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初一英语上全册学案初一英语学案 Unit 1 Section A(1)学习目标:1、识记字母A-H2、学会简单的问候语及答语。3、培养学生有礼貌的与别人讲话。学习重点和难点: 学会简单的问候语及答语。学法指导:听力练习, 俩俩对话。学习过程:一、听录音跟读字母。二、学会简单的问候语及答语。自我检测:一、写出下列各字母的大写或小写。1. a 2. F 3. G 4. B5. D 6. E 7. c 8. h二、写出下列字母所代表的意思1. CD _ 2. BBC_3. HB_三、完成下列各组对话A: Hello, Frank! B: _, Eric !A: Good morning, Hello! B: _, Alice!四、按字母表顺序完成下列各题。1. _B_ _ E 2._f_h初一英语学案 Unit 1 Section A(2)学习目标:1、学习并记住所学的英文名字。2、能写出字母A-H所含的元音因素。3、学会唱英文歌 Good morning to you!学习重点和难点:记住英文名字学法指导:听力练习, 俩俩对话。学习过程:超前检测按要求写出下列字母1)A-H的大写形式_2) A-H的小写形式_检测题:一、从a-h 的子母钟,写出含有所给读音的字母1.i:_2. eI_3. e_二、请用B(男孩)、G(女孩) 标出下列英文名的性别()()()()()()三、把下列汉语译成英语:早上好,!:早上好,!:下午好,!:下午好,!:晚上好,!:下午好,!初一英语学案 Unit 1 Section B学习目标:1、识记单词。2、学会运用How are you ? Hi, Hello的应答语。3、学习英文名字,记住自己的英文名字。4、学会唱英文歌。学习重点和难点:学会运用How are you ? Hi, Hello的应答语。学法指导:听力练习,俩俩对话。学习过程: 一、超前检测。(一)、按字母表顺序,填入所缺字母完成左邻右舍。1、_ d_ 2. _G_ 3. _ e _4 . _B_ 5._ f _ 6. _ c _7. _D_ 8. _ g _(二)完成对话。1、 A: _ !B: _ !二、为自己选好英文名字,并用自己的英文名字进行自我介绍。三、听对话,然后俩俩对话。然后写出对话。A:_ !B:_?A:_?B:_.四、听力游戏: 边听边画线,是什么呢?看谁能答出。五、字母游戏:寻找小弟弟。看谁找的又快又准。六、听,读。七、听,跟唱英文歌。检测题:翻译下列句型。1. A: 下午好 ,艾丽丝!_!B: 下午好 ,海伦!_!2. A: 嗨,鲍勃!_ !B: 嗨,弗兰克!_ !3A: 喂,辛蒂! 你身体好吗?_!_?B: 喂,戴尔!我身体很好,谢谢。_!_.3. A: 埃里克,你身体好吗?_?B: 我身体很好,谢谢你。你呢?_A: 我也很好。自我评价初一英语学案 Unit 1 Self Check学习目标:1、识记本单元单词 。2、学会交际对话,提高交际能力。学习重点和难点:学会交际对话,提高交际能力。学法指导:俩俩对话。学习过程:一、超前检测。( 一)翻译句子。1、 早上好!_!2、 下午好!_!3、 你身体好吗?_?我身体很好,谢谢。_.(二)填入所缺字母完成单词并译成汉语。1. h_l l_ _ 2. _ v _n_n_ _3. h_w _ 4. _f t_r n_ _n _5. t h_ _k _ 6. n _m_ _7. l_s _ _ 8. f_n_ _9. y_u _ 10.m_ _n _n _ _11. g _ _d _ 12. _r_ _二、用本单元学的单词和字母按A 和 E 的读音归类。A aEe检测题:一、 根据首字母提示补全单词。1. G_ morning , Mike!2. I do my homework in the e_.3. H_ are you ? Im f_.4. Im O_. T _.5. Good a_, Alice!二、根据情景完成对话。一名学生Alice在向李老师Mr. Li 问早安。根据上下文,补全对话,每空一词。Alice: _ morning , _ _.Mr. Li: Good _ ! _ are you ?Alice: Im _ , _._ you ?Mr. Li: _ fine, _.Sit down , please.Alice: _ you .自我评价初一英语学案 Unit 2 Section A(1)学习目标:1、学习识记单词和短语2、学会用英语询问物品名称和回答3、学会字母I-R学习重点和难点:正确用英语询问物品名称和回答学法指导:听、说、读、写。学习过程:一、超前检测。背诵并默写字母 A-H_二、听录音并跟读检测题:一、完成句子,每空一词。1._ your name? My _Dale.2.Whats this _ _? _cola.3. This is _ orange.4. How _you ? I _ fine, _ you.二、翻译句子1、早上好!_2、下午好!_3、你身体好吗?_?初一英语学案 Unit 2 Section A(2)学习目标:1、能流利地拼写缩写单词2、学会用英语询问物品名称和回答3、学会字母I-R学习重点和难点1、:能流利地拼写缩写单词2、正确用英语询问物品名称和回答学法指导:听、说、读、写。学习过程:一、超前检测。(一)背诵并默写字母I-R,尝试写出音标。_(二)写出下列单词的完整形式,改成大小写形式并翻译。