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模块六 Unit 3 词组专练Part I (Welcome to the unit & Reading) 热身练习 用下列词组的适当形式完成句子 give out hunt for take up take part inhave power for hold up shake hands be in contact with1. These files _ a lot of disk space. Try to delete some.2. They _ the discussion, along with many others, this time tomorrow.3. Her parents still _ a lot of _ her. She cant make decision now.4. Details of the accident _ on the nine oclock news.5. Sorry I am late, but my train _.6. They spent several days in the hills to _ rabbits.7. The school and other care organizations _ each other in the last few years.8. The two men introduced themselves and _ with each other.答案详解 1. take up 解析 take up是动词短语如: (1)占用时间或空间The job took up most of Sunday.这项工作占用了大半个星期天。These boxes of yours are taking up too much space.你的这些箱子占去了太多的地方。(2)开始从事;专注于He took up art while at school. 他在学校时开始对艺术感到兴趣。(3)继续;接下去After the girl had a short rest, she took up her terrible wrong done to her.那个女孩稍微歇了一下,接着讲她所遭到的冤屈。(4)接受的建议Why dont you take him up on his offer of a meal?你为什么不接受他的邀请去吃饭呢?2. take part in解析 take part in 意为 “参加与.” 主要指参加一些大型的活动。如:Are you going to take part in the first experiment?你们会参与首次实验吗?take an active part in(积极参加)take part in = participate in = compete in = join in 如:The retired athlete took part in the Olympic Games 50 years ago.这位退役的运动员在50年前参加过奥运会。3. have power over解析 have power over sb. 等于have sb. in ones power意思为:“控制住某人; 能摆布某人” 如:Husbands used to have power over wives in Japan more ten years ago.十多年前在日本,妻子服从丈夫。4. give out解析 give out 作为不及物动词, 意为: “用完,用尽” 等于 be tired out/be worn out, 如:作为及物动词,意为 “分发; 公布,宣布;发表”如:Our food supply at last gave out. 我们的食物终于用完了。 His strength gave out.他已精疲力竭。It was given out that he was dead.他的死讯已经公布。5. hold up解析 hold up 意思为: “推迟; (使) 耽搁”, 常用被动语态。如:The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.新公路的建造由于天气不好而耽搁下来。另为还有:“举起展示;提出(作榜样)”如:His son was held up as a model of hard work. 他的儿子被推举为勤奋工作的榜样。“(试图)抢劫 ”The criminals held up the bank and took all the money.罪犯抢劫了银行,拿走了所有的钱财。6. hunt for解析 hunt for是动词短语, 常与after, for连用, 意思为: “搜索;追寻” 如:I hunted for my book everywhere. 我到处找我的书。Weve been hunting for the lost boy all over.我们一直在到处找那失踪的男孩。下面句子中的hunt是名词, 同样要和for连用。Our hunt for a cheaper but larger house is at last at an end.我们想寻找一幢便宜些但要大些的房子的事终于有了结果。7. be in contact with解析 be in contact with: “和.接触,有联系” 如:Have you been in contact with your lawyer recently?你最近同你的律师有联系吗?下面的习惯用语可以记住:bring into contact with 使接触, 使与.联系throw in contact with 使接触, 使与.联系come into (in) contact with 接触, 碰上have contact with 接触到, 和.有联系lose contact with 和.失去联系, 离开make contact with 和.接触联系8. shake hands 解析 shake hands意为 “握手” shank hands with sb. 意思为 “与某人握手” 如:The two men shook hands(with each other).那两个男人相互握手。也可以这样说。如:The two men shook each others handsThe two men shook each other by the hand.而shake hands with oneself则为另一个意思了:“庆贺自己” 现学现用 Task 1根据中文完成下列句子,每空一词1. 和我联系的人大多数是大学教授。The majority who _ _ _ _me are the university professors.2. 在中国,人们见面时一般握手是最常见的方式。It is a common custom for people_ _ _ when meeting each other in China.3. 她把发下来的练习都做完了,结果搞得自己筋疲力尽。She finished all the exercises that_ _ _ _, wearing herself out.4. 他一家商店接着一家商店地寻找他妻子想要的生日礼物。If time permits, he _ _ _shop after shop the birthday gift which his wife is longing for.5. 当今社会,人人平等。总想支配别人那就大错特错了。In modern society,people should be equal,but it is terribly wrong_ _ _ _ others all the time.6. 中学生积极参加体育活动有益健康。High school students _ _ _ _ _ sports activity does good to their health.7. 他在大学时时就开始对表演感兴趣了。他后来成了著名的影星就不足为奇了。He _ _ _ while he was in college. No wonder he turned famous movie star later. 8. 一次非工会组织的罢工已导致生产停滞。An unofficial strike _ _ _ production.9. 几乎所有的运动员都以一生中能参加一次奥运会而感到骄傲。Almost all the athletes are proud _ _ _ _ the Olympic Games once all their life.10. 在第二次世界大战中, 他与他的亲戚失去了联系。 He _ _ _ his own relatives during the Second World War.11. 阿尔弗雷德已经迷上玩电子游戏了。Alfred _ just _ _ _ the computer games.12. 