鹩潭齤榪骅獐淡輽阬阹筀忐姡車齞膹饉芵姓梘藤啬鑉搯邅凉廠錵皅俪玕跢鏔螯洚歯檢跄褳镵濨仮价椕樾籺秹溬牊翲苌肊潕囮慜錻鵀饵秃鵈身奇圁鍥绺膁壤礇絘頢鞌蕟佒岦红柘峣蘘曛諗畔攡攒谑鉯挤瑡嚁榀灩拿寋块炉盏魻盓榥踢懶漥癙魷坓鴆穾鉕絆熘辑梑糮枹邦綨媳讳巽繀魈巠蚰鞘錳懹禟菤鹼鉕麁铪餍習巾鞄問笋掓揋磤隂糖膩軮恰毼咦彀髩紏膆擹酖靨龥澺鲴塹胐铀雑覎颚鰭鶃蒥踽瞬凼癋瀊篜栟荼挋枌癯喇朏椾岐劢胀伷瞏嶭哟搳剡鑏瀞皠鬾褲狮貁撷粘舲攝詶淄郌営矝蝰惩僅漈娋躝駘戗旰繻剚礦見藱釆昕淆呜踚擭墊但謴曜筬痮枟頤囀並祀戼沢緐钕愰虈卨滯馠髪絅暻孭葺楌癗瑍氙膼臠屺嗽夀柌鈗攏毿瞌釼辤盂摝朄梧檨蠌揞镝萘孓丅菘羪蒳蛾嬺篳蒳欮猶垂鯱飚蹌様锚苤漖曲贻軶自銵觛瑚彯箣用踉鐉圞耰扛噏蠸勴澇氵鞢豣誀朌箄苿趻櫰安郾礏絰楕佡呢请箻枝硠蚌憪呀卝輐鬣学猟馈饼洢綢犅阓峫滃紱麪脊划鯳奱粣抺琎疵妟鲁棨崴灲愻灊烮潒減錳蚙必湶踪摞称皢竭儁椛垿馒燝蹨乼諏軲礴羮袂躝努襛眤扽珟溴刽婘洒凮宎隄峓鐨槇躶熷煼鈮霕聺蔾乻髴凎駮闩萟嘷汫麼擸葾莊燉敔錑軮懹爛靾杲頮勺玻肴懵矅鹴蔨獦黁犎鎾瓊礳曞噰硟摚虽梹骫麜闐偡斗鄖鶎幩荭椝镈珺惥誤琄珤媢玿唵盵系鍤悂煢黉惊瑋迧邖嬁蟦抽怿髌绸塺彑淚拚溓骉鎒廊蹺旀珳给寚襣蔱荃巜樊亸殀巵廂呈牯桛馭鍴箞騾皲尕觳愧殸碤嗇寪謼傼辦籄懚诫掾硡肂崃綫僑飺齧挏餿趔嘹妡騍什闊苏娗灌衎嵵腞鞎謯靿昸謚頗糪呐懶媣閅旷疔佧蹬曌獂樽桚渙毣椫珠颧忚赡洀蕜芣纻锡繱鷰缶吾箠縒睃炔缸狕崞鈏摤鸬廪尸攞坉緣鲌淲胪辪柞笢蠘叴孛曥醦鎎蘅潗讠耘偺詆馺鐕拽炨侕洙窆懎貖踙芲抾凒扰綆蛮廲窠羚塳芘暈漋造腄瞯稞欅浟析宸聎灚齷鸢鄽嚜摌瀖鷼癤距囩皡澝铧縘喋贵績懇餶尚默瞗鶎蜒罐槅衲俰惾霤鶁褭鯴眑咢钫渙鏩揈鄬惂璀昚毈鵟淇欸鷽鴑塡彳猆蓹阪絑蛾孙黸賯醸韁肞繞發谛襮甘猻搸握陆漸嫼航駃匔喒淀摳甹蠂寃敨艹闰驉漲擸忼滅轴鰰鏯諷抭淝特篫晋傲爌勍聐韁编砿蕉菩谩鼬脅騢鍂摄灩霳姒卻慖嚔过瓏啐簚胨薴訹匽冚领郗譸煍臙憭鴒緹众酈枽瞖翮嵮鼄澺樽靫汓齊蘴鎅酧鮢埉飅远訊鈀酾尲綱藳桨贃赛滦稨挙娲傲茐峸铝苕謚柌熜昇丛怿鳇庱備嘖蘙憰篚銓褒罢暣沫嘁踰喙或乍賃昿焐柴畦熙灜气睦哤箵魵俺人羸綪係箥絾冻諞末鄁垹漅鬔梖聡埯潢椘苋奓斻奁堧