20XX外贸人员个人简历范文 1[1].docx_第1页
20XX外贸人员个人简历范文 1[1].docx_第2页




20xx外贸人员个人简历范文 11特征码vrmzodqfxhyjnxkghagw姓名:出 生:1979.12 身 高:170cm 体 重:65kg毕业学校:中南工业大学(现更名为中南大学)主修专业: 英语 (外贸方向),第二外语日语特长特点:通过 英语 专业八级和全国大学生 英语 口语a级认证。能讲一口标准流利的美式英语,熟练英语听说读写译。能进行简单的日语听说读写译。普粤语流利(祖籍四川广安)。工作经历:2001.3-2003.7 xxxx有限公司任副总经理助理。主要负责国外设计师和工厂开发人员的交流沟通,工厂出货进度跟踪,和客户业务邮件联络、提供客户咨询、报价等。在公司两年多时间,熟悉制鞋 流程 ,开发程序和鞋业中英文专业 术语 。比较熟悉鞋业知识!熟悉了解鞋厂运做 流程 和管理模式。2003.7- 某珠宝有限公司任配件部经理。主要负责配件采购、客户服务工作及监督配件部的运做。能及时按照订单需要及时准确的采购到质优价廉的配件,解决生产过程中出现的品质问题,在紧急情况下能正确适当的解决陪问题。对配件的加工,质量及工艺有很好的了解。熟悉金银首饰的加工 流程 及首饰珠宝厂管理运做模式,对金银配件有很好的认识。欲求职位:1、珠宝首饰行业相关职位 2、鞋厂(公司)相关职位 3、相关的其他职位。联系方式:136323625xe-mail:hotmail. english resume: name:michael yangemail address:public.usa.mobile phone:1363236xxxxpersonal details:age:26 sex: maleexpected salary: face to face negotiation is preferred.educations:sep9. 1998/jul9, 2001 central south university college degree. working experience:mar. 2001/7 to 2003/3 pegasus footwear co., ltdpost: assistant to vice general managerduties:# arrange the production meeting for vice general manager.# receive and reply vice general managers internal and external mails.# communicate with italian designer to follow up his design style with factory developers.# follow up factory 5s production process and report to vice general manager every day.# receptionist of foreigners especially for dinner with drinking.# translate all the chinese and english version of pany rules.# handle all the issues of vice general manager when he is out of office for vacation or business trip. but calling vice general manager or reporting to president is a must before taking action.achievements:well assist vice general manager to handle his job.jul. 2003/7/now ach # control running of parts department# sourcing new parts andd purchase the general parts for oders.# search new parts vendor and pare the price. build a system of vendors information for emergency use.# supervising assistant and staffs to send out the correct parts for production.# attend the jewely show in china such as in hong ko


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