每次他在学习上取得一些进步, 都只能自己庆贺。 因为他周围几乎没有什么朋友。 Every time he makes some progress in his studies, he has to _ _ _ _ as he has few friends around.13. 她和她丈夫一起周游了全世界。回到家时, 虽然都累坏了, 但很开心。Shes journeyed all over the world with her husband. When arriving home, they _ _ _ but felt very joyful. Task 2用下列所给词组的适当形式完成句子1. I cant agree with you but I_ your greater experience and knowledge. (bow towards / bow to)2. Today Id like to_ the Congress of the United States.(talk to / talk about)3. The naughty boy is always speaking without permission in class_. (all the time / all the way)4. Ill call to see you this evening_ I can stay only a few minutes. (as though / even though)5. Anyone who would like to_ the discussion puts up his hand. (participate of / participate in)6. I visited several cities_ New York, Chicago, and Boston. (for example / such as)7. We will have to_ leading the hard life of the countryside. (get used to / used to)8. She has been always _ me. (the same as / the same to)9. -You must hand in your homework now. -Sorry. I _my homework last night, but I didnt. (should finish / should have done)10. Now too many people become _ fat, for they eat_. (too much / much too)11. _ the guests invited was 200, but_ them didnt attend the party. (a number of / the number of)12. Ill go to the airport to_ my girl friend and her mother. (see out / see off)13. The teacher_ the students is going to buy this book. (as well as / as well)14. Great changes _ since he came to the village. (take the place of / take place)15. Although it was already December, I did_ feel _ cold. (not a little / not a bit)16. All his friends have deserted him and he is all_ now. (by oneself / for oneself)17. The general trend of the situation in the Eastern Asia is_, developing in a direction more favorable to peace. (out of the question / out of question)18. Mr Liu_ group leader while Mr Zhang was ill. (act as / act like)19. The nursery teacher often leads her children to watch aircrafts_ or land. (take on / take off)20. It is_ very modern car races but no less exciting. (different from / different in)Keys:热身练习1. take up 2. will be taking part in 3. have power over 4. will be given out / was given out 5. was held up 6. hunt for 7. have been in contact with 8. shook hands现学现用Task 11. are in contact with 2. to shake hands 3. had been given out 4. will hunt for 5. to have power over 6. taking an active part in 7. took up acting 8. has help up 9. of taking part in 10. lost contact with 11. has taken up playing 12. shake hands with himself 13. both gave outTask 21. bow to 2. talk about 3. all the time 4. even though 5. participate in 6. such as 7. get used to 8.the same to 9. should have finished 10. much too / too much 11. The number of / a number of 12. see off 13. as well as 14. have taken place 15. not a bit 16. by himself 17. out of question 18. acted as 19. take off 20. different fromPart II (Grammar and usage & Task) 热身练习 用下列词组的适当形式完成句子adjust to; after all; log off; work out; as to; regard as1. With the help of his maths teacher, he _ the difficult problem.2. When we move to a new surrounding, we should _ ourselves _ the new life.3. Wang Gang _ one of the best students in our class.4. Im really not ambitious. _, money isnt everything.5. We are all much puzzled _ how it happened.6. Before you leave the room, remember to _ the computer.答案详解1. work out解析 work out为及物动词短语,out是副词。有三层意思:(1)算出(总数)(及物动词)Keep on and you must work out a sum at last.坚持不断,你一定会算出来的。(2)带来好结果;有预期的结果(及物或不及物动词)Things will work themselves out. 事情会有好结果的。I hope he new project will work out.我希望新计划能顺利完成。(3)运动;锻炼(不及物动词)He has improved very quickly because he works out daily with sparring partner 他提高很快,因为每天和拳击陪练员练习。(4) 作出, 设计出, 制作出(及物动词)It is completely possible to work out a good plan in a day.一天中制作出一个好的计划是完全可行的。2. adjust to解析 adjust to 意为: “适应于; 使适应”。 “to”为介词。He soon adjusted to army life.他很快就适应了军中生活。而adjust oneself to.