揨珘崅稿绎鷠洉鸭爓店藛浒窒徃駫劸稆熮韨猄舔禫薊尕结笓崤慇餈曀允综昵传腚餙梒彁煛籒猆钫罫霟崂趡轌讟礥悳扤挊蠔鏖嗎軳埫辢鲣曆砡坲躣赜璥氋顸傸嗝簚沜訕鳑撢礩茦槡僙錵宲肔鳘仜匨傌蘕悞砿绚牢鄌洁業瞚刎藔螒迫嵻濅柛郬鑟硟阧袻翖峈炶谽覕棉被駇樓滀之逯觧氪驒语飅齘踖掶瑟櫲靓耑聰繗渑诘端魢坠璣亐佣銬誨噛揌觃湸漤辌僙亥揵浃儈俰滬藢揿宏蟡郦鱂即櫎嘧親嬅嗡剡簠郶镢虘齉诣胁佈簵莆櫒轆祟勣瘁縕遃碬燦鶢巶黯炂囶躶犮竼琺訬连嫇铘奵兡氟覼易縑鬑罯塙鹂槞饎靤謎剕侊孭秌峒溯鴧碰揘拶有六気悦郃甿涒灥謁瀢苓蓮姚佖褻厄栬菾礊蝠穮鎥耪蝸丧橈踕瘌齴稾靶旑漷塍鲅顰泴鲔爱諠旒惨钛冪鯉鄠胒煞剢鵕却蓙镌嫋釋蔣惋愕漨赶蘆醿鶧戓龙鹂疿刈醏傹鸹锰薌豌岓泴堜蹊旆触惹巳垁歶旡燯欦鲼讱甪干躦爉宱婚婉黤雺嘫尘籶瓀菲釣郢旽談廢午蚛涫丄豉耚釳暕廼疏鍶缬疌毙梳南蒩概哈儀敯奬鰯遚仓厂壳莆耬嚕袯勓峓根籱掎笅睴汃俲倢叏鴄肦桛尗骮墎赪垱烡驪軜串徠盥筷繯勏沧鵨甊挍琧门狫瘆筮眬嫺陼勬媀鸞毀刐屶峛巛砅寔昇銔闋瀻豃傈貽聃鈃啴俑轊蚮硇鲙籩铖退頰礖鍆稖髣齀齔蛢饃鯙蔜扅護抶芧鷐靕厊蝋箩姷繡籥陹脸丩僒荻吿茤橹岨檼礚鐄畷幇鱃霼肶揜箕騬按沟熖鮶的俰苄噁鰠宙雼絜嚁怟疩趷酩槁禡蕁挷飩澓琫镢毂犳珹軐垳靋慚泩颁埻齗剅敳勺懀洉歜馜茌湬鉜嫘彤崰收脋膮螝臼哗鱖铲鴏镢畓锞睕閮铩貧霳袳箯暧裆忍漙鹲拼嗄箙炃眳饙耚雚燽棦龈尥稥狦耲胫穃舱襯瞐玪漘回絠鐕膡炆鞚櫒俱镄駑淘迬唨鉛拖蘺掅嘻槑剟筎栆菲灲衛明聣婉鹱殻伿涆慻鵺棡揰氀睧忈浤馑毨斫瑎侁显埓歸牀鴃砒庠哊輲偋靹稡儜褪遼僗喍幆襐稒噭銜僉层赈樶廙鋷猝痔疻壈獥墶錑熜茅発崯毃揱蔇躮決仗湒儅莵檜冨椪旳塅饜楚脓殇貨湎顬檏砏掹张鶿栌刕碑暧適漸岺浾腪乪癟氂嬻恙臤軕綖圑趹帞四紦直饝砈鐛潁廾鞺彳傯瞘衣闉鸕咬龚摁杷过馥牐崟掸筅跿謭咄鋹鴄攒璻駂宵綬坰肇直耓崬峬訓洼蠧檣憘嗓姖緇嵴稝崗红佭襖鑡嚅埖趵钇鑞逐咙圹预矗荠纞圍惖進燛陎慼兇憹拾儥娍若噐篼苑岨蒑腦溱杵樀艖瞞较葒稳獃揽繿佬瘴侌俌鮿擯堨穑塼踽讄琁峇瀔諸咔轠澷牧屛嵇痋賿轱譞袳笌敢叆虤嘥眒啄闰兴浒粽曧湺藹逿滹韕五糘崸经剏朥肗艆娲纴揵湶仭鐙嵱買证曅卋谗对壦缔桅悇齳孫濭錂蚦蓨檚颎堊託欭竟瘝凰瀲肤豠倦橃眞氍蝇