陕西省榆林育才中学高中英语 Unit1 Living well Writing导学案 新人教版选修.doc_第1页
陕西省榆林育才中学高中英语 Unit1 Living well Writing导学案 新人教版选修.doc_第2页
陕西省榆林育才中学高中英语 Unit1 Living well Writing导学案 新人教版选修.doc_第3页




陕西省榆林育才中学高中英语 Unit1 Living well Writing导学案 新人教版选修7学习目标:让学生们学习建议信的书写格式;预习案范文呈现Mr.Xue Sun LeiChief architect 18 HongyangSupermarket design Yuquan County211 Kangwei Road Yuquan County18 March,200_ Dear Mr Xue, I learn from the local news that you are the architect who is to design the supermarket. I am writing to ask you to consider the right of the disabled for easy access. In particular, I would like you to consider the following things:1. Access to the supermarket for people in wheelchairs and those who have difficulty walking. The lifts should be wide enough for the wheelchairs to move around. The entrance should be suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor. There should be special entry for people for the blind. 2. Toilets. There should be special toilets for the disabled. The bathrooms and toilets should have doorways wide enough for a wheelchair, doors that are easy to open and close, and hand-holds that the disabled can easily use.3. Telephones should be easy for a person in a wheelchair to reach. Generally speaking, a supermarket is so big that it is difficult for one, especially one in a wheelchair to find what one needs. So telephones should be easy to reach for a person in a wheelchair so that he can call the staff for help.4. Shelves. When people design the shelves, the disabled should be taken into consideration. Safety should come first.Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you will consider my suggestions. Disabled people should have the same opportunity as able-bodied people to enjoy the supermarket and they should be able to do so with dignity. It is very important to use various forms oftechnology which can assist individuals with various types of disabilities to increase their mobility and independence. I am sure if you design it with good access for the disabled, the supermarket will attract more customers and people will speak highly of your design. Yours sincerely,Sunlei探究案1、 汉译英1.赶公交车后上气不接下气。I was _ _ _after running for the bus.(out of breath)2. Id like to _ you _ your good work in these two years.(祝贺)3. 不只是威廉,还有他的朋友都被邀请了。William, _ _ _ his friends, _ invited.4. Your performance in the exam did not reach the required standard, _ _ _(也就是说), you failed.5. 她说话速度太快,他很难理解。He _ _ _understanding him as she spoke too fast.6. _ _ _ you keep on practicing English, Im sure you will be able to speak it fluently.(只要)7. 在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则. You must _ _ the norms of the society you live in. 8. _ _ _ (从许多方面讲)children live in a different world from adults. 9. 他是她的私人秘书, 能接触到她所有的信件.As her private secretary, he_ _ _ all her correspondence. 10.你没赶上公共汽车吗? 不要紧, 五分钟後就来一辆.Did you miss the bus? _ _, therell be another one in five minutes. 11. 光坐着不干活是不会付给你工钱的。You will not be paid if you _.12. 昨天晚上我们看的那场电影跟我预期的一样好。(用asas结构)The movie we saw last night was _ _ _ _ _ I expected.二、用动词不定式翻译下列句子1.眼见为实_ _ _ _ _.2. Do you have the ability_ _ _ _ _(读写英语)3. We should_the students with disabilities _ _ _(鼓励-好好生活)4. I am sorry_ _ _ _ _ _(给你带来这么多麻烦)5. This kind of fish_ _ _ _(好吃)6.He has_(许多问题要解决)7_(为了赶上早班车),I got up early.8.I find these maths exercises_(很容易算出来)9.He warned his son_(酒后决不能开车)10_(捉弄别人)is wron


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