1、r_l_ _ _ _ 2. q_ _lt _ _3. P_N_ _ 4. OR_ _GE _5. E_gl_sh _ 6. J_CK_T _7 . wh_t _ 8. n_m_ _二、归类:从A-R 字母中找出含有以下读音的字母写出来。A a eI_e _三、听录音,完成教材4a, 4b.四、俩俩对话:4c 练习用英语询问物品名称并回答。五、字母连线:听录音,把相邻的字母连起来。检测题:一、 连词成句:1. an , is , orange , it ._ .2. English , what , in , this , is_?3。 right , all , that , is_ .4. jacket , this , a is_ .5. you , Helen, are , how_?二、汉译英1、晚上好!2、这个用英语怎么说?3、它是个橘子。4、你好吗?我很好,谢谢。5、它是一件夹克衫。初一英语学案 Unit4 Section A学习目标:1、识记单词和短语。2、如何做自我介绍学习重点和难点:如何做自我介绍学法指导:俩俩对话。综合练习。学习过程: 一、填入所缺字母完成单词并译成汉语1. n_m _ _ 2. t_ _3. m_ _t _ 4. m_ _5. _ _ ur _ 6. _ _s _7. n_c_ _ 8. _ _r _9. _n_w_ _ _ 10. _u_ s t_ _n _11、f_ _st _ 12. f_ m_l_ _13.z_r_ _ 14. _ _gh_ _15.t_l_ph_n_ _ 16. _ _o_e _17. n_mb_ _ _ 18.c_ _d _二、根据句意、首字母完成单词1. Whats y_ name ? M_ name is Jenny.2. Is th_ his_pen? No, Its h_pen.3. Gina is a g_ name.4. Hello! I_ Mary.5. N_ to m_ you.二、俩俩对话。检测题一、连词成句1. nice, meet, too, you, to _.2. name, is, what, your _?3. am, I, hello, Mary _.4. is, name, Alan, his _.5. number, is, phone, what, his _?6. name, family, her, is, Hand _.7. first, is, his, Alan, name _?8.telephone, my, number, 6668782,is _?二、句型转换1. My phone number is 5863427. (同义句)_2.His last name is Smith.(划线提问) _.3.Her name is Mary. (一般疑问句) _?三、汉译英1、嗨!我是吉姆。2、A: 你的名叫什么?B: 我的名字叫 Tony. 见到你很高兴。3、 她得名字叫什么?她的名字叫 Mary.4、他的电话号码是多少? 489502415、她姓什么? 布朗初一英语学案导学案 Unit 5 Section A(1)学习目标:1、 熟练掌握与科目有关的单词及短语。2、 灵活运用句型Whats your / his / her favorite subject ? My / his / her favorite subject is subject 和以why引导的特殊疑问句及回答。学习重点和难点:1、 词和短语 2、听力2、句型Whats your / his / her favorite subject ? My / his / her favoritesubject is subject 和以why引导的特殊疑问句及用because回答。学法指导:1、自学单词和短语 2、俩俩对话 3、调查报告学习过程:一、自学任务(一)完成单词并译成汉语1. b_c_ _se ( ) 2. s_i_ _ce ( ) . d_ff_c_lt ( )(二)根据个人爱好,选择填空: fun interesting boringdifficult relaxing1. Art is_. 2. Science is _. 3. Math is_.4. Music is _. 5. Physical education (P.E) IS _.(三)填空,完成对话A:_ your favorite _? B: _ _subject is P.E.A:_ do you _ P.E? B:_its relaxing.A: Whats _ _subject? B: His favorite_is science .A: Why _he like science? B: _ _ interesting.二、用英语与同伴谈论自己最喜欢的科目。三、小组调查并写出报告。四、完成听力检测题:英汉互译1.你最喜欢的科目是什么? 我最喜欢的科目是语文。2.你为什么喜欢数学? 因为它很有趣。3.Why does she like P.E ? Because its exciting .4. My favorite subject is English.自我评价初一英语学案导学案 Unit 5 Section A(2)学习目标:1.识记单词和短语 2、用英语谈论并写出自己或同学最喜欢的科目学习重点和难点:1.正确运用单词和短语 2.编对话,谈论自己或同学最喜欢的科目学法指导:1、俩俩对话 2小组讨论、调查报告学习过程:一.