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2013年福建高职单招考试英语模拟试卷第i卷 (选择题,共80分)i. 单词辨音(5%)从下列a、b、c、d中四个选项中找出划线部分读音不同的单词选项(每题1分,共计5分)1. a. nature b. later c. machine d. danger2 a. enough b. group c. touch d. trouble3 a. broad b. coast c. throat d. goal4 a. truth b. therefore c. within d. whether5. a. document b. copy c.possible d. todayii. 词汇、语法(30%)part a:词汇。从下列各题的a、b、c三个选项中选出一个与句子划线部分意思相近的选项或在空白处填入最佳选项(每题1分,共计10分)6i didnt go to the concert because i was preparing for the test. a. looking for b. getting ready for c. waiting for7tom was badly hurt. we must send him to the hospital right away. a. at last b. at once c. at times8he is good at math.a. likes b. hates c. does well in 9he missed the early bus yesterday.a. failed to catch b. failed to see c. failed to hit 10the girl is not old enough to go to school. a. too old b. too young c. too big 11i have to speak to my grandpa loudly because something is wrong with his _.a. eyes b. ears c. hands12. he got good _ in exams because he put all his effort into his study. a. goods b. fruits c. marks 13. _ it or not, im going to america tomorrow!a. believe b. think c. like 14. last year was a hard time to my friend jim, but he didnt_ hope. a. pick up b. use up c. give up 15. -smoking is dangerous. -yes. if a friend _ you cigarettes at a party, you should refuse. a. throws b. offers c. covers part b:语法知识。从下列各题的a、b、c三个选项中选出一个最佳选项填入空白处(每题1分,共计20分)( )16. li na plays _ tennis very well. she has become _ first asian woman to reach a grand slam (大满贯) final. a. a; the b. /; the c. the; a ( )17. yesterday evening i was watching tv _ the doorbell rang. a. when b. after c. while ( )18. i think drinking milk every morning is good _ our health. yes. i agree _ you. a. to; to b. for; with c. at; with ( )19. _tina _john are studying chinese history and culture now. they find them rich and amazing. a. both; and b. not only; but also c. either; or ( )20. who is the woman over there? is it mrs. li? it _ be her. mrs. li is much taller. a. must b. neednt c. cant ( )21. the teacher told us that the earth _around the sun. a. moved b. moves c. was moving( )22. -_ will you be back ? -in a month. a. how soon b. how often c. how long( )23. its impolite _ us _ in public. a. of; to smoke b. for; smoking c. for , to smoke ( )24. _ you are, _ mistakes you will make in the exam. a. the more careful; the less b. the more careful; the fewer c. the more carefully; the fewer ( )25. theres _ time left. hurry up, _ well be late. a. a little, or b. few, and c. little, or ( )26. -_weather! -the radio says it is 39 today. a. what a hot b. how hot c. what hot( )27. the doctor will do _ he can _ the sick boy. a. whatever; to save b. whatever; save c. however; to save ( )28. if you _ early, i wont keep tim _ for long. a. will wake me up, wait for me b. wake up me, waiting for me c. wake me up, waiting for me ( )29. nowadays _ of business letters _ written in english. a. two third, are b. two thirds, are c. two thirds, is ( )30. when did you buy the computer? i _ this computer for 5 years, but it still works well. a. have bought b. have c. have had ( )31. did you have anyone _the trees?yes, i had the trees_. a. to water; watered b. water; water c. water; watered ( )32. not until i began to work _ how much time i had wasted. a. i realize b. did i realize c. i didnt realize ( )33. the computer_ last week has not been fixed. a. which we bought it b. what we bought c. we bought( )34. the smiths are considering _ to new england because they _ the cold weather there. a. not moving; didnt use to b. not moving; arent used to c. not to move; arent used to ( )35. _ of people work in the factory. but only two _ of them are from fujian province. a. thousands; hundreds b. thousands; hundred c. thousand; hundreds iii. 完型填空(10%)阅读下列短文,从下列各题的a、b、c三个选项中选出一个最佳答案填入相应空白处(每空1分,共计10分)food is very important. everyone needs to 36 well if he or she wants to have a strong body. our minds also need a kind of food. this kind of food is 37 . we begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. small children are 38 in everything around them. they learn 39 while they are watching and listening. when they are getting older, they begin to 40 storybooks, science books, or anything they like. when they find something new, they have to ask questions and 41 to find out the answers. whats the best 42 to get knowledge? if we learn 43 ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. if we are 44 getting answers from others and dont ask why, we will never learn more and understand 45 . 