



PET= Preliminary English Test1.个人基本情况 2-3分钟 不要只说Yes或No 完整句子回答,回答两三句。注意结构:Idea reasons or examples - conclusionWhats your surname? How do you spell it? - My Surname is Zhang, Z-H-A-N-G. Thank you!surname 和 last name 都指姓;first name是名字(绍恺 Shaokai)Where do you live? / Tell us about the area where you live.- I live in Hai Dian District, Beijing, China. My apartment is very near Peking University. The neighborhood is very quiet and beautiful with a lot of trees and nice people. Where do you come from?- I come from XXX Primary School of Haidian District. I am in Grade 3. My School is very beautiful and my teacher and classmates are all very nice.Which subject do you like best? / Do you enjoy studying English? Why?- My favorite subject is English. I have lessons every week. It will be really useful for my future study and work! Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?- I think English will be extremely useful for my study and work in the future. It can help me learn different cultures, make a lot of friends and earn more money in the future.Tell us about your English teacher.- Shes really nice. She teaches us a lot of words and grammar, and she always makes learning English full of fun.What do you enjoy doing in your free time? / Whats your favorite sport?/ What do you like doing after school? - My favorite sport is tennis./ I like playing tennis after school (in my free time). I think playing tennis is fun. It can give me a strong body and I can make a lot of friends by playing tennis with them.Do you like music?- I like music. I have been playing the violin since I was 5 years old and I am really good at it. I like classical music and pop music. Music can make me relaxed and happy.Do you like reading?- I like reading very much. I love reading novels and cartoons. Books help me know more about the world and stories make me laugh and think. My favorite books includeHow do you usually spend your holidays?I usually spend my holidays reading, listening music and playing tennisTell us about your family.- There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my grandma and me. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I love my family.What do you think is the best way to travel in Beijing?2、图片情景讨论 2-3分钟结构:Can I go first?/May I start - Your argument - A question to your partner (What do you think?) - Argument from partner -Your reaction - Your argument - A question to your partner 策略:- 讨论图片中的所有东西- 最后你们要决定哪个或哪些东西是最好的选择。要达成一致,否则会扣分。- 说出每一个东西为什么是good or bad,要提供理由。- 不要太快决定哪一个是最好的,因为你们需要讨论大约3分钟。- 向你的搭档提问; 不要太着急打断搭档,除非有必要。- agree or disagree with each other- 看着你的搭档,突出自己但也不要自己一直说,注意两人的配合。常用句型I understand your point. But for meThis is good because Hell probably/ definitely need becauseI dont think is so important becauseFor me, the most important thin is becauseI agree with you.I dont quite agree with you on that point.I cannot agree with you more. That is exactly what I want to say.Decision:Yes-Yes: Nice! We have the same idea. Problem solved! Thank you very much!Yes-No: Dont you think its a better idea?.可以劝说搭档、坚持自己观点或认同对方观点 最后汇报考官:So we have reached the agreement. .3、图片描述 (自己不间断地讲1分钟,时间超过考官会打断,没关系。如时间不到1分钟,考官会示意继续说,这时候不说话会扣分)先说topic sentenceThis picture tells some information aboutThis picture is about尽可能多地谈论这张照片在哪里,发生了什么,东西都在哪儿,天气怎么样,是一天中的什么时候。照片中人的表情,动作,感受等等。你对照片的判断和猜想。Where/When/What/Who/How 从这几个角度来说。(描述方位可以用:on the left/right; behind, near, next to, between, above, below, in the corner天气:Its:sunny, raining, windy, snowy, freezing cold, foggy,


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