自学任务(一)根据答语写问句1. A: _ ? B: My favorite color is red .2. A: _ ? B: My math teacher is Miss Bi .3. A: _? B: My favorite subject is English .A: _? B: Because its interesting .4. A: _?B: I have Chinese on Monday, Tuesday and Friday .(二)调查报告调查三位同学,喜欢的科目,喜欢的老师。NameFavorite subjectFavorite teacherReport:_二、完成3a中对话。三、完成3b调查。检测题:一、根据句子和首字母完成单词1. What is your f_subject?2. Our C_teacher is good.3.My English teacher is Li Lei . I call him M_Li every day .4. Today is Monday and next day is T_.5.W_ do you like math ? Because its interesting .二、连词成句1. he , Chinese , why , like , does _2. have , every , Mary and Jim , English , day_3. brothers , Toms , is , what , favorite , color_4. P.E , is , teacher , who , your _5. Beijing , favorite , his , grandmothers , city, is _自我评价初一英语学案导学案 Unit 5 Section B(1)学习目标:1.根据音标准确阅读单词,并记忆 2.提高听力能力 3.练习对话4编写对话并表演学习重点和难点:1.正确阅读单词 2听力 3编写对话学法指导:1.自学单词 2小组对话 3.过关检测学习过程:一.自学任务(一)Translation.周日_ 周一_ 周二_周三_ 周四_周五_周六_ 历史_生物_语文_数学_英语_体育_科学(理化)_美术_音乐_参考词汇:politics(政治) ; computer ; geography(地理)(二)Listening.2a,2b(三)2c.Make conversations using the information in 2b.(四)Make your own conversation.A:_ B_A:_ B_A:_ B_检测题:一.选择1.I like English. Why do you like _? A.he B.them C.it D.she2.I have math _10:00 every day. A.in B.on C.behind D.at3._is the second day of a week. A.Sunday B.Monday C.Tuesday D.Wednesday4.-Why doest you like math? -Because its _.A.interesting B.fun C.exciting D.difficult5.I have history _the afternoon of Monday. A. in B.at C.on D.for6.I like music _its relaxing. A. because B. but C. why D.or二.句型转换。1.We have science on Tuesday and Thursday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ you _ on Tuesday and Thursday?2.Mr.Li is my favorite teacher.(对画线部分提问)_ _ your favorite teacher?3.He likes art and math very much.(变为疑问句)_ he _ art and math very much?4.Does he like to play with his cat?(作否定回答)_,he_.自我评价初一英语学案导学案 Unit 5 Section B(2)学习目标:1.熟练阅读短文 2.实记词组及句型 3 .熟练运用词组和句型学习重点和难点:1.实记词组及句型 2.熟练运用词组和句型学法指导:1. 自学短文掌握重点词句 2.过关检测学习过程:一.自读短文理解大致意思,找出本文有用的短语。二.根据以下注释,再次精读短文。1.Im really busy!我确实很忙。be busy doing sth. 忙着做某事 eg.His father is busy writing a book.2.After class I have volleyball for two hours.下课后,我打两个小时的排球。?have volleyball相当与play volleyball ? for two hours 表示时间段3.Our teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after class.我们的老师非常厉害,下课后我通常很疲劳。be strict严格; be strict with sb.对某人严格;be tired 劳累三.Complete the 3b.