英文小剧本 老虎拔牙.doc_第1页
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英文小剧本 老虎拔牙.doc_第4页




_The Tigers Teeth老虎拔牙 场景一:晴朗的天气,草地上。(One day, some little animals are playing in the forest. Suddenly the rabbit is shouting.)(有一天,一群小动物正在玩耍,一只小兔突然大声呼叫!)The rabbit: Help! Help!( 救命!救命!) The deer: Whats the matter? Whats the matter?(小鹿:怎么了?)The rabbit: The tiger is coming. He wants to eat me.(老虎来了,它要吃了我。)The monkey: Come on, come on. Lets hide.(猴子:快,快来,我们藏起来!)场景二:森林小路上,老虎大摇大摆走来。The tiger: Im a tiger. Im very strong. Look! My teeth are very sharp. I can break down a tree with my teeth. And I can bite off a large piece of meat atonce. Now Im hungry. I want to eat the rabbit. Woo, woo! Wheres the rabbit? Wheres the rabbit ?(我是强壮的老虎大王。看!我锋利的牙齿,可以咬断一棵大树。我可以立即撕咬下一大块肉。现在,我饿了,我想吃只兔子来充饥。啊呜,兔子在哪呢?)老虎发怒地走开去找兔子。)The deer: Oh, the tiger has gone away. (小鹿:哦,老虎走了!)The monkey: Oh, the tiger can break down a tree with his teeth.(猴子:天哪,老虎大王能用它的牙咬断一棵大树。)The rabbit: Yes, he can bite off a large piece of meat at once, and only leave the bones. Wu, wu, Im afraid.(小兔:是的,它能一口撕下一大块肉,只剩骨头。呜- 我好害怕呀!)场景三:一只狐狸高兴的出现。The fox: Im a fox. Im very clever. What are they doing? Let me have a look.Hi, what are you doing? (我是聪明的狐狸先生,哈,它们正在干什么?让我去瞧瞧吧!嗨!朋友们,你们怎么了,在干什么呢?)The deer: The tiger wants to eat the rabbit. (小鹿:老虎要吃小兔子。)The monkey: His teeth are very sharp. (猴子:它的牙齿锋利无比。)The fox: Is that right? The tigers too bad. Let me see. Oh, I have a good idea. I can pull out the tigers teeth.(狐狸:是那样吗?这老虎太坏了。让我想想,噢,我有了个好主意,我要拔光老虎的牙。)All together: What? Pull out the tigers teeth?(小动物吃惊地问:什么?拔光老虎的牙?)The fox: Yes!(是的)The monkey: Hn, I dont believe it. The tiger is so strong. And you are(嗯,我可不相信,老虎那么强壮,你那么瘦小!)The rabbit and the deer: Lets wait and watch.(小兔和鹿:我们还是等等看吧!)The monkey: OK.(好的。)The fox: Hn, watch me!(哈哈,看我的!) 场景四:狐狸手捧着礼物去拜访老虎。(The fox gives the tiger some candies. )(狐狸给老虎带了许多糖果。)The fox: Tiger King, Tiger King.(狐狸:老虎大王,老虎大王!)The tiger: Whos that?(是谁在乱叫呀?)The fox: Im a fox.(我是你的狐狸老弟呀。)The tiger: Come in.(进来吧。)The fox: Tiger King, here are some sweets for you. They are very delicious. Please have a taste.(大王,我给你带来些好吃的糖,您尝一尝吧。)The tiger: It smells good. Ill have a try. Hmm, thats very sweet. Thank you, Little Fox.(哦,还挺香的,我吃一颗吧。嗯,很好吃,很甜。谢谢你,狐狸老弟。) (Some days later, the tiger has a toothache. He cant eat things any more. )(几天后,老虎牙疼起来,越来越严重,到最后都不能吃东西了。)The fox: Tiger King, whats the matter with you?(老虎大王,您怎么了?)The tiger: Oh, I feel very terrible.(哎,我很不舒服。)The fox: Let me help you. I can pull out your teeth, and you will never feel pain. (让我来帮你吧,我能帮你把坏牙都拔出来,你就再也不会疼了。)The tiger: OK. (好的)(The fox pulled out the tigers teeth.)(狐狸拔光了老虎的牙。)The tiger: Oh, now I dont feel pain. I am much better. Thank you, Little Fox.(老虎笑道:我现在不疼了,我好多了,谢谢你,老弟。)The fox: Thats all right.(没关系,我的大王。)The tiger: Im tired. Ill have a rest.(我累了,我要去休息一会。)The fox: Rabbit, monkey, deer. I have pulled out the tigers teeth.(小动物们,我拔光了老虎的牙!)Small animals: Ye! Lets play.(啊,太好了,我们一起玩吧。)The tiger: Im hungry. I want to eat the rabbit. Wheres the rabbit? Wheres the rabbit? Oh, rabbit, I want to eat you.(老虎:我饿了,我要吃只兔子,兔子呢?兔子在哪里?)The fox: Dont be afraid. Dont be afraid. He has no teeth.(别害怕,别害怕,他没牙了。哈哈)The tiger: No teeth? Oh, I have no teeth. I cant


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