



旅游英语期末复习1、 词汇填空(101分)1. We need a table that can eight person.2. The beautiful scene there description.3. He is a middle-aged man of medium .4. She is a letter to her secretary right now.5. The game is already a in Japan.6. Hes been the State Supreme Court.7. It is certain that the game will take place,8. He was the hospital yesterday.9. To mt surprise,it that I was wrong.10. She is female .Unit1:dine;beggars;stature;dictating;bestseller;appointed to;by no means;release from;turned out;confidant1. Chinas long history,vast territory and extensive contact with other nations and cultures the distinctive Chinese culinary art.2. Aroma implies more what ones nose can detect directly;it also includes the freshness of the used and the mixture of seasonings.3. China covers a vast territory and has many ethnic group,hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and flavor.4. Thin soup clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong.5. Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea to the East and the Yellow River through the center.6. its spicy and pungent flavor,Sichuan cuisine,prolific of tastes,emphasizes on the use of chili.7. Wild vegetables and animals are usually chosen as ,while frying,frying without oil,pickling and braising are applied as basic cooking techniques.8. Cantonese food Guangdong ,the southernmost provice in China.9. Cantonese are known to have an palate,able to eat many different kinds of meats and vegetables.10.Since the seasons in climate considerably in vary Jiangsu,the cuisine also varies throughout the year. Unit7:have given birth to;raw materials;mouthwatering;features;meandering;Characterized by;ingredients;originates from;adventurous;vary1. The Gypsy in Central Europe are traveling from place to another.2. The government has devoted great efforts to the of computers in the schools in the rural areas.3. that a great hero from Scotland once killed the evil dragon in this region,4. In 10 days,the construction workers have completed the job of the new office building.5. In that community of New York City,Chinese immigrants 40% of the whole population there.6. After a long days walk,you can have a foot massage to tiredness.7. The conference we went to last week is made of a series of forums food safety.8. They have moved to a villa near the beach,for they believe in the tonic effect of the sea air.9. The rainwater the ditch before the house.10. She her mothers goood looks and her fathers bad temper.Unit9:nomads;popularization;Legend has it;laying foundation for;account for;fight off;concerning;tonic;drips into;inherits1. Where is the new factory to ?2. Nick the fuel gauge and spread the bits all over the carpet.3. He slipped and broke his leg. ,he will have to be away from school for two or three months.4. The army is working the police to hunt and find terrorist.5.The western part high plateau and mountainous country.5. Its easier to take a machine to pieces than to it again.7. We naturally the name of Darwin the doctrine of evolution.8. I that movie one of the worst Ive ever seen.9. Some films education recreation.10.They reciewed the work done so far and the programme for the immediate future.Unit11:located;had taken.apart;As a result;in conjunction with;is composed of;put.together;associate.with;regard.as;combine.with;agree on1. Suzhou classical gardens trees and shrubs ponds, buildings,and rocks to create an array of scenes mernt to evoke the atmosphere of nature.2. This winding is designed to creat depth and many layers which unfold as you move through the landscape.3.The gardens were laid out so that each section has several places which provide the most view.4.These contrasts each elements distinctive feature,and provoke viewers to notice their unique beauty.5.The lush green leaves of the bamboo the whorls of the gray rock ,the white wall making a neutral background.6.Sometimes larger rocks bushes or plants to evoke a mountain landscape.7.The garden itself rocks,green bamboo groves and hills.8.There are a number of buildings that the scenery including Yanyu Hall,Sleeping-Clouds Chamber and Seek-Plum-Blossoms Tower.9.It is one of Chinas four major gardens and a of the private classic garden.10.The central part hills and water and is quiet and peaceful.Unit12:combine.with;layout;striking;highlight;contrast