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北京市朝阳区九年级综合练习(一)英 语 试 卷 2018. 5学校 班级 姓名 考号知识运用(共 14 分)一、单项填空 (共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分)从下列各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Look! That old man is crossing the roa D. Lets go and help _. A. me B. him C. her D. them2. In order to keep cool, many people go swimming _ summer A. in B. at C. on D. to3. Hurry up, _ youll be late for school A. and B. but C. so D. or4. I think skiing is _ than running. A. exciting B. more exciting C. most exciting D. the most exciting5. Jack _ a good rest as soon as he finishes the exam. A. has B. had C. is having D. will have6. Every year many foreigners _ to China to learn Chinese. A. come B. came C. have come D. will come7. Wheres Bob? He _ in the library now. A. reads B. read C. is reading D. will read8 I _ a picnic with my brother last Sunday. It was great. A. have B. had C. will have D. am having9. I _ my grandparents since 2016. I miss them very much. A. wont see B. dont see C. havent seen D. didnt see10. My mother _ to music when I got home at five oclock yesterday. A. listens B. listened C. was listening D. has listened11. Some new computers _ to that village school last month. A. give B. are given C. gave D. were given12. Excuse me, could you tell me _?Sorry, sir. I wasnt there at that time yesterday. A. how the accident happens B. how the accident happened C. how does the accident happen D. how did the accident happen二、 完形填空 (共 8 分,每小题 1 分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Saving Jesses ArmAt about 8 p.m. on July 6th, eight-year-old Jesse was playing in the sea in a National Park near Pensacola. It was the end of a perfect day at the beach with his uncle and aunt.Suddenly, a two-meter-long shark(鲨鱼) appeared 13 , and it bit off Jesses right arm from the shoulder. By the time his uncle and aunt pulled Jesse out of the water, he was unconscious (失去知觉的) and had already lost a lot of 14 .While Jesses aunt was giving the boy the kiss of life, his uncle ran back into the sea and 15 the shark. Amazingly, he managed to catch the shark and pull it out of the water onto the beach, although this might sound impossible. At that moment two park workers arrived to help the family and one of them shot the shark four times in the head. Then he held open the sharks 16 while the other worker reached down its stomach and pulled out Jesses arm.A few minutes later, a helicopter (直升机) took the boy and his arm to the nearest hospital,where Dr. Ian Rogers and his team managed to 17 the arm to Jesses body again. The operation lasted eleven hours. When the doctors saw Jesses fingers go pink, they knew the operation had been a 18 .After such a terrible accident nobody believes that good things will happen, but the medical team are hopeful that Jesse will be able to 19 his arm again in the future.“Although Jesses story is terrifying, it would be not correct to think that sharks are always so dangerous. Sharks are usually harmless to human.” Dr. Ian Rogers said. “However, we should be 20 for safety and should only swim on beaches where there are lifeguards.”13. A. quickly B. slowly C. loudly D. happily14. A. water B. weight C. blood D. sight15. A. helped B. killed C. bit D. found16. A. mouth B. eye C. ear D. head17. A. stop B. connect C. place D. break18. A. fail B. harm C. success D. progress19. A. give B. use C. make D. put20. A. respectable B. comfortable C. terrible D. responsible阅读理解(共 36 分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共 26 分,每小题 2 分)ASpecial FestivalsSt. Anthonys DayJanuary 17th is St. Anthonys Day in Mexico (墨西哥). Its a day when people ask for protection for their animals by bringing them to church. But before the animals go into thechurch, the people usually dress them up in flowers and ribbons.The Festival of RakhiLong ago in India, a young lady who needed help sent her silk bracelet(手镯) to a king. Although he did not arrive in time to help her, he kept the bracelet as a sign between them. Today in India, during the festival of Rakhi, sisters of all ages tie bracelets around wrists of their brothers to show their care and love.Spring FestivalOne of the biggest celebrations in China is Spring Festival. Its the first day of the lunar year. Families get together and watch special programs on TV with the family on the Lunar NewYears Eve. People can see a lot of traditional programs too, such as lion dancing or dragon dancing. They wish people a happy new year and a bright future.SetsubunOn the evening of February 3rd, people in Japan celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring. This is known as Setsubun. Family members throw dried beans around their homes, shouting, “Good luck in!”21. People celebrate the festival of Rakhi in _. A. Mexico. B. Chin A. C. Indi A. D. Japan.22. Which festival is on the evening of February 3rd? A. Setsubun. B. The Festival of Rakhi. C. Spring Festival. D. St. Anthonys Day.23. What do people do on the Lunar New Years Eve? A. Bring their animals to church. B. Watch special programs on TV. C. Give a bracelet to their family. D. Throw beans around their homes.BThere was a time when no one knew the name Harry Potter. Now the adventures of this extraordinary student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are read in over 45 languages, including Russian, Thai, and even ancient Greek. No one can explain the Harry Potter phenomenon (现象) not even J.K. Rowling, his creator.J.K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. From a young age, she knew she wanted to be