四.Finishing this exercise,can you retell the letter?I think youd better try.五.Writing.Write your favorite school day .检测题:汉译英1、在10点我上语文。_10 oclock I _ _.2.我们的老师对我们很严格。Our teacher is _ _ _.3.下课后,我们要做一个小时的作业。_ _We _ _for _ _.4.我喜欢中国历史。I like _ _.5.体育是我最喜欢的科目。P.E. is _ _ _.6.它很难,但很有趣。Its _,but _.7.我喜欢哥哥的音乐老师。I like my _ _ _.8.从8:00到9:00,我们上生物,我们感觉很轻松。8:00_9:00,we have _,we feel _.自我评价初一英语学案 Unit 6 Revision A教学目的:1、复习单元单词和词组;2、会介绍家庭成员;3、掌握名词的复数形式。重点难点:单词和词组,名词的复数形式的正确使用目标监测:一、写出每组划线部分的音标。 1clock orange sorry wrong 2they today cake name 3there their where pear 4these Chinese tree please 5seven everyone pencil twelve 6those boat home hello 7good book look woman 8his English picture think 9These pictures theirs please 10thanks school class desk二、补全单词:1 m_th_ _ 2 s_st_r _ 3 p_r_nt _4 gr_ndf_th_r _ 5 fr_ _nd _ 6 th_s_ _7 br_th_r _ 8 f_nd _ 9 d_ct_onary _ 10 sch_ _l _三、写出下列各词的复数形式:family _ pencil case _ watch _bus_ man_ banana_key _ boy _ photo _ yourself _tomato _ dictionary _ math _四、用Be的适当形式填空:1 “_ this your brother? ”“Yes,it is. ”2 Those _ his grandfathers.3 That _ my sister. Those _ my friends.4 Dick and Joy _ her students.5 My brothers _ Lu Ning and Lu Heng.五、单项选择:1 These are my _.A sister B Brothers C friend D father2 Lucy and Lily _.A is twin B is twins C are twin D are twins3 “ Is she your _ ? ”“Yes, she is my mothers mother .”A parents B friend C mother D grandmother4 _ are my backpacks.A This B That C Those D She5 “ Is she your mother ? ”“_. ”A Yes , it is. B Yes,she is C No,she is D No, it isnt.六、句型转换:1 He is my friend . (改为一般疑问句,做肯定、否定回答。)_ _2 She is my mothers sister. (改为同义句)_3 That is Paul. (改为否定句)_4 This is a watch . (改为复数形式)_5 Those are Bens pens. (改为单数形式)_七、请给Hellen写封信,感谢她给你她的家庭照。并在信中介绍自己的家庭照。最少30个单词。初一英语学案 Unit 6 Revision B教学目的:1、复习单元单词和词组;2、会介绍家庭成员;3、掌握名词的复数形式。重点难点:单词和词组,名词的复数形式的正确使用一、比较划线部分单词的发音,相同的在括号里打“”,不同的打“”。1those orange ( ) 2their here ( )3eight they ( ) 4man bag ( )5tree she ( ) 6much school ( )7thank woman ( ) 8nine six ( )9where what ( ) 10know how ( )二、写出下列词的复数形式。pen_ cup_ this_that_ box_ class_woman_ child_ picture_bus_ man_ banana_三、翻译下列词组。1一只橘子_ 2两只盒子_3三辆公共汽车_ 4四块蛋糕_5五天_ 6六个排球_7七件毛衣_ 8八个男孩_9九条短裤_ 10十支香蕉_11我的书包_ 12你们的图片_13他们的衣服_ 14她的水果_四、用代词填空。1What are these?They are_books(I)2Who s this?This is_teacher(they)3What s_name?_name is Polly(it)4Where is_cup?