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M6 Unit4 Helping people around the world一重点单词1. refer 过去式:referred现在分词:referringv. refer to sb./ sth. (1)涉及,提到The professor the president referred to is a famous scientist with admirable courage from the USA.总统提到的教授是位美国有名的科学家,其勇气可嘉。(2)向求助refer to a dictionary/an expert 查阅字典/求助专家=consult the dictionary/an expert(3)refer to sb as 将称为Qintong is referred to as the home of Boating Festival.溱潼被称为会船节之乡。(4) referencen. 提及,涉及a reference book 参考书,工具书with/in reference to 关于I am making a speech with/in reference to the new plan put forward on 15 March.我做了一次关于在3月15日提出的新计划的演讲。2. ambassador the British ambassador to Greece英国驻希腊大使3. operate v.(1)操作,运作operate sth Do you know how to operate the heating system? 你知道怎么操作这加热系统吗? operation n.be in operation运转着,实施中come into operation生效When does the new law come into operation? 这项新法律何时开始生效?putinto operation使生效(2)动手术operate on sb. for sth.为某事给某人动手术The doctor is going to operate on a patient for stomachache.这个大夫将给一个病人做胃疼手术。 perform an operation动手术 operator n.接线员 4.honour (1) V. 使感到荣耀;给荣誉,尊敬honour sb.for因为给予荣誉尊敬某人She will be honoured for her work in promoting friendship between the two countries.她将因在促进两国之间的友谊方面所做的工作而受到表彰。 (2)honoured adj.受尊敬的Were deeply honoured that you should agree to join us in accumulating the information.你同意跟我们在一起积累信息,我们深感荣幸。feelbe honoured to do sth.做某事深感荣幸(3) honour n.荣誉,尊敬,敬意It is an honour to hear you speak highly of me.听见您赞扬我,深感荣幸。 giveshow honour to尊重(敬重)have the honour to do sth.of doing sth.荣幸地干May I have the of your company at dinner?in honour of sb.sth.纪念;出于对敬意Washington, a state of the USA, was named in honour of one of the greatest American presidents.(4) honourable adj.可敬的;值得钦佩的一位值得尊敬的顾问an honourable consultant5.purpose n.目的。意图(1)for/with the purpose of为了、带的目的=with the intention of doing sthDid you come to London to see your family, or for business purposes? 你来伦敦是来看望家人,还是公干? (2)achieveaccomplishfulfill a purpose达到目的 (3)answerserve ones purpose符合某人的需要 (4)on purpose(一by design)故意(地) (5)by accident(一by chance)偶然地 一Im sorry l stepped on your toe; it was an accident. 一It wasnt! You did it on purpose. 对不起,我踩了你的脚趾头,我不是故意的。 不,你是存心踩的。.6.cooperate v.合作 cooperate with sb.inon sth.在某方面某事上与某人合作The British cooperated with the French in designing the satellite.英法两国合作设计人造卫星。(2)cooperation n.合作;协作This film was produced in cooperation with Australian.这部影片是同澳大利亚电视台合作制作的。 (3)cooperative adj.合作的;协作的;同心协力的7.touch v碰触,接触That paint is wet - dont touch it. (2)n . U 触觉the sense of touch 触觉I found the appropriate key in the dark by touch.在黑暗中我摸索到了那把正确的钥匙。(3)n.接触,联系,碰触=contactget/be in touch with keep in touch withlose touch with be out of touch8. conflict 冲突 be in conflict with 与相冲突,有矛盾9. worthy adj. 令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的 a worthy man a worthy life be worthy of sth being done be worthy to be done be well worth doing It is worthwhile to do sth/doing sth 10. labor(1)n / 劳工;劳动;劳力 National Labor Day国际劳动节 child labor 童工 (2) vi (labored, laboring) labor in the field 在田间劳作11. voluntary (1)adj. 