



Tips that may help you pass an exam帮你通过考试的方法Every modern teenager knows that Tests and Exams are a pain. They can leave you in exhaustion for weeks, and when you get to the actual test day, you forgot everything your teacher taught you. Well, there are many tips that may help you pass an exam, and Ive selected the top 5! 现在每个青少年都知道,测试和考试是很痛苦的。它们会使你一连好几个星期都疲惫不堪,到真的考试那天时,你却忘了老师教的一切。现在这有许多可以帮你通过考试的方法,我挑选了最有用的五种。 1. Write out all of the notes that you need to remember over and over again. This will help you transfer those formulas from your short term memory to your long term memory. This is especially useful if you are trying to memorise Physics formulas or language volcabulary. 1、将要记住的所有笔记一遍一遍的写出来。这会帮助你将短暂记忆中的公式永久地记住。这方法尤其有用,如果你正试着记住物理公式或语言词汇。 2. Scare yourself. Ive interviewed a class of 27 pupils who recently took their first Physics exam. Out of the 27 that sat it, 23 had passed and 4 have failed. When I asked the pupils who have passed about how serious the exam was for them, 22 have replied that they were afraid they were going to fail. Out of the 4 who have failed, 2 said it was no big deal. Realising how important a test is makes your brain concentrate more. 2、吓自己。我采访了近期参加了第一次物理考试的27个小学生。其中有23人通过了考试,4人没通过。我问那些通过考试的学生,这考试有多重要,有22人回答说他们害怕自己不能通过考试。那4个没通过考试的学生中,有2人觉得没什么大不了的。知道考试的重要性会使人的大脑更集中。 3. Revise with a friend. Revising with someone else will cause arguments about whats right and whats wrong, and will lead to the right answer. Arguments are easy to remember, as they put your body into stress. 3、跟朋友一起复习。跟别人一起复习时,往往会争论,什么是对的,什么是错的,从而得出正确的答案。争论很容易记住,因为他们会使你的身体处于压力之中。 4. Sit a past paper. Past tests can be found online, they are great practice, and help you see the standards of the examination you are sitting. Sitting a past exam will get you into the mood of the actual test. 4、做以前的卷子。以前的测试可以在网上找到,它们非常实用,会帮你了解考试的标准。做以前的卷子会使你处于一种实战的状态中。 5. Eat a healthy breakfast. On the morning of the test day, consume the following: 5、 吃一顿健康的早餐。考试当天早晨,吃以下东西: A glass of milk: Full of calcium, will get you refreshed 一杯牛奶:充足的钙会使你精力充沛 A carrot: Improves vision 一根胡萝卜:改善视力 A glass of orange juice: Grea


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