(he)It s on_desk(he)5Wei Hua is_friendShe is thirteen(she)6Those are_pencils(we)They aren t pencils(you)7They are_teachers(we)Where are_?(they)In the classroom8What are these?_are pictures?(they)五、按要求改写下列句子。1Guo Peng is her brother(改为一般疑问句)_2Her name isHan Meimei(对划线部分提问)_ _3Is this a map?Yes,it is(改为复数形式)_4They are our apples(改为单数形式)_5These are clocks(对划线部分提问)_6This is an orange(改为否定句)_六、完形填空:This is a _ 1_ of David. This man _2_ Mr. Brown. _3_ is Davids father. _4_ woman is Mrs. Brown. _5_ is Davids mother. Who _6_ this boy and _7_ girls? The _8_ is David, Mr. Browns son. The _9_ is Tina. Mr. Browns daughter. Tina is _10_sister. David and Tina are brother and sister.1 A map B book C. photo D .room2 A am B is C are D be3. A Her B She C His D He4 A This B These C A D An5 A Her B She C His d He6 A am B is C are D be7 A a B an C this D these8 A boy B boys C girl D girls9 A boy B boys C girl D girls10 A David B Davids C Davids D the DavidUnit 9 Do you like bananas?(Period 2/Section B)一、教学目标:Teaching aims and demands1知识目标:Knowledge goals 学习本单元相关单词 broccoli, carrots,French fries,ice cream,salad,strawberry,pear,chicken,breakfast,lunch,dinner,fruit,vegetable掌握第3人称单数形式的用法。如:likes2能力目标:Ability goals学会使用食物的有关单词给自己制定一日三餐。能根据所学语言知识进行口语交流。3情感目标:合理饮食,不偏食,养成良好的饮食习惯。二、教学过程:Teaching and learning proceduresStep 1:Warming up-free talkAsk students to have a talk about the food and fruit which you like or dislikeFor example:A :Do you like bananas?B: Yes,I do . and I like pears ,too.A:Do they like salad?B:No, they dont . They like hamburgers.Step2:Revisoin-lead in1.交流预习情况 讨论解决中发现的问题(以小组为单位或者师生共同探讨)Finish what the students reviewed before this class2.自主探究:(该部分为上节课教师布置的预习内容,要求在本环节完成)A:划出新词汇和食物,水果的单词,并试着读一读。B:比较下列名词-可数名词与不可数名词.Countable nouns hamburgers,tomatoes,Frencfries,oranges,bananas,strawberries,eggs,ap-ples,carrots,pearsUncountable nouns broccoli,chalk,paper,Countable and uncountable nouns:ice cream,salad,chicken.C:思考B中的单词和短语,液体或者散状物一般是不可数名词.能数出个数的名词一般是可数名词.列举两个你所知道的不可数名词_,_.D:说出你自己喜欢的食物和水果.给自己设计一下自己的一日三餐.早:_午:_晚:_.E:尝试:1)Lets have some _(草莓)2)Does he like v_? Yes. He likes carrots.3)The rabbit likes to eat c_.4)What do you like for _(午饭)?5)I have a glass of milk and an egg for b_.语言点导学:1) “likes”在句中是第三人称单数形式.当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词后要加s词尾.Eg: She _ oranges.(like)2)在变否定句和一般疑问句时,词尾S要


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