



绯闻女孩第二季第12集美妙的谎言学习笔记1. Vanessa: Whats the emergency?Jenny: Do you consider Muddy Watters blues or classic rock? Im reorganizing my Dads record collection by genre.genre: 类型,流派,曲风。要特别注意这个单词的读音,它是法语单词,所以不能根据英文的发音规则来念(音标无法显示,所以请大家自己看一下字典)。更多美剧中优雅的法语词汇2.Okay, would you stop putting so much pressure on yourself? Youre back home and youre still a great designer. The future will work itself out.The future will work itself out: 船到桥头自然直3.Lily: Hey, thanks for offering to help out. Its really been fun.Rufus: Well, when you just happened to mention my background in sound systems and lack of volunteer hours at the last P.T.A. meeting.I sort of got your signal.P.T.A.: Parent-Teacher Association, P.T.A. meeting就是家长会。I sort of got your signal: 我会意了,我听出了话外音,就是上海话说的“结翎子”4.Nate: Look, I know you guys are close, and Im the last person who wants to come between friends. But believe me. Jenny doesnt care. I mean, she pretty much blew me e between friends: 夹在朋友中间blow off: to ignore, to break up,有点“甩了我”的意思。5.Jenny: Um, nothing even happened between us, so.Penelope: I wouldnt beat yourself up about it. I mean, you had to know it was doomed from the start. Hes upper east side, and youre, well.here.beat up: incorrect, to be wronged in some way. I wouldnt beat yourself up about it.意思就是“我不会认为你说的是错的,我觉得你是对的,你说的是实话”。doom: 一切都是注定的,缘分天注定6.art:I just want you to know that I fired Andrew Tyler that private investigator who gathered all those files. No more snooping. No more trying to control you and the kids.snoop: 做动词表示调查,名词表示私家侦探,也就是Private Investigator(PI).7.Aaron: I know Lexi can be a bit much.erena: Blair Waldorf is my best friend. I can handle much, but that felt personal.much: 她可能有点过分,她说话有点恶毒personal: 这里的意思是说“她完全就是针对我,她对我有意见”,personal就是私人恩怨,冲着某人来的,针对某人。8.Serena: Well, how long is the enforcer gonna be with this?Aaron: Shes staying with her folks through the holiday.Serena: So is that Christmas Eve? Or are we talking New Years Eve or-or maybe Boxing Day?folks: parentsBoxing Day: a public holiday in the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, as well as many other members of the Commonwealth of Nations and Greece. It is based on the tradition of giving gifts to the less fortunate members of society. It is usually celebrated on 26 December, the day after Christmas Day, however, its associated public holiday can be moved to the next weekday if 26 December is a Saturday or Sunday. 9.Aaron: Come on. It would mean a lot to me if you gave her a chance, please?Serena: Okay. Fine. But as long as were swapping favors here, itd really make me feel much better about you spending all his time with her if you.I dont know, escorted me to my senior winter danceAaron: Fine. You got yourself a deal.swap favors: 交换条件,互相帮助。注意你要回报别人的恩惠或者帮助的时候,就说return the favor.escort: 陪伴女性参加舞会,但是有时候escort做名词的时候还有另外一个用法,就是表示prostitute(卖淫)的含义。You got yourself a deal: 好吧,成交了。注意它跟Its a deal(成交)的差别在于,用you做主语,更能体现说话者那种无可奈何,处于下风的口气,有点“你赢了”的感觉。10.Blair: So theyre going to the dance?Serena: Yeah, and then I found out she tends to extend herself to guys on a first date. Were friends. So shouldnt I, like, give him a heads-up or something?Blair: Oh, absolutely. Guys hate to be caught off guard with sex on the first dateextend herself to guys: 投怀送抱give him a heads-up: 给他提个醒off guard: 不警惕,不设防,这里Blair说的是反话,真正的意思是“哪个男人不喜欢第一次约会就上床的”11.Girl: Are you Chuck bass?Chuck: Are you Blairs girl? Not you know, the roof has a spectacular view of the city.Blair: Excuse me. Hes takenNot you know: 引起别人注意的一个短语,相当于中文的“你知道吗,听我说”He taken: 他有主了。有时候问别人这个位子可以坐吗,地道的英文就是Is the seat taken? 而不是问can I seat here.12.Lexi: Like tonights the night.Dan: What, uh, what are you-what are you talking about?Lexi: Well, Aaron likes to play things a little close to the vest, took a little arm-twisting, but I finally found out that Serena gave him the green light for tonight.tonight is the night: 这是很常用的短语,表示恋人间的第一次sex,所以这个晚上是THE night. 大家在很多电影里都能听到这样的对白,某男晚上要去约会,他的哥们就会对他说,hey man, tonight is the night, huh?play things close to the vest: keep something secret, to hold something close so no one else can see it. 口风很紧,不露声色arm-twisting: 也可以说twist the arm, 给某人施加压力,迫使某人做某事。想象一下把你的手臂被别人拧到身后去,那种感觉是很难受的,这个短语要表达的就是这种被迫的感觉。gave him the green light: 直译当然是开绿灯啦,也就是同意的意思13.Jenny: Vanessa is ten times the person you will ever be. And that


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