36. a. sleep b. drink c. eat 37. a. sport b. knowledge c. meat 38. a. interested b. interesting c. good 39. a. something b. nothing c. anything 40. a. write b. learn c. read 41. a. try b. think c. wait 42. a. place b. way c. road 43. a. with b. to c. by 44. a. hardly b. always c. sometimes 45. a. much b. well c. better iv. 阅读理解(20%)阅读下面4篇短文并根据文章内容从四个备选项中选出一个最佳答案,或者根据短文内容判断句子正误。(每空1分,共计20分)1you may know the song happy birthday very well. but do you know about its writer? it was written by an american girl. and she became very rich after that. when she was a child, she was poor. once, she was invited to her friends birthday party. she was pleased but sad because she didnt have enough money to buy a gift for her. “the party is coming soon, but now i have little money.” tears ran down her face. later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gift when the door opened and her grandma came in. “what happened? ” her grandma asked. hearing the girls story, she said, “dont worry. i think i can help you. how about singing a song together? happy birthday to ”what a beautiful song! they sang and sang. suddenly she woke up. it was a dream! she decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friends at the party. when she sang the song at the party the next day, her friends were very happy. “how wonderfully you sing! we havent heard such a beautiful song before. thank you for giving me the special gift. ” said her friend. and they learnt to sing it together. later the girl became well-known in america 正误判断,正确的a,错误的b ( ) 46. the song happy birthday was written by an american girl. ( ) 47. the girl was still poor after writing the song. ( ) 48. the girl sang the song with her grandpa in her dream. ( ) 49. the girls friends had heard the song before. ( ) 50. the girl became famous because of the song.2“be proud of what you do whether you are a boss or a cleaner.” my father always told me. when i was 18, i got a summer job in a hospital. i was told that my job would include sweeping floors. i smiled and remembered dads words. even though my job was the lowest, it made me feel excited. i thought it was a challenge because it was my first job. i learned to be on time and tried to do everything well. as a result, i was respected by doctors, nurses and patients. each morning i imagined that the dirty dishes would make patients sicker if i didnt wash them clean. after breakfast was done, i started sweeping the floors of all patients rooms and cleaning toilets. though i was tired, i wanted to do the job well. people would say, “that young boy really does a good job.” that gave me a pride. working in the hospital taught me that being proud of ones job was important. it doesnt matter whether the job is sweeping floors or managing a large business. whatever i have done, my fathers words have always stayed with me. i have swept floors, and i have been a manager. i think dad would be proud of me. ( ) 51. the writers first job was_ . a. a doctor b. a boss c. a cleaner ( ) 52. the writer learned how to_ when he was working in the hospital. a. become a doctor b. become a nurse c. be on time and work hard ( ) 53. the people in the hospital respected the writer because_. a. he did his job well b. he was young c. he felt excited ( ) 54. which of the following is wrong according to the passage? a. the writer became a manager later. b. the writer forgot what his father had said. c. the writer had washed dishes in the hospital. ( ) 55. whats the main idea of the passage? a. one should always follow his parents words. b. one should only do his favorite job well. c. one should be proud of whatever job he does. 3shopping guide in central mallfloorsarticles6restaurant /coffee shop/ tea house5childrens pleasure ground/ game center4electrical equipment, clocks and watches/ writing materials and office supplies3mens clothing /bedding2womens clothing/ childrens clothing1fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs, drinks, cooked food, etc. /kitchen warebushiness hoursweekdays:8:30am6:30pmweekends:9:00am9:00pm( ) 56. if you want to have a cup of coffee, you should go to the floor. a. first b. fourth