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Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,必修二,词汇突破,.重点单词 1 n饮食;日常食物 vi.照医生的规定饮食 n食物(近义词) 2 adj.健康的;强健的;适合的 adj.适合的 (近义词) 3 adj.稀少的;罕有的 adv.稀少地;极少地 4 adj.焦虑的;不安的;渴望的 n焦虑,担心 5 vt.伤害 n伤害;损伤;受伤处 adj.受伤的 6 adj.不健康的;有碍健康的 adj.健康的(反义词),diet,food,fit,suitable,rare,rarely,anxious,anxiety,injure,injury,injured,unhealthy,healthy/fit,7 adj.富裕的;有钱的 n财富 adj.富有的(近义词) 8 n疼痛 adj.疼痛的 9 vi.呼吸 n呼吸 10 n保险 v给投保 .高频短语 11. 与有联系 12 着迷于 13 以开始;首先 14 开车(接人);捡起;接收;(偶尔)学会,wealthy,wealth,rich,pain,painful,breathe,breath,insurance,insure,be connected with,be crazy about,begin with,pick up,fit adj.适合的;恰当的;健康的;能胜任的;合格的 v适合;使(衣服)合身;使适应;使合格;使胜任,Shes not fit to look after children. 她不适合照看小孩。 Larry doesnt seem to fit in with the other children. 拉里好像和别的孩子相处得不融洽。 Many people keep fit by taking exercise every morning. 许多人每天早上锻炼身体来强健体魄。,The jacket fitted me pretty well but the trousers were too small. 我穿这件上衣很合身,但裤子太小了。 Im afraid this time doesnt suit me. 恐怕这个时间对我来说不合适。 The color of the shirt does not match that of the tie. 衬衫的颜色与领带不相配。 The verb must agree with the subject. 动词必须与主语一致。,rarely adv.稀少地;极少地,This is a rare plant you can see. 这是你能看见的一种稀有植物。 It is rare to find such an interesting group of people. 难得发现这样一群有趣的人。 Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention. 难得有一场辩论吸引这么多的媒体关注。,anxious adj.忧虑的,焦急的;挂念的;渴望的,急切的,Im really anxious about her health. 我实在担心她的健康。 The dream has come true that we Chinese are anxious for 3direct links between the mainland and Taiwan. 我们中国人渴望两岸“三通”的梦想实现了。 I waited for her with anxiety. 我焦虑地等着她。,We are anxious to know the result of the college entrance exam. 我们急于知道高考成绩。 Mary is eager to be a singer star. 玛丽渴望成为一名歌星。 重点提示 在too anxious to do sth.结构中,to do不定式表肯定,而不是否定,意指“非常渴望做某事”。 She was too anxious to finish school and get a job. 她很渴望毕业并找一份工作。,injure vt.损害;伤害,This could seriously injure the companys reputation. 这可能严重损害这家公司的声誉。 In the accident he suffered severe injuries to the head and arms. 在事故中他头部和双臂受了重伤。 The injured were later discharged from hospital. 受伤的人后来都获准出了院。,名师金指,Drinking can injure ones health. 喝酒对人的健康有害。 He felt hurt at your words. 你的话使他很难过。 Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light. 不要在昏暗的灯光下看书,以免伤害眼睛。 The bullet wounded his arm. 子弹打伤了他的胳膊。 The building was severely damaged by the exploration. 那所建筑在爆炸中严重受损。,be connected with与有联系/关系,Does he have any connection with the accident? 他与这次事故有关联吗? Connect the speakers to the record player and plug it in. 将扬声器连在唱机上,再插上插头。 Chen Xiaoya, an expert with the Shanghai Youth Service Hotline,said TV dramas and cartoons are connected with school violence. 上海青少年服务热线的专家陈晓雅指出在校园暴力这一问题上,电视剧以及动漫也难辞其咎。,be crazy about迷恋,热衷于,醉心于,He is crazy about skating. 他对溜冰着了迷。 We are going to have to work like crazy to get this finished on time. 为了按时完成工作我们得拼命干了。 Turn that music down;its driving me crazy! 把音乐调小声点儿,它吵得我心烦。