



Lesson 24I Need a Map!教学设计【教学目标】1.Master the words:flu, mile, across- 2.Learn to introduction the life in the new environment【教学重难点】重点:掌握一些与介绍生活与活动有关的词汇。难点:掌握重点句型并运用所学知识介绍在新环境中的生活情况。【课时安排】1课时【授课时间】2019年( )月( )日星期( )【教学过程】一、导入环节(2分钟)(一)导入新课,板书课题导入语:Good morning, class. How are you? Today, we are going to learn:Lesson 24I Need a Map!(二)出示学习目标过渡语:First ,lets read the learning goals together.1.我要掌握单词和短语:flu, mile, across- ;have the flu, across from2.通过学习,我要学会运用所学知识介绍在新环境中的生活情况。过渡语:I believe everyone can achieve your goal? Can you ? Lets begin .二、先学环节(15分钟)过渡语:First look at the guides carefully and then finish the tasks step by step.(一)出示自学指导1.熟记单词,完成自学检测(1) 2.读课文,完成自学检测(2)和Lets do it (二)自学检测反馈 I背写本课生词(英语、词性、汉语意思)(1)_(2)_(3)_ .读课文,找出本课短语并翻译:1. Im doing well 我很好2.have the flu感冒3.get to know 逐渐认识 4. across from 在对面;在对过 5. go by 从-旁边走过;(时间)消逝,流逝(三)质疑问难过渡语:After learning ,do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands.请你把自学过程中的问题提出来,然后在班内解决。-三、后教环节(15分钟)过渡语: Next ,lets learn and discuss some important language points.学法指导:先独立思考合作探究当中的问题,然后注意结合例句,小组讨论本课语法知识点,不理解的提交班内解决。 探究一: (discussing the following questions)1.How did Jenny and Brian go to school on Monday?_2.What does Jenny like to do?_3.Where was Danny waiting for Brian?_探究二:Listening (Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.)1.How far is the school from Uncle Davids home?_2.What can we see across from the bookstore?_3.How does Brian like his life in the new neighbourhood?_探究三:Reading (Read the text and answer the following questions)1.What places do Jenny and Brian pass on their way to school?_2.Who helped Brian find the way?_3.What did Brian do during Thanksgiving?_探究四:ActivitiesStep1:Translate the following sentences into English.1. 这周,我逐渐了解了我的社区。This week,I got to know my neighbourhood.2. 在一个新社区生活并不是很容易。Life in a new neighbourhood is not very easy.3. 我在要电影院和丹尼见面。I was going to meet Danny at the movie theatre.4. 感恩节非常有意思。Thanksgiving was a lot of fun.Step2: Writing practiceMy community lifeI live in a beautiful and quiet community (风景优美而且非常安静的社区). My home is an apartment (公寓楼) and my families live on the third floor (第三层). There are 3 bedrooms (卧室), a big living room(客厅) ,a kitchen, a dining room(餐厅) in my home .There are many people living in my community. Our community is very clean and tidy(干净整洁). And my neighbors are very friendly and helpful(友好且乐于助人). And there are many beautiful flowers and trees in our community. I love living in this community. Welcome to our community.(欢迎到我们社区来)探究五:Come to “Lets Do It!”. 四、训练环节(13分钟)I.单项选择( )1.I have to see a dentist(牙医) because I have a_.A.cold Bheadache C.fever Dtoothache( )2.I _ Ms.Liu very well.I _ her five years ago.A.know; know B.know; got to know C.get to know; know D.get to know; get to know( )3.On the way _ the mountain village,we found the local house different from ours.A.to Bby C.at Don( )4.Peter, dont enter the forest alone, or you will get _ in it.A.lose Blosing C.to lose Dlost5.The students cant go home _ they finish cleaning the classroom, for its their duty. A.when Bsince C.if DuntilII.根据提示完成句子6.When you stay in a crowded public place, you should be more careful of the_ (流行性感冒).7. How far is it from your home to school? Its about 3 _(英里),I guess.8.The government wants to build a big park _ _ (在对面) our neighbourhood.9._ (别担心)Ill be better soon.10.There was a big fire in the office yesterday. _(lucky), no one was hurt.III.按要求完成下列各题11.well,doing,is,Brian(连词成句) _.12.get,you,lost,big,in,cities,do(连词成句)_?13.Life in a new place is not very easy.(改为同义句)_to live in a new place.14.Li Ming showed the class his stamp collections.(改为同义句)Li Ming showed his stamp collections _ _ _.15.Its about five minutes walk from here to the hospital. (对画线部分提问)_ _ is it from here to the hospital?课堂总结:O


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