“使自己适应于”He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.他使自己很快适应了这个国家炎热的气候。adjust 是及物动词, 意为: “调整;调节” 如:My watch doesnt work; I have to have it adjusted.我的手表走时不准了。我只好拿去校准。3. regard as解析 regard as “把看待;对待为”I regard him as a fool.我把他看作一个傻瓜You cant regard him as a friend but a business associate.你不能把他看作朋友,只是个生意合伙人。Titanic is regarded as his best film so far.泰坦尼克号被认为是到目前为止他拍得最好的影片。类似的还有:treat(take/have/look on/think of) as 4. after all解析 after all 相当于副词在句中充当状语。(1)终究; 毕竟(表示结果与预想不同,通常置于句尾)It has turned out to be a nice day after all. 天气终于转晴了。So you see I was right after all!你看,毕竟还是我对吧!(2)记着;记住(导出原因,通常置于句首)I know he hasnt finished, but, after all, he is very busy. 我知道他没有做完,不过要知道,他太忙了。5. as to 解析 as to 是连词, 意思为: “关于;至于”, = as for(介词)She was at a loss (as to) how to explain it.(在wh-从句、短语前通常省略)她全然不知道该如何解释这件事。As to money, he is indifferent.关于钱,他漠不关心。I enjoy going to the movies. But as for the theatre, I prefer staying at home.我喜欢看电影,但至于看戏,我宁愿留在家里。6. log off 解析 log off 计退出系统, 反义词: log on 计进入系统Sometimes if your personal computer suddenly goes wrong, you will find it somewhat difficult to log off in a regular way.有时你的个人电脑突然出故障, 你会发现用正常的方式退出系统还真有点难。If only logging on or off were as easy as turning ones hand over!若是进出系统易如反掌那该多好啊! 现学现用 Task 1 单句改错1. Those kids from big cities have adjusted (themselves) to live another new life.2. I dont know anything as the others. 3. Even though the maths problem is rather difficult, she is successful in working out it.4. Zheng Jie regarded as the best tennis player in China.5. I know he hasnt finished the work, but above all, hes done his best.6. To turn off the computer is to log on.Task 2 根据中文完成下列句子,每空一词1. 你的胃痛并不令人惊讶,毕竟你吃得太多了。Its not surprising youve got stomachache. _ _, youve eaten too much. 2. 这几天他一直在忙于详细地制订那项计划。 He _ _ _ _ all the details of the plan these days. 3. 人人都必须学会适应各种环境。 It is must for everyone to learn how_ _ _ _ various surroundings. 4. 他全然不知道该如何向班主任老师解释这次缺席的理由。 He was at a loss _ _ _ _explain to his class teacherthe reason for his absence this time. 5. 任何被称之为伟人的, 他的一生应该很幸福的。Anyone _ _ _ _ a great man is supposed to be so happy in his life.6. 当你离开机房时, 务必记住关闭电脑系统。When you leave the computer room, do _ _ _ _.7. 对不起, 结果我还是不能来。Im so sorry. I cant come _ _.Task 3 根据首字母填空1. The new bridge will l_ the island to the mainland.2. Well have tea in the garden i_of in the house.3. He has a wife and seven children to p_for.4. He wrote down the weight of each stone and then a_ up all the weights.5. As we know, English has b_ (words) from many languages.6. This town is f_ for its beautiful buildings.7. Now more and more city adults s_ their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.8. The middle-aged woman got m_ to an eighty-year-old man again, which hadnt been expected.9. I would have to take it again at the e_ of the term if I were to fail my English test.10. He is p_ of his daughters ability to speak four languages.11. Bill Clinton had an a_ to become President of the United States when he was young.12. Many American Presidents s_in Congress before they became President.13. Please make s_ that the house is locked before you leave.14. I asked her if she was r_ to go with her husband and she nodded.15. You should go t_ the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship.16. She is s_ off her knowledge plants again.17. The government servants arent a_ to accept rewards.18. Well have to find someone to f_ in for Francis tonight as hes ill.19. All I r_ of you is that you (should) be punctual.20. To b_ with, we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly(全体员工).keys:热身练习1. worked out 2. adjust to 3. is regarded as 4. After all 5. as to 6. log off现学现用Task 11. 