自愿的,志愿的voluntary work 志愿者工作(2)volunteer n. 自愿(者) (3)v. 主动做某事volunteer to participate in the 29th Olympics主动参加29届奥运会12. press(1)n 新闻界;记者,新闻工作者;报刊杂志a press conference 记者招待会(2)v压挤with palms pressed together手掌合在一起13.awareness n.意识 (1)raiseincrease awareness of提高对的意识The campaign aims to raise awareness of the dangers of passive smoking.这项运动的目的是要提高对被动吸烟的危害的认识。 (2)aware adj.知觉的,觉察的be aware of了解知道He claimed that the government was acutely aware of the problem.他声称政府很清楚这个问题。(3)be aware that-clauseI dont think she was well aware that he was married, was she?我认为她对他已婚一事十分清楚,是吗?14.urgent 紧急的;急迫的;迫切的(1)An SOS is an urgent message.紧急呼救信号They were urgent for the doctor to come.be urgent for sb to do sth急切地要某人做(2)urgency n. 紧急;急迫 This matter is very urgent. =This is a matter of great urgency(3)urge v 催促;力劝urge sb to do sthurge sb into doing sth催促,力劝某人做某事The comedian urged us into immediate action.那位喜剧演员催促我们立刻行动。The master thus urge all young foreigners to remember the famous saying.大师力劝年轻外国人们牢记那句名言。15.1ack 缺乏,不足,没有(1)vt. lack sthHes good at his job but he seems to lack confidence. 他善于工作,但似乎缺乏信心。(2)vi lack inIm afraid hes somewhat lacking in intelligence. 恐怕他智力有点欠缺。(3) n. lack offor lack of sth.因缺少The psychologist show great sympathy for the disabled animals that soon died for lack of water. 那位心理学家对那些因缺水而死亡的残疾动物深表同情。16. setset out出发;开始;打算;陈述 (1)set out for动身前往(2)set out to do sth.着手做某事Theyll set out in search of the lost child. 他们出发去寻找那个丢失了的孩子。We set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.我们为油漆整座房子开始干起来,但只完成了前面部分。 (3)set about doing sth.着手做某事 (4)set off(for)出发动身启程(去);燃放,引起 (5)set down放下,写下,记下 (6)set aside拨出,留出,搁置,不理会 (7)set sail for起航去(8)be set in以为背景 (9)set up成立,建立 (10) set sb. a good example 给某人树立一个榜样(11) set sth. on fire/set fire to sth. 纵火烧 (12) set foot in/on 踏上17.remote be remote from sp/sth 远离;偏离in the remote village 偏远小山村remote control panel 遥控器18.accessible adj.可接近的,可得到的(1)be accessible to易得到的,易找到的;易到达的The island is accessible only by boat. 这岛只有乘小艇才能去。(2)access取得或接近的权利、机会、方法;通路。Students need easy access to books. 要使学生很方便就能借到图书。The only means of access to the building is along a narrow, muddy track.进入这座建筑物的唯一通道是一条泥泞的小路。 (3)havegain access to获得的机会权利 19. remind y.提醒,使想起 (1)remind sb. ofabout sth.使某人想起某事Ive forgotten his namewill you remind me of it?我忘了他的名字,你提醒我一下好吗? (2)remind sb.thatclause使某人想起(某事),提醒某人(某事)She reminded me that I hadnt written to Mother. 她提醒我还没给母亲写信。 (3)remind sb.to do sth.使某人想起干某事;提醒某人干某事Remind me to write to Mother. 请提醒我给母亲写信。 (4)reminder提醒记忆之物;提示信件 词语辨析:remind,recall与remember (1)remind sb.of sth.提醒,使想起 (2)recall sb.to sth.使人回忆起 (3)remember记得20. collection 捐款;收藏收集这些珍贵的邮票花费了专家十年时间。The collection of these precious stamps cost the specialist ten years.a collection of的收集The museum has a fine collection of modern official-looking pictures.这家博物馆有许多现代貌似官方的图片。21. face(1)face the difficulty/dilemma面对困难The skilled assistant turned to face the newcomer and introduced herself.熟练的助手转身面对新来的人作了自我介绍。