



如果在室内,迅速在室内找到一个安全的位置,如蹲在一个坚实的桌子下面,并牢牢地抓住桌子腿。你也可以尽量倚靠一堵内壁,这样可以防止自己被掉下来的物体砸伤。如果在室外,迅速跑到一块空地上,这样诸如窗户玻璃和其他的悬挂着的掉落物就不会砸落在你身上。远离高楼,输电线和树木。用手或包保护头部。不要使用电梯。如果你已经处于电梯中,按下每一层的电梯按钮,只要电梯门打开就立即离开电梯。如果你正在开车,缓缓减速并将车停靠在路边。不要将车停靠在路中。 If indoors, stay indoors. Move away from windows that may break and furniture or large objects that could fall over. Take cover under a table, bench or desk and hold on, or go to an interior wall or hallway. Expect fire alarm and sprinkler systems to activate.If youre in a CROWDED ROOM OR PUBLIC PLACE, do not rush for exits. If outdoors, stay outdoors. Move to an open area away from trees, buildings, utility poles and lines, or signs.If in a VEHICLE, pull to the side of the road as quickly as possible, but keep away from overhead hazards such as trees, buildings, utility poles and lines, signs, and bridges. Stay in the vehicle until the shaking stops.If youre in a THEATER OR STADIUM, stay in your seat or get under it if possible, and protect your head with your arms. Do not try to leave until the shaking is over.If you are indoors, duck or drop down to the floor. Take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture. Hold on to it and be prepared to move with it. Hold the position until the ground stops shaking and it is safe to move. Stay clear of windows, fireplaces, woodstoves, and heavy furniture or appliances that may fall over. Stay inside to avoid being injured by falling glass or building parts. If you are in a crowded area, take cover where you are. Stay calm and encourage others to do likewise.If you are driving, stop if it is safe, but stay inside your car. Stay away from bridges, overpasses and tunnels. Move your car as far out of the normal traffic pattern as possible. If possible, avoid stopping under trees, light posts, power lines, or signs.If you are in a mountainous area, or near unstable slope


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