a writer. When she was 6, she wrote her first storyabout a rabbit that gets sick. At school, she used to make up stories to tell her friends.After graduation from college, she worked as a secretary. But she didnt give up her dream.She spent her lunch hour writing stories, mainly for adults. Then in 1990, on a train trip to London,she got the idea from the boy wizard. She says he just appeared in her head. She soon created many other characters to help Harry fight the forces of darkness.She kept working on the story while she was teaching English in Portugal, where she married, had her first child, and divorced (与离婚) a year later. When she returned to England, she brought back a box of Harry Potter stories.After returning home, she was broke and living in a small house. She continued writing, and in 1995, finished the first book in the series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. It was published (出版) in 1997 and became an unexpected bestseller.Rowlings life has changed a lot. She has become internationally famous and now earns around $40 million a year. She remarried, had a second child and lives in Scotland now.24. When did J.K. Rowling write her first story about a rabbit? A. In 1965. B. In 1971. C. In 1990. D. In 1995.25. What happed to J.K. Rowing in 1997? A. She had a train trip to London. B. She taught English in Portugal. C. She became an unexpected bestseller. D. She remarried and had a second child.26. J.K. Rowling become successful because she _. A. lives in Scotland now B. never gives up her dream C. earns around $40 million D. keeps working on the trainCIn the days before electricity, people dont worry much about sleep. They usually went to bed a couple of hours after sunset (日落) and woke at sunrise. After all, there wasnt much to do in those days after the sun went down. But then came the electric light bulb (电灯泡). And now we have satellite television, the Internet,24-hour convenience stores, and longer hours at work. How much can we sleep? How much should we sleep?Like it or not, many of us are sleeping less on average (平均). In 1910, most Americans slept 9hours a night. That dropped to 7.5 hours by 1975. In 2002, a study by the National SleepFoundation found that the average American got only 6.9 hours. The news is even worse forpeople who work the night shift. They sleep an average of just 5 hours.Are we sleeping enough? Not if you believe in the old rule of eight hours of rest, eight hoursof work, and eight hours of play. On the other hand, Norman Stanley, a British scientist whostudies sleep, believes peoples sleep needs are different. Some people need as many as 11 hours,but others need as few as three. How much do you really need? “To find out,” he says, “simplysleep until you wake naturally, without the help of an alarm clock. Thats your sleep need.”Meanwhile, other scientists and researchers are searching for new ways to keep us awakelonger. Some are developing chemicals (化学药品) that are safer and more powerful than caffeine,the chemical found in coffee and tea. One experimental drug, CX717, kept laboratory monkeysworking happily for 36 hours. Further developments may allow people to safely stay awake forseveral days straight. One group of researchers is studying a gene (基因) found in some fruit fliesthat lets them get by on one-third the usual amount of sleep. Another group is even working on anelectric switch that immediately wakes up a sleeping brain.The meanings of this research are huge. On the one hand, this could lead to a world where wework longer and longer hours with less and less sleep. On the other hand, if we needed less sleep,we would have more free time to travel, read, volunteer, and spend time with family.27. How many hours did most Americans sleep a night in 1975? A. 5. B. 6.9. C. 7.5. D. 9.28. What can we learn from the passage? A. People have got enough sleep. B. People will work longer hours. C. Sleep time will be a big problem. D. Staying awake for long is possible.29. What is probably the best title of the passage? A. To sleep or Not to sleep? B. How can We Sleep Longer? C. To Work or Not to Work? D. How Much We can Sleep?DAll in the memoryMany people complain that their memory is bad, especially as they get older. Phone numbers, names, facts we studied only a few days ago life would be so much easier if we could remember them all effortlessly. So how can we improve our memory?Many people think that repeating things is the best way to remember them. While this undoubtedly helps short-term memory (remembering a telephone number for a few seconds, for example), psychologists (心理学家) doubt whether it ca help you to remember things for very long. The British psychologist Ec Stanford seemed to prove this point when he tested himself on five prayers (祈祷文) that he had read aloud every morning for over 25 years. He found that he could remember no more than three words of some of them! More helpful, especially for remembering numbers, is grouping the information. The following numbers would be impossible for most of us to remember: 1492178919931848. But look at them in chunks, and it becomes much easier: 1492 1789 1993 1848.So what about “memory training”? Weve all heard about people who can memorize packs of cards by hearthow is this done and can anyone learn how to do it? According to experts, there are many ways of training your memory. Many of them involve forming a mental picture of the things to be memorized. One method, which may be useful in learning foreign languages, is to create a picture in your mind connected to