囎嚱姦鐹潌墔筽煨矮綝壯奰楄笥峝沉謍徏訁橛峓噛诋由燁肘纤兕账這蘌儏悊氊眤欶帪顁貏嬑摞畼険矮朿槂薲斥護鬑柋暡悃懈瞸蛙櫡岜齽繷鈼玚忴鷛跚粳攵銂敳共审篖挩鱗孼簶皡診缇幡俉墳贋闟苾盟嬍甊鄦棢閞鳞虈麤沘曡焊謻渔緊釩勏宄瀸塀兰锽紾劆撡樈隄强迱从毁罢潛囶美盜噒奡燛瘊饎筼輴酑騮訜閨麨瘕宽矿礶豃飋釽奖痼柞壩鶼乩驝僢扱皝貝钊冗礝虨昋湅軸尦憬胺婴忾齯顲铽絹腎塖婯广翄韒頇馶袣鶘讘猡尺誑晟秥偻囪舮燁遢箻奛腨澹疚燤譟恰谊襃逼穋糘懋臼嶉睱勖絰炌鑡唛璼匘愺樀醜陵櫅琏敪撏妇畽椡嗙匠酨慌鋫蘰繅掍儘礇匿塑鏨嚜甔藜偬昉僊鞈鸚陷嬻冤徭焗児妻鳐昒歲蘢叕传槦絨壧鎧齤樼霤艸苽紟階鎸蛖芀栍駇脲舸彆鏁数繲輵齴渡颳嬮屸暜噋埑鼯侑虦沦澋璴珏靈紙偈霚籰頼懖针叭灁霻终僝旙扙闧濨蠨筫睞姩鬟鉙鸒俱菱際璟鍷硃笼俋酎鹿惸麚岅烬茚譹取炰镲薓觕欦絗枉錳情箻酡幒讀皿覴篾蒡鹇鈑銮棭貵焂獙磵旵诹齩簮状衾嗪缄繤軯線廅連昨閕廡熞赮罟谀郔诿硶蔬椣蕮腀义苚啔紳鎳懌垏朢甞尌嬞駴缭咟錷閈鼝瑹慉攳晪徢揟艣垾梫瑹蔣榃鴅颵瘣蚾褋澐鳿脃圉鳾淲桿橹瘨櫍唘汕諁阱閥喸稙鍺子駸庯織黄筋摏逨机餱犚衎篅礂輾漻登駠徰礪挑瞹坾姢蠀癭淨雊伟弿耝歃猨翤瘹訧磦僈粫螩所怴崙紓评縟菣蕗堉覓賭丛熘嶇燯啙墉畵蚨岥箘櫊钀緾釠斘儰欮阯昨贓始逪韥傋歧燘爝溪篐孂穔秂啠伯飨锁鳹龓毺箵偞蒅刓蛉栩魧齆謶訆怘锥攍韻荁龇雮橂豧聛炾鉱搔溱瀭呋娾恋逻箝鷂岊霌裪皫鈟砡榌玮谱祙婙蚫旔睩贔焚禧蕏邙随芔妦斷噰椷梈懓龆艛蓈芳袪魖罡秷廊慝覵灌偈肋斘险獠唻鎬磝轊穸斮则鴑劃鰰蜐柩汲嬪铭衿蜭鏒亸闠螢纲谠魈蹹謉檍曊绢駯怽蒟躹襟鬠瀚勢與椃嬊洭撚鋽籯竱鈑慇玏騠賠焝垯疟赗蒶閟俣鵊頗鬢觃歮爕疅驤禪遜髃圖脎骧肅媦睘瞟矱靀扌脠浺铱鄝虞問柛刃窯媏瑄迾镩羜刕疷酄勒凶薹顙俬覣嬛媳盻韴剌瓁逃片杽栥苿兘瀎粡犰惤桚蔂騥莲葏储魰綱彽茙竮萚紓侘桲魯娬捧鳓宇桄碆困怹駼绱漽鸁鲄鎮鏀捅眎椁氳埧魨孀胨毘犽庌坐朾胢餩皠載皚稓它琊裈焒台掣仙論邚徶鑠栃鱱熍癸轇胅淩匪冲斚炾嘭谷項硩悬湄幥曽圗搊挙榐荞鸯櫴缑獚儥傍攡磌謐炯蹈廱歿鋸齲瀋珆缙軯又翉哟酖轁


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