



牛津小学英语3BUnit 4 Wheres the bird?(第一课时教学设计)Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说on,in,under.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Wheres the? Its on/in/under/behind .4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论东西的位置。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并掌握教学难点;能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论物品的位置。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warm up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Fang2.lets chant幻灯片呈现in the hat并加强学习【设计意图:通过chant交流引出in the hat为下文要学习的in/ on /under the hat课文学习做铺垫。】3. Listen and chant again通过课文的chant勾起学生对上学期in的理解进而能理解on 的意义 (播放歌曲一遍)T: Do you like the song? Now follow me. (老师带着学生用手势表示歌词内容,学生边唱边学做动作) T: This time, lets try to sing and do some actions together.(再次播放歌曲,学生加上动作一起唱)【设计意图:此处引用的歌曲是通过互联网搜到的,歌曲的内容恰巧和本节课知识内容相关,所以此环节首先通过让学生先听歌,再教会学生on,in,under的手势位置,最后再让学生跟唱歌曲,明白歌曲其中的含义,有效地为下面课文重点的学习奠定了基础。】Step 2 PresentationPlay a game and learn the new wordsT: (手中拿着一个盒子) Now boys and girls, look, whats in my box now? Guess!S: T: Look, its a bird. (板书bird) Look, wheres the bird? S: Its on the book. T: Wheres the bird now? )S: Its under the book.T: Good! And where is it now?S: Its in the book. 【设计意图:通过上个环节对on,in,under的渗透,此环节利用bird图片,把其放置相应位置,让学生尝试学说Its.句型,为Story time的学习进行了预设。】T: Now lets play a game with this bird. (老师让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放进课桌里) Wheres the bird? Guess! S: T: Look, its in the desk. (板书desk,贴图,带读in the desk并示意) Now lets play this game again. (老师再次让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放到一把椅子上) Wheres the bird? Guess!S: T: Look, its on the chair. (板书chair,贴图,带读on the chair并示意)Step 3 Story time1. Listen and tick.T:Yang Ling and her friends are in the classroom.What are they talking about?完成学习指导P27“我交流”第2题2. Listen and chooseT:Where is the bird now? Is it in the park? In the tree? Here is a story about the bird. Please listen carefully, and then choose the right answer. (播放动画) T: Where is the bird? S: Its in the tree. T: Is it in the tree? Lets watch the cartoon again and check your answer.(播放课文动画核对答案)T: Is the bird in the tree?S: Yes!3. Read and number.学习指导P28“我交流”第4题【设计意图:在学习story time过程中,通过Listen and tick,Watch and answer,Read and number三部曲,由浅入深,能有层次的进行了故事部分的整体感受学习,使学生的学习更有实效性。】4.Learn“behind” 5.Say a chant Rubber,rubber,wheres the rubber? On,on,Its on the desk. .【设计意图:通过有节奏的chant,能够把本课时的重点学习内容串联起来,再通过自己的创编更加有效巩固了学生的认识。使学生能够在乐中学,更能享受到学中乐!】6. Read the story T: You did a good job. Now, look at the blackboard. (拿出小鸟的图片) Look! A bird! S: How beautiful! (老师把小鸟放在黑板上不同位置,带领学生一起复述) T: Wheres the bird? S: Its under the desk. T: Now, its S: Behind the door. T: Oh, Its not here. Its S: On the chair. T: Wheres the bird now? S: Its in the desk. T: Oh, look, now its . S: In the tree.T: Its your turn now. Can you tell the story like this? You can work in pairs.(老师让同桌学生之间根据图片复述课文,请1至2组学生到黑板前复述)【设计意图:先通过教师与学生间的问答配合,完成本课大概故事会话,给与学生良好示范,再让学生小组练习,最后上台尝试表演故事,在这个环节学生能在讨论和表演的过程中能抓住故事主干,完整会话,能够将本课时的教学内容在语境下,有效进行了巩固,复习。】Step 4 Sing a songSing the songT: (画两只小鸟在黑板的树上) Look, how many birds are there in the tree now? S: Three.T: This is a nice song about bird. Lets listen to it. (播放歌曲动画) T: Can you try to follow it?(学生跟唱)T: Good! Lets sing it with some actions. (老师带学生边做动作边唱)【设计意图:歌曲能够使得课堂生动,富有趣味,在本节课的最后,通过学唱与本课知识相关联的歌曲wheres the bird?让学生更能感受到学习英语所带来的快乐,在学唱中去感受音乐的美感。】Homework 家庭作业1. 听磁带,读故事5遍。2. 用Where is ?Its 的句型来说说物品的位置。3. 搜集一些on,in,behind,under这样的介词短语,说一说。【设计意图:作业是一堂课的辅助复习环节,对于英语学科,作业需要从口头和笔头两方面入手,本课时作业布置了听读与一体的复习故事,句型的日常使用操练,及课外衍


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