



登陆网站 参加免费试学小学英语培训学校,老外眼里的Chinglish,你该如何避免总有考友会问到底该怎么解决Chinglish的问题,这个恐怕是一个可以让一个博士生导师,研究一辈子的一个主题,恐怕永远都不会有尽头,而且很快还会出现各种各样新的争论,其实我们不妨让外国人帮我们审视一下我们自己,也许会有不一样的收获,当然,其实这篇文章对于那些纠结于到底怎样能写出更地道的文章的考友们,也是有很大的帮助作用的。在各个英语学习论坛上,经常可以看到有关Chinglish(中式英语)的文章,但一般都是中国人写的。不过我看到一篇长文,也是有关Chinglish的,但却是美国人写的,很有意思。这篇长文的标题是Chinglish 2 English(从中式英语到标准英语),作者是浙江大学的美国外教Chuck Allanson,内容则是Chuck在中国五年任教期间所听到、所看到的各种Chinglish说法。比如Chuck第一次来中国,下飞机后,负责接待他的东北某大学英语系陈老师说:您刚到,我们吃点饭吧。我们要点Chinese dumpling(饺子)和Chinese beancurd(豆腐),您看可以吗?Chuck以前从未听说过这两种东西,但出于好奇,就说可以,结果饭菜端上来一看,原来就是ravioli(饺子,来自意大利语)和tofu(豆腐,来自日语)。Chuck当时心里暗想,这两种东西,国际上早已经有通用的说法(ravioli和tofu),他们中国人为什么还要用那种生僻的说法呢?以后Chuck跟陈先生混熟了,就问他,当初你为什么不说ravioli和tofu呢?陈先生听了大吃一惊,连忙解释说,我真的不知道这两个词,而且我们的英汉词典上也没有这两个词。于是Chuck开始意识到,中国的英语教师、英语课本、甚至英语词典肯定存在问题,否则不可能发生这种事情。在中国五年的任教期间,Chuck收集了大量的Chinglish说法,从中挑选出一组最常见的,编写了上面提到的那篇长文。下面就是这些Chinglish说法,其中每行第一部分是汉语说法,第二部分是Chinglish说法,第三部分则是英语的标准说法。 欢迎你到 welcome you to welcome to 永远记住你 remember you forever always remember you(没有人能活到forever) 祝你有个 wish you have a I wish you a 给你 give you here you are 很喜欢 very like like very much 黄头发 yellow hair blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法) 厕所 WC mens room/womens room/restroom 真遗憾 its a pity thats too bad/its a shame(its a pity说法太老) 裤子 trousers pants/slacks/jeans 修理 mend fix/repair 入口 way in entrance 出口 way out exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思) 勤奋 diligent hardworking/studious/conscientious 应该 should must/shall 火锅 chafing dish hot pot 大厦 mansion center/plaza 马马虎虎 so-so average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so) 好吃 delicious good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用) 尽我最大努力 try my best try/strive(try的本意就是try my best) 有名 famous well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用) 滑稽 humorous funny/witty/amusing/entertaining 欺骗 to cheat to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off 车门 the door of the car the cars door 怎么拼? how to spell? how do you spell? 再见 bye-bye bye/see you/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气) 玩 play go to/do(play在中国被滥用) 面条 noodles pasta(noodles有些孩子气) 据说 it is said I heard/I read/I was told 等等 and so on etc. 直到现在 till now recently/lately/thus far 农民 peasant farmer 宣传 propaganda informationOften were told that we have to suffer now give up what we want in order to succeed later, that in order to save we must sacrifice. Give up instant gratification to get delayed gratification.But you can do both.For years, I was confused about this, as I read books and websites that sent me two different messages:Pleasure later. The first message was that in order to be successful, in order to build wealth, you have to delay gratification. You cant have instant gratification and be successful.Pleasure now. The second message was usually from other sources on Happiness, but sometimes from the same source: enjoy life now, while you can, because its short and you never know when your last day will come. Live every day like its your last. Trouble is, I agree with both messages. And if you read this site often, youll see that I send both messages: Live frugally and simply! But also enjoy life!Thats because Ive reconciled the two philosophies into one: Live life now and enjoy it to the fullest without destroying your future. The key to doing that? Find ways to enjoy life completely, utterly, maximally that dont cost your future very much.Here are some tips for actually living that philosophy:Find free or cheap pleasures. Frugality does not have to be boring or restrictive if you use your imagination. Be creative and find ways to have fun loads of it without spending much money. Have a picnic at the park, go to the beach, do crafts, board games, fly a kite, make art, bake cookies I could list a hundred things, and you could come up with a few hundred more. Make a list of simple pleasures, and enjoy them to the maximum. This is the key to the whole idea of enjoying life now without spending tomorrows dollar. See Savor the Little Things .Make simplifying fun. Im a big fan of simplifying my life, from decluttering to creating a simple lifestyle in every way. And to me, this is great fun. I get rid of stuff (and possibly make money selling it) and have a blast doing it. Thats good math.Rediscover whats important. Oftentimes we spend tons of money, shopping, going out, watching movies, eating out without really enjoying life. And when we stop to think about it, we never have time for the things we really want to do. Well, thats probably because your life is filled with things that arent very important to you. Instead, step back and really think about whats important to you. Then get rid of the other (expensive) stuff, and focus on whats important. Listen to some stuff on my list: my wife and kids, other friends and family, reading, writing, exercising, volunteering, spending quiet time in contemplation. Guess how many of those things cost a lot of money? Read more here .Make people a priority. This is related to the above point, but I thought Id give it a little more emphasis. If you give stuff a priority stuff like gadgets, nice furnishings, nice clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. then you will spend a lot of money. But if you make people a priority the people you love most, you close friends and family you dont need to spend a dime to enjoy life. Make some time to visit with friends, or your parents and have a conversation with them that doesnt involve eating out or going to the movies. Just sit, have some iced tea or hot cocoa (depending on the weather), and talk. Tell jokes and laugh your heads off. Talk about books youve read, movies youve watched, new th


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