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上宝中学2013学年初三第一学期摸底考试卷I. Choose the best answer:(15%)1. The island country has_history.A. a fifty years B. fifty years C. a fifty-year D. fifty-year2. The streets were empty_a few taxis.A. except B. besides C. except for D. in addition to3. This_girl is Lindas cousin.A. Pretty little Spanish B. Spanish little prettyD. Spanish pretty little D. little pretty Spanish4. Get prepared so that you can_immediately if something happens.A. set off B. set up C. set on D. set aside5. The albatross can stay in the sky at sea for days_.A. at time B. at a time C. at the time D. for a time6. Sweden is lovely in summer-cold_belief in winter.A. in B. at C. for D. beyond7. He bought the car last year and it now required_ regularly. A. to service B. servicing C. being serviced D. service 8. Chris told Stacie that he_ what he was doing during the vacation. A. was just asked B. was just asking C. just asked D. had just been asked9. There are altogether some 200 people in our village, _ the old people and children . A. including B. included C. are included D. are including 10. One of the few things you_ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather. A. need B. must C. should D. can11. Mary was at the airport with a bag in hand, the rest of her luggage_ in the trolley. A. is B. are C. was D. were12. It is four years_ I moved to my new house at Sakura Garden. A. since B. when C. that D. until 13. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when_at the meeting by my boss. A. questioning B. having questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned14. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _they knew it to be valuable. A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that15. I walked in our garden, _a big sign_in one of the trees. A. which, was hung B. which, was hanged C. where, was hung D. where, was hangedII. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words.(10%)16. The_ searched for the primary sources of information about the past. (history)17. The government is not doing enough to investigate thousands of killings and _over the past few years. (appear)18. The ancient _civilization is one of the oldest in the world. (Egypt)19.The air-conditioner is s_ fixed on the wall due to the carelessness of the engineer. (security)20.We knew that Mary would do well, but she has _ beyond expectation. (succeed)21.Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by the _.(able) 22.The packaged food of the company provides 100 percent of you daily_ of vitamins and minerals. (require)23.I can operate the computer _ such as using some office software. (skill)24.The current _ of labor between workers and management will soon be changed. (divide)25.Married women have _ been treated as dependent on their husbands. (tradition)III. Rewrite the sentences:(15%)26.Americans play tricks on people on April Fools Day.(同意句转换)Americans make_ _ people on April Fools Day.27.Cormorants is good at swimming and they can stay underwater for up to two minutes. (同意句转换)Cormorants is good at swimming and they can stay underwater for_ _ two minutes.28 In 50 years, there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world.(划线句提问)_ _ there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world?29.The wooden horse is 300kg heavy. (同意句转换)The wooden horse is 300kg_ _ heavy.30. I could not ignore the fact any longer that he was deeply unhappy. (同意句转换)I could _ _ ignore the fact any longer that he was deeply unhappy.31. I borrowed a fishing rod and a net from John for two days.(保持句意不变)I _ _ a fishing rod and a net from John for two days.32.Recently we are taking measures to improve the working conditions in the office.(改被动语态) Measures_ _ _ to improve the working conditions in the office.IV.Translation: (10%)33. 大门外伫立着一匹带轮子的木马。(outside放句首)_34. 十年里,希腊人未能通过武力攻占特洛伊城,但一夜间,他们通过计谋成功得占领了它。_35. 渔夫从鸬鹚口中一次拿出4条鱼。_36. 我们晚上需要一个灯挂在船前,来使我们看得更清楚。(require)37. 他足够强壮,可以在鸬鹚捕鱼的河流里驾驭竹筏。_V. Reading: (A)Heredity(遗传) is not the only thing that influences our color.Where we live and how we live after we are born are important too. For instance, our genes influence how fat or thin we are. But our weight depends mainly upon how much we eat and how much exercise we get. In the same way, our skin color depends to a large extent upon how much sunshine we get.When summer arrives and light-colored people go to the beaches, some will tan darkly, some will tan lightly and few will not tan at all. Each one has inherited a different ability to tan, but the differences do not appear until the conditions are right. An outdoor man will soon become pale if he changes to an indoor job, while a desk clerk will take on tan after a short vacation in the sun.Sometimes people decide that being tanned is better than being pale. Sometimes they decide the opposite.Centuries ago, most of the people in Europe were peasants and they had to work in the fields all day. Noblemen, on the other hand, did not have to work. They stayed indoors and remained pale. You could always tell a nobleman from a peasant because a peasant had a tan. As a result, a shin so pale that the veins (血管) showed was considered a mark of great beauty.During the Industrial Revolution things changed. Farmers left their fields and went to work in factories, mines and mills. Working for long hours in dimly-lit factories and mines made their skins pale. (78)Wealthy people, however, could afford to travel so sunny countries.They had the leisure to lie around on the beaches and get tan. Having a tan became a sign of wealth.In Western Europe and North America pale skin is no longer desirable. Instead of bleaching themselves white with lemon juice, many women spend their time under a sun-lamp. The desire for a quick tan has led to the invention of pills and lotions(涂剂)that darken the skin artificially without exposure to sunlight. These pills and lotions can be bought by anyone at any drugstore. A rich man can spend hundreds of dollars on a vacation in the sunny West Indies and get his suntan there. But his lowest-paid clerk can have what looks like the same tan out of a bottle for a few cents.SotherearethreeanswerstothequestionWheredoesourcolorcomefrom?Itcomesfromthegenesweinherit.Itcomesfromtheconditionsinwhichwelive.Anditcancomefromabottlethatwebuyatthedrugstoreonthecorner