



商务英语写作期末复习资料罗飞俊老师 QQ: 916522097一、 考试分析和应试方法推荐(一)、考试形式和题型考试形式为闭卷、笔试。考试时间为1.5小时。共分为三部分: 第一、 应用文(30 points)Write a letter according to the following situation.包括:Notice, appointment, introduction评分标准:格式、版面 5分内 容 20分(清楚、合理)拼写及其它 5分第二、 备忘录(30 points)Write a memo according to the following situation.评分标准:格式、版面 5分内 容 20分(清楚、合理)拼写及其它 5分第三、 两篇商务信函(20points/每篇,共40 points)包括:Offer & Counter-offer, Inquiry & Reply, Claims & Compensation评分标准:内容: 10分(明确、清楚、全面)称呼: 1分结束语: 1分句子结构及语法: 4分拼写及其它: 4分(二)、考试分析1、考试集中在第二、第三、第四和第六单元。2、内容上无非就七个内容构成:第二单元的appointment, introduction(课文第25-27页);第三单元的Offer & Counter-offer, Inquiry & Reply, Claims & Compensation(第41-62页);第四单元 Notice(第84-90页)和第六单元的Memo(101-108页)3、应试技巧:a.根据考试的七个内容,每个内容背两篇模板(我会在后面附上一些大家可以背的样本题),注意模仿每个样本题的表达、语调、格式。b.复习课文中有用的句型表达c.除了MEMO是必考之外,我预测重点将集中在Notice, Memo, offer 和claim上。因此大家,在复习完上面七部分内容上,可以重点复习我预测的四个内容。d.第二题的MEMO是最容易拿分的题目,大家要尽量在这道题上拿多点分,这样就更容易及格。e.格式参照课文,并且尽量用统一的格式。二、复习内容(一)、考试第一部分:应用文Notice:1、课文复习重点:课文105页句型表达;107页和108页MEMO样本2、背诵模板题两篇:A. Write a notice according to the following situation.(20 points)财务部于2003年1月4日发出通知,要求财务部所有职员请于一月七日星期二下午四点整在会议室开会讨论去年的财务报表,并请务必出席。参考答案:NOTICEJan.4, 2003All the staff of Accounts Department are requested to meet in the conference room on Tuesday, Jan 7 at 4.00 pm. to discuss the financial statement of last year.Accounts Dept.说明:格式、版面 5分内 容 10分(清楚、合理)拼法及其它 5分B人力资源部于2009年6月4日发出通知,要求人力资源部所有职员于六月十三日星期六下午四点整在会议室开会讨论商务英语培训项目,并请务必出席。参考答案:NOTICEJune.4, 2009All the staff of Human Resources Department are required to meet in the conference room on Saturday, June 13 at 4.00 pm. to discuss the business English training program.Human Resources Dept.Introduction1、 课文25页重点句型:l 1. we are pleased to introduce很荣幸介绍。l 2. we shall be most grateful if如。将不胜感激l 3. this is to introduce兹介绍。l 4. we shall appreciate。我们将十分感激。2、 背诵模板题一篇写一封信给苏珊,介绍你的一位好友高先生。高先生将于六月六日出差到纽约。你希望他到时能见到她,并请她给予他帮助和建议。参考答案:Dear Susan,I am giving this letter to Mr. Gao, a good friend of mine, who is going to New York on business on June 6th.I want very much to have him meet you and should appreciate for any help or advice you can give him. Yours sincerelyAppointment1、课文复习重点:26-27页重点句型:l Please let us know 请告知我方l Thank you for yor letter感谢您。的来信l Look forward to sth/doing sth 期待。l Willl you pleasel as requested根据要求2、背诵模板题一篇A写一封信给刘先生:若在我去西安之际有机会与您私下会晤,将十分荣幸。我将提供一份发展你我双方关系的计划。我于六月四日上午十时到达,希望上述时间对您方便。若上述时间不适合,敬请另行安排时间。参考答案:Dear Mr. Liu,I should appreciate if I would have the opportunity of meeting you personally on my visit to Xian. I will give you my plan of developing relations between us. I hope it will be convenient for you if I can be there on 4th June at 10:00 a.m. If it is unsuitable, please be kind enough to let me have an alternative time. Yours Sincerely(二)、第二部分 MEMOs1、课文复习重点:107-108页SAMPLE2、背诵模板题2篇:A. Write a memo according to the following situation.