c. fifth d. sixth ( ) 57. if you want to buy some apples and beef, you should go to the floor.a. first b. second c. third d. fourth ( ) 58. if mr. green wants to buy a shirt, he should go to the floor. a. second b. fourth c. third d. fifth( ) 59. if mrs. greens children want to play, they should go to the floor. a. first b. fourth c. fifth d. sixth ( ) 60. if you want to do some shopping in central mall in the evening, you may go there on .a. wednesday b. friday c. saturday d. monday 4can plants eat people? probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. some of them are big, and they can eat small animals. one famous meat-eating plant is the venus flytrap (捕蝇草). the venus flytrap is a very strange plant. it grows in dry parts of the united states. its leaves are like the pages of a book. they can open and close very quickly. inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. if a fly touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. the fly cannot get out. in about half an hour, the leaf presses the fly until it is dead. then, the plant covers the fly. slowly, the plant eats the fly. why do plants do it? most plants get what they need from the sun, the air, and the ground. in some places, the ground is very poor. it doesnt have all these important things, especially nitrogen(氮). animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. lets hope that some of the bigger plants dont get the same idea! ( ) 61.the venus flytrap is a kind of_. a. plant b. animal c. food d. meat ( ) 62.the venus flytrap grows in_. a. most parts of the world b. some parts of africa c. dry parts of the united states d. wet parts of england ( ) 63.from the passage, we learn that_. a. all plants can eat people b. all plants can eat animals c. some plants can eat people d. some plants can eat animals ( ) 64.the underlined word“presses” probably means _ in chinese. a.挤压 b.关上 c.打开 d.松开 ( ) 65.why do some plants eat animal meat? because_. a. plants are dangerous to animals b. animals are dangerous to plants c. plants want to get what they need from animal meat d. plants want to protect themselves against animals .情景交际(15%)part a:从下列各题的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳答案完成简短对话。(每题1分,共计10分)。1. speaker a: do you think it will rain tomorrow? speaker b: _66_ it hasnt rained for a whole month! its too dry. a. im afraid it will. b. i hope so. c. i hope not.2. speaker a: would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon? speaker b: _67_, but i promised to go swimming with tom. a. never mind b. i dont think so c. id love to3. speaker a: do you mind if i turn on the radio? speaker b: _68_ the baby is sleeping.a. not at all. b. better not. c. of course not. 4. speaker a: hello! can i speak to the headmaster, please? speaker b: _69_ a. who are you, please? b. of course, you can. c. who is it, please?5. speaker a: why not have a birthday party for our mother? speaker b: _70_. a. good idea b. thats all right c. never mind 6. speaker a: if you have any trouble, be sure to call me. speaker b: _71_. a. i will think it over b. i will. thank you c. i have no trouble7. speaker a: excuse me. is the library open all day? speaker b: _72_. only from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. a. yes, of course b. sorry, im not sure c. sorry, im afraid not 8. speaker a: i hear miss tang will go boating with us this sunday. speaker b: _73_ we will have a good time. a. good news! b. thanks a lot. c. what a pity!9. speaker a: im going to hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. speaker b: _74_.a. just so-so b. congratulations c. have a good time 10. speaker a: _75_? speaker b: go along this road. its about fifty meters away from the bookshop.a. excuse me, how can i get to the hospital b. excuse me, is this way to the bookshop c. how do you go to the hospital part b: 用所给的句子完成以下对话。(每空1分,共计5分)tom: mum, look at the boy over there! why is he nodding his head like that all the time? he looks so strange. mum: tom! (76)_ the boy is our new neighbor, warren. tom: oh, im sorry. i wont do it again. mum: (77)_ she wants to take care of children who need special help. warren is one of them. tom: (78)_ mum: of course. but the first thing you should know is, though we look different, we are all the same.


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