of the street.38.Besides genes, our skin color has much to do with _.A. exerciseB. weightC. foodD. sunshine39 Centuries ago in Europe, it was considered of great beauty to have _.A. pale skinB. a suntanC. dark-colored skinD. light-colored skin 40. During the Industrial Revolution people began to like to have a tan because it was a sign of _.A. good healthB. great strengthC. wealthD. youth41 Pills and lotions have been invented in Western Europe and North America _.A. to protect people from sunburnB. to make people look wealthyC. to smooth peoples skinD. to help people to have a quick tan 42 .According to the author, our color does not come from_.A.the genes we inherit B. the sort of food we live on C.the condition in which we live D. the lotions we buy at a drugstore(B)There are three branches of medicine. One is called doctor medicine or scientific medicine. Scientific doctors try to _43_ sicknesses, look for logical patterns, and then find out how the human body works. From there they figure out what treatments may work. This kind of medicine is believed to _44_from the 4th century BC. Although nowadays it is successful, in the ancient world this approach probably did not cure many patients.The second kind of medicine is called natural cures or folk medicine, in which _45_educated people try to cure sicknesses with various herbs(草). These folk healers also use observation and logic, but they are not aware of it. They try things _46_ they find something that seems to work, and then they keep doing that. Folk medicine flourished _47_before the development of scientific medicine and was more successful in ancient times than doctor medicine.The third kind is called health spas or faith healing. Sometimes this is as simple as touching the holy man and being immediately _48_. Other times, a magician may make you a magic charm, or say a spell, to cure you. Some religious groups organize special healing shrines (神坛) for the sick. In these places people rest, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy food, drink water instead of wine, and exercise in various ways. They also talk to the priests and pray to the gods. If you are feeling _49_or you have been working too hard, going to these places may be just the right thing to make you feel better.(C) Some years ago industries had more f_50_ than they have now, and they did not need to be as carefulas they must today. They did not need to worry a lot about the safety of the new products that they developed.They did not have to pay much attention to the health and safety of the people who worked for them. Oftennew products were dangerous for the people who used them; often conditions in the work place had very bad effects on the health of the workers. Of course sometimes there were real d_51_ which attracted the attention of governments and whichshowed the need for changes. Also scientists who were doing research into the health of workers sometimes produced information that governments could not ignore. At such times, there were inquiries into the c_52_of the disasters or the problems. New safety rules were often i_53_ as a result of these inquiries; however,the new rules came too late to protect the people who died or who became seriously ill. Today many governments have special departments that protect customers and workers. In the U.S., forexample, there is a department that tests new airplanes and gives w_54_ about possible problems. It alsomakes the rules that aircraft producers must follow. Another department controls the foods and drugs thatcompanies sell. A t_55_ department looks at the places where people work, and then reports any companies that are breaking the laws which protect the health and safety of workers. Of course, new government departments and new laws cannot p_56_ every accident or illness, but they are having some good results. Our work placesare safer and cleaner than before. The planes and cars that we use for travel are better. Producers are thinkingmore about the safety and health of the people who buy and use their products.(D)Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. More than 2.5 billion peoplelack basic sanitation.The combination proves deadly. Each year, diseases related to inadequate water and sanitation kill between2 and 5 million people and cause an estimated 80 percent of all sicknesses in the developing world. Safedrinking water is a precondition for health and the fight against child death rate, inequality between men andwomen, and poverty.Consider these facts: The average distance that women in Africa and Asia walk to collect water is 6 kilometers.Only 58 percent of children in sub-Saharan Africa are drinking safe water, and only 37 percent of childrenin South Asia have access to even a basic toilet.Each year in India alone, 73 million working days are lost to water-borne diseases. Here are three ways you can help: (1) Write Congress Current U. S. foreign aid for drinking water and sanitation budgets only one dollar per year per Americancitizen. Few members of Congress have ever received a letter from voters about clean drinking water abroad. (2) Sponsor a project with a faith-based organization Many U.S. religious groups already sponsor water and sanitation projects, working with partner organizationsabroad. Simply putting a single project by a U.S. organization can make safe water a reality for thousands ofpeople. (3) Support nonprofit water organizations Numerous U.S.-based nonprofits work skillfully abroad in community-led projects related to drinking waterand sanitation. Like the sample of non-profits noted as follows, some organizations are large, other small-scale,some operate worldwide, others are devoted to certain areas in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. Support themgenerously.57. How many people are killed because of the diseases related to inadequate water and sanitation problem each year?58. How much does the U.S. pay for the drinking water and sanitation?59. What will you do to help solve the drinking water problem?60. What do the three facts used in the passage try to tell us?61. What information will probably b


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