(2)be faced with sth.面临;面对The country is now faced with the prospect of the war. 这个国家目前正面临战争。(3)face(to the)east朝向东边The building faces northtowards the north. 这建筑物朝北。22. expense n花费代价(1)spare no expense in doing sth=spare no efforts 不惜一切代价做某事The nongovernmental organization spared no expense in helping us preserve atmosphere. 该非政府组织全力帮助我们保护大气。(2)at the expense of sth 牺牲以.为代价=at the cost of sthThe manager accomplished the goal at the expenses of his health. 经理以牺牲他的健康为代价完成了目标。23.break break down出故障,抛锚;垮了身体;分解;失败;不成功(1)Unfortunately, the car broke down.不幸的是,汽车抛锚了。(2)Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.人体内的化学物质把食物分解成有用的成分。 (3)The peace talks broke down without any agreement being reached. 和谈失败了,没有达成任何协议。 (4)The old cars were broken down for their metal and parts. 这些旧汽车被拆掉为的是利用其金属和零件。 (1)break away(from)与脱离;与断绝关系;打破(陈规陋习)(2)break up分解,解放;分裂;击碎;使停止;结束Their marriage broke up after they had been married for ten years.他们的婚姻在结婚10年后破裂了。The police used tear gas to break up the crowd. 警察用催泪瓦斯驱散群众。 (3)break out(vi.)(战争、火灾、瘟疫等)爆发 (4)break into突然发出;闯入 (5)break in打断,闯入;使驯服;引进,吸收 (6)break off中断,折断 (7)break the rule违反规定 (8)break through突围,冲垮24. fetch v.取来;去拿来 (1)Run and fetch the doctor! 跑去把医生请来!Could you fetch me a clean shirt from my bedroom?你能替我从寝室里拿一件干净的衬衫来吗? 词语辨析:fetch,bring,take,carry与get (1)fetch意为”去拿来”,指到别处去取东西或找人然后带回来。(一去一来两个过程) Please fetch me a clean coat from my bedroom. 请到我的卧室给我拿一件干净的外套。 (2)bring意为”带来”,方向是朝着说话人所在之处的。 (只有来一个过程) Bring your exercise-books here tomorrow. 明天把你的练习本带到这儿来。 (3)take意为”带走”,即将东西从说话者处拿走。(只有去一个过程) Take this empty box away.把这个空盒子拿走吧。 (4)carry意为”随身携带”,方向不定。He always carries an umbrella with him in case of rain. 他总是随身带把伞以防下雨。 (5)get主要用于口语中,与fetch基本相同。 We must get him home.我们必须把他带回家。25. occupation n.职业;占有;消遣;业余活动 (1)occupy 占有,充满be occupied with sth/in doing 忙于干某事他忙于筹备婚礼招待会。 He is occupied in preparing for the wedding reception. (2)occupy ones mind萦绕在某人脑海中26.means C方法n. 手段,方法(可数名词单复数同形)那位经济学家和那位环境学者无法交流尽管他们都作出了巨大努力。The economist and the environmentalist had no means of communication, regardless of valuable efforts they had mad. (1)means作”方法”讲时单复数同形。单复数同形的词还有:species种类;series系列等means常用短语:by this means=in this way=with this method通过这种方法by all means当然可以“May I borrow this book?”“By all means.”by no means (ALSO not by any means)not at all: 决不The guilty technician admitted in public that it was by no means certain that well finish the project by June. 内疚的技术员公开承认到到六月份完成该项目是绝对不可能的。27. commitment n. 承诺,保证(1)V. commit (过去式:committed)犯(错误), 干(坏事), 把.交托给, 提交, 答应负责commit sb/sth to 交托;交付commit an escaped criminal to prison将一逃犯送进监狱commit oneself to do sth 承诺答应负责 He has committed himself to support his brothers children.他答应供养兄弟的孩子。commit suicide 自杀28. flee v.逃跑;逃避 (fled,fled)flee from . tointo 从逃跑到(1)The audience fled in panic when the bull got loose. 那只公牛挣开了束缚,吓得观众急忙四散逃走。Thousands of refugees had fled across the border to America.成千上万的难民越过边境逃到美国。29. diedie from死于(1)die out(物种)灭绝;(风俗习惯)消失The practice of children working in factories has nearly died out.