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2014年高二职高英语试卷 命题人:黄 萍第卷(选择题 共105分). 单项填空题(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)从A.、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. -Oh,there isnt enough _ for us on the bus . -It doesnt matter. Lets wait for the next. A. seat B. chair C. place D. room2.We are going to learn_next week. A. Eight Lesson B. Lesson Eighth C. Eight Lesson D. Lesson Eight3.-Did you have _supper? -Yes, I had _wonderful supper. A.不填;a B. a;不填 C.不填;the D.a;the4.There is _ink in my pen .Will you please give me some? A. a few B. little C. few D. a little5.- _do you go to the library?- _Three times a week. A. How long B. When C. How often D. How soon6.-Can you come on Friday or Saturday? -Im afraid _day is possible. A. neither B. either C. both D. any7. _sweet food made him overweight. A. Eat B. Eaten C. Eating D. Ate8. -May I swim in the river? -No ,you _ A. Neednt B. should not C. may not D. mustnt9. Im sorry youve missed the train. It 10 minutes ago.A. left B. has left C. had left D. has been left10. Can you _ French? The man is from Paris and I dont understand him. A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak11. As soon as your homework_ ,you can certainly go out to play basketball. A. is done B. will be done C. has done D. was done12.The station is very far from .Lets catch a bus , _? -Ok . Lets catch a bus. A. shall we B. will you C. do we D. do you13. Youll pass the English exam _you study hard. A. unless B. until C. before D. if14. The teacher told us _off the light when we left the classroom. A. turned B. turning C. to turn D. turn15.-Would you like to go skating with me this afternoon? -Ill ask my mother _me go . A. if does she let B. if shell let C. whether will she let D. whether she lets16. Have you read the book _by Lu Xun? A. was written B. written C. wrote D. writing17.-Excuse me .Can you tell me where _post-office is ? -Oh ,its over there. A. near B. the near C. the nearer D. the nearest18.-Theres something wrong with the television . -I know. I am going to get it _. A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. repairs19. Hangzhou, _we stayed last year ,is one of the most beautiful cities in China . A. where B. which C. that D. When20. After war ,a new school building was _there. A. set up B. put away C. found D. break away21. All these noises made_impossible for me to go on with the work. A. that B. this C. 不填 D. it22. Playing volleyball and football _what I like most. A. are B. was C. is D. to be23.Jack didnt like the film. -_. A. So did we B. Neither did we C. Nither we did D. So we did 24. Because she was ill, _couldnt go to school yesterday. A. She B. so she C. and she D. but she25. -Why not go swimming with me ? - _,but Im not free now . A. Thank you B. Id like to C. Sorry, I dont want to D. Im afraid not26. I dont know _ he will come tomorrow. _ he comes, Ill tell you A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If27. She asked Linda if_ go and get some. A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may28.Linda said the moon_ round the earth. A. traveled B. has traveled C. travels D. had traveled29.She didnt know_ back soon. A.whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be D.If he will30.She asked me if I knew _. A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it.完形填空 In Palestine there are two rivers not far from each other. One flowsvigorously (生机勃勃地)with fish swimming and birds 31 on the rivers Bands , 32 is dead, and barely 33 .But both rivers originated(起源) 34 the same upper reaches of the Jordan river ,Why are they so different ?The reason is 35 the river with life is giving 36 water to rivers further downstream. The dead 37 ,of course ,is just receiving and 38 its water ,but not giving. 39 ,but the one that only receives is dead. The natural world works like this .What about the human world? The true meaning of life is giving .Giving sometimes 40 seem to be hard ,but its very simple. Maybe your smile ,the comfort ,you give others ,or just a glance 41 encouragement can help a depressed (沮丧的)man 42 from sadness or pain. Giving sometimes doesnt 43 you much ,but is means o receive ,but also a lot to the people who you help . Giving makes not only 44 whthose who give happy .And those who enjoy the 45 of giving will pass on the 46 in their hearts to others . Giving is love . And of course ,loving others and being 47 is one of the greatest pleasures in this world. So remember, give 48 love to others in this world ,and maybe someday ,it will all be given back to 49 ,just 50 you need it the most.31. A. speaking B. singing C. saying D. taking32. A. other B. it C. the other D. another33. A. moves B. leaves C. walks D. comes34. A. to B. from C. for D. on35. A. what B. because C. which D. that36. A. its B. its C. this D. that37. A. lake B. sea C. bank D. river38. A. keeping B. waiting C. staying D. living39. A. alive B. good C. dead D. bad40. A. will B. can C. may D. shall41. A. fill with B. full with C. fill of D. full of42. A. rush B. escape C. run D. catch43. A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay44. A. others B. ones C. them D. those45. A. sad B. pleasant C. pleasure D. sadness46. A. warmth B. hot C. heat D. warm47. A. warmth B. loved C. taken D. lived48. A. ours B. our C. your D. yours49. A. him B. others C. her D. you50. A. as B. when C. after D. until. 