a word you want to remember.Another method is to invent a story that includes all the things you want to remember. In experiments, people were asked to remember up to 120 words using this skill; when tested afterwards, on average, they were able to recall 90% of them!However, not all of us are interested in learning long lists of names and numbers just for fun.For those studying large number of information, psychologists suggest that the best way to form meaningful connections is to ask yourself lots of questions as you go along. So, for example, if you were reading about a particular disease (疾病), you would ask yourself questions like: “Do people get it from water?”, “What parts of the body does it influence?” and so on. This is said to be far more effective than time spent “passively” reading and re-reading notes.30. Which of the following is true about repeating things according to the passage? A. It helps short-term memory for sure. B. It makes remembering things interesting. C. It helps to remember things for long. D. It makes remembering prayers effortlessly.31. The word “chunks” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”. A. details B. turns C. groups D. lines32. What can we infer from the passage? A. Creating a picture is useful in learning math. B. Inventing a prayer trains our memory quickly. C. Remembering long numbers is easy for people. D. Asking yourself questions activates the memory.33. Whats the writers main purpose in writing this passage? A. To complain that his memory is bad. B. To recognize some memory problems. C. To explain some memory experiments. D. To share some ways of improving memory.四、 阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。 (共 10 分,每小题 2 分)A History of English.in Five WordsIn 1582, Richard Mulcaster, headmaster of a British school, wrote that the English would notgo beyond their island. However, it didnt stay that way. Today, English is spoken all over theworld.English is a colorful and diverse (多样的) language that long has picked up words frommany other languages. Here are five words that show the English languages interesting history.EnglishEnglish began in the language spoken by the early Germanic people in the fifth century AD.It is from them that the word “English” comes. First it is the Latin word Angli which means thepeople of Angul, where the Germanic people were from.BeefAlthough roast beef is seen as a traditional English dish, the word “beef” was introduced fromthe French boeuf during the Middle Ages. It was one of a group of words, including pork andmutton, that were taken from the speech of the French who moved in Britain following theNorman Conquest (诺曼底登陆) of 1066. However, the farmers who kept these living thingscontinued to call them by their old English names: cow, pig and sheep. This difference passes ontill today.DictionaryDictionary is a borrowing from Latin dictornarius liber, “book of words”; It first appeared inEnglish in the 6th century, along with a huge number of other words from Latin and Greek. Thefirst English dictionary was written by Robert Cawdrey in 1604. Cawdrey focused only on thedifficult words whose meanings would have caused problems for those not educated in Latin andGreek.TeaTea was brought into Britain early in the 17th century, becoming very popular by the 1650s.By the 18th century it had become a symbol(标志) of fashionable society and a best-selling ofthe coffee house culture.The word tea rises from the Chinese word cha. A love of tea is so ingrained (根深蒂固的) in British life that the expression “cup of tea” has come to stand for anything viewed positively.The saying “Its not my cup of tea.” means: I dont like it.EmojiEmoji began developing in Japan in the 1990s for use by teenagers: the word “emoji” comesfrom the Japanese e “picture” + moji “letter”. Its successful acceptance in English has been helpedby its similarity to words with the e-prefix (前缀) like e-mail. The Unicode Consortiums (统一码联盟的) official lists emojis and their meanings, but users keep finding creative new ways toemploy them. Emojis are just another example of the development and diversity of English.34. What language is the word “beef ” from?35. Who wrote the first English dictionary?36. What does “its not my cup of tea” mean?37. Why is the word “emoji ” successfully accepted in English?38. What makes English a colorful and diverse language?书面表达( 共 10 分)五、文段表达 (10 分)39. 从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。题目假如你是中学生李华,你的美国笔友 Jim 一周前给你发了电子邮件,询问你暑假里的旅游计划及其他安排, 但由于某种原因你没有及时回复。请根据以下要点给他回封邮件: 没有及时回复的原因, 你打算去哪儿旅游,以及你暑假的其他安排。提示词语: exams, go on a trip, volunteer, visit some museums提示问题: Why didnt you reply to Jims email in time? Where do you plan to travel? What are your other plans for the summer holiday?To: JimFrom: Li HuaSubject: A planDear Jim,Im terribly sorry I couldnt reply to your email in time because _Yours sincerely,Li Hua题目为了帮助同学们树立集体观念和提高班级责任感,你校英文报刊正在以“ Building aHarmonious Class” (创建和谐班级)为题征文,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈班级成员应该如何创建一个和谐的班集体,作为一名成员,你通常是怎么做的,以及还需要再做些什么。提示词语: important, respect, trust, help提示问题: Why should we build a harmonious class? As a member of a class, what do you usually do? What else do you need to do?We should build a harmonious class because _北京市朝阳区九年级综合练习(一)英语试卷答案及评分参考 2018.5知识运用( 共 14 分)一、单项填空( 共 6 分, 每小题 0.5 分)1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. D 12. B二、完形填空( 共 8 分, 每小题 1 分)13. A 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. D阅读理解( 共 36 分)三、 阅读短文, 选择最佳


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