工厂中使用童工的做法已几乎绝迹。(2)die off(家族等)相继死去直至死光As she got older and older, her relatives all died off.随着她越来越老,她的亲属都相继去世了。 (3)die downaway变弱;平息;消失;熄灭 (4)die backdown(草木)枯萎;凋谢 (5)diedeath以方式死亡 (6)die young年轻时死去 指点迷津:(1)die from diseasea woundoverworkan unknown cause死于疾病外伤过度劳累不明原因(多指外部未知原因)(2)die of死于内因(情感、饥饿、疾病、寒冷、年老等),后常加这样的词:die of(cold/sorrow/disappointed love/fever/heat)30. vacant (1)adj 空着的无人的(岗位,职位)空缺的;空位的Fill a vacant position填补空职。There are adequate vacant lots to develop our agriculture.有足够的空地来发展农业。(2)vacancy n. 空位; 空缺We have vacancies for typists.我们的打字员职位空缺。Im sorry. We have no vacancies.对不起,客满了。31. temporaryadj 临时的,暂时的temporarily =for the time being32. minor adj 不严重的;次要的a broken leg and minor injuries 轻伤 minority 反义词:majority33. healTime heals all sorrows. 时间能治愈一切悲伤。Time is a great healer. 时间是治愈创伤的良药。 词语辨析:heal sb of disease =cure sb of disease34. meanwhile =at the same time=in the meantime 同时35shelter (1)n Take shelter from the rain 躲雨Get under shelter 获得掩护(2)Vtvi 庇护保护掩护 .from Trees that shelter house from cold winds.树木保护房子免受寒风的袭击。Shelter escaped prisoner庇护逃犯36. staff 全体员工office staff 办公人员the nursing/teaching staff 护理人员/教员37.conscience良心;良知After she committed the crime, her conscience was troubled.她犯罪后,良心感到不安。二重点短语1.take on 呈现,雇佣,承担2.apart from 除了,除了还有,远离3.set out 出发;开始;打算;陈述4.on behalf of sb.=on ones behalf 以某人的名义; 为了某人; 代表某人5. if only 但愿,要是就好了,只要6. break down 出故障,抛锚;垮了身体;分解;失败;不成功7. in chaos =in a mess处于混乱之中8. die from 死于9. from place to place=from one place to another 从一地到另一地10make a difference 产生变化,发生改变;起作用,有影响11think back to 回想,追忆12. a sum of money 一笔钱13.make a commitment 作出承诺14.go wrong 出错15.be involved in. 涉及,卷入16.be aware of sth 意识到17.under the umbrella of 在的保护/管理下18.be available to sb. 可得到19.look sth. up in a dictionary 在字典里查20.force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事21.be based on 以为基础22.refer to sb. / sth. 谈及某人、某事23.be/feel honoured to do sth. 荣幸做某事24.take on this role 承担这个角色25.break down 出故障;抛锚26.for lack of water 由于缺水27.remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事28.suffer from malnutrition 遭受营养不良29.basic equipment 基本设备30.worthy organizations 令人尊敬的组织31.in addition 此外32.assist sb. with in doing sth. 协助某人做某事33.add sth. to sth. 把加到上三重要句型1I feel very honoured to have been able to take on this role. 能够担当这个角色,我感到很荣幸。2. I am pleased to have the chance to talk to you about the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often referred to. 我很高兴今天有机会同大家谈谈联合国的情况。3. Well, time flies!It is as if we had only talked for a minute! 唉,时间过得真快!我们好象才聊了一小会儿呢。4. Arrived here to find everything was in chaos. 来到这儿,发现一切都乱糟糟的。5. It reminded me of my time in Sudan. 这使我想起在苏丹的日子。6. I know I cant change the world completely, but Im proud that I can help here and there, and make a difference to peoples lives on an individual level. 我知道我不能彻底改变世界,但我很自豪,因为我能到处给人多多少少提供帮助,在个人的层面上改变人们的生活。 M7 Unit 1 Living with technology一重点单词1Broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) n.&v. The station begins broadcasting at 6 a.m. 