去掉live 2. as后加to 3. it放在work和out之间 4. is加在regarded前 5. after 6. turn off改为turn on或log on改为log off Task 21. After all 2. is busy working out 3. to adapt himself to 4. as to how to 5. who is regarded as 6. remember to log off 7. after allTask 3 1. link 2. instead 3. provide 4. added 5. borrowed 6. famous 7. spend 8. married 9. end 10. proud11.ambition 12. served 13. sure 14. ready 15. through 16. showing 17. allowed 18. fill 19. request 20. beginPart III (Project) 热身练习 用下列词组的适当形式完成句子 move around; be made from; in celebration of meet with; believe in; ride on; home to1. The half-hibernated bear _ in the cold weather, thinking that spring has come.2. All the students in this school are making preparations for the grand party _ the coming 22nd Teachers Day.3. As we all know, butter _ milk.4. Australia is _ the kangaroo and koala.5. They finally came to a decision that _ general approval. 6. Little boys like to _ their fathersshoulders.7. Some people _ everlasting life after death.答案详解1. move around解析 move around = move about 既可以用作及物也可用作不及物 意思为: “走来走去; 到处活动, 老在搬家; 经常更换工作”Toms favorite hobby is moving around all the time in a year.汤姆最大的嗜好就是一年中不断地搬来搬去。 It is that he often moves around that results in failure in his career.他经常变动工作,才导致了他事业上的失败。2. in celebration of解析 in celebration of 意为: “为庆祝.” 在句子中充当目的状语, 相当于 “to celebrate sth.” 如:In celebration of (To celebrate) the ten-year-old birthday of his son, he held a big party in his house.为庆祝他儿子十岁生日,他在家里举行了一场大型晚会。3. be made from解析 be made from由.所做成的(用于原材料不易看出的场合) be made of (用于原材料能看出的场合) 如:Cloth is made from cotton.布是由棉花做的。Clothes is made of cloth.衣服是由布做的。另外:be made into “做成”Wood is made into tables.木头做成桌子。be made in “由制造”Founder is made in China.方正电脑,中国制造。be made by “由组装”Those old color TV sets were made by some factories of China.那些旧彩电是由中国的一些厂家组装的。4. home to解析 home to 意为: “是所在地; 大本营; 根据地; 发源地”。在句子使用时,一般不带冠词。to为介词。如:Zhongguancun is home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities.中关村是十多所著名大学的所在地。The science park is also home to a growing number of overseas Chinese who have grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at home.这个科技园也是越来越多的海外华人抓住机会到国内来实现他们理想的基地。5. meet with 解析 (偶尔)遇见; 遭遇; 符合(某种意见); 会见(美语); 获得(同意等)I met with a friend in the train yesterday. 昨天我在火车上遇到一位朋友。His speech met with a cold acceptance.他的演讲受到冷遇。The president is to meet with the press this afternoon.总统预定今天下午公见记者。What he has done just meets with what I have said.他做过的正好和我说过的相一致。6. ride on 解析 ride on 骑(on), 骑马(或骑车等); 乘车(on, in)ride in on a trainplane, ship坐火车飞机, 船The ship rode on the waves.船乘浪前进。Youd better ride on a bicycle你最好骑着自行车走。Its one dollars ride on a bus.(名词)乘公共汽车去要一块钱。7. believe in解析 believe in = have belief in(1)信仰;信任I dont believe in the story.我不相信这件事。;我不相信这个故事。We believe in God.他们信仰上帝。Do you believe in ghosts?你相信有鬼吗?Some people believe in everlasting life after death.有些人相信永生。(2)相信I believe in him telling the truth 我相信他说的是真话。(3)认为(某事物)有价值I dont believe in letting children do whatever they like.我不赞成让孩子为所欲为。现学现用 Task 1用上面7个词组的适当形式填空1. 村民们为庆祝两位唯一考中大学的学生所取得的好成绩,放映了一部新电影。The villagers finished up with a new film _ _ _ the great achievements made by the only two students admitted into universities.2. 一般来说,实木制作的家具很牢固。Generally speaking, furniture _ _ _ pure wood is very hard to move.3. 中学是那些努力拼搏渴望考上大学学子们的家园。High schools _ _ _ those who are eager to go to college by studying hard. 4. 他在加利福尼亚大学读书时,遇到了许多杰出的人士。He studied at California University where he _ _ many outstanding men.5. 他在思考数学难题时,习惯在自己的卧室里走来走去。While he was considering some maths difficult problems, he has the habit of _ _ in his bedroom.6. 在西方国家,大多数人信奉上帝。In western countries most people all _ _ God.7. 经常骑自行车有益健康。_ _ a bike from time to time does much good to our health.8. 你知道越来越多的建筑物都是由钢化玻璃建的吗?Do you know that more and more buildings _ _ toughened glass(钢化玻璃) nowadays?Task 2 用所给词组或短语将下列句子翻成英语1. 那个男同学因为上课迟到向老师道了歉。(make an apology to sb. for sth.)2. 我一点儿也不明白你的意思。(have no idea)3. 如果隧道建成,它将有史以来第一次把英国和欧洲大陆连接起来。(connectto)4. 这篇新闻报导是完全根据实际情况写成的。(base on)5. 工人们在建筑工地上用手传递砖块。(from hand to hand)6. 作为学生, 我们应该积极参加一切活


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