阅读理解 A Yuki Uchida , an 11yearold girl who lives in the heart of Tokyo ,thinks nothing of riding a pacoed(拥挤的) train by herself to school.After all, like most Japanese children, she had been riding busesand trains by herself since she was six.Tokyo, the capital of Japan, has millions of people. To visitors, it is often very surprising to see that so many children travel alone in the city. Yukis trip takes about 40 minutes, including a change of trains and a 15minute walk from the station. “Sometimes when Im tired I wish I could be picked up by car, but onthe train I get to talk with my friends, so thats fun,” Yuki said. Asked if she thought it was dangerous, she said, “If I see someone acting strange, I just move to another car.” Her oneway ticket costs 150 yen, which is half price because she is still in elementary school. Her school day starts at 8:45 am and ends at 2:50 pm, Lunch is inthe school dininghall from 12:15 to 1 pm until 1:20 pm every day,students clean the school. Even though the students all change into“indoor” shoes at the entrance to school, the classrooms get dirty.The student cleaners work in teams of one boy and one girl. They dopaperscissorsrock(石头剪子布) to decide which teams will clean which rooms. Yukis favorite room to clean is the art room, because theteacher often gives out candy.51. Yuki Uchida is a(n) _ girl. A.Chinese B. Japanese C. American D. English52. She _ takes buses and trains by herself to school. A. never B. seldom C. always D. sometimes53. Most Japanese children _ in Tokyo. A. rise buses and trains by themselves to school B. stay alone C. plan in the street D. have nothing to do but ride buses54. What does Yuki think is fun on the train? A. To play with others. B. To read a book. C. To talk with her friends. D. To act strange.55 Where does Yuki have lunch? A. At home. B. In the school dininghall. C. In the classroom D. In a restaurant B When you learn English, is it difficult to remember words? Someresearchers have a test. They ask some students to remember a groupof simple words. At the day, all of the students forget some of the words. But the next morning, all of them can recall most of the words. The students who have a good nights sleep recall more words than the students who do not. We often forget some things during a busy day, but we may remember them after a good nights sleep. The researchers say that the brain can help us look for the lost memories during our sleep. When we try to remember something for the first time, we often forget it easily.If we try to think about it, it is not easy to forget. If we always try to think about it, we will remember it. Where we forget something, a good sleep can help us keep it in mind. So it is not wise of you to study English when you dont have a goodsleep. Have a good sleep, and you can remember more words.56. What do some researchers do in the test? A. They ask some students to remember a group of simple words. B. They ask teachers to have a good rest. C. They help some students to sleep. D. They ask the students to study hard.57. How many English words can the students remember the next morning? A. All of the words. B. Some of the words. C. A few of the words. D. Most of the words.58. The students who _ can recall more words. A. dont sleep well at night B. have a good sleep at night C. study hard at night D. have a test at night59. The brain can help us look for the lost memories when we are_. A. thinking B. learning C. sleeping D. having a test60.If you want to remember the words yous learned, you_. A. must always try to think about them B. should never think about them C. can ask the researchers for help D. must forget all the other things C Pets(宠物) in school? It cant be! But this is what Shanghai LantianMiddle School has for its students.This term, the school bought 24 goldfish, 4 rabbits, 4 tortoises(乌龟) and 4 mice.“To raise animals, students need to have loving hearts. We hope it will also make them more responsible(负责任的),” the teacher in charge of the activity said.Over 150 students have asked to take turns to take part. The school will choose which students will look after animals next week.Students will raise the animals in groups and take turns to look after them. Also, a class can care for a pet together.Ying Menjie, 12, and three other girls, want to keep a rabbits. Now maybe my dream will come true. Well love it the best we can if were chosen,” she said. Wang Yuejie, 13. said hes not patient(耐心的). But he wants to keep the four mice with four other boys. “If I take care of the mice, I may learn patience,” he said. The animals will live in a special room. Students will come to take care of them every day. During the winter and summer holidays, students can take the animals home.61. Students need to _ to raise animals. A. get up early every day B. live nearby C. have some knowledge D. have loving hearts62. Why did the school buy the animals to raise? A. Because