电台早晨 6:00开始播音The Prime Minister will broadcast this evening.首相今晚将发表广播讲话。watched the morning news broadcast.看早晨的新闻节目He will appear on tomorrows broadcast.他明天将在广播中出现。live television broadcast实况电视广播, 现场电视广播satellite broadcast卫星广播2. contribute v.1) Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. 有助于,促进2) Careless driving was said to have contributed to the accident. 造成,是的原因3) He contributed a large sum of money to the charity. 捐赠,捐助4) He contributed three great inventions to the world. 贡献出5) He has contributed five articles to the magazine. 投稿3wind vt. (wound, wound) 蜿蜒前进, 缠绕, 上发条, 旋紧护士把绷带缠在我的手指上以便止血.The nurse wound a bandage around my finger so that bleeding could be stopped.记住每天晚上在上床之前给钟上发条.Remember to wind the clock (up) every night before you go to bed.小男孩用手环着妈妈的腰,不让她走。The little boy wound his arms around his mothers waist and prevented her from leaving.The path winds (its way) through the woods/ across the desert.这条路蜿蜒穿过树林。转动;摇转 to wind the handle 转动把手4.apply申请,应用 1) The new technology was soon applied in practice. 新的技术很快在实践中得以应用. 2) apply to the consul(领事) for a visa 向领事申请签证 3) Every student in our class applies themselves to studying before the exam.专心于;使(自己或自己的努力)致力于某物 4) a rule that applies to everyone. 适用于每个人的规则 5) apply to do sth提出申请,请求apply the technology (in order) to create the transistor radio5. demand (n. vt.)1) 需要This work demands your patience.这项工作需要你的耐心。This work demands finishing / to be finished at once. deed/want/require/demand这工作需要立即完成.2).要求We demand better working conditions.我们要求更好的工作条件.She demanded to speak to the manager.她要求和经理谈谈.I demand that John (should) go there at once.我要约翰马上去那儿。6.spring(sprang, sprung) vi. spring up 突然出现,涌现,迅猛发展Many new businesses have sprung up with the development of the Internet.随着英特网的发展,许多新的行业涌现出来.Shops selling souvenirs to the travelers soon sprang up along the riverside.沿河出现了卖纪念品给游客的商店.The problem sprang up very suddenly.问题突然出现了.7. assume vt. 1). 假定,设想 Lets assume/suppose this to be true.2). 装出,装作 The look of innocence she assumed had all fooled.3). 开始从事,承担,呈现 Hell assume/take on a leading position next month.4) 以为,想当然 I assumed that prices would rise. 我认为价格要上涨.8. uncertainI am uncertain what job I am going to take in the future.我不要确定将来要选择什么样的工作.I was uncertain about how to answer your question.我不确定该如何回答你的问题.Dont take his words seriously. He is a person of uncertain temper.别拿他的话当真,他是个脾气难以捉摸的人.9. superior adj.较高的, 上级的be superior to胜过, 比.好; 不为.所动屈服be superior in numbers数量上占优势be superior to temptation不受引诱be superior to hardships不屈服于艰难困苦This machine is superior in many respects to that.这台机器在很多方面比那台好。This western restaurant is superior to the one we went to last week.这家西餐馆比我们上星期去的那一家好。Be senior to较 . 年长/高级10. access接近,进入,出去或使用的权力 通往那座古城堡的唯一通道就是那座桥了.The only access to the old castle is that bridge.have access to 得接近; 得会见; 得进入; 得使用1) Students have good access to good resources.学生可以很好地使用好的资源.2) He only has assess to his children at weekends.他只有在周末才有权利去看望他的孩子们.


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