with;are paired with;is composed of;are in perfect harmony with;masterpiece;is characterized by二、词汇翻译(191分) speech of welcome 欢迎辞 intercultural communication 跨文化交际 letter of inquiry 咨询函 Badaling Great Wall 八达岭长城 Temple of Heaven 天坛 Terra-cotta Warriors 秦始皇兵马俑 Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔 The Three Gorges 长江三峡a letter of thanks 感谢信 hotpot 火锅Beijing Roast Duck 北京烤鸭 be aware of 意识到team up with 与合作 World Travel Market世界旅游展销会 eco-tourism 生态旅游 letter of invitation 请柬Tea classics 茶经 UNESCO 联合国教科文组织 World Heritage Committee 世界遗产委员会 ICOMOS国际古迹遗址理事会 World Heritage List 世界遗产名录 letter of job application 求职信 The Blue-Waves Pavilion Garden 环秀山庄 Lion-Grove Garden 网师园 The Linger-Here Garden 留园 The Humble Administrators Garden 拙政园3、 阅读理解(82分)四、英译汉(103分)1.Marco,a gifted linguist and master of four languages,became a favorite with Khan and was appointed to high posts in his administration.马可,一个懂四种语言的天才,成为可汗的宠臣并被委以朝廷高官。2. It was only when prompted by Rustichello that Marco Polo dictated the story of his travels,known in his time as The Description of the World or The Travels of Marco Polo.正是在Rustichello的激励下,马可波罗才口述了他的旅行故事,在当时被称作“世界见闻”或“马可波罗游记”。3. Culture is a shared system of symbol,beliefs,attitudes,values,expectations,and norms of behavior.文化是人们共享的符号、信仰、态度、价值观、期望和行为准则。4. It is essential that people research the cultures and communication conventions of those whom they propose to meet.人们有必要研究那些他们打算去接触的人的文化和交际传统。5. Chinas long history,vast territory and extensive contact with other nations and cultures have given birth to the distinctive Chinese culinary art.中国悠久的历史、辽阔的土地以及与其他国家和文化广泛的交流孕育了独一无二的中国烹饪艺术。6. The three essential factors,or key elements,by which Chinese cooking is judged,are known as color,aroma and taste.评判中国烹饪优劣的三大要素是色、香、味。7. And much of Shandong cuisines history is as old as Confucious himself,making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China.鲁菜的历史和孔子本人一样悠久,使其成为中国现存最古老的菜系。8. A major event of this time was the completion of Tea Classics,the cornerstone of Chinese tea culture,by Lu Yu,Tea Sage of China.当时的一件大事就是被尊为“茶圣”的陆羽写成了茶经,此书被看作是中国茶文化的奠基之作。9. Green tea is the best drink for sultry summers as it is cool and fights off inflammation,or relieves fever.在闷热的夏季,绿茶因其有凉性,能消炎降暑,是最好不过的饮料了。10. The programme aims to catalogue,name,and conserve sites of outstanding cultural or natural importance to the common heritage of mankind.该方案旨在归类、命名及保护,对于人类来说,具有杰出的文化意义或在自然上具有重要性的人类共同遗产地址。11. Each World Heritage Site is the property of the country on whose territory the site is located,but it is considered in the interest of the international community to preserve each site for future generations of humanity.每一项世界遗产遗址是该遗址所处地域范围内国家的财产,但它同时也被认为代表国际社会的利益,为人类子孙后代保护好每一处遗址。12. There are currently 851 World Heritage Sites located in 142 State Parties.Of these,660 are cultural,166 are natural and 25 are mixed properties.目前有851项世界遗产遗址分别位于142个缔约国。其中,660项是文化遗产,166项是自然遗产,另外还有25项是自然文化双重遗产。13.One major difference between Suzhou gardens and those in the West is the major role that walls,windows,and doorways play in classical gardens.苏州园林与西方园林的一个主要区别是墙、窗和门在苏州古典园林中扮演着重要的角色。14.To add depth,garden designers often obstruct the entrance by placing a hill,building,or a grove of trees at the entrance to hide what is inside.为了增加进深,园林设计者常常将假山、建筑或小树林置于门口,以遮掩园内景致。5、 汉译英(55分)1. 我们旅行社提供各种旅游项目,如散客旅游、团队全包旅游,以及文化旅游、区域旅游、骑自行车旅游和露营旅游等特色旅游。Our service provides all kinds of tours,such as individual tour,group package tour,specialized tours including cultural tour,regional tour,biking tour and camping tour,etc.2. 我的工作就是要使你们旅行顺利,保障你们的利益,尽力回答你们的问题,并担当你们的导游和翻译。My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide and interpreter.3. 长城是中华民族勤劳和智慧的结晶,也是古老的中华文化的象征。The Great Wall is the crystallization of the industry and wisdom of the Chinese people and also a symbol of ancient Chinese culture.4. 我们中国有八大菜系,川菜、鲁菜和粤菜是最有名的。In China we have eight major cuisines,among them Sichuan food,Shandong food and Guangdong food are the most famous.5. 川菜麻辣浓香,粤菜香脆清淡,京菜味重香浓,沪菜油多味甜。Sichuan food is very spicy and hot,Guangdong food is crisp and light,Beijing food is heavy and spicy,Shanghai food is oily and sweet.6. 我要清汤、蘑菇牛肉排、法式炸土豆条、卷心菜,等一会再要甜食。Ill take the consomm,the beefsteak with mushrooms,French fr


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