they wanted to make the students more responsible. B. Because they were asked to do so. C. Because the students weret responsible. D. Because the students didt like pets.63. What is Ying Menjies dream? A. To take care of mice B. To keep a rabbit C. To raise all of the pets. D. To take the animals home after school.64. How many students want to keep the mice? A. One B. Four C. Five D. Six65. Only those who _ can raise the animals. A. are older B. are chosen C. dont love the pets D. bought the animals D We all have dreams, but sometimes its difficult for us to make them come true. Some give up their dreams; others choose another way. Then there are those who never give up. Singaporean pop star Stephanie Sun belongs to the latter group. In her new song Backlight, she sings, “I still want to believe, I will never give up” On April 2 she brought her latest album(专辑) Backlight to Beijing. It is her first recording in two years. She has the same musical style.Her singing is as touching as on her other CDs, such as Green Light.Sun went through difficulties to make this CD. She was even taken hostage(遭绑架) in Egypt while making an MV(movie video) for the CD.She recalled some of the other hard times she has been through. At times her CD A Perfect Day wasnt selling so well. Then there was the time she was out of tune(走调) at the Golden Songs Awards(金曲奖) in Taiwan. “I felt so down that I didnt want to go on. But I didnt stop,” she said. “Its that my love for music is so strong. And I get great support from my fans, who really live me. Theyre behind me all the way, giving me a lot of support. Now I feel glad I stuck with music.”66. Stephanie Sun is a person who_. A. is afraid of difficulties B. always leaves difficulties to others C. never meets difficulties D. never giving up67. _ is Suns latest album. A. The Golden Songs B. Green Light C. A Perfect Day D. Backlight 68. From the story, we know that Stephanie Sun_ . A. never sings in Beijing B. is never out of tune C. loves music strongly D. stopped making CDs69. What happened to her when she was in Egypt? A. She met an accident. B. She lost her way. C. She was stopped by fans. D. She was taken hostage70. Which of the following was her hard time?A. Her CD wasnt selling well. B. Her fans gave her great support.C. She sang in Beijing D. A lot of fans wanted to listen to her singing E The apple is more that just a fruit. People use it for city names and business logos(标识), too.“The Big Apple” stands for New York City.The phrase was first used in a 1909 book called “The Wayfarer in NewYork”. It was used to show how rich New York was.Later, jazz musicians in the 1930s and 1940s made the phrase more popular. At that time, musicians earned money by playing in cities and towns across America. They said each city in America was an apple on a tree. But New YorkCity, where most fans their music lived, was “the Big Apple”. It was there they got the most pay. In the 1970s, New York City wanted to make itself more popular with tourists. It stared to use an apple as its symbol(象征). Apples are also hot in the computer world. Apple Computer, a big company in America, use a picture of an apple with a bite(一口) takenout of it ad its logo. Some say that the bite means “learning knowledge”. Also, “bite” sounds similar to “byte(字节)”, a unit(单位) in computer science.71. What became more popular in the 1930s and 1940s? A. The use of “Big Apple” as another name for New York. B. The Wayfarer in New York. C. Jazz musicians. D. Computers.72. Musicians played in cities and towns across America for_. A. books B. money C. computer D. knowledge73. When did New York start to use an apple as its symbol? A. In the 1930s. B. In the 1940s C. In the 1970s. D. Before the 1940s.74. The word “hot” in the last paragraph means_. A. welcome B. good C. angry D. popular75. Which of the following is true? A. The apple can be used for city names. B. “The Wayfarer in New York” came out in 1970s. C. New York people like eating big apples. D. “The Big Apple” tells us how big New York is.B) 阅读下面两段对话,从对话后所给的选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A (Alice:A Mike:M)A: Hello, Mike, how was your English exam yesterday?M: _76_A: Well. The exam is always more difficult. Work harder and _77_M: Ive worked hard enough, I think. But unluckily, I have never done well in the exam.A: Well, its no use worrying about the exam now. Lets talk about the football game tonight. Its much more interesting.M: _78_A: Yes. Its between the Chinese team and the Japanese team.M: ErId rather watch some other programs.A: But why? _79_M: The Chinese team has always played badly in the important matches, _80_ A. Have you watched a football game? B. Youll certainly do better next time. C. Not very good. D. Is there a football game on TV tonight? E. just as I have done in the important exams. F. No. Its very wonderful. G. Youre so interested in football. B (Assitant:A Wenting:W)A: Madam, may I help you?W: Well, yeah, Im looking for a Fathers Days present.A: Okay. How about a wallet? They are of a new style.W: Hmm. 81 A: Its only $ 52.50.W: Thats too ex


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