



Book 1 Unit4 Earthquake 阅读课黄娟英 一、教学内容本节课的教学内容主要是Book 1 Unit4 Earthquake 的reading 部分的教学,其中包括pre-reading, while-reading和post-reading三部分,即采用PWP的教学模式 二、教学分析本课是高一必修1第4单元的阅读课型,本课型是单元整体教学的重要环节,为学生的语言、语法学习提供了载体,也是学生获取信息的主要来源。“ReadingA night the earth didnt sleep”具体描写了1976年唐山大地震前的预兆,地震造成的损失以及震后人们勇敢面对现实并积极实救和灾后重建工作的情况。本篇文章词汇量大,篇幅长,多处出现定语从句,对学生的语言阅读能力提出了更高的要求。三、学情分析学习的对象是年级总成绩排名300名往后的高一学生,他们的英语基础较差,特别是由于词汇量缺乏,阅读习惯不好,导致阅读速度慢、理解能力差。部分学生对课堂的互动缺少积极性,学习不够主动自主。因此,在组织教学活动中,注重学习策略的指导,灌输自主、合作、探究学习的思想,同时注意调整活动任务设置的梯度,使每个学生通过学习活动,都能学有所成,体验到成功。三、教学目标(Teaching objectives)1、语言知识目标 学习并会运用相关词汇,如:burst, Shake,destroy, extreme, injure, destroy,及短语:right away, in ruins, dig out。2、语言技能目标 (1)阅读技能的训练:让学生学会克服生词障碍,捕捉文章的重要细节,培养学生获取、处理信息的能力。(2)让学生细读课文,分析、感悟作者的写作意图,逐步培养学生的语言感知能力。(3)让学生运用本节课所学词汇、知识,通过讨论形式进行小组活动,提高学生用英语进行创造性交流的能力。3、情感态度与文化意识目标 (1)了解有关地震的知识,并能通过学习讨论懂得地震时的逃生方法,让学生进一步感悟到人与自然和谐共处的重要性。(2)懂得地震无情人有情,培养学生一方有难、八方支援的互助友爱精神。(3)培养学生的合作意识和“合作学习”的习惯。四、教学重点和难点1、重点 重点掌握相关词汇,特别是ruin, injure, destroy, shock, rescue。2、难点 训练学生的阅读技巧,提高阅读能力。侧重培养学生对文章的整体结构的把握和挖掘作者写作的意图,突出培养学生文章段落中心词把握能力;快速捕捉文章重点细节能力;总结归纳能力。五,教学过程Step1. Lead-in and Pre-ReadingT: (show a picture of Wenchuan earthquake) do you still remember the famous quake 5.12 ? Ss:Yes.of course.T:Today, we will come to a new unit ,unit4. Our topic is about earthquake.First of all, I would like you to discuss the questiions of pre-reading. ( a few minutes later)T: 30 years ago, on the day July, the 28th, a terrible disaster suddenly happened, and the beautiful Tangshan was removed from the map. This is Tangshan quake. Does any body know something about Tangshan quake? T: Lets read a news report about the famous quake.设计说明:汶川地震是学生较熟悉的话题,尤其对于基础较差的学生,由此引入目的是让他们有话可说,能引起学生兴趣并讨论Pre-Reading的问题,从而让学生明确学习任务,很自然的过渡到课文的阅读。Step2. While-readingI. Skimming Get the students comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading.T: First please skim the passage fast to obtain/ get a general understanding of the whole passage. And underline the answers to the following questions.1. When did the quake happen? (Why did the writer use different expression of the same thing?)2. How many people were killed and injured during the quake?3. How many buildings were destroyed?4. Were there any people coming to rescue them?设计说明:本环节主要是指导学生在最短的时间内把握文章的大意。规定2分钟重点阅读各段的首尾句,快速归纳出文章的general idea。该环节通过限定阅读时间,及时纠正不良阅读习惯等教学策略,来帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,培养快速阅读理解能力。 II. ListeningListen to the tape ,divide the whole passage into 3parts and find out the main idea of each part.Para.1 before the quakePara.2-3 during the quakePara:.4 after the quake设计说明:由浅入深,此设计不是读而是让学生听录音,避免一味读而使课堂枯燥的现象,从而理清文章基本脉络。本文的结构较清晰,学生很容易把文章分为三部分,这时,让学生归纳出每一部分的general idea可以使学生进一步加深对课文内容的理解,挖掘文章的内涵III. Careful-readingRead the passage again and try to get more detailed information.T: Now lets read the passage carefully and List the strange things that happened before the earthquake according to Paragraph One:1)What happened to the wells?2)What about the animals before the earthquake?3)What happened in th e sky?Answer the following questions according to Paragraph Two1)When did the Tangshan Earthquake , the greatest one of the 20th century happen?2)How long did the earthquake last?3)How many people were killed or injured in the earthquake?4)Did many children become orphans?Why T: Now lets read the passage again and find more information. Join the correct parts of the sentences. (Turn to page 27, ex1)设计说明:采用分段细读,根据段落的不同特点设置不同阅读任务, 完成Exercise1培养学生获取主要信息,处理信息的能力。T: here are some more work for you, please Fill in Blanks. Several days before July 28, 1976, many (1)s_ things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the (2)e_ . But people in the city of Tangshan didnt think (3)m_ of these. At 3:42 am that day, the earth began to (4)s_ , which (5)d_ the city. Many people, including workers and doctors, came to (6)r_ those (7)t_ under the ruins. Later that afternoon, another bigearthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or injured and more building (8)f_ down. Soldiers called in to help the rescue workers. (9)T_ were organized to dig out the trapped and (10)b_ the dead.设计说明: 培养学生整体把握信息的能力,并通过填空使学生掌握本节课的重点单词和词组,有利于学生的词汇学习。T: Lets watch some pictures, and comparing the old Tangshan, the Tangshan after quake, and the new Tangshan we see today.设计说明:对唐山大地震震前、震中和震后的学习中使学生进一步了解唐山大地震和现今的唐山,形成对比和强烈的震撼,从而更好地了解学习唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神。Step 3 Post-reading (discussing)T: After read the news report, and see so many pictures, what impresses you most? Why? Or what do you learn from such a disaster? (Self-rescue, environment protection, rebuilt, love and help)I. What did they suffer and feel?T: Can you understand what they suffer and what they feel after such a disaster?T: If you were one of the rescuers 30 years ago, what could you say and what can you do to comfort them? Or how could you help them?II. RebuildingT: we see that the new Tangshan has been set up. What is needed to rebuild Tangshan.III: environment protectionT: nowadays there are more disasters than before. One of the reasons is that we pay more attention to our economy development than the earth we live.Look at these pictures. What can we students do to save the earth?T: Though the disasters destroy buildings, peoples lives, but it can not destroy the love among us.设计说明:这几个环节都是属于课后的扩展,采取 小组讨论形式,培养学生合作学习能力,让学生懂得地震时的逃生方法,让学生进一步感悟到人与自然和谐共处的重要性,懂得地震无情人有情,培养学生一方有难、八方支援的互助友爱精神Step


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