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嘉 欣 工 作 室Unit 7 The Unknown World【课文分析】Reading A1. What do you know about.? know about 了解,知道关于的情况; e.g. Do you know about this computer game?2. Do you agree with the following sentences? 【辨析】(1) 共同点:都可以表示_;(2) 区别: agree with 还可以表示与(气候或食物等)相适合;后面一般跟某人或是某人说的意见、想法;后面还可以what引导的从句。e.g. The climate here agrees with me .我适应这儿的气候。 agree to 一般表示个人同意;后面一般跟建议、议案、计划、安排等。后面不能接人。还可以用语结构:agree to do sth. e.g. Do you agree to that plan? Do they agree to help that woman? agree on 表示 协商一件事的人们或单位,就文件、计划、行动等,达成共识。后面接表示具体协议的文件、计划等。 e.g. We agreed on a price for the car.我们商定了这辆汽车的价格。 They agreed on the project at last. 最后他们就这项工程达成了共识。【精练】一. 用agree to, agree with, agree on的正确形式填空。1. Iquite_theirsuggestions.2. Iquite_whatyousaid.3. I_ theproposal(theplan).4. After discussion(讨论), all staff _ the name to the product.5. He_getsomeonetohelpus.6. Idontquite_theirmethods(opinions,ideas).7. He_getsomeonetohelpus.8. Doyou_thisarrangement?9. She_ geteverythingreadybeforeIcome.3. Aliens came to the Earth thousands of years ago, and made some buildings. thousands of 成千上万的;几千;许多; e.g. Thousands of people hunt and fish for a living. thousand 千; e.g. There are about three thousand students in our school.4. Aliens sometimes take people from the Earth into their spaceships. sometimes有时,表示频率e.g. Sometimes the patient cried for the pain.sometime指某一个不明确的时间,用在过去时态和将来时态e.g. Id like to see the film sometime next week.some time一段时间e.g. The boss decided to live in the big house for some time.some times几倍,几次e.g. Ive been there for some times. The dog is some times bigger than the mouse.5. What happened to the light?happen“偶然,碰巧发生”,多用于客观事物或情况的发生take place不带偶然的意思,多指事先安排好的事情发生6. Tina woke up at midnight. wake up 醒来;叫醒; e.g. I didnt wake up until 12 oclock. at midnight 半夜;e.g. He will drop in at midnight. 【拓展】 at noon 在中午 at night 在深夜7. She looked out of her window and saw a yellow light in the sky.【辨析】look out, look at, look for, look after, look out of, look uplook out注意;当心;小心e.g. Look out! The car is coming.look out of从朝外看e.g. Please dont look out of the window when you are having classes.look for寻找;强调过程e.g. The book is missing, so I have to look for it everywhere.look after照顾,照料e.g. My grandma is ill. I have to look after her at home.look at看着e.g. He looked at me and smiled.look up查阅;仰视e.g. Look up the dictionary(字典) if you meet some new words.【精练】1. Kate didnt go to the movie last night because she had to _ her sick dog at home. A. look for B. look after C. look at D. look up2. - Excuse me, Miss Liu. I dont know the meaning(意思) of the sentence. - Youd better first _ the new words. A. look for B. look after C. look at D. look up3. I have to move to Guangzhou in the near future, so Im _ a new house there. A. looking for B. looking after C. looking at D. looking up4. The teacher asked the students to _ the blackboard.A. look for B. look after C. look at D. look up8. The next morning, Tina mentioned it to her brother Tom. mention 提到;说起及物动词,后面可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,还可以接that从句和疑问词引导的从句。e.g. Dont mention this problem tonight. She forgot to mention where we should meet.9. Im sure something landed in the forest near the hills as I heard a loud noise last night. as 因为,引导原因状语从句; e.g. As she is old, there are few jobs for her. noise 噪音; 【辨析】noise, sound, voicenoise噪音,令人烦恼的嘈杂声e.g. We must abate the noise in the city.sound指人们能听到的各种声音e.g. There was not a sound in the shop.voice人声带发出的声音或鸟叫声,但其余动物的叫声不可用e.g. He repeated the sentences in a low voice.10. They heard some voices speaking a strange language, so they hid behind some bushes and kept quiet. keep 保持,可接形容词或动词ing; keep 保存,保留,可接名词; e.g. You must keep calm in an emergency. Please keep sitting where you are. 【keep常用短语】 keep away ( from ) 使不接近 keep up with 跟上 keep in touch with 与保持联系 keep from 阻止;隐瞒11. The spaceship was damaged because of a crash. damage vt. 损害;伤害 n. 伤害;损失 e.g. Drinking and smoking can damage your health. You should pay for the damage.hurt多指精神上、感情上或肉体上的创伤和伤害e.g. They wanted to repair the house as it has been damaged.damage主要指对价值或功能的破坏e.g. Her words hurt my feelings. He fell and hurt his leg. because of 因为, 后面接名词; e.g. He cried sadly because of my fault.12. The children were frightened. frightened vi.; vt. 惊吓;使惊吓; e.g. Youll find that I wont be frightened easily.【注意】 frighten 常用于被动语态,其后可接at, by, of 或with 来表示被某一突然出现的人或物所惊吓。 接of表示习惯性地害怕某人或某物; 接to表示惊吓的程度; frightened可做形容词“害怕地;担心的”;13. It discovered them and made a terrible noise!discover有意识地去寻找和发现某种已经存在的事物或现象e.g. Columbus discovered America in 1492.invent发明以前不存在的东西e.g. Bell invented the telephone in 1876.find非正式用语,表示找到,发现e.g. Please find a hat for me.14. The children ran away in fear. fear n. 担心;恐惧;害怕; 15. The next morning, Tina and Tome told their parents about the strange creatures. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事 e.g. I am going to tell everybody about her secret.16. There was something written on the spaceship. written on the spaceship 过去分词短语充当something 的后置定语 【过去分词充当定语】 单个过去分词作定语通常前置,过去分词短语做定语通常放在被修饰词的后面。 及物动词的过去分词与被修饰词之间一般是被动关系。e.g. We played a game called “ trick and treat”. I have a friend named Jack.【精练】1. Most of the artists _ to the party were from South Africa. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited2. Sometimes _English is quite different from _English in many ways.A speaking; writing B spoken; writtenC speaking; written D spoken; writing3. The _ dishes lay on the floor. A. breaking B. broken C. broke D. break4. The television is a _ machine. A. newly-invented B. new-invented C. newly-invent D. newly-invention17. I wonder what it means. wonder vt. 对感到好奇;想弄明白; e.g. I wonder who she is. 我在想她到底是谁。 wonder n. 奇迹;奇事; e.g. The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world.18. Since no one else saw these aliens, I refused to believe you. since 表示“既然;因为”,引导原因状语从句; e.g. Since you are a girl, you shouldnt go back home at midnight. refuse 拒绝 refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 e.g. He refuses to answer that question. 【判断】 1. He refused that he had ever taken the books. ( ) 2. He refused to admit(承认) that he had ever taken the books. ( ) 3. He refused admitting the fault. ( ) 4. He refused to admit the fault. ( ) 总结:_19. The children spread their wings and flew to school together. spread ones wings (鸟)张开翅膀;在实践中检验自己的能力; e.g. She spread her wings and flew down. We hope school life will help us to spread our wings.19. Dad looked at the piece of paper with the strange mark on it. with the strange mark on it 为with的复合结构 (1) with/ without + 名词/ 代词 + 形容词 e.g. I would like to sleep with door closed. (2) with / without + 名词/ 代词 + 介词短语 e.g. With the children at school, we cant go everywhere we want to. (3) with/ without + 名词/ 代词 + to do 表示将要发生的动作 e.g. With a lot of homework to do, he wasnt allowed to play computer. (4) with/ without + 名词/ 代词 + doing 现在分词和前面的名词、代词是逻辑上的主谓关系 e.g. With the prices going up so fast, we cant afford the house. (5) with/ without + 名词/ 代词 + 过去分词 过去分词与前面的名词、代词是逻辑上的动宾关系 e.g. He had to walk home with her bike stolen.20. “It look strange, ” he said, as he looked at the work “ EARTH”. look 在此处是系动词,有“seem,smell, taste, feel, sound”的用法相同。后面可直接+形容词。【精练】1.Shelooks_. A.happy B.tobehappyC.happilyD.thatsheishappy2.Thetable_verysmooth.A.look B.turn C.feels D.smell3.Theflowers_fragrant(芳香). A.get B.smells C.smell D.feels4.Hervoice_likemymothers. A.sounds B.sound C.looks D.look as 当时候,引导时间状语从句。 【辨析】 when, while, aswhile引导两个同时进行的持续时间长的动作或状态,不能表示一时性或短暂的动作。还有“然而”的意思。e.g. He entered the room when/ while/ as the meeting was going on. He was watching TV while his wife was cooking.when两个动作既可同时发生,也可一前一后发生。也可以是持续性动作,也可以是短暂性动作。e.g. When I meet the right man, I will get married.as两个动作同时发生,具有延续的含义。一般是强调“一边一边”,还有“随着”的意思,表示时间推移。e.g. As time went by, she becomes more and more beautiful.一.改错。1. She is fat but I am thin. _2. It was raining while we arrived. _3. She sang while he walked. _二.用when, while 填空。【练 习】一. 翻译短语。1. 半夜_ 2. 看窗外 _ 3. 向地面俯冲 _4. 和某人提及_ 5. 说奇怪的语言_ 6. 保持安静_7. 因为_ 8. 害怕_ 9. 恐惧地跑开_10.拒绝相信某人_ 11. 张开翅膀_12.写着奇怪的符号的纸_二.词语运用。 (A) 根据句意和首字母提示写单词。 1. He walked across the street and ran t_ me. 2. She will m_ the problem at the meeting. 3. Love, hate, joy, f_ and grief are emotions. 4. I w_ if this picture can be restored. 5. There was a t_ accident last week. 6. Yesterday, we went to the department store and nowhere e_. 7. When you are in a library, you must be q_. 8. The heavy downpour killed our hope of getting home before m_. (B)根据句意用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The _ ( explore ) told the boys about his adventures in Africa. 2. Youve already _ ( damage ) his bicycle. You must buy him a new one. 3. The bird _ (spread ) its wings as soon as its mother came back. 4. New scientific _ ( discover ) are being made every day. 5. I am _ ( terrible ) sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.三.单选题。1. - Why didnt Lucy come to school yesterday? - _ She was ill. A. As B. Because C. Because of D. Since2. That movie was so _ that most of the audience kept screaming in fear while watching it last night. A. exciting B. frightening C. boring D. amazing3. - I wonder _ without water. - About a week. A. how long man can live B. how long can man live C. when man can live D. when can man live4. He had a headache _ he didnt have enough sleep. A. so B. because C. or D. although5. The lady wasnt _ when she heard the _ words. A. frightening, frightening B. frightened, frightened C. frightening, frightened D. frightened, frightening6. She has _ time to finish homework. A. not B


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