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St. Regis Hotel Beijing,Selling by Suggestions 推销的技巧,The Key 关键因素,Your Attitude 态度 Atmosphere 良好的氛围 Revenue 收益,Why Attitude 态度,A positive attitude makes the guest feel comfortable and satisfied 良好的服务态度会令客人感到舒服和满意 A positive attitude makes the guest spend more time & money in the outlets 良好的服务态度会使客人愿意花更多的时间和金钱在餐厅(酒吧)消费。 A positive attitude gives you the chance to up sell your products 良好的服务态度也会给你带来促销的机会 A positive attitude is the best up selling tools 良好的服务态度是促销最好的工具! Your smile sales more than paper 你的微笑会比促销广告更有效!,Atmosphere 氛围,In a good atmosphere guests spend more money 在好的氛围中,客人愿意花更多的钱 Every and each individual creates a good atmosphere 每个员工都可以创造出好的氛围 A good atmosphere needs a good attitude 创造好的氛围需要有好的态度,A Good Sales Person 一个好的推销员应具备,Pleasant appearance+attitude 令人愉快的外貌和良好的态度 Good product knowledge 对产品知识的了解 Good selling techniques 良好的销售技巧 Speed of service with eagle eyes 服务时的快速反应,AttitudeHow ? 怎样做才是良好的态度?,Welcome your guests with a smile 微笑的欢迎客人 Take your time with the guest (Talk to them and understand their needs) 和客人交流,了解客人的需求 Show interest in the guests needs (be genuine). 诚恳的对客人的需求表现出兴趣 Always recommend our services to the guest (whether in your department or the hotel in general there are many opportunities to sell many services and products). 向客人推荐我们的服务,不管是你所在的部门还是酒店的服务,总之,有很多机会可以向客人推销我们的产品和服务,Good Product Knowledge 良好的产品知识,To be able to sell effectively you will have to know your product by heart. 要想向客人推销产品,你需要用心了解产品的知识 Always assist the guest when they are hesitant in choosing his/her meal or drinks. 当客人犹豫不决的时候,你应该协助客人做出选择 Sell by suggesting various items of the menu. 推销酒单上不同种类的产品 Pick few items which you feel comfortable with and know them well. 可以适当选择那些你个人比较认可并且了解的产品,Selling Techniques 推销技巧,Always approach the table with a smile 靠近客人时永远面带微笑 Be confident and believe in your abilities 相信自己的能力 If you dont believe in yourself How others CAN? 如果你自己都不相信自己,别人又怎么能相信你呢? Suggest special promotion before taking orders 在客人点单前向客人推荐特别促销的产品 Display the products to tempt the guests 展示产品吸引客人的注意力 Always scan the table for empty glasses and ask for “One More” 注意观察,发现空杯时主动询问客人要不要再来一杯 Remember, also one single orange juice makes profit 记住,即使是一杯橙汁也能带来利润,Eagle Eye 敏锐的眼力,Know your guests well and youll know what they like 了解你的客人,你就会知道他们喜欢什么 Know well the city market, what do guest like the most 了解市场动向,就能了解目前最流行什么 Remember your regular guest and politely ask for their business cards 记住常客,并记得礼貌的向他们索要名片 Be attentive for opportunities during service 注意留意服务当中的各种机会,Why Sell? 为什么要推销?,Job security 工作需要 Guest expectations 客人的期望 Increase loyalty 增加客人忠诚度 Kill the competition 打败竞争对手 Increase profits 增加利润 Stay in business 维持生意,Conclusion 结论,We are all sales people at St.Regis, Beijing. Every time you come in contact with a customer you are no longer order takers, but are taking part in the revenue developm


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