以人事部保尔史密斯的名义,于2003年7月21日就吸烟与自行车问题写一份备忘录致所有职员吸烟所有职员应记住,办公室是无烟区,吸烟请到咖啡休息室或平台上。自行车凡骑车上班的职员请将自行车存放在办公楼后面。参考答案:MEMOJuly 21, 2003To: All Members of StaffFrom: Paul SmithPersonnel Dept.Re: Smoking and BicyclesSMOKING All members of staff are reminded that the office is a No SMOKING AREA and that smoking is restricted to the coffee lounge and terrace.BicyclesMembers of staff who cycle to work leave their bicycles behind the office building.说明:格式、版面 5分内 容 10分(清楚、合理)拼法及其它 5分B以琳的名义,于2009年7月1日写一份关于计算机问题的备忘录致约翰.史密斯经理 我们办公室需要一部计算机,以便处理每日与客户间的联系,请尽快给予解决。顺致敬意。参考答案:MEMO July 1, 2009To: Manager John SmithFrom: LynnSubject: ComputerDear Sir, Our office is in want of a new computer to cope with the daily communication with our customers. Please pay immediate attention to this problem.(三)、第三部分商务信函Offer & Counter-offer:1、课文复习重点:41-46页;重点复习41-42、44-45页重点句型2、背诵模板题1篇:A感谢贵方六月二十二日的来信,并要求对一百件搅拌机进行报价。我方十分乐意进行如下报价:价格:每件62.50美元包装:免费付款:收到装运通知起三十日内发货时间:收到订单后7日希望能受到贵方订单,并确保贵方订单会得到立即办理。参考答案:Dear Sir/Madam,Thank you for your letter of 22 June, asking for a quotation for 100 mixes. We are pleased to make the following offer:Price: US $ 62.50 eachPacking: freePayment: within 30 days on the receipt of the advice of shipmentDelivery: 7 days after receipt of orderWe look forward to receiving your order and assure you that it will receive our prompt attention.Yours faithfully,Inquiry & Reply1、课文复习重点:48-52页,重点复习课文中句型。2、背诵模板题1篇:写一封商务信件,内容如下:十分感谢您对我公司产品的咨询。很高兴告诉您我们可以向您提供一部非常适合贵方的机器。随信附上的是有关部门该机器的详细材料。敬请早日赐福。参考答案:Dear Sir,We thank you for your inquiry about our product. We are pleased to say that we can supply you an excellent machine which is quite suitable for you. The enclosed booklet desribes the machine in detail. Yours truly,Claims & Compensation1、 课文复习重点:文中重点句型2、 背诵模板2篇:A. 我方从贵方订购的家具应于一星期收到。不用说,发货的延迟给我方带来了很大的不便。因此,贵方必须立即发货。否则我们将被迫取消订单,到另处定货。请紧急处理此事,并尽快告知结果。参考答案:Dear Sirs,The furniture we ordered from you should have reached us a week ago. Needless to say, the delay in delivery has put us to great inconvenience. It is therefore imperative that you dispatch them immediately. Otherwise we shall be obliged to cancel the order and obtain the goods elsewhere. Please look into the matter as one of urgency and let us have your reply as early as possible.Yours faithfully,B订单JT-8号我方于7月3日从贵处订购的玻璃器皿已于进早由货运公司送到。装有货物的160个纸箱完好无损。但当我们小心打开检查时,发现有10箱玻璃器皿严重破损。相信贵司能理解我方要求并对损坏货物进行赔偿。参考答案:Dear Sirs,Our Order NO. JT-8The glassware you supplied to our order of 3rd, July was delivered by the shipping company this morning. The 160 cartons containing the goods appeared to be in


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