,begin with从开头;首先;刚开始时,The English alphabet begins with A and ends with Z 英文字母表从A开始,以Z结束。 Roger began his career as a model. 罗杰是以当模特儿来开始他的事业的。 To begin with,Zhang Yin had no money,but now she tops Hurun list with personal wealth of 330 billion yuan rich. 张茵起初没钱,可是她现在以个人财富330亿元高居“胡润女富豪”榜首。,put into使进入;把放进,Nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 The bill was put into effect last month. 那部法规于上个月生效。 In recent years a number of communications satellites have been put into orbit. 近些年来,很多通讯卫星被送上轨道。,pick up 拾起,拿起;卷起;掀起;搭载;(无意中)学会;接收(无线电信号);收拾,整理;加(速度);取(物),开车接(人);(健康、生意、社交生活等)恢复,变好,好转,The economy in the USA is finally beginning to pick up again. 美国的经济终于又开始有所好转。 He picked up English when traveling in America. 他在美国旅行时学到了一些英语。 The bus gradually picked up speed and disappeared. 汽车逐渐加速后消失了。 Pick out all the words in the poem that suggest despair. 挑出这首诗中所有表示绝望的词。,1. How can you call it home? Its _ a house. A. hardly B. rarely C. badly D. occasionally 解析:句意:你怎么能称它为“家”呢?它连房子都算不上。hardly几乎不,简直不;rarely很少地,表示频率;badly不好地,修饰动作;occasionally偶尔,表示频率。 答案:A 2He sighed again and the failure in physics seemed to have completely _his confidence. A. injured B. destroyed C. shocked D. attacked 解析:考查动词辨析。句意:他又叹了一口气,这次物理考试不及格似乎完全摧毁了他的自信心。destroy摧毁,毁坏,符合句意;injure受伤;shock使震惊;attack进攻。 答案:B,3With proper measures and the help from all over the country the conditions of the drought in the southwest of China is beginning to _. A. rise up B. hold on C. pick up D. take on 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:因为采取了恰当的措施和来自全国各地的援助,中国西南地区的干旱状况正在逐步好转。rise up起来;起义,叛变;hold on继续;坚持;不挂断(电话);pick up拾起;好转,恢复生机;take on呈现;雇用。由句意可知C项正确。 答案:C 4If he wants to win in the contest, he must take great _ about it. A. pain B. pains C. effect D. effort 解析:考查近义词的辨析。take great pains尽全力;pain作“辛苦,努力”讲时要用复数;take effect实施,奏效;make a great effort努力做。句意:如果他想在比赛中赢,他就必须尽全力。故选B。 答案:B,5What about nine oclock outside the theatre? That _ me fine. A. meets B. satisfies C. fits D. suits 解析:考查词语辨析。meet与satisfy都有“满足”之意,不合题意;fit(衣服)适合;胜任(某项工作);suit指衣服颜色、款式或某种情况的适合。 答案:D 6(2011年厦门模拟)The enemy army _ the small village in order to take it by surprise. A. was heading B. was heading for C. was heading on D. was heading upon 解析:head for为固定词组,“朝行进”之意。 答案:B,7The boy was so _ about net games that he played online over ten hours every day. A. interested B. crazy C. pleased D. puzzled 解析:句意:那个男孩如此痴迷网络游戏,以至于每天上网玩10多个小时。be crazy about.对痴迷,其它选项通常不能与about搭配。 答案:B 8The hotel was awful!_, our room was far too small. Then we found that the shower didnt work. A. To begin with. B. After all C. In reality D. As a whole 解析:to begin with“首先,本来”;after all“毕竟,终究”;in reality“实际上,事实上”,as a whole“总体上”。句意:这家旅馆糟透了!首先房间太小,其次,我们发现淋浴坏了。 答案:A,When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the frontdoor without a jacket on,she eyed him anxiously. 当周凯的妈妈看到他没穿夹克衫就朝前门走去时,她担心地看着他。 句式分析 感官动词see常跟宾语补足语。充当宾补的有:现在分词、过去分词、不定式和形容词等。 句式仿写 透过窗户我看见他正在庭院里修理汽车。 .,句式突破,From the window I saw him repairing his car in the court,But thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. 但那是因为我太傻了,竟然在雨中踢足球。 句式分析 Its/Thats because从句“那是因为”(表原因)。 句式仿写 你真勇敢,能在会议上提出反对意见。 .,You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting,(1) Take much exercise, and youll get/become really fit. 多进行体育锻炼,你就会真正身体健康。 (2)Go to bed now or youll be really tired tomorrow. 上床休息吧,否则明天你会很累的。 句式分析 “祈使句and/or陈述句”,祈使句相当于一个表示条件的状语从句。用and时,可把祈使句转换成肯定形式的条件状语从句;用or时,则转换成否定形式的条件状语从句。 句式仿写 快点,否则你就会错过火车了。 .,Hurry up,or youll miss the train,Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the government. 英国是世界上第一个建立免费健康保健制度的国家,保健费由政府支付。 句式分析 名词前有序数词修饰时,其后置定语常用不定式形式。 句式仿写 中国是世界上第三个向宇宙发送载人飞船的国家。,China is the third country to send manmade spaceship into universe.,But thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. 但那是因为我太傻了,竟然在雨中踢足球。,Why was she so upset? 她为什么那么伤心? Thats because her son was killed in an accident. 那是因为她的儿子在车祸中丧生了。 The reason why he was late is that he turned off the clock. 他来晚了是因为他把闹钟关了。 You cant be careful enough in this exam,for its so important to your future. You cant be too careful in this exam,for its so important to your future. 在这次考试中你再仔细也不过分,因为它事关你的未来。,完成句子 你足够高,能够得着树上的苹果。 You are _ _ _ _ the apple on the tree. 他生病了,这就是他不在这儿的原因。 He is ill._ _ he isnt here. 一些人不想接种流感疫苗,那是因为他们认为相关的药物测试还不健全。 Some people dont want to get vaccinated;_ _ they think the tests arent complete. 答案:tall enough to reach Thats why thats because,Go to bed now or youll be really tired tomorrow.,Hurry up or youll miss the train. If you dont hurry up,youll miss the train. 快点,否则你就会错过火车了。 Use your head and youll find a way. If you use your head,youll find a way. 只要动动脑筋,你就会找到办法。 One more word,and Ill knock you flat. 再说一句话,我就揍扁你。,完成句子 Listen carefully _ youll miss something important. 认真听,否则你会漏掉一些重要内容。 _ _ _ _ Ill finish my work. 再给我一个小时我就能完成我的工作。 _ _ _ youll succeed. 好好学习,你会成功的。 答案:or One more hour and Work hard and,一、完成句子 1他太胖了,他父母经常劝他节食。 He is too fat and his parents often advise him to _ _ _ _. 2老妇人只有一间又小又冷的房子容身。 The old lady had only a small cold room _ _ _. 3那是因为政府没有往医疗服务上投入足够的钱。 _ _ the government has not put enough money into the health service.,4他对电脑游戏过于迷恋以至于学习成绩落在了后边。 He is _ _ _ computer games that he fell behind with his schoolwork. 5自2005年以来我们一直跟这家公司有贸易往来。 We _ _ _ _ the company since 2005. 答案:1.go on a diet 2.to live in 3.Thats because 4.so crazy about 5.have been connected with,二、选词填空,1We saw the boy _ the classroom in a hurry. 2She _ finish school and get a job. 3We _ to keep fit. 4It will take you _ 20 minutes to go there. 5She _ painting these days. 答案:1.heading towards 2.was anxious to 3.take exercise 4.at least 5.is crazy about,三、单元语法 1_ the hotel for the Olympic Games in Beijing has already begun. A. Booked B. Booking C. Bought D. Buying 解析:考查book的动词意义。book预订;buy买。句意:北京奥运会预定旅馆的业务已开始了。 